How to log connection info with Mybatis - mybatis

When i have a error on a database connection, i need to log it (with Database name and username that tried to connect to the db, don't need to log the password), I use Sprig-Mybatis on my aplication.
Any ideas how to do that?
Best Regards

There is no other special way to do as a simple try/catch in java will get you the expection.
For example a simple program where I am calling a mybatis mapper method:
List result = mapper.myBatisMapperMethod();//this is responsible to set up
//a connection and run a query
Suppose the above call fails due to invalid authentication say the below where my password is wrong connection
exception that I usually get in mybatis:
Cause: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Login failed for user 'applicationUsername'.)
Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Login failed for user 'applicationUsername'.)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(
at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils.getConnection(
... 65 more
Caused by: Login failed for user 'applicationUsername'.
what I do is have a simple catch to above try you can have an sql exception catched but here I use simply Exception.
catch(Exception e){
//Suppose you are using Log4j You can simply
logger.error("This is my error log message"+e.getMessage());
//The above will log any kind of exception including the authentication fail or you
can specifically log a particular kind of exception.Java wont log failed password it just logs the user who tried unless you explicitly want to log it.


Why is the geoserver server status via web administration interface not displayed correctly/accessible?

I'm using geoserver-2.20.3.war together with Apache Tomcat/9.0.36 on Linux. Everything works as it should but if i try to access the server status via the web administration interface i only get Error messages. I can't really figure out the problem and how to fix it.
`HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error
Type Exception Report
Message Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Beschreibung The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Root Cause
java.lang.InternalError: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Root Cause
Root Cause
I tried to find a similar issue but unfortunately did not stumble over something really helpful.
I found a solution! The problem were missing fonts. After following these very helpful steps by Andreas Ahlenstorf and installing the font-package dejavu-fonts on linux everything works fine.

scalaXB Async Dispatcher java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop

I am using ScalaXB to make a call to a SOAP Web Service. I generated the code against WSDL using the following command
I am making a call to the web service in a loop. I notice that the code runs fine for sometime but then starts throwing the following error
java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop
at io.netty.util.concurrent.MultithreadEventExecutorGroup.<init>(
at org.asynchttpclient.DefaultAsyncHttpClient.<init>(
at dispatch.Http.client$lzycompute(execution.scala:16)
at dispatch.Http.client(execution.scala:16)
at dispatch.Http.client(execution.scala:11)
at dispatch.HttpExecutor$class.apply(execution.scala:120)
at dispatch.Http.apply(execution.scala:11)
at dispatch.HttpExecutor$class.apply(execution.scala:115)
at dispatch.Http.apply(execution.scala:11)
at scalaxb.DispatchHttpClientsAsync$DispatchHttpClient$class.request(httpclients_dispatch_async.scala:22)
at scalaxb.DispatchHttpClientsAsync$$anon$1.request(httpclients_dispatch_async.scala:7)
at scalaxb.SoapClientsAsync$SoapClientAsync$class.soapRequest(soap12_async.scala:43)
at scalaxb.SoapClientsAsync$$anon$1.soapRequest(soap12_async.scala:24)
at scalaxb.SoapClientsAsync$SoapClientAsync$class.requestResponse(soap12_async.scala:63)
at scalaxb.SoapClientsAsync$$anon$1.requestResponse(soap12_async.scala:24)
Caused by: failed to open a new selector
at io.netty.util.concurrent.MultithreadEventExecutorGroup.<init>(
... 34 more
Caused by: Too many open files in system
at Method)
... 37 more
I found out the answer to this question. The problem was that I was doing a new on the proxy object inside of the loop.
It seems that these objects create a new connection and don't get cleaned up resulting in the error above.
I moved the proxy object out of the loop and just called the webservice inside the loop and the problem got resolved.

Can't log into workbench

I deployed kie-drools-wb-distribution-wars-6.1.0.Final-jboss-as7.0.war into a JBoss 6.3 AS, and added an admin user in the application realm using the command. The login page of KIE Workbench can display, but when I click the login button, the following error occurs:
BWEB000065: HTTP Status 400 - JBWEB000006: Invalid direct reference to
form login page
JBWEB000309: type JBWEB000067: Status report
JBWEB000068: message JBWEB000006: Invalid direct reference to form
login page
JBWEB000069: description JBWEB000120: The request sent by the client
was syntactically incorrect.
JBoss Web/7.4.8.Final-redhat-4
I also deployed the Tomcat version, the login page failed to authenticate the user login with the following errors:
HTTP Status 500 - Filter execution threw an exception type
Exception report message
Filter execution threw an exception description
The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter execution threw an exception
root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/security/jacc/PolicyContext‌​Container(‌​‌​‌​‌​‌​
root cause java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(‌​20)
That is because you have not download the KIE Execution Server, please download this: Put it in the tomcat webapps folder, and config the like this:
CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dbtm.root=$CATALINA_HOME$CATALINA_HOME/conf/ -Djbpm.tsr.jndi.lookup=java:comp/env/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/kie-drools-web/WEB-INF/classes/login.config
-Dorg.kie.server.persistence.ds=java:comp/env/jdbc/jbpm -Dorg.kie.server.location=http://localhost:8080/kie-server-6.5.0.Final-webc/services/rest/server
-Dorg.kie.server.user=tomcat -Dorg.kie.server.pwd=tomcat -Dorg.kie.server.controller.user=tomcat -Dorg.kie.server.controller.pwd=tomcat"

PostgreSQL on cloudfoundry throws PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command

I have a grails application successfully running in cloudfoundry with H2 as database. I now want to switch to postgresql. Everything works as expected when I run the application locally against postgreSQL.
On the cloudfoundry instance I get an exception during one rather long running analysis, which I perform as a background task (using grails executor plugin). Within this asynchronous task
def future = executorService.submit({
return analysisService.analyzeProject(model, project)
I get the following exception from the database:
2012-11-26 10:27:38,319 [pool-2-thread-1] ERROR interceptor.TransactionInterceptor - Application exception overridden by rollback exception
org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; SQL [select as id8_0_, this_.version as version8_0_, this_.language as language8_0_, this_.url as url8_0_ from sonar_adapter_configuration this_]; FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
at myapp.adapters.sonar.SonarAdapterService.loadSonarConfig(SonarAdapterService.groovy:184)
at myapp.adapters.sonar.SonarAdapterService.determineArtefactSizes(SonarAdapterService.groovy:145)
at myapp.project.AnalysisService.analyzeProject(AnalysisService.groovy:46)
at myapp.project.ProjectController$_analyzeProject_closure2.doCall(ProjectController.groovy:69)
at grails.plugin.executor.PersistenceContextRunnableWrapper$_run_closure1.doCall(PersistenceContextRunnableWrapper.groovy:34)
at grails.plugin.executor.PersistenceContextWrapper.wrap(PersistenceContextWrapper.groovy:35)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(
... 13 more
Any ideas what might cause this?
Chances are you are hitting the configured timeout for long running connections (which can't be changed if I'm not mistaken, as it is here to protect the server from ill formed queries that would consume all cpu/io)
What you may want to try is to slice your long running query into smaller queries and sum up the results (if it's a select)

Log4j Initialization error JBoss RestEasy

I am using JBoss 6.0. I am running a simple webserver using the jboss.resteasy library to provide simple XML responses to HTTP requests.
I have:
- A server
- A simple Java Client that creates a GET request
Now the thing is, if I use the browser to access the URL, I get the wanted XML. But if I use my Java client, which has the following code:
//Register the fake instrument
GetMethod get = new GetMethod("http:/localhost:8080/"+PROJECT_NAME+"/webserver/registerInstrument/?name=FakeClient&value=0");
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
try {
int status = client.executeMethod(get);
} catch (HttpException e) {
System.out.println("[FakeClient] HttpException executing AddInstrument GET request: "+e);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("[FakeClient] IOException executing AddInstrument GET request: "+e);
Then I get the following exception:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.DefaultHttpParams).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Host name may not be null
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpHost.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpHost.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.setURI(
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.<init>(
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod.<init>(
at client.FakeClient.<init>(
at client.FakeClient.main(
At first I thought this could be a problem with the JBoss logging, but if I access the URL through the browser, I obtain the desired XML with no problems.
Is this a problem with the Java client application?
Thank you
The 'log4j:WARN' is just a warning. It has nothing do to with the actual exception being thrown.
The exception message states that 'Host name may not be null'. This clearly indicates that there is something wrong the the hostname. And looking at you code, I can spot one error.
You need to add an extra forward slash:
GetMethod get = new GetMethod("http://localhost:8080/" ...