Swift 2 Decode base64 always return nil - swift

I'm trying to decode the following string from base64 without any exit. It always returns nil. I have tried to change NSDataBase64DecodingOptions to IgnoreUnknowCharanters but it doesn't work either. I also tried to remove the padding like this answer says swift base64 decoding returns nil but the length of my string is divisible by 4 so It doesn't works.
option 1
if let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64String, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions.IgnoreUnknownCharacters),
let decodedString = NSString(data: decodedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
print(decodedString) // foo
option 2
if let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: pnpData, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions.init(rawValue: 0)),
let decodedString = NSString(data: decodedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
print(decodedString) // foo
Hope you can help me. Thanks!!

Just in case someone is trying to Solve this issue moving from Java to Swift.
This Answer helped me out, you might need to append("==")
Swift 3 base64 decode return nil
You might need to append("==")

I doubt on string "PY5ehymWfQKExWxPyOImGiQkxNjyuBREmOXtQdePVpuH9PFzizaO+WTuM1sLouTQPz5UO7csloC9GjOFqkq4POmlB9d3mMJGLB2pVCNs8t9EejOcjV4fRHaITkmfMfVbizCnTvHGBwLWXjLc7gwyhu2+S9qw0NXc5jw6EdEk+zuesrdwLgqws0hDqFSoVw57+CnvUmgXwtNfKP4p64mJ9inH/0xAMarCc5N4Wjz/zmlTyd2PoDFUC/iLdZ7csau7X2M="
This works, that string getting encode and decode too
let utf8str = "PY5ehymWfQKExWxPyOImGiQkxNjyuBREmOXtQdePVpuH9PFzizaO+WTuM1sLouTQPz5UO7csloC9GjOFqkq4POmlB9d3mMJGLB2pVCNs8t9EejOcjV4fRHaITkmfMfVbizCnTvHGBwLWXjLc7gwyhu2+S9qw0NXc5jw6EdEk+zuesrdwLgqws0hDqFSoVw57+CnvUmgXwtNfKP4p64mJ9inH/0xAMarCc5N4Wjz/zmlTyd2PoDFUC/iLdZ7csau7X2M=".dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let base64Encoded = utf8str?.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
let encodedString : String = base64Encoded!
print(encodedString) // my encoded data
let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: encodedString, options:NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
let decodedString : String = String(data: decodedData!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
print(decodedString) // my plain data
This doesn't work, that decoded string dont get encode
let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: "PY5ehymWfQKExWxPyOImGiQkxNjyuBREmOXtQdePVpuH9PFzizaO+WTuM1sLouTQPz5UO7csloC9GjOFqkq4POmlB9d3mMJGLB2pVCNs8t9EejOcjV4fRHaITkmfMfVbizCnTvHGBwLWXjLc7gwyhu2+S9qw0NXc5jw6EdEk+zuesrdwLgqws0hDqFSoVw57+CnvUmgXwtNfKP4p64mJ9inH/0xAMarCc5N4Wjz/zmlTyd2PoDFUC/iLdZ7csau7X2M=", options:NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
let decodedString : String = String(data: decodedData!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
print(decodedString) // my plain data
This could be reason, check on https://www.base64decode.org/
Though special characters can't be hold in String.

maybe you can follow this
and use following method to decode(i guess your string is encoded by aes cbc and base64, if you want to decode this string, you must know the encode key and iv)


How does this work in terms of data variability in bytes?

let keyData: NSData! = (keyString as NSString).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as NSData!
What would keyData amount to in terms of bytes if keyString = "1234567890000000000000000"?
What can I do to see the value of keyData or print it to the console?
Also, how can I get the keyString back from keyData in Swift?
Can someone please explain what is going on in here in this expression? I cannot seem to get my head around it. Thanks in advance.
The number of bytes will depend on the encoding you used to convert string to data. Below are the answers to each question
1) print(keyData.length)
2) print(String(data: keyData as Data, encoding: .utf8)!)
3) let string = String(data: keyData as Data, encoding: .utf8)!

RSAUtils Decryption , Converting data to it's original value - Swift

i am trying to encrypt and decrypt a string using RSAUtils swift library, i am having a problem returning the decrypted text to it's original value . this is the code:
let PUBLIC_KEY = "MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAJh+/sdLdlVVcM5V5/j/RbwM8SL++Sc3dMqMK1nP73XYKhvO63bxPkWwaY0kwcUU40+QducwjueVOzcPFvHf+fECAwEAAQ=="
let sampleText:String = "WHATS UP"
let encrypted:Data? = RSAUtils.encryptWithRSAPublicKey(sampleText.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!, pubkeyBase64: PUBLIC_KEY, keychainTag: "12345")!
let decrypted:Data? = RSAUtils.decryptWithRSAPublicKey(encrypted!, pubkeyBase64: PUBLIC_KEY, keychainTag: "12345")
let encryptedDataText = encrypted!.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions())
let decryptedDataText = decrypted!.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions())
I tried to convert the decrypted data to string using this code:
if let string = String(data: decrypted! , encoding: .utf16) {
} else {
print("not a valid UTF-16 sequence")
But it prints "㺸ꉄ꤈꽹㲞㏯荘뼵鉉큅령嬰ꢤẲ毪쌶⏤ᱼ埡佒�ࡊᩏ⧚㨈؍੯屍" I also tried to decode the base64 value using :
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: decryptedDataText)!
let decodedString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .utf8)!
It causes an error
Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an O
probably the text is not a valid base64 string.
How can i convert the decrypted data to it's original value.

data from base64 url

I have a URL in the form of
and now need to extract the base64 data into a Data object.
Unfortunately it seems the Data object does not support this yet as
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
returns NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1002 when trying.
While I could decode the URL manually I am wondering if I am missing a simple standard way of doing this. How would you do this?
Actually you can decode Base64 data from an URL (see for
example Base64 Decoding in iOS 7+ where this is demonstrated in Objective-C). The format is a bit different from what
you have:
let url = URL(string: "data:application/octet-stream;base64,SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh")!
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: url)
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!) // Hello world!
(Error checking omitted for brevity.)
You have to separate the base64 encoded part of the URL from the other parts, decode it, then join the original non-encoded part with the decoded part and get the data from there.
extension URL {
init?(partialBase64Url: String){
guard let base64part = base64Url.components(separatedBy: "base64,").last, let base64Data = Data(base64Encoded: base64part), let decodedString = String(data: base64Data, encoding: .utf8) else {
return nil
let decodedUrl = base64Url.components(separatedBy: "base64,").dropLast().joined() + decodedString
self.init(string: decodedUrl)
let decodedUrl = URL(partialBase64Url: "foo://?data:application/x-foo;base64,dGVzdFVybFN0cmluZw==")
Value of decodedUrl: "foo://?data:application/x-foo;testUrlString", as expected, since dGVzdFVybFN0cmluZw== is the base64 encoded value of testUrlString.

Decrypt from Base64 format (Swift)

Here is Encrypted string using Base64 ->
and Here is the extension method to Decrypt the string
extension String
func fromBase64() -> String
let data = NSData.init(base64Encoded: self, options: []) ?? NSData()
return String(data: data as Data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? ""
There is no output in my Text View, but you will get decrypted output for the same string on -> https://www.base64decode.org
But if i took substring from the encrypted string ->
then my code returns decrypted string.
What is the issue?
can any one please
Base64 is not encryption, it is an encoding.
The length is incorrect ignoring the enclosing parenthesis, Base64 encoding must be a multiple of 4 characters.
Deleting the last character to create a valid length.
First decode the Base64 string to Data, then encode to aUTF-8 string.
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: base64)!
let decodedString = String(data: decodedData, encoding: .utf8)
"NewsGraph": [
"Date": "04-Feb",
"NewsScore": 50.0,
"TableName": "NewsGraph"
It would seem that Base64 string in the question is incomplete and has been truncated.

Can't convert encrypted data to String

I am trying to learn to use RNCryptor. Here is what I am using:
let key = "1234"
let original_text = "hello"
let data = original_text.data(using: .utf8)!
let encrypted_data = RNCryptor.encrypt(data: data, withPassword: key)
print(String(data: encrypted_data, encoding: .utf8))
This prints 'nil'. How can I convert encrypted_data to a String?
Also, this does work:
try! print(String(data: RNCryptor.decrypt(data: encrypted_data, withPassword: key), encoding: .utf8))
but this is the original text and not the cipher text.
The encrypted data is a binary blob, and in most cases not a valid
UTF-8 sequence. Therefore the conversion to a string
String(data: encrypted_data, encoding: .utf8)
fails and returns nil. If you want a string representation of the
encrypted data then you can use (for example) the Base64 encoding:
or, using
extension Data {
func hexEncodedString() -> String {
return map { String(format: "%02hhx", $0) }.joined()
from How to convert Data to hex string in swift, as a hex-encoded string: