How to use Weka model on Spark - scala

I am new to spark and scala.
I have 10 machine learning models which are trained using WEKA.
Now, i am moving my application to spark and want to use these models.
How can i use them into spark?
For prediction, which model to choose depends on the type of data coming.
How shall i design my application so that i don't have to load all 10 of them in memory together?
Any help would be appreciated.

First of all, the classifiers in weka are not serializable therefore you can only apply your models in a tricky way.
On the other hand, it is not clear why you want to apply weka based model in apache spark as you can also train spark based ML algorithms with MLLib (
It is well documented, and you can find a lot of useful examples.
Finally, I compered the performance of weka J48 decision tree and the spark decision tree model on the reuters data set.
It is a document classification problem, I evaulted the model on 10-fold cross validation manner.
The F1 scores result of weka:
(ship, 0.5751879699248121)
(grain, 0.7714285714285716)
(money-fx, 0.7308567096285064)
(corn, 0.7334851936218679)
(trade, 0.7641325536062378)
(crude, 0.7815049864007253)
(earn, 0.9310115645354248)
(wheat, 0.7661870503597122)
(acq, 0.8078484438430312)
(interest, 0.6561743341404359)
And the results of spark:
(ship, 0.5307018372123027)
(grain, 0.7606432455706257)
(money-fx, 0.7476899173974012)
(corn, 0.7210280866934613)
(trade, 0.7607140827384508)
(crude, 0.7450426425908848)
(earn, 0.9337615148649243)
(wheat, 0.751148372254634)
(acq, 0.8009280204333529)
(interest, 0.6837952003315322)
As you can see, it is not a huge different between the two solution.
So, I recommend you to apply apache spark mllib!


Convert PySpark ML Word2Vec model to Gensim Word2Vec model

I've generated a PySpark Word2Vec model like so:
from import Word2Vec
w2v = Word2Vec(vectorSize=100, minCount=1, inputCol='words', outputCol = 'vector')
model =
(The data that I used to train the model on isn't relevant, what's important is that its all in the right format and successfully yields a object.)
Now I need to convert this model to a Gensim Word2Vec model. How would I go about this?
If you still have the training data, re-training the gensim Word2Vec model may be the most straightforward approach.
If you only need the word-vectors, perhaps PySpark's model can export them in the word2vec.c format that gensim can load with .load_word2vec_format().
The only reason to port the model would be to continue training. Such incremental training, while possible, involves considering a lot of tradeoffs in balancing the influence of the older and later training to get good results.
If you are in fact wanting to do this conversion in order to do more training in such a manner, it again suggests that using the original training to reproduce a similar model could be plausible.
But, if you have to convert the model, the general approach would be to study the source code and internal data structures of the two models, to discover how they alternatively represent each of the key aspects of the model:
the known word-vectors (model.wv.vectors in gensim)
the known-vocabulary of words, including stats about word-frequencies and the position of individual words (model.wv.vocab in gensim)
the hidden-to-output weights of the model (`model.trainables' and its properties in gensim)
other model properties describing the model's modes & metaparameters
A reasonable interactive approach could be:
Write some acceptance tests that take models of both types, and test whether they are truly 'equivalent' for your purposes. (This is relatively easy for just checking if the vectors for individual words are present and identical, but nearly as hard as the conversion itself for verifying other ready-to-be-trained-more behaviors.)
Then, in an interactive notebook, load the source model, and also create a dummy gensim model with the same vocabulary size. Consulting the source code, write Python statements to iteratively copy/transform key properties over from the source into the target, repeatedly testing if they verify as equivalent.
When they do, take those steps you did manually and combine them into a utility method to do the conversion. Again verify its operation then try using the converted model however you'd hoped – perhaps discovering overlooked info or discovering other bugs in the process, and then improving the verification method and conversion method.
It's possible that the PySpark model will be missing things the gensim model expects, which might require synthesizing workable replacement values.
Good luck! (But re-train the gensim model from the original data if you want things to just be straightforward and work.)

Can Scala load SparkR-saved model?

I'm a data analyst. I want to train a model (for example randomforest) and this model can be saved and loaded by Scala. Since both Scala and R are using MLlib for machine learning, can Scala also load the model trained and saved in SparkR?
I found an article saying that it was not compatible:
But it was written almost a year ago. Does the latest, even development version, of SparkR support this cross-compatibility of model?
Code: To Save and Load Model in Spark
val model =
// Now we can optionally save the fitted pipeline to disk
// We can also save this unfit pipeline to disk
// And load it back in during production
val sameModel = PipelineModel.load("/tmp/spark-logistic-regression-model")
For More details refer
Hope this Helps!!!...

How to load a PMML model?

I'm following the instructions of PMML model export - spark.mllib to create a K-means model.
val numClusters = 10
val numIterations = 10
val clusters = KMeans.train(data, numClusters, numIterations)
// Save and load model: export to PMML
println("PMML Model:\n" + clusters.toPMML("/kmeans.xml"))
But I don't know how to load the PMML after that.
I'm trying
val sameModel = KMeansModel.load(sc, "/kmeans.xml")
and appears:
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException: Input path does not exist: file:/kmeans.xml/metadata
Any idea?
Best regards
As stated in the documentation (for the version you seem to be interested it - 1.6.1 and also for the latest available - 2.1.0) Spark supports exporting to PMML only. The load method actually expects to retrieve a model saved in Spark own format and this is why the load method expects a certain path to be there and why the exception has been thrown.
If you trained the model with Spark, you can save it and load it later.
If you need to load a model that has not been trained in Spark and has been saved as PMML you can use jpmml-spark to load and evaluate it.
My limited experience in this spark.mllib's KMeans space is that it is not possible, but you could develop the feature yourself.
spark.mllib's KMeansModel is PMMLExportable:
class KMeansModel #Since("1.1.0") (#Since("1.0.0") val clusterCenters: Array[Vector])
extends Saveable with Serializable with PMMLExportable {
That's why you can use toPMML that saves a model into the PMML XML format.
(Again I've got a very little experience in Spark MLlib) My understanding is that KMeans is all about centroids and that's what is loaded when you do KMeansModel.load that in turn uses KMeansModel.SaveLoadV1_0.load that reads the centroids and creates a KMeansModel:
new KMeansModel(localCentroids.sortBy(
For KMeansModel.toPMML, Spark MLlib uses pmml-model's PMML (as you can see here):
new PMML("4.2", header, null)
I'd recommend exploring pmml-model's PMML how to do saving and loading as that's beyond Spark's realm.
Side notes
Why would you even want to use Spark to have the model after you trained it? It is indeed possible, but you may be wasting your cluster resources for Spark to host the model.
In my limited understanding, the sole purpose of Spark MLlib is to use Spark's features like distribution and parallelism to handle large datasets to build models and use them without the Spark machinery afterwards.
I must be missing something important in my narrow view...
You could use PMML4S-Spark to load a PMML model to evaluate it in Spark, for example:
import org.pmml4s.spark.ScoreModel
val model = ScoreModel.fromFile("/kmeans.xml")
The model is a SparkML transformer, so you can make prediction against a dataframe:
val scoreDf = model.transform(df)
PMML files are actually xml files with schemas defined by Data Mining Consortium. For that reason you can either define a deserializer based on the contract given at DMC and PMML web page here or use 3rd party libraries.
I am researching on jpmml library for incorporation python prepared models in Spring application.
Information here:

usage of naive bayes Model for prediction

Hi all I am new to scala and spark MLIB.
I have a dataset of diseses of diseases along with the symptoms which are in the following format:
Disease,symptom1 symptom2 symptom3
I have almost 300 entries which are in the above mentioned format in a CSV file.
I want to achieve this following functionality:
If a user has given a input of sysmptoms namely Symptom1,Symptom2,Symptom3 the model must be able to predict the disease.
I have the following Questions:
which machine learning model should I use to achieve this functionality.
I have gone through some models and founf NAIVES Bayes model if wrong correct me.
can I provide text input to Naives Bayes model.
Is there any sample code available to achieve this functionality.
You can use any of the classification algorithms present in Spark MLlib for further reference read the official docs and go thru this link from databricks blog

Spark/Mllib Train many GaussianMixture models in a distributed way

I've been playing around with the Gaussian Mixture Models provided for spark/mllib.
I found it really nice to generate a GaussianMixture from an enormous number of vectors/points. However, this is not always the case in ML. Very often you do not need to generate a model from numberless vectors, but to generate a numberless models -each one- from a few vectors (i.e., building a GMM for each user of a database with hundred of users).
At this point, I do not know how to proceed with the mllib, as I cannot see an easy way to distribute in both by users and by data.
Let featuresByUser = RDD[user, List[Vectors]],
the natural way to train a GMM for each user might be something like
feats => new GaussianMixture.set(nGaussians).run(sc.parallelize(feats))
However, it is well-known that this is forbidden in spark. The inside sc.parallelize is not in the driver, so this leads to an error.
So the question are,
should the Mllib methods accept Seq[Vector] as input apart from
RDD[Vector] Thus, the programmer could choose one of the other depending on the problem.
Is there any other workaround that I'm missing to deal with this case (using mllib)?
Mllib unfortunately is currently not meant to create many models, but only one at the time, which was confirmed at a recent Spark meetup in London.
What you can do is launch a separate job for each model in a separate thread in the driver. This is described in the job scheduling documentation. So you would create one RDD per user and run a Gaussian mixture on each, running the 'action' that makes the thing run for each on a separate thread.
Another option, if the amount of data per user fits on one instance, you can do a Gaussian mixture on each user with something else than Mllib. This approach was described in the meetup in a case where sklearn was used within PySpark to create multiple models. You'd do something like:
val users: List[Long] = getUsers
val models = sc.parallelize(users).map(user => {
val userData = getDataForUser(user)