Laravel eloquent join multiple table and search data using with() method - eloquent

I have two table user and user_info. I need to join those table and have to search data from them. It is throwing error as unknown column.I have solution using DB query, Is it possible to do search using with() method in controller and eloquent relationship in model.
Thank you

It's not possible to filter models by their related models attributes using with() - this method only allows filtering related models, not the original ones you're loading.
In order to filter by attributes of related models you should use whereHas() method, e.g. in order to load all users that have country column set to uk in their user_info data you could do the following:
$usersFromUK = User::with('user_info')->whereHas('user_info', function($query) {


Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::with() when retrieving orders with providers and services

I am trying to retrieve orders with their service names and provider names all which are in a many to many relationship.
Additionally, I want to use joins to get the client, name.
I have thus used the code bellow
$orders = DB::table('orders')
->join('users', 'orders.user', '')
->select(' As client', '', 'orders.amount As amount','orders.description As description', 'orders.status As status')
In the Order model class, I have implemented the relationships as follows
public function providers()
return $this->belongsToMany(ServiceProvider::class)
public function services()
return $this->belongsToMany(Service::class)
With this I am expecting to retrieve each order with all the services and providers related to it and since I have a foreign key user linking orders to users table, I have used joins to get the name of the user who placed the order as client. Now my problem is that this is not working and is giving the error above. Does this mean that the with() method does not exist in database query builder? if so what method can I use with database query builder to achieve this? Incase there is none, how can I use eloquent ORM to achieve the same purpose?
When you use the DB::table() method, you are not using your Models, so the ->with() method, which is used to include Relationships is not available. To handle this, please use your Models:
$orders = Order::join('users', 'orders.user', '')
->select(' As client', '', 'orders.amount As amount','orders.description As description', 'orders.status As status')
->with(['providers', 'services'])
->where('orders.status', 1)
Additional fixes:
The ->with() method can accept an Array of relationships to include:
->with('providers')->with('services') can be written as ->with(['providers', 'services'])
The where() method can accept an array for multiple where clauses, but is unnecessary for a single where clause:
->where(['orders.status'=>1]) is the same as ->where('orders.status', 1)

How to present two tables which have a relation between them like the case of the "sales" table and "sales_content" using the laravel model

I have two tables in my database, one for "sales" informations and the other for "sale content" (items). What is the best method to present this using the laravel models? For example, is it better to create a model for each table or can we only use one?
A Model for each table - you cannot use one Model for multiple tables.
Laravel tries to infer the table name from the Model name based on lowercase pluralisation - so if your Model is called Sale it will presume that the table is called "sales". If your table is something else, you defined the table in the Model using :
protected $table = "online_sales";
Then you will need to define the relationships between the two models - the documentation is here :

Yii2: Am I able to use multiple models in a search model?

In Yii2, am I able to include two models (active records) in one search model and display them in a gridview?
For example, I have two tables, "customers", and "customer_contacts".
In my search model I am using Customers as my main model, while I wish to "left join" to CustomerContacts, and eventually display the and CustomerContacts.phoneNumber in the gridview (in dataProvider).
Can someone please guide me on this.
Option 1:
In the customer model add this function:
Public function getCustomerContact(){
Return $this-> hasOne( CustomerContact::className,[customer_id,id]);
Then in your grid view you can easily reference the contact as follows:
Note that this will only work if there is a one to one relationship between the tables
Option 2: (faster but more challenges)
In the data provider, use a query rather than a model ie $query = new \yii\db\Query();
You can then do all joins etc in the data provider. It is much faster but it requires a little more know-how
you can do this by applying left-join in searchModel as following
$query = Customers::find();
And also make hasOne relation with CustomerContact in Customer.php

JPA: Map a group of table columns extracted by native query to entity

I know that it is possible using #SqlResultSetMapping but I want to select not whole entity from the database but some fields and then map i to my entity using one of the constructor which accept that fields. Is that possible to map result with #EntityResult for only a few #FieldResult? I was trying to do that and all the time I get error which said that there is not specify mapping for some fields which exist in that entity.
The disadvantage of #SqlResultSetMapping is that you have to select all the columns.
The alternate way of doing this manually iterate over the DB result and populate your objects.
Well, if you are using JPA 1.0 your only option (not considering the manual mapping, of course), is to use #SqlResultSetMapping and map the whole table columns. With JPA 2.1 you can add a javax.persistence.ConstructorResult (see docs here) to map only the needed columns.

JPA/Eclipselink - Multpile entities in single table

I'm using Eclipselink to map my tables to entities.
I have one big database table (actually it's view) with columns like groupId, groupName, categoryId, categoryName etc. I know it's redundand, but we're trying to minimize queries and it's dynamically created view.
The question is: How to map such table to several entities like Group, Category etc?
You would probably be better off mapping to the real tables and use query optimization to reduce your queries (such as join fetching and batch fetching)
If you really want to have several class map to the same table, you will need to have one Entity and make the rest Embeddables.