Xcode storyboard view on rotation - swift

I would like to have a view to the top or left of the device.
I have tried using a stack view to rotate the view but I was unable to use all interface orientations.
Example: the iPad orientation has a regular width and height in both portrait and landscape orientation. Thus I believe I cannot rotate the stack view axis on this device.
What are other options to keep the view how I want it preferably using the storyboard with auto-layout only but if needed using swift code.
To clarify, both the blue and grey view can be seen as empty UIView for the purpose of this question.

To clarify, when you rotate the device, you want the text, buttons, etc to rotate but the background to stay the same (as in the view takes up the same screen area, but things in the view are rotated), correct?
If so, use size classes to give your views different constraints for different views


Rotating UIView and background to landscape mode

The initial root view controller is 9 (3x3) buttons with a custom background in portrait mode. When the device is rotated into landscape mode the last row of buttons (of course) are cut off and the background (which is 320x480) doesn't fill the width of the screen.
What is the proper way of handling this? Do I need to move and resize the buttons myself? Do I have multiple Nibs? How do I resize/rotate the background?
Use shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation and/or deviceDidRotateSelector in your viewController to reposition / layout & scale your views programmatically as you require.
If you set the auto-resizing masks on the buttons to have flexible margins in all directions they should reposition themselves appropriately when you rotate the device. You can do this either in code, or in Interface Builder (which has a nice little simulator demonstrating the effect)
With regards the background, what I prefer to do is to make the image the combination of the maximum proportions of each orientation, and then center it. For instance, make your image 480 x 480, make the view that houses it the same size and then use the appropriate auto-resizing masks to achieve the desired effect.

Iphone View Rotation not functioning properly

I have a simple 1 screen app, with 1 View.. the view contains
a button, an textbox and a button across the top
A segmented controller across the bottom
and a MapView in between.
In portrait mode all is right with the world.. So I decided to begin to allow Orientation change...
in IB all views and elements and even the root window have autoResizeSubviews set
in My AppDelegate and my viewController I have also programatically added SetAutoResizeSubviews to yes explicitely I have set the autoResizingMask in the Root Window and the View Controller to FlexibleWidht | Flexibile Height
I have added the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation in my ViewController to always return true.
Yet, it doesn't work.. Or should I say it doesn't rotate properly.. in both portrait modes everything looks great, but both landscape modes, things don't get laid out or resized properly.. Basically all I see is the mapview, and its size gets slightly wider, but not much than the portrait mode, and it doesn't fill up the screen top to bottom.. all other interface elements with the exception of one button are invisible and it appears on TOP of the mapview.. as thought it just happened to be layed out over the view by coincidence than any design.
Anyone have any ideas what I am missing, or why?
Thanks in advance
You say "I have set the autoResizingMask in the Root Window and the View Controller" but that is a red herring. It is the buttons, the text box, the segmented controller, and the map view that have to have the correct autoresizingMask. If this view is being designed in the nib, you can set the values there and then turn the orientation right there in the nib and see what happens.
If you are unable to work out good autoresizingMask values for all those interface elements, implement didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation and perform the layout alterations in code when called upon to do so.

iPhone resizing UIView on rotation problem

I setup in IB in portrait mode my main view (for iPad). I have a toolbar, a map view (x=0, y=44, w=768, h=774) and a footer view (x=0, y=818, w=768, h=186).
When I rotate the iPad, I want the map to stay on the left side and be resized vertically to fit the view (x=0, y=44, w=756, h=704) and put the footer view on the right side (x=0, y=818, w=768, h=186) and extend vertically too.
Anyway, the effect is exactly the same as the WeatherBug application. I don't know how they do that, but their view containing the information is rotating by 90 degrees with the UIScrollView and UIPageView, I have basically the same needs and really don't know how to make this. Do they have everything in the same xib? I'm so confused...
Please tell me if you know how to do/organize a such view!
Thank you...
If you want the map to stay against the left side and be able to resize vertically set its autoresizingMask as such: mapView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingMaskFlexibleRightMargin | UIViewAutoresizingMaskFlexibleHeight;
I don't understand how you want to footerView to resize through (y=818 in landscape mode is out of the visible view).
You should read the UIView reference, specifically the part regarding autoresizing mask (link: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/uikit/reference/UIView_Class/UIView/UIView.html#//apple_ref/occ/instp/UIView/autoresizingMask )

trouble with rotating view (and resizing elements within) in ipad application

I'm having a nightmare with the rotation on iPad. I've searched all over the place for some tutorials, but nothing seems to really be for what I want. (Possibly not searching for the right thing?!)
I have a portrait view by default which is an image and a button inside the view. When I rotate, I detect this can work out if it's landscape. I then try to set the frame size of the uiview to fit nicely on the screen.
If I let it autoresize, it simply stretches and fills the screen. This I don't want.
but the trouble is, when I resize, the button gets resized too, but not in the same ratio as the image.
My question is: What's the best way to resize the view. I wanted to simply reduce the uiview by say 60% and it resizes EVERYTHING in that view with the same 60%. The only way I see this is working at the moment is to create two views... but that's twice the work and maintenance!
I've tried messing with the autosizing arrows in Interface builder, but that again seems to screw things up more!
I'm completely lost here!! Thanks for any info
The problem you have there is that the view is automatically resized to the screen ratio. On an iPad in Portrait Orientation the screen size is 1024x768. After the rotation to Landscape the origin rotates too and your screen content is skewed or stretched to 768x1024.
What you need to do is to override the
-(void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
message of the UIViewController of the view which rotates. This message is called within the animation block of the rotation. You just set the framesize of your subviews (the button) to whatever is best for you. Once i had a problem with rotating an OpenGL view. The content of the view was stretched when rotating to landscape. Since it is not possible to alter any OpenGL matrices within the animation block the only solution i found was to make the view quadratic and to set the origin behind the bounds of the screen (in -x direction). You have to override the message also to reset the origin above the screen (in -y direction) bounds in landscape mode, to keep the viewport in the middle of the screen. That way the view kept its ratio. Whatever solution is best for you, overriding this message should work out.
Have you tried disabling the autoresizesSubviews property on your UIView? It should prevent any size changes on the subviews when you resize your view.

What's the best way to handle landscape/portrait differences in IB?

I have a view that supports landscape and portrait viewing, with the controls all moving around when you switch from one to the other. I'm currently doing this by setting the .center of each one of my controls when the user rotates the phone. The problem is that this is tedious, and requires a lot of code, and seems to defeat the purpose of using Interface Builder in the first place.
My question is: is there a way in Interface Builder for one view to support multiple looks (one for landscape one for portrait)? If not how do other people do this with IB? Do you set up 2 views?
Edit: Just to clarify my landscape and portrait views look different, I don't want a straight transform, I actually display the data differently in landscape mode
When necessary, I add UIView objects to the view in IB which I make hidden. Give it a nice background color so you can see it, and send it all the way to the background. Then use that view's frame when you need to set the frame of an object. If you have a lot of them, you might consider using UILabel instead, so you can give it a visible name in IB.
If you're worried about memory issues, just remove all these extra UIViews in ViewDidLoad and just store their frame values in member CGRects. This only works of course if you don't have any of the views auto-resize or reposition on rotate, which you probably shouldn't anyway, in this case. I do this for resizing/repositioning for any reason, not just when the screen rotates.
I'm not 100% sure if it's possible, but have you considered using different view controllers for landscape and portrait?
The AutoSize attributes of IBOutlet objects in the Size Inspector of IB (command 3) give some pretty nice options for auto-stretching and positioning of items. You can control L/R and T/B screen positions and relative width and height. You can't get full control of the layout, but most of the basic operations are there.
The only way one view can support multiple orientations in IB is to set the autosizing mask of components to either scale and/or anchor to edges. To design a totally different layout for each orientation you need to design a portrait and landscape view separately (each in its own XIB) and switch between them programatically.