Genetic-algorithm encoding - encoding

I am trying to create an algorithm which I believe is similar to a knapsack-problem. The problem is to find recipes/Bill-of-Materials for certain intermediate products. There are different alternatives of recipes for the intermediate products. For example product X can either consist of 25 % raw material A + 75 % raw material B, or 50 % of raw material A + 50 % raw material B, etc. There are between 1 to 100 different alternatives for each recipe.
My question is, how best to encode the different recipe alternatives (and/or where to find similar problems on the internet). I think I have to use value encoding, ie assign a value to each alternative of a recipe. Do I have reasonable, different options?
Thanks & kind regards

You can encode the problem with a number chromosome. If your product has N ingredients, then your number chromosome has the length N: X={x1,x2,..,xN}. Every number xi of the chromosome represents the parts of ingredient i. It is not required, that the numbers sum to one.
E.g. X={23,5,0} means, you need 23 parts of ingredient 1, 5 parts of ingredient 2 and zero parts of ingredient 3.
With this encoding, crossover will not invalidate the chromosome.

You can use a 100 dimentions variable to present a individual just like below
X={x1,x2,x3,...,x100} xi∈[0,1] ∑(xi)=1.0
It's hard to use crossover operation.So I suggest that the offspring can just be produced by mutation operation.
Mutation operation toward parent individual 'X':
(1)randly choose two dimention 'xi' and 'xj' from 'X';


append an atom with exisiting variables and create new set in clingo

I am totally new in asp, I am learning clingo and I have a problem with variables. I am working on graphs and paths in the graphs so I used a tuple such as g((1,2,3)). what I want is to add new node to the path in which the tuple sequence holds. for instance the code below will give me (0, (1,2,3)) but what I want is (0,1,2,3).
Thanks in advance.
Naive fix:
g((0,X,Y,Z)) :- g((X,Y,Z)).
However I sense that you want to store the path in the tuple as is it is a list. Bad news: unlike prolog clingo isn't meant to handle lists as terms of atoms (like your example does). Lists are handled by indexing the elements, for example the list [a,b,c] would be stored in predicates like p(1,a). p(2,b). p(3,c).. Why? Because of grounding: you aim to get a small ground program to reduce the complexity of the solving process. To put it in numbers: assuming you are searching for a path which includes all n nodes. This sums up to n!. For n=10 this are 3628800 potential paths, introducing 3628800 predicates for a comparively small graph. Numbering the nodes as mentioned will lead to only n*n potential predicates to represent the path. For n=10 these are just 100, in comparison to 3628800 a huge gain.
To get an impression what you are searching for, run the following example derived from the potassco website:
% generating path: for every time exactly one node
{ path(T,X) : node(X) } = 1 :- T=1..6.
% one node isn't allowed on two different positions
:- path(T1,X), path(T2,X), T1!=T2.
% there has to be an edge between 2 adjascent positions
:- path(T,X), path(T+1,Y), not edge(X,Y).
#show path/2.
% Nodes
% (Directed) Edges
edge(1,(2;3;4)). edge(2,(4;5;6)). edge(3,(1;4;5)).
edge(4,(1;2)). edge(5,(3;4;6)). edge(6,(2;3;5)).
Answer: 1
path(1,1) path(2,3) path(3,4) path(4,2) path(5,5) path(6,6)
Answer: 2
path(1,1) path(2,3) path(3,5) path(4,4) path(5,2) path(6,6)
Answer: 3
path(1,6) path(2,2) path(3,5) path(4,3) path(5,4) path(6,1)
Answer: 4
path(1,1) path(2,4) path(3,2) path(4,5) path(5,6) path(6,3)
Answer: 5

MATLAB: how to generate all possible coalition-formations within M*M matrix

Assume that, there are 'M' objects aiming to form coalitions together. I need to know how to exhaustively generate all possible formations of coalitions using an M*M binary matrix given the following properties:
1- The elements of main diagonal are set to 1 (each object is in the same coalition with itself)
2- The matrix is symmetrical (being in the same coalition for two objects is a mutual relationship)
3- if objects (i,j) are in the same coalition, and (j,k) are in the same coalition, thus (i,k) are in the same coalition as well.
A simple formation of the coalitions with 4 objects is given by this example:
You can use another data structure which is easier to generate, then convert it to the matrix you want. Use a list with the coalition ids, where the coalition id is the minimum of all object ids. For your example this would be [1 2 1 1]. Using this data structure it's easier to describe a generator.
For each object you have the choice between joining one of the existing coalitions opened by objects with a smaller id or to open a new coalition.
There is probably no vectrorized solution, to implement this use a recursion or dynamic programming.

Johansen test on two stocks (for pairs trading) yielding weird results

I hope you can help me with this one.
I am using cointegration to discover potential pairs trading opportunities within stocks and more precisely I am utilizing the Johansen trace test for only two stocks at a time.
I have several securities, but for each test I only test two at a time.
If two stocks are found to be cointegrated using the Johansen test, the idea is to define the spread as
beta' * p(t-1) - c
where beta'=[1 beta2] and p(t-1) is the (2x1) vector of the previous stock prices. Notice that I seek a normalized first coefficient of the cointegration vector. c is a constant which is allowed within the cointegration relationship.
I am using Matlab to run the tests (jcitest), but have also tried utilizing Eviews for comparison of results. The two programs yields the same.
When I run the test and find two stocks to be cointegrated, I usually get output like
beta_1 = 12.7290
beta_2 = -35.9655
c = 121.3422
Since I want a normalized first beta coefficient, I set beta1 = 1 and obtain
beta_2 = -35.9655/12.7290 = -2.8255
c =121.3422/12.7290 = 9.5327
I can then generate the spread as beta' * p(t-1) - c. When the spread gets sufficiently low, I buy 1 share of stock 1 and short beta_2 shares of stock 2 and vice versa when the spread gets high.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The problem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Since I am testing an awful lot of stock pairs, I obtain a lot of output. Quite often, however, I receive output where the estimated beta_1 and beta_2 are of the same sign, e.g.
beta_1= -1.4
beta_2= -3.9
When I normalize these according to beta_1, I get:
beta_1 = 1
beta_2 = 2.728
The current pairs trading literature doesn't mention any cases where the betas are of the same sign - how should it be interpreted? Since this is pairs trading, I am supposed to long one stock and short the other when the spread deviates from its long run mean. However, when the betas are of the same sign, to me it seems that I should always go long/short in both at the same time? Is this the correct interpretation? Or should I modify the way in which I normalize the coefficients?
I could really use some help...
Under some of my tests, I reject both the hypothesis of r=0 cointegration relationships and r<=1 cointegration relationships. I find this very mysterious, as I am only considering two variables at a time, and there can, at maximum, only be r=1 cointegration relationship. Can anyone tell me what this means?

How to handle huge sparse matrices construction using Scipy?

So, I am working on a Wikipedia dump to compute the pageranks of around 5,700,000 pages give or take.
The files are preprocessed and hence are not in XML.
They are taken from
and the format is:
from_page(1): to(12) to(13) to(14)..
from_page(2): to(21) to(22)..
from_page(5,700,000): to(xy) to(xz)
so on. So. basically it's a construction of a [5,700,000*5,700,000] matrix, which would just break my 4 gigs of RAM. Since, it is very-very Sparse, that makes it easier to store using scipy.lil.sparse or scipy.dok.sparse, now my issue is:
How on earth do I go about converting the .txt file with the link information to a sparse matrix? Read it and compute it as a normal N*N matrix then convert it or what? I have no idea.
Also, the links sometimes span across lines so what would be the correct way to handle that?
eg: a random line is like..
1: 2 3 5 64636 867
2:355 776 2342 676 232
3: 545 64646 234242 55455 141414 454545 43
4234 5545345 2423424545
4:454 6776
exactly like this: no commas & no delimiters.
Any information on sparse matrix construction and data handling across lines would be helpful.
Scipy offers several implementations of sparse matrices. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can find information about the matrix formats here:
There are several ways to get to your desired sparse matrix. Computing the full NxN matrix and then converting is probably not possible, due high memory requirements (about 10^12 entries!).
In your case I would prepare your data to construct a coo_matrix.
coo_matrix((data, (i, j)), [shape=(M, N)])
data[:] the entries of the matrix, in any order
i[:] the row indices of the matrix entries
j[:] the column indices of the matrix entries
You might also want to have a look at lil_matrix, which can be used to incrementally build your matrix.
Once you created the matrix you can then convert it to a better suited format for calculation, depending on your use case.
I do not recognize the data format, there might be parsers for it, there might not. Writing your own parser should not be very difficult, though. Each line containing a colon starts a new row, all indices after the colon and in consecutive lines without colons are the column entries for said row.

how to find all the possible longest common subsequence from the same position

I am trying to find all the possible longest common subsequence from the same position of multiple fixed length strings (there are 700 strings in total, each string have 25 alphabets ). The longest common subsequence must contain at least 3 alphabets and belong to at least 3 strings. So if I have:
String test1 = "abcdeug";
String test2 = "abxdopq";
String test3 = "abydnpq";
String test4 = "hzsdwpq";
I need the answer to be:
String[] Answer = ["abd", "dpq"];
My one problem is this needs to be as fast as possible. I am trying to find the answer with suffix tree, but the solution of suffix tree method is ["ab","pq"].Suffix tree can only find continuous substring from multiple strings.The common longest common subsequence algorithm cannot solve this problem.
Does anyone have any idea on how to solve this with low time cost?
I suggest you cast this into a well known computational problem before you try to use any algorithm that sounds like it might do what you want.
Here is my suggestion: Convert this into a graph problem. For each position in the string you create a set of nodes (one for each unique letter at that position amongst all the strings in your collection... so 700 nodes if all 700 strings differ in the same position). Once you have created all the nodes for each position in the string you go through your set of strings looking at how often two positions share more than 3 equal connections. In your example we would look first at position 1 and 2 and see that three strings contain "a" in position 1 and "b" in position 2, so we add a directed edge between the node "a" in the first set of nodes of the graph and "b" in the second group of nodes (continue doing this for all pairs of positions and all combinations of letters in those two positions). You do this for each combination of positions until you have added all necessary links.
Once you have your final graph, you must look for the longest path; I recommend looking at the wikipedia article here: Longest Path. In our case we will have a directed acyclic graph and you can solve it in linear time! The preprocessing should be quadratic in the number of string positions since I imagine your alphabet is of fixed size.
P.S: You sent me an email about the biclustering algorithm I am working on; it is not yet published but will be available sometime this year (fingers crossed). Thanks for your interest though :)
You may try to use hashing.
Each string has at most 25 characters. It means that it has 2^25 subsequences. You take each string, calculate all 2^25 hashes. Then you join all the hashes for all strings and calculate which of them are contained at least 3 times.
In order to get the lengths of those subsequences, you need to store not only hashes, but pairs <hash, subsequence_pointer> where subsequence_pointer determines the subsequence of that hash (the easiest way is to enumerate all hashes of all strings and store the hash number).
Based on the algo, the program in the worst case (700 strings, 25 characters each) will run for a few minutes.