Move-item "the path is not supported." - powershell

We have a script which is successfully compressing folders to 7z and then deleting the folder once it has been compressed.
What we would like to do is move the compressed 7z file to another location which is on cheaper storage and also for backup / offsite archiving purposes.
I've tried the below but I'm getting an error "the path is not supported."
Is anyone able to assist?
Get-ChildItem 'E:\AbleyTest\TestFolder\_Archived\*' | Where-Object {
} | Select-Object -Expand FullName | ForEach-Object {
& 7z.exe a -mx=9 -t7z "$_.7z" "$_"
if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
$folder = (Get-Item $_).Parent.Parent.Name
if (Test-Path "e:\archived\$folder") {
Move-Item -Path "$_.7z" -Destination "e:\archived\$folder\$_.7z"
} else {
New-Item "e:\archived\$folder" -Type directory
Move-Item -Path "$_.7z" -Destination "e:\archived\$folder\$_.7z"
Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -Recurse
} else {
Add-Content "e:\scripts\archivelog $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy).txt" "$_ ran into error $LastExitCode while archiving"

Your destination path is not valid. Consider that $_ is the full path to some folder (such as E:\AbleyTest\TestFolder\_Archived\SomeFolder, your destination path of:
suddenly becomes:
Edit: I just realized that I told you the problem, but didn't really help you solve it. The destination path doesn't need the name of the file (it retains the file name to use at the destination), so simply stop after $folder, and you should be just fine:
Move-Item -Path "$_.7z" -Destination "e:\archived\$folder"


Avoiding File Duplication before Copying files to the folder and Subfolder

I am trying to create a code on Powershell that will actually Copy files from one Location( Lets say A) to location B. Now Location B have two subfolders (lets say X and Y). I need to copy the file from A to B but before copying I need to make sure that the files which I am copying should not be there in X or Y in order to avoid file duplication. If the file exist, it should not copy that particular file.
$PathS = Get-ChildItem -Path "\\sc-y-ap-swt-1\AutoClientFiles\reception\*.txt" |
Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) }
$PathD = "C:\OCM\data\EverestSwift\inbound\"
$pathtest = Get-ChildItem -path "C:\OCM\data\EverestSwift\inbound\" -Recurse -File
If((Test-Path -Path "\\sc-y-ap-swt-1\AutoClientFiles\reception\*.txt") -eq $false) {
} Else {
Try {
Foreach ($File in $Pathtest){
if ($File -eq $PathS ){
Write-Host "Duplicate Files"
exit 1
Copy-Item -Path $PathS -Destination $PathD -Force
Exit 0
} catch [Exception]{
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
Exit 1
You can do this, but why. As Cory said, this is why robocopy exists.
What do you mean by same?
The filename can be the same, but the timestamps can be different, thus making it a different file, even if the name is the same. So, you should be looking at name and timestamp or file hashes.
So, see these Q&A about such a use case.
Does Robocopy SKIP copying existing files by default?
How to skip existing and/or same size files when using robocopy
RoboCopy "%%F" %destination% *.srt *.pdf *.mp4 *.jpg /COPYALL /XO /R:0
Yet, doing this with powerShell, your post could be a duplicate of this one.
Copy items from Source to Destination if they don't already exist
Examples from the above:
$Source = 'C:\SourceFolder'
$Destination = 'C:\DestinationFolder'
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse | ForEach {
$ModifiedDestination = $($_.FullName).Replace("$Source","$Destination")
If ((Test-Path $ModifiedDestination) -eq $False) {
Copy-Item $_.FullName $ModifiedDestination
# Or
$Source = '<your path here>'
$Dest = '<your path here>'
$Exclude = Get-ChildItem -recurse $Dest
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse -Filter '*' |
Copy-Item -Destination $Dest -Verbose -Exclude $Exclude

Powershell copy and rename files

I'm trying to copy files from a source folder to a destination folder, and rename the files in the process.
$Source = "C:\Source"
$File01 = Get-ChildItem $Source | Where-Object {$ -like "File*"}
$Destination = "\\Server01\Destination"
Copy-Item "$Source\$File01" "$Destination\File01.test" -Force -
Confirm:$False -ErrorAction silentlyContinue
if(-not $?) {write-warning "Copy Failed"}
else {write-host "Successfully moved $Source\$File01 to
The problem is that since Get-ChildItem doesn't throw an error message if the file is not found, but rather just gives you a blank, I end up with a folder called File01.test in destination if no file named File* exists in $Source.
If it does exist, the copy operation carries out just fine. But I don't want a folder to be created if no matching files exist in $Source, rather I just want an error message logged in a log file, and no file operation to occur.
This shouldn't matter what the file name is, but it won't account for files that already exist in the destination. So if there is already File01.txt and you're trying to copy File01.txt again you'll have problems.
$Source = "C:\Source",
$Destination = "\\Server01\Destination",
$Filter = "File*"
$Files = `
Get-ChildItem -Path $Source `
| Where-Object -Property Name -Like -Value $Filter
for ($i=0;$i -lt $Files.Count;$i++ )
$NewName = '{0}{1:D2}{3}' -f $Files[$i].BaseName,$i,$Files[$i].Extension
$NewPath = Join-Path -Path $Destination -ChildPath $NewName
Write-Host "Moving file from '$($Files[$i].FullName)' to '$NewPath'"
Copy-Item -Path $Files[$i] -Destination
throw "Error moving file from '$($Files[$i].FullName)' to '$NewPath'"
You can add an "if" statement to ensure that the code to copy the files only runs when the file exists.
$Source = "C:\Source"
$Destination = "\\Server01\Destination"
$File01 = Get-ChildItem $Source | Where-Object {$ -like "File*"}
if ($File01) {
Copy-Item "$Source\$File01" "$Destination\File01.test" -Force -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction silentlyContinue
if(-not $?) {write-warning "Copy Failed"}
else {write-host "Successfully moved $Source\$File01 to
} else {
Write-Output "File did not exist in $source" | Out-File log.log
In the "if" block, it will check to see if $File01 has anything in it, and if so, then it'll run the subsequent code. In the "else" block, if the previous code did not run, it'll send the output to the log file "log.log".

Copy-Item not including subfolder files of source directory in PowerShell

I have a script which moves files with a specific extension from a source directory to a destination directory.
My source directory looks like:
My script is short and looks like:
if(!(Test-Path $SourceDirPath) -or !(Test-Path $DestinationDirPath))
Write-Host "The source- or destination path is incorrect, please check "
Write-Host "Success"
Copy-Item -path $SourceDirPath -Filter "*$extension" -Destination $DestinationDirPath -Recurse
I have to mention that the $SourceDirPath comes from a config file and only works if I declare it as C:\FILESFOLDER\*
The script works but doesn't copy the files from the subfolder to destination. The destination only has File1 and File2.
What's wrong with my Copy-Item command?
The -Recurse switch has no effect in your case, because it's only applied to the items matched by the combination of $SourceDirPath, which uses a trailing \* to match the items in the source directory, and -Filter, which in your case are only the *.td files located directly in your source directory.
Omitting the trailing \* to target the directory itself (e.g., C:\FOLDER rather than C:\FOLDER\*), solves that problem in principle, but, due to an annoying quirk only works as intended if the destination directory does not exist yet.
If it does exist, the items are placed in a subdirectory of the destination directory, named for the source directory.
If there's nothing in the existing destination directory to preserve before copying (and no special attributes of directory itself need preserving, you can work around the problem by deleting the preexisting destination directory beforehand.
if(!(Test-Path $SourceDirPath) -or !(Test-Path $DestinationDirPath))
Write-Host "The source or destination path is incorrect, please check "
Write-Host "Success"
# Delete the preexisting destination directory,
# which is required for the Copy-Item command to work as intended.
Remove-Item $DestinationDirPath -Recurse
# Note: $SourceDirPath must NOT end in \*
Copy-Item -Recurse -LiteralPath $SourceDirPath -Filter "*$extension" -Destination $DestinationDirPath
If you do need to preserve existing $DestinationDirPath content or attributes (ACLs, ...), more work is needed.
So this will compare the directory source versus the destination and then copy over the content. Ignore my funky variables, I've amended them below on a edit
#Release folder
$Source = ""
#Local folder
$Destination = ""
#Find all the objects in the release
get-childitem $Source -Recurse | foreach {
$SrcFile = $_.FullName
$SrcHash = Get-FileHash -Path $SrcFile -Algorithm MD5 # Obtain hash
$DestFile = $_.Fullname -replace [RegEx]::escape($Source),$Destination #Escape the hash
Write-Host "comparing $SrcFile to $DestFile" -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (Test-Path $DestFile)
#Check the hash sum of the file copied
$DestHash = Get-FileHash -Path $DestFile -Algorithm MD5
#compare them up
if ($SrcHash.hash -ne $DestHash.hash) {
Write-Warning "$SrcFile and $DestFile Files don't match!"
Write-Warning "Copying $SrcFile to $DestFile "
Copy-Item $SrcFile -Destination $DestFile -Force
else {
Write-Host "$SrcFile and $DestFile Files Match" -ForegroundColor
else {
Write-host "$SrcFile is missing! Copying in" -ForegroundColor Red
Copy-Item $SrcFile -Destination $DestFile -Force
You should use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -recurse parameter to retrieve all files based on your filter condition. Then you can pipe the result to the Copy-Item cmdlet and only have to specify a destination.
Try this:
$source = "C:\Folder1"
$destination = "C:\Folder2"
$allfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Recurse -Filter "*$extension"
foreach ($file in $allfiles){
if (test-path ($file.FullName.replace($source,$destination))) {
Write-Output "Seccess"
Copy-Item -path $file.FullName -Destination ($file.FullName.replace($source,$destination))
else {
Write-Output "The source- or destination path is incorrect, please check "

Move folders and contents with Powershell

OK, trying to copy folders and contents from a UNC path (shared drive) to another UNC path (NAS) based on date (Before 01 Jan 2015). Yes I know the code says 2017 but once I get it working on test then I'll change the date and run on prod.
#Original file path
$path = "UNC Path"
#Destination file path
$destination = "Different UNC Path"
#It makes a filelist of what's inside the $path path
Foreach($file in (Get-ChildItem $path)) {
#If the lastwrite time is before the given date
If($file.LastWriteTime -lt "01/01/2017") {
#It copies the file to the destination
Copy-Item -Path $file.fullname -Destination $destination -Force } }
It copies the contents of folders fine but not the folders. I think I'm missing a -recurse but putting it after Get-ChildItem $path didn't work.
I plan to get this working then add a Remove-Item line to remove all the old items from the file server.
Thoughts? Suggestions of better ways to accomplish this?
I think you're just missing the -Recurse from Get-ChildItem, but I would do it like so:
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse `
| Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt '2017-01-01' } `
| ForEach-Object {
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination ($_.FullName.Replace($source,$destination)) -Force;
If you've got hidden or system files to copy, you'll also want the -Force parameter on Get-ChildItem.
Actually, you might need to do this:
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse `
| Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt '2017-01-01' } `
| ForEach-Object {
if ($_.PSIsContainer -and !(Test-Path($_.FullName.Replace($source,$destination)) {
mkdir ($_.FullName.Replace($source,$destination));
else {
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination ($_.FullName.Replace($source,$destination)) -Force;

Copy items from Source to Destination if they don't already exist

I have a pretty basic powershell copy script that copies items from a source folder to a destination folder. However this is moving way too much data, and I'd like to check if the filename already exists so that file can be ignored. I don't need this as complex as verifying created date/checksum/etc.
Currently it's along the lines of:
Copy-Item source destination -recurse
Copy-Item source2 destination2 -recurse
I'd imagine I need to add the Test-Path cmdlet, but I'm uncertain how to implement it.
You could always call ROBOCOPY from PowerShell for this.
Use the /xc (exclude changed) /xn (exclude newer) and /xo (exclude older) flags:
robocopy /xc /xn /xo source destination
This will ONLY copy those files that are not in the destination folder.
For more option type robocopy /?
$exclude = Get-ChildItem -recurse $dest
Copy-Item -Recurse $file $dest -Verbose -Exclude $exclude
While I agree that Robocopy is the best tool for something like this, I'm all for giving the customer what they asked for and it was an interesting PowerShell exercise.
This script should do just what you asked for: copy a file from Source to Destination only if it does not already exist in the Destination with a minimum of frills. Since you had the -recurse option in your example, that made for a bit more coding than just simply testing for the filename in the Destination folder.
$Source = "C:\SourceFolder"
$Destination = "C:\DestinationFolder"
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse | ForEach {
$ModifiedDestination = $($_.FullName).Replace("$Source","$Destination")
If ((Test-Path $ModifiedDestination) -eq $False) {
Copy-Item $_.FullName $ModifiedDestination
Building off of Wai Ha Lee's post, here's an example that worked for me:
$Source = "<your path here>"
$Dest = "<your path here>"
$Exclude = Get-ChildItem -recurse $Dest
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse -Filter "*.pdf" | Copy-Item -Destination $Dest -Verbose -Exclude $Exclude
This builds a list to exclude, then copies any pdf in the source directory and sub-directories to the destination in a single folder...excluding the existing files. Again, this is an example from my needs, but similar to yours. Should be easy enough to tweak to your hearts content.
Function Copy-IfNotPresent will accept one file at a time but it's easy to loop for all files you want to copy. Here's an example:
gci c:\temp\1\*.* -Recurse -File | % { Copy-IfNotPresent -FilePath $_ -Destination "C:\temp\2\$(Resolve-Path $_ -relative)" -Verbose }
Here's the function. It will generate the folder tree if necessary. Here's the gists link:
Function Copy-IfNotPresent {
Copy file only if not present at destination.
This is a one file at a time call. It's not meant to replace complex call like ROBOCOPY.
Destination can be a file or folder. If it's a folder, you can use -Container to force Folder creation when not exists
Param (
#region validations
if ($FilePath -isnot [System.IO.FileInfo]){
$File = Get-ChildItem $FilePath -File
} else {
$File = $FilePath
if (!$File.Count){
Write-Warning "$FilePath no file found."
} elseif ($File.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning "$FilePath must resolve to one file only."
# Destination is a folder
if ($Container -or (Test-Path -Path $Destination -PathType Container)) {
if (!(Test-Path $Destination)) {
New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Container | Out-Null
$Destination += "\$($File.Name)"
# Destination is a file
if (!(Test-Path $Destination)) {
if ($WhatIf) {
Write-Host "WhatIf:Copy-IfNotPresent $FilePath -> $Destination"
} else {
# Force creation of parent folder
$Parent = Split-Path $Destination -Parent
if (!(Test-Path $Parent)) {
New-Item $Parent -ItemType Container | Out-Null
Copy-Item -Path $FilePath -Destination $Destination
Write-Verbose "Copy-IfNotPresent $FilePath -> $Destination (is absent) copying"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Copy-IfNotPresent $Destination (is present) not copying"
$source = "c:\source"
$destination = "c:\destination"
Create a list of files to exclude, i.e. files already existing in the destination.
$exclude = Get-Childitem -Recurse $destination | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName -replace [Regex]::Escape($destination ), "" }
Recursively copy all contents from the source to the destination excluding the previously collected files.
Copy-Item -Recurse -Path (Join-Path $source "*") -Destination $destination -Exclude $exclude -Force -Verbose
(Join-Path $source "*") add a wildcard at end ensuring that you get the children of the source folder instead of the source folder itself.
Force is used because I don't mind that there are already existing folders (results in error messages). Use with caution.
ForEach-Object { $_.FullName -replace [Regex]::Escape($destination ), "" } transforms the existing file full names into values which can be used as Exclude parameter
Here is a recursive script that syncronizes 2 folders ignoring existing files:
function Copy-FilesAndFolders([string]$folderFrom, [string]$folderTo) {
$itensFrom = Get-ChildItem $folderFrom
foreach ($i in $itensFrom)
if ($i.PSIsContainer)
$subFolderFrom = $folderFrom + "\" + $i.BaseName
$subFolderTo = $folderTo + "\" + $i.BaseName
Copy-FilesAndFolders $subFolderFrom $subFolderTo | Out-Null
$from = $folderFrom + "\" + $i.Name
$to = $folderTo + "\" + $i.Name
if (!(Test-Path $from)) # only copies non-existing files
if (!(Test-Path $folderTo)) # if folder doesn't exist, creates it
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path $folderTo
Copy-Item $from $folderTo
To call it:
Copy-FilesAndFolders "C:\FromFolder" "C:\ToFolder"
Lots of great answers in here, here's my contribution as it relates to keeping an mp3 player in sync with a music library.
#Tom Hubbard, 10-19-2021
#Copy only new music to mp3 player, saves time by only copying items that don't exist on the destination.
#Leaving the hardcoded directories and paths in here, sometimes too much variable substitution is confusing for newer PS users.
#Gets all of the albums in the source directory such as your music library
$albumsInLibrary = gci -Directory -path "C:\users\tom\OneDrive\Music" | select -ExpandProperty Name
#Gets all of the albums of your destination folder, such as your mp3 player
$albumsOnPlayer = gci -Directory -Path "e:\" | select -ExpandProperty name
#For illustration, it will list the differences between the music library and the music player.
Compare-Object -DifferenceObject $albumsInLibrary -ReferenceObject $albumsOnPlayer
#Loop through each album in the library
foreach ($album in $albumsInLibrary)
#Check to see if the music player contains this directory from the music library
if ($albumsOnPlayer -notcontains $album)
#If the album doesn't exist on the music player, copy it and it's child items from the library to the player
write-host "$album is not on music player, copying to music player" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Copy-Item -path "C:\users\Tom\OneDrive\music\$album" -Recurse -Destination e:\$album