Functional Programming exercise with Scala - scala

I have recently started reading the book Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Rúnar Bjarnason, as a means to learn FP. I want to learn it because it will open my head a bit, twist my way of thinking and also hopefully make me a better programmer overall, or so I hope.
In their book, Chp. 3, they define a basic singly-linked-list type as follows:
package fpinscala.datastructures
sealed trait List[+A]
case object Nil extends List[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A]
object List {
def sum(ints: List[Int]): Int = ints match {
case Nil => 0
case Cons(x,xs) => x + sum(xs)
def product(ds: List[Double]): Double = ds match {
case Nil => 1.0
case Cons(0.0, _) => 0.0
case Cons(x,xs) => x * product(xs)
def apply[A](as: A*): List[A] =
if (as.isEmpty) Nil
else Cons(as.head, apply(as.tail: _*))
I'm now working on implementing the tail method, which shall work similarly to the tail method defined in Scala libraries. I guess that the idea here, is to define a tail method inside the List object, what they call a companion method, and then call it normally in another file (like a Main file).
So far, I have this:
def tail[A](ls: List[A]): List[A] = ls match {
case Nil => Nil
case Cons(x,xs) => xs
Then I created a Main file in another folder:
package fpinscala.datastructures
object Main {
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
println("Hello, Scala !! ")
val example = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)))
val example2 = List(1,2,3)
val example3 = Nil
val total = List.tail(example)
val total2 = List.tail(example3)
This works and gives me:
Hello, Scala !!
My question is:
Is this the correct way to write the tail method, possibly, as the authors intended? And is this package structure correct? Because it feels very wrong to me, although I just followed the authors package.
I also don't know if I should have used a specific type instead of writing a polymorphic method (is this the name?)...
Bear with me, for I am a newbie in the art of FP.

In the default Scala list implementation, attempting to take the tail of an empty list would throw an UnsupportedOperationException. So you might want something more like
def tail[A](ls: List[A]): List[A] = ls match {
case Nil => throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
case Cons(x,xs) => xs
Also, qantik's answer where he suggests using the :: operator would work with Scala's default list implementation, but since there isn't a :: method defined on this custom list implementation it won't work.
Finally, you may want to consider defining tail so that instead of doing
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
val restOfList = tail(list).
you could instead do
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
val restOfList = list.tail
That would require defining the method on the List trait, as opposed to in the List object.

Looks okay. What about?
def tail[A](xs: List[A]): List[A] = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: xxs => xxs


How to reproduce case class behaviour with apply/unapply methods?

I tried to replace case class with mundane class and companion object and suddenly get type error.
Code that compiles fine (synthetic example):
trait Elem[A,B] {
def ::[C](other : Elem[C,A]) : Elem[C,B] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
class Simple[A,B] extends Elem[A,B]
final case class Chain[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) extends Elem[A,C]
Change the last definition with:
final class Chain[A,B,C](val head : Elem[A,B], val tail : Elem[B,C]) extends Elem[A,C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
But that seemingly equivalent code make compiler emit errors:
CaseMystery.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
found : test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[A,B] where type B, type A >: C <: C
required: test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[A,Any] where type A >: C <: C
Note: B <: Any, but trait Elem is invariant in type B.
You may wish to define B as +B instead. (SLS 4.5)
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
CaseMystery.scala:17: error: type mismatch;
found : test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[B(in method ::),B(in trait Elem)] where type B(in method ::)
required: test.casemystery.Fail.Elem[Any,B(in trait Elem)]
Note: B <: Any, but trait Elem is invariant in type A.
You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
two errors found
What is the difference between implicitly created method with the case statement and explicitly written methods for mundane class?
This answer ended up being longer than I expected. If you just want the guts of what is happening with type inference, skip to the end. Otherwise, you get led through the steps of getting to the answer.
The problem is in the case, but not the one in case class
In this case, as much as I hate to admit it, case classes really are magic. In particular, they get special treatment at the type checker level (I think we can agree that your code would work if it got past that phase - you might even be able to throw enough casts at it to make that work).
The problem is, surprisingly enough, not in the class Chain itself, but in the places it is used, specifically in the pattern matching part. For example, consider the case class
case class Clazz(field: Int)
Then, you expect the following to be equivalent:
Clazz(3) match { case Clazz(i) => i }
// vs
val v = Clazz.unapply(Clazz(3))
if (v.isDefined) v.get else throw new Exception("No match")
But, Scala wants to be more clever and optimize this. In particular, this unapply method pretty can pretty much never fail (let's ignore null for now) and is probably used a lot, so Scala wants to avoid it altogether and just extract the fields as it usually would get any member of an object. As my compiler professor is fond of saying, "compilers are the art of cheating without getting caught".
Yet here there is a difference in the type-checker. The problem is in
def ::[Z, X](other : Elem[Z, X]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
If you compile with -Xprint:typer you'll see what the type checker sees. The case class version has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = other match {
case (head: Elem[C,Any], tail: Elem[Any,A])Chain[C,Any,A]((head # _), (tail # _)) => Chain.apply[C, Any, B](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,A] = tail;
case (simple # _) => Chain.apply[C, A, B](simple, this)
While the regular class has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = other match {
case Chain.unapply[A, B, C](<unapply-selector>) <unapply> ((head # _), (tail # _)) => Chain.apply[A, Any, B](<head: error>, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[_, _ >: A <: A] = tail;
case (simple # _) => Chain.apply[C, A, B](simple, this)
So the type checker actually gets a different (special) case construct.
So what does the match get translated to?
Just for fun, we can check what happens at the next phase -Xprint:patmat which expands out patterns (although here the fact that these are no longer really valid Scala programs really becomes painful). First, the case class has
def ::[C](other: Elem[C,A]): Elem[C,B] = {
case <synthetic> val x1: Elem[C,A] = other;
if (x1.isInstanceOf[Chain[C,Any,A]])
<synthetic> val x2: Chain[C,Any,A] = (x1.asInstanceOf[Chain[C,Any,A]]: Chain[C,Any,A]);
val head: Elem[C,Any] = x2.head;
val tail: Elem[Any,A] = x2.tail;
matchEnd4(Chain.apply[C, Any, B](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,A] = tail;
matchEnd4(Chain.apply[C, A, B](x1, this))
matchEnd4(x: Elem[C,B]){
Although a lot of stuff is confusing here, notice that we never use the unapply method! For the non-case class version, I'll use the working code from user1303559:
def ::[Z, XX >: X](other: Elem[Z,XX]): Elem[Z,Y] = {
case <synthetic> val x1: Elem[Z,XX] = other;
if (x1.isInstanceOf[Chain[A,B,C]])
<synthetic> val x2: Chain[A,B,C] = (x1.asInstanceOf[Chain[A,B,C]]: Chain[A,B,C]);
<synthetic> val o8: Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] = Chain.unapply[A, B, C](x2);
if (o8.isEmpty.unary_!)
val head: Elem[Z,Any] = o8.get._1;
val tail: Elem[Any,XX] = o8.get._2;
matchEnd5(Chain.apply[Z, Any, Y](head, {
<synthetic> <artifact> val x$1: Elem[Any,XX] = tail;
this.::[Any, XX](x$1)
matchEnd5(Chain.apply[Z, XX, Y](x1, this))
matchEnd5(x: Elem[Z,Y]){
And here, sure enough, the unapply method makes an appearance.
It isn't actually cheating (for the Pros)
Of course, Scala doesn't actually cheat - this behavior is all in the specification. In particular, we see that constructor patterns from which case classes benefit are kind of special, since, amongst other things, they are irrefutable (related to what I was saying above about Scala not wanting to use the unapply method since it "knows" it is just extracting the fields).
The part that really interests us though is 8.3.2 Type parameter inference for constructor patterns. The difference between the regular class and the case class is that Chain pattern is a "constructor pattern" when Chain is a case class, and just a regular pattern otherwise. The constructor pattern
other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
ends up getting typed as though it were
other match {
case _: Chain[a1,a2,a3] => ...
Then, based on the fact that other: Elem[C,A] from the argument types and the fact that Chain[a1,a2,a3] extends Elem[a1,a3], we get that a1 is C, a3 is A and a2 can by anything, so is Any. Hence why the types in the output of -Xprint:typer for the case class has an Chain[C,Any,A] in it. This does type check.
However, constructor patterns are specific to case classes, so no - there is no way to imitate the case class behavior here.
A constructor pattern is of the form c(p1,…,pn) where n≥0. It
consists of a stable identifier c, followed by element patterns
p1,…,pn. The constructor c is a simple or qualified name which
denotes a case class.
Firstly other is Elem[C, A], but after you had tried to match it as Chain(head, tail) it actually matched to Chain[C, some inner B, A](head: Elem[C, inner B], tail: Elem[inner B, A]). After that you create Chain[C, inner B <: Any, A](head: Elem[C, inner B], (tail :: this): Elem[inner B, B])
But result type must be Elem[C, B], or Chain[C, Any, B]. So compiler trying to cast inner B to Any. But beacause inner B is invariant - you must have exactly Any.
This is actually better rewrite as follows:
trait Elem[X, Y] {
def ::[Z, X](other : Elem[Z, X]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
final class Chain[A, B, C](val head : Elem[A, B], val tail : Elem[B, C]) extends Elem[A, C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
After this error message becoming much more informative and it is obviously how to repair this.
However I don't know why that works for case classes. Sorry.
Working example is:
trait Elem[+X, +Y] {
def ::[Z, XX >: X](other : Elem[Z, XX]) : Elem[Z, Y] = other match {
case Chain(head, tail) => Chain(head, tail :: this)
case simple => Chain(simple, this)
final class Chain[A, B, C](val head : Elem[A, B], val tail : Elem[B, C]) extends Elem[A, C]
object Chain {
def unapply[A,B,C](src : Chain[A,B,C]) : Option[(Elem[A,B], Elem[B,C])] =
Some( (src.head, src.tail) )
def apply[A,B,C](head : Elem[A,B], tail : Elem[B,C]) : Chain[A,B,C] =
new Chain(head, tail)
Eventually I found that:
case class A[T](a: T)
List(A(1), A("a")).collect { case A(x) => A(x) }
// res0: List[A[_ >: String with Int]] = List(A(1), A(a))
class B[T](val b: T)
object B {
def unapply[T](b: B[T]): Option[T] = Option(b.b)
List(new B(1), new B("b")).collect { case B(x) => new B(x) }
// res1: List[B[Any]] = List(B#1ee4afee, B#22eaba0c)
Obvious that it is compiler feature. So I think no way there to reproduce the full case class behavior.

Use List as monad in Scala

I'm wondering what is idiomatic way to applying some operation on the List if it is not empty, and return empty List (Nil) if list is empty.
val result= myList match {
case Nil => Nil // this one looks bad for me
case nonEmpty => myService.getByFilters(nonEmpty)
Just using map operation on the list will trigger loop, but I want to achieve same result as map for Option type - i.e. do something only once if List is non-empty, and do nothing if List is empty
I think your design is not quite right perhaps. You should be just able to pass any list into the getByFilters function and it should just handle lists of any length. So there should be no need for these sorts of checks.
If the design change is not possible there is nothing wrong with if:
val result = if(myList.isEmpty) Nil else myService.getByFilters(myList)
It's idiomatic because if returns values. Maybe there are other clean ways, I don't know.
If you just want to require non empty list argument you can use HList or alternatively, you can use this trick:
def takesNonEmptyList[T](head: T, tail: T *): List[T] = head :: tail.toList
You can do something fake to make it seem look idiomatic, but I would not recommend it. It's unclear and unnecessary complication:
def getByFilters(xs: List[Int]) = xs.filter(_ % 2 == 0)
val res = :: l.tail).map(getByFilters).getOrElse(Nil)
prints List(2, 4)
If you really want it, you can just implement your own semantic:
implicit class MySpecialList[T](xs: List[T]) {
def mapIfNotEmpty[R](f: List[T] ⇒ List[R]): List[R] =
if (xs.isEmpty) Nil else f(xs)
def getStuff(xs: List[Int]) = + " OK")
val x: List[Int] = List(1,2,3)
val y: List[Int] = List()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val xx = x.mapIfNotEmpty(getStuff) // List("1 OK", "2 OK", "3 OK")
val yy = y.mapIfNotEmpty(getStuff) // List()
There is method headOption in List, so you could use option semantic to lift List to Option[List]:
import scala.collection.TraversableLike
implicit class TraversableOption[T <: TraversableLike[_, T]](traversable: T) {
def opt: Option[T] = => traversable)
you can use it as:
val result = myList.opt.fold[List[Int]](Nil)(myService.getByFilters)
By invoking each filter service separately,
myList.flatMap(filter => myService.getByFilters(List(filter)))
it gets an empty list if myList is empty. If performance may be a matter, consider also a parallel version with

Scala, pattern matching on a tuple of generic trait, checking if types are equal

I know a lot of questions exist about type erasure and pattern matching on generic types, but I could not understand what should I do in my case from answers to those, and I could not explain it better in title.
Following code pieces are simplified to present my case.
So I have a trait
trait Feature[T] {
value T
def sub(other: Feature[T]): Double
// implicits for int,float,double etc to Feature with sub mapped to - function
Then I have a class
class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = { {
case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]
And I have a test case like this
case class TestFeature(val value: String) extends Feature[String] {
def sub(other: Feature[String]): Double = value.length - other.length
val testData1 = new Data(IndexedSeq(8, 8.3f, 8.232d, TestFeature("abcd"))
val testData2 = new Data(IndexedSeq(10, 10.1f, 10.123d, TestFeature("efg"))
testData1.sub(testData2).zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (res, 0) => res should be (8 - 10)
case (res, 1) => res should be (8.3f - 10.1f)
case (res, 2) => res should be (8.232d - 10.123d)
case (res, 3) => res should be (1)
This somehow works. If I try sub operation with instances of Data that have different types in same index of features, I get a ClassCastException. This actually satisfies my requirements, but if possible I would like to use Option instead of throwing an exception. How can I make following code work?
class Data(val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[_]]) {
def sub(other: Data): IndexedSeq[Double] = { {
// of course this does not work, just to give idea
case(e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if t == y => e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[t]]
Also I am really inexperienced in Scala, so I would like to get feedback on this type of structure. Are there another ways to do this and which way would make most sense?
Generics don't exist at runtime, and an IndexedSeq[Feature[_]] has forgotten what the type parameter is even at compile time (#Jatin's answer won't allow you to construct a Data with a list of mixed types of Feature[_]). The easiest answer might be just to catch the exception (using catching and opt from scala.util.control.Exception). But, to answer the question as written:
You could check the classes at runtime:
case (e1: Feature[t], e2: Feature[y]) if e1.value.getClass ==
e2.value.getClass => ...
Or include the type information in the Feature:
trait Feature[T] {
val value: T
val valueType: ClassTag[T] // write classOf[T] in subclasses
def maybeSub(other: Feature[_]) = other.value match {
case valueType(v) => Some(actual subtraction)
case _ => None
The more complex "proper" solution is probably to use Shapeless HList to preserve the type information in your lists:
// note the type includes the type of all the elements
val l1: Feature[Int] :: Feature[String] :: HNil = f1 :: f2 :: HNil
val l2 = ...
// a 2-argument function that's defined for particular types
// this can be applied to `Feature[T], Feature[T]` for any `T`
object subtract extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseFeatureT[T] =
at[Feature[T], Feature[T]]{_ sub _}
// apply our function to the given HLists, getting a HList
// you would probably inline this
// could follow up with .toList[Double]
// since the resulting HList is going to be only Doubles
def subAll[L1 <: HList, L2 <: HList](l1: L1, l2: L2)(
implicit zw: ZipWith[L1, L2, subtract.type]) =
That way subAll can only be called for l1 and l2 all of whose elements match, and this is enforced at compile time. (If you really want to do Options you can have two ats in the subtract, one for same-typed Feature[T]s and one for different-typed Feature[_]s, but ruling it out entirely seems like a better solution)
You could do something like this:
class Data[T: TypeTag](val features: IndexedSeq[Feature[T]]) {
val t = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]
def sub[E: TypeTag](other: Data[E]): IndexedSeq[Double] = {
val e = implicitly[TypeTag[E]]{
case(e1, e2: Feature[y]) if e.tpe == t.tpe => Some(e1 sub e2.asInstanceOf[Feature[T]])
case _ => None
And then:
case class IntFeature(val value: Int) extends Feature[Int] {
def sub(other: Feature[Int]): Double = value - other.value
val testData3 = new Data(IndexedSeq(TestFeature("abcd")))
val testData4 = new Data(IndexedSeq(IntFeature(1)))
gives Vector()

How to understand "pattern match with Singleton object" in scala?

The context of my question is similar to some others asked in the forum, but I cannot find an exact match and it still remains a mystery to me after viewing those answers. So I appreciate it if someone can help. The context of my question is to match a singleton class object using a pattern match.
For example, if I am implementing a list structure of my own, like this
// An implementation of list
trait AList[+T] // covariant
case class Cons[+T](val head: T, val tail: AList[T]) extends AList[T]
case object Empty extends AList[Nothing] // singleton object
// an instance of implemented list
val xs = Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Empty)))
// pattern matching in a method - IT WORKS!
def foo[T](xs: AList[T]) = xs match {
case Empty => "empty"
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
println(foo(xs)) // => [1...]
// pattern matching outside - IT RAISES ERROR:
// pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
// found : Empty.type
// required: Cons[Nothing]
val r: String = xs match {
case Empty => "EMPTY"
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
println(r) // does NOT compile
To me they look like the same "matching" on the same "objects", how come one worked and the other failed? I guess the error had something to do with the different of matching expr in and out of methods, but the message given by the compiler was quite misleading. Does it mean we need to explicitly cast xs like xs.asInstanceOf[AList[Int]] when "matching" outside?
Compiler tells you that type of xs is Cons and it can't be Empty, so your first case is pointless.
Try this:
val r: String = (xs: AList[Int]) match {
case Empty => "EMPTY"
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
Or this:
val ys: AList[Int] = xs
val r: String = ys match {
case Empty => "EMPTY"
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
In this case compiler don't knows that case Empty is pointless.
It's exactly what you are doing with def foo[T](xs: AList[T]) = .... You'd get the same compilation error with def foo[T](xs: Cons[T]) = ....
In this particular example valid and exhaustive match looks like this:
val r: String = xs match {
// case Empty => "EMPTY" // would never happened.
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
Addition: you should make your AList trait sealed:
sealed trait AList[+T]
It allows compiler to warn you on not exhaustive matches:
val r: String = (xs: AList[Int]) match {
case Cons(x, xss) => s"[$x...]"
<console>:25: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
It would fail on the following input: Empty
val r: String = (xs: AList[Int]) match {
The parameter of foo is a AList[T], so in the first case the matching is being done on a AList[T]. In the second case the matching is being done on a Cons[+T].
Basically matching is done on a object type, not on a object.

Isn't that code in tail recursive style?

I'm kinda new to Scala trying it out while reading Beggining Scala by David Pollack.
He defines a simple recursive function that loads all strings from the file:
def allStrings(expr: => String): List[String] = expr match {
case null => Nil
case w => w :: allStrings(expr)
It's elegant and awesome except that it had thrown a StackOverflow exception when I tried to load a huge dictionary file.
Now as far as I understand Scala supports tail recursion, so that function call couldn't possibly overflow the stack, probably compiler doesn't recognize it? So after some googling I tried #tailrec annotation to help the compiler out, but it said
error: could not optimize #tailrec annotated method: it contains a recursive call not in tail position
def allStrings(expr: => String): List[String] =
Am I understanding tail recursion wrong? How do I fix this code?
Scala can only optimise this if the last call is a call to the method itself.
Well, the last call is not to allStrings, it's actually to the :: (cons) method.
A way to make this tail recursive is to add an accumulator parameter, for example:
def allStrings(expr: => String, acc: List[String] = Nil): List[String] =
expr match {
case null => acc
case w => allStrings(expr, w :: acc)
To prevent the accumulator leaking into the API, you can define the tail recursive method as a nested method:
def allStrings(expr: => String) = {
def iter(expr: => String, acc: List[String]): List[String] =
expr match {
case null => acc
case w => iter(expr, w :: acc)
iter(expr, Nil)
It's not tail recursive (and can't ever be) because the final operation is not a recursive call to allStrings, it's a call to the :: method.
The safest way to resolve this is with a nested method that uses an accumulator:
def allStrings(expr: => String) = {
def inner(expr: => String, acc: List[String]): List[String] = expr match {
case null => acc
case w => inner(expr, w :: acc)
inner(expr, Nil)
In this particular case, you could also lift the accumulator to a parameter on allStrings, give it a default value of Nil, and avoid the need for an inner method. But that's not always possible, and it can't be called nicely from Java code if you're concerned about interop.