design workflow in Eclipse for liferay - eclipse

I want to design workflow using Eclipse for Liferay CE.
Can anybody tell me how can i design kaleo workflow in Eclipse ?
I searched on the internet but could not find any facility for Community Edition (CE) to design our own workflow diagrammatically. Is there any reliable method other than kaleo for creating workflows for Liferay CE diagrammatically??Any help will be appreciated.

By design, Liferay does not have a built-in UI in CE for creating Workflows, and does not provide a plugin for doing so. It's one of the goodies folks get when purchasing a subscription to EE.
Liferay EE has a built-in Kaleo Designer, and Liferay Developer Studio also has a Kaleo Designer for Java plugin to give you the same functionality inside Eclipse.
None of the free, open-source options (Liferay IDE or Liferay CE) have this feature.
That said, between the information in the docs on Kaleo Designer and the docs on Designing XML workflows, you should be able to design your definitions using XML.
That's probably not entirely satisfactory, but I think it's the best you're going to manage.


what is best Jboss tools or product to develop web application?

I want to use jboss BPM to develop web projects.
I try install devstudio-10.4.0.GA-installer-eap.jar and then add (JBOSS Business Process and Rules Development).
is that enough?
is that correct?
what is the correct scenario and best jboss tools?
thank you for your helping.
There are 2 ways how to develop BPMN2 process
using Eclipse tooling (such as the Devstudio you mentioned)
using web tooling which is delivered with jBPM installer
There is a nice documentation about how to install jbpm and how to use both toolings at

How to run a process created in Activiti BPMN Designer with Alfresco Community Edition 5.0.b.?

I'm new to Alfresco CE and Activiti.
I have to create a project of workflow- model processes, create forms for them and run this.
Initially I chose Activiti BPM under the Tomcat, but there I can't create forms for my processes.
Next, I found information that I can do this in Alfresco. Unfortunetly I have only Alfresco Community Edition.
For several days I found how create a new workflow in Alfresco Community Edition. Alfresco CE haven't the workflow console so I created process model in Activiti BPMN Designer using Eclipse.
How I can configure Alfresco CE with Activiti BPMN Designer?
Maybe exist quite different and better solution?
Thanks for your help, Magda

jbpm with liferay

I can run a sample workflow done with jbpm5 ​​outside of liferay
but now I want to run this example in liferay
So the problem is how to integrate jbpm5 with liferay
I think I need to edit some configuration files in liferay
I'm reading these instructions but I can not find the solution
It's not than simple if you are trying to integrate jBPM5. As you can see the tutorial that you mention has being written for jbpm 3.1.2, a very old version. It will be a great community contribution to integrate jBPM5 to liferay, so if you are interested we can guide you, but you will need to do the work and research to get it working. I can help you with the jBPM5 but you will need to dig into the liferay bits.
I suggest if you want to run Workflow inside Liferay, first you must find a plugin for workflow engine. As fas as I know, Liferay supports Activity, JBPM, Kaleo,.. Have you downloaded JBPM plugin for Liferay? Because for default Liferay using Kaleo.

eclipse plugins for using SOA

I want to work on SOA project in eclipse, so what plugins I need to install in eclipse?
What is eclipse soa tool? does it need any other plugins or I can do it just with one plugin?
You may have a look at WSO2 Carbon Studio - wich is an open source product.
It contains vast variety of rich development plugins for developing various components of a complete SOA application.

How to automate building and deploying a BPEL application

I need to automate the building and deployment of (several) BPEL applications to a weblogic server.
I now do it using jDeveloper 11g, but I guess there should be some command line tools to do it. (I come from a Microsoft /.NET / Visual Studio background, and I can automate the deployment of my .NET applications using the command line and msbuild)
Does anyone know how to do that via the command line?
I don't have any experience with BPEL on Oracle WebLogic but according to this documentation a BPEL application is packaged as a standard EAR. I don't know exactly how your sources are structured under JDeveloper but you best option here to automate the packaging and the deployment of this EAR is IMO to use Ant (or Maven but if all this is totally new for you I would recommend using Ant).
Maybe this tutorial can help you to get started for the packaging part (basically, how to use the ear task). And for the deployment, I suggest to use the wldeploy Ant task (which wraps the weblogic.Deployer utility). I've mentioned them in this recent answer.
Also have a look at this question, it seems that JDeveloper might have some support to achieve this task (but I have zero knowledge of it so I can't provide any guidance, JDeveloper is not really widely used).
I assume you are using Oracle SOA Suite 11g? If so, have a look at Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, particularly the section 38.7 Deploying SOA Composite Applications and the subsection 38.7.5 Managing SOA Composite Applications with Scripts.
You may also find useful advice in the Oracle BPEL forums.