Neo4j REST API Get request from browser vs Get method from REST Client - rest

Neo4j API url is: http://localhost:7474/db/data
When I use Chrome visiting this url, which is a GET request. This is the response I got
But when I use the restful client such as POSTMAN to make a g request.
This is the response I got.
My questions are
Both are GET request to the same url. Why Chrome browsing get a html page in return but Postman Request get JSON Response in return.
How Neo4j does that?
Is Neo4j using user agent detection, and if it is a browser visiting, it will give HTML page as response. And if it is a rest client request, it will give json response?

They use media type negotiation header. For example when requesting this site my browser sends a header like that:
Accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
As you can see it accepts primarily html, if that's not available then xhtml, then pure xml, and if that's not available - it accepts whatever the server can throw at it. Neo4j's website tries to serve content in that order. Postman likely just specifies application/json, or nothing at all (the application determines the default media type then), hence the response.


Replicatiing post request from website form using postman returns 500 internal server error

I'm trying to replicate a post request done normally by a website form via postman but the server returns 500 error.
the form website URL that I'm dealing with is here.
what I have done so far is investigate the network request using chrome or safari dev tools, copy the request as cURL, import the cURL in postman and do the request.
what can be the possible reasons for the failure and what are the alternative ways to achieve the same result?
Postman Headers:
Most probably you must have used invalid request body. The browser shows parsed json body and you might have copied incomple request body.
To get full body click view source and copy the full content.

Cannot preserve POST request in PingAccess

I am getting this error when trying to authenticate to my application.
Log extract: level":"ERROR","message":"Cannot preserve POST request with content type 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' (only 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' is supported)
My question: Is there a way to configure PingFederate, so it can handle POST requests?
That's not a PingFederate error, that's a PingAccess error.
This issue is typically seen on AJAX requests from a Single Page Application, where that Application definition in PingAccess has not been appropriately defined as "Web+API" with the "SPA Support" box checked. It happens when the PingAccess web session has expired, and the application tries to POST an update to the backend.
It must be understood, however, that the application will need to be coded so that it either handles the 401 or follows the 302 redirect that it gets back, once you add SPA Support.

how to send POST HTTP request from Google Chrome without any extensions?

Can we send POST HTTP requests in Google Chrome when using Rest Services?
I have tried few extensions but I need directly from Chrome browser
I think, using the URL bar will always result in a GET.
To send POST requests from a browser, set up an HTML <form> with method="POST", use the action attribute for the REST-URL and input tags for other parameters.
You can do the post and get in the same way as the browser does.
You can use the header to put in information in key, value pair.
Here is a tutorial on how you can do it - Send POST data using XMLHttpRequest
But it would be better if you use chrome extension POSTMAN which is very extensive and clean for testing REST services.

How to deal with this situation building a REST API?

I got this problem, I have built a rest api and I don't know how to deal with this:
When the javascript client (Marionette.js) is in charge of making the views, I don't have problems, because as it is known, it just requests an url (e.g., the server retrieves a json with {id:'37', name:'Peter', age:'24'} (there is one controller class named User) and Marionette shows that data in the view. But if the user enter to by the browser it will show just {id:'37', name:'Peter', age:'24'} without any view. What can I do if I want to see the same view in both cases?
If you're trying to serve up HTML or JSON from the same endpoint then your server should be making that decision based on the request's Accept header. If the request's Accept header is application/json then your server should return just the JSON ortherwise return the HTML.
You can see that SoundCloud uses the same technique for returning XML or JSON from their API:
Resources are returned as XML by default, or JSON if a .json extension is appended to the resource URI. We encourage you to use JSON. You can also send an appropriate Accept header specifying the format you would like. For example, a request with the header Accept: application/json will return resources represented as a JSON document.
What you are trying to do is pratically impossible.
why ?
When your first enter the url it's the server that responds with all the artifacts that compose your application (html, js, css ...) and the browser display it.
Now, when you enter ther url the server only sends the JSON data without any html, js or css, so the browser display the raw data he received.
What you are trying to do is to force the server to give two responses (JSON or html/js/css) depending on the user request.
You can do it, but it would be so complicated that's not worth the efforts.

How send application/x-www-form-urlencoded params to a RestServer with JMeter?

I developed a rest server, and I put it to run in localhost, and I'm trying to perform tests with JMeter, sending requests posts and gets (depends of called method).
I already send to Rest server and got result with JMeter in simple post requests, get requests, sending files with post, and sending a Json with post.
But I don't know how to send a Form-UrlEncoded object to server. My Rest server consumes application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and I need to send 3 String parameters.
There's some way to set the MimeType for every parameter and perform the test ?
I'm using Jmeter 2.7
I solved this by disabling the option:
use multipart/form-data for post
And enabling:
redirect automatically
Instead of:
follow redirect
The parameters I put normally in the table "Send parameters with the Request" with each respective names.
For sending form parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, add a header parameter Content-Type with value application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
The following steps is aplicable for Jmeter 2.3.4
Add a HTTP Header Manager under your http Request.
Add new parameter to HTTP Header Manager with name Content-Type and value application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Uncheck "Use multipart/form-data for HTTP POST" of HTTP request.
Uncheck "Encode?" of each request parameter(not necessary).
kept "Content Encode:" text box of HTTP request as empty.
This won't work for PUT request.
For put request add parameters as path parameter and set Content-Type header then Jmeter will do by itself.
Here's the solution for HTTP POST with x-www-form-urlencoded testing with jmeter. You just folllow like these.
Go to Thread Group -> Add listener -> Views Result in table, View result Tree. To see the process of responding.
Have you tried to save your test using BadBoy or JMeter Proxy to see what your application actually sends?
To see what happens under the hood you can also use FireBug if you're using FireFox or Ctrl+Shift+i if you're on Chrome.
IllegalCharsetNameException will go immediately only after you will add the required content-type in HTTP Header Manager for HTTP request .
Hope this helps.
followed exact steps mentioned i still see an exception thrown
Response code: Non HTTP response code: java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException
Response message: Non HTTP response message: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
at java.nio.charset.Charset.checkName(
at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup2(
at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(
at java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(
at org.apache.http.entity.ContentType.create(
at org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity.<init>(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sendPostData(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.handleMethod(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPHC4Impl.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerProxy.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase.sample(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.executeSamplePackage(
at org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterThread.processSampler(