Resetting after 3 seconds unity - unity3d

I have a board manager in my game, that shows what is happening, for example, if I want to buy a car and you dont have the necessary money in this board appears a message saying "You dont have enough gold".
public void setTextMonitor (string mensaje) {
textScreen = mensaje;
public IEnumerator DoTheDance() {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); // Esperar 3 seconds
textScreen = "";
This is my code and it's working properly, when the board shows a message after 5 seconds it's deleted but the board doesn't shows new messages and I dont know why, probably because the couroutine doesn't let setTextMonitor method to work properly dunno.
If you have another idea or other method for doing this,
I'd be really grateful

For such behavior really easy to use LeanTween asset. It's free in asset store.
Code will be close to the following:
textScreen = "You have not enough of gold";
LeanTween.DelayedCall(5f,()=>{textScreen = "";});


How to generate a random number and make sure it is the same for everyone using Photon in Unity?

Hi Guys I am converting a single player Sudoko game into a multiplayer game (right now 2 players) using Photon in Unity.
The basic logic of the Sudoku game is that there are 300 puzzle data already loaded in it. A random number between 1 to 300 is picked up and the corresponding puzzle is loaded.
But the problem I am facing is even though I have made sure that the same number is getting picked up for both the client and the master server, different puzzles are getting loaded.
So basically I script called MultiManager attached to the MultiManager GameObject in the Sudoku screen.The script looks something like this.
void Start()
PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
puzzleIndex = Random.Range(0, 300);
PV.RPC("RPC_PuzzleIndex", RpcTarget.Others, puzzleIndex);
gameManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager)) as GameManager;
void RPC_PuzzleIndex(int puzzleIndexNUmber)
puzzleIndex = puzzleIndexNUmber;
So in the GameManager script you have these functions:
public void PlayNewGame(string groupId)
// Get the PuzzleGroupData for the given groupId
for (int i = 0; i < puzzleGroups.Count; i++)
PuzzleGroupData puzzleGroupData = puzzleGroups[i];
if (groupId == puzzleGroupData.groupId)
private void PlayNewGame(PuzzleGroupData puzzleGroupData)
// Get a puzzle that has not yet been played by the user
PuzzleData puzzleData = puzzleGroupData.GetPuzzle();
// Play the game using the new puzzle data
And in the PuzzleGroupData class you have this function :
public PuzzleData GetPuzzle()
return new PuzzleData(puzzleFiles[MultiManager.puzzleIndex], shiftAmount, groupId);
I don't quite get as to whats wrong which is happening. I tried to use other variations like keeping that random number outside of the condition inside of PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient and all, but doesn't work.
If anyone can help it would be great. By the way this Sudoku game was purchased and I am trying to convert it to a mutliPlayer game
Since the master is usually the first one in a room so also the first one getting Start called I think what happens is that your other clients are simply not connected yet when the RPC is called.
Further it might also happen (actually pretty likely) that Start is called before the RPC has the chance to be received.
I would rather actually wait until you have the value and do
void Start()
PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
if (PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient)
PV.RPC(name of(RPC_PuzzleIndex), RpcTarget.AllBuffered, Random.Range(0, 300));
void RPC_PuzzleIndex(int puzzleIndexNUmber)
puzzleIndex = puzzleIndexNUmber;
gameManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GameManager)) as GameManager;
This way
the RpcTarget.AllBuffered makes sure that also clients joining later will receive the call
there is no way you start a game without receiving the random value first

Unity OnMatchList inaccesible due to its protection level

I have seen that there are more answers to similar questions, but none of these helped me. I hope you can.
I have a Unity2D shooter game and I try to make a menu for UNET. I watched a youtube tutorial from Brackeys to make the menu ( and when he runs the project it shows me the error: "error CS0122: 'UnityEngine.Networking.Match.ListMatchResponse' is inaccessible due to its protection level. I found out that this might happen when you access for example a private variable from another function, but I access a function from Unity and I can not modify its type (I believe). Any ideas? Thank you.
public void OnMatchList(bool success, string extendedInfo, ListMatchResponse matchList)
status.text = "";
if (matchList == null)
status.text = "Couldn't get room list.";
foreach(MatchDesc match in matchList.matches)
GameObject _roomListItemGO = Instantiate(roomListItemPrefab);
// Have a component sit on the gameobject
// that will take care of setting up the name / amount of users.
// as well as setting up a callback function that will join the game.
'MatchDesc' has been renamed to 'MatchInfoSnapshot'.
Just replace it and it should work fine.

Photon Unity3d: OnPhotonSerializeView() doesn't work

I'm working in a car game with multiplayer.
All works fine, master and clients are connected to the room fine. (I have been using Marco Polo tutorial)
The problem is when I see other cars moving in the screen, the position updates by teleporting the cars. Appears and disappears all the time.
Part of my code:
PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene = false;
public class CNPlayerManager : Photon.MonoBehaviour
void FixedUpdate()
if (photonView.isMine)
//it works fine
transform.position= Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, this.correctPosition, Time.deltaTime * 5);
transform.rotation= Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, this.correctRotation, Time.deltaTime * 5);
public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
if (stream.isWriting)
this.correctPosition = (Vector3)stream.ReceiveNext(); //Line 100
this.correctRotation = (Quaternion)stream.ReceiveNext(); //Line 101
My PhotonView in my car prefab is like this:
but in my Photon Version I have more options. In Owner I have "set at runtime" and "Fixed". And in "Observed components" I have 2 components, my car prefab and the script CNPlayerManager.
When I playing with 2 cars, In the first car I sometimes get this error: "IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. PhotonStream.ReceiveNext ()..." In the line 100.
In the second car I get the same.
Could you help me please?
what do you mean when you say that you "observe the car prefab"? I think it is enough to just observe the CNPlayerManager script in this case since it handles the position and rotation synchronization.
However I would like to recommend you taking a look at the scripts the PUN package already contains, especially the PhotonTransformView script. This one does what you want to achieve and also provides some synchronization options you can check and see which one fits your needs best.
Please let us know if you still run into problems.

How to save the amount of lives when the player dies and then uses one life?

Hi I'm struggling with this issue.I searched a lot before asking here.
So i have programmed an arcade game which when it dies it pops up a menu with a continue option using one life out of five.Like Subway Surfers with the keys.
The issue is that when i use one heart i want to save it.But everytime i restart the game it keeps saying the initial number which is five.Or without using a life,it by itself,subtracts by one without even clicking the "Save me" button.
Here is my code:
public Text heart;
public Text heart2;
public int counter;
void Start () {
heart.text = "" + counter;
heart2.text = "" +counter;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
public void SaveMe()
heart.text = counter.ToString();
heart2.text = counter.ToString();
int heartScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0);
heartScore = counter;
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Life2", heartScore);
heart.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
heart2.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Life2", 0).ToString();
Then i call this method in the button script.
You should need to save life counter in a file or PlayerPrefs in unity so that loading a scene doesn't effect the counters.
Stores and accesses player preferences between game sessions.
When Unity loads a new scene (if not in an additive way) it will destroy everything that belongs to it before loading the new one. If you don't want a GameObject to be destroyed automatically, read the instructions for DontDestroyOnLoad
Also consider generally to separate your game model (in this occasion the variable counter) to a different Component and use scriptable objects for managing it/them. It will make your life easier in the long run.

How to avoid Thread.sleep() in a for loop from interrupting the UI Thread?

I have the following pseudo code to clarify my problem and a solution. My original posting and detailed results are on Stack Overflow at: Wait() & Sleep() Not Working As Thought.
public class PixelArtSlideShow { // called with click of Menu item.
create List<File> of each selected pixelArtFile
for (File pixelArtFile : List<File>) {
call displayFiles(pixelArtFile);
TimeUnits.SECONDS.sleep(5); }
public static void displayFiles(File pixelArtFile) {
for (loop array rows)
for (loop array columns)
read-in sRGB for each pixel - Circle Object
// when above code is used to Open a pixelArtFile, it will appear instantly in a 32 x 64 array
PROBLEM: As detailed extensively on the other post. Each pixelArtFile will display the setTitle() correctly and pause for about 5 secs but the Circle’s will not change to the assigned color except for the last file, after the 5 secs have passed. It's like all the code in the TimeUnits.SECONDS.sleep(5); are skipped EXCEPT the window.setTitle(...)?
My understanding is the TimeUnits.SECONDS.sleep(5); interrupts the UI Thread uncontrollable and I guess must somehow be isolated to allow the displayFiles(File pixelArtFile) to fully execute.
Could you please show me the most straight forward way to solve this problem using the pseudo code for a more completed solution?
I have tried Runnables, Platform.runLater(), FutureTask<Void>, etc. and I'm pretty confused as to how they are meant to work and exactly coded.
I also have the two UI windows posted on the web at: Virtual Art. I think the pixelArtFile shown in the Pixel Array window may clarify the problem.
Don't sleep the UI thread. A Timeline will probably do what you want.
List<File> files;
int curFileIdx = 0;
// prereq, files have been appropriately populated.
public void runAnimation() {
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(
new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(5), event -> {
if (!files.isEmpty()) {
curFileIdx = (curFileIdx + 1) % files.size();
// prereq, files have been appropriately populated.
public void displayFile(int idx) {
File fileToDisplay = files.get(idx);
// do your display logic.
Note, in addition to the above, you probably want to run a separate task to read the file data into memory, and just have a List<ModelData> where ModelData is some class for data you have read from a file. That way you wouldn't be continuously running IO in your animation loop. For a five second per frame animation, it probably doesn't matter much. But, for a more frequent animation, such optimizations are very important.