I made query:
gwmi Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | Where-Object {$_.ipaddress -like "*192.168.3*"} | Select-Object -Property SettingID | Format-Wide
As a result, I get for example:
How to copy the string {CD4FCC20-30E3-4E2E-8F8A-556833287B3C} to an existing file in piece "\Device\" between \ and "
$adapter = gwmi Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | Where-Object {$_.ipaddress -like "192.168.3"} | Select-Object -expandProperty SettingID
$path = "c:\ProgramData\Triangle MicroWorks\IEC 61850 Suite\Hammer\Hammer_Clients.cnfg"
$word = "{}"
$replacement = "$adapter"
$text = get-content $path
$newText = $text -replace $word,$replacement
$newText > $path
I need to generate a csv containing running services to csv with the corresponding computer name
I know there is a simple way to do this and I have been tinkering with creating a new psobject, but I am not sure how to pipe the results to the new-object...
Here is what I am using:
$Input = "SomePath"
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "$Input"
ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
What I need in the CSV is:
ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
basically, I need to add the computer name to the array.
If you want to be able to pipe the results, use a foreach-object.
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
Get-Content -Path "SomePath" | ForEach-Object {
Get-Service -ComputerName $_ | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
} | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
If you want to stick to a foreach statement, collect it all first then export it.
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "SomePath"
$results = ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName
$results | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
Try like this (Don't use $Input as variable name)
$InputX = "SomePath"
$Output = "SomeOtherPath"
$CompNames = Get-Content -Path "$Input"
ForEach ($CompName in $CompNames){
Get-Service -ComputerName $CompName | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Select-Object ComputerName, ServiceName, DisplayName | Export-csv -Path "$Output"
I have those two scripts
$Path = 'C:\Users\akouyoumjian\Desktop\Report4.csv'
Get-ADUser -Filter {enabled -eq $true} -Properties LastLogonTimeStamp |
Select-Object Name,#{Name="Stamp"; Expression={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd_hh:mm:ss')}} | Export-Csv -Path $Path –notypeinformation
and this one:
Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -like "windows 7") -and (Enabled -eq "True")} -Properties OperatingSystem | Sort Name | select -Unique OperatingSystem
I would like to merge those into one file
would this answer found here work: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27893253/10542366
This will append all the files together reading them one at a time:
get-childItem "YOUR_DIRECTORY\*.txt"
| foreach {[System.IO.File]::AppendAllText
("YOUR_DESTINATION_FILE", [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName))}
This one will place a new line at the end of each file entry if you need it:
get-childItem "YOUR_DIRECTORY\*.txt" | foreach
[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($_.FullName) + [System.Environment]::NewLine)}
Skipping the first line:
$getFirstLine = $true
get-childItem "YOUR_DIRECTORY\*.txt" | foreach {
$filePath = $_
$lines = $lines = Get-Content $filePath
$linesToWrite = switch($getFirstLine) {
$true {$lines}
$false {$lines | Select -Skip 1}
$getFirstLine = $false
Add-Content "YOUR_DESTINATION_FILE" $linesToWrite
Usually $Plist would be an array but for example we take just one directory.
My problem is I can't use the $ids var. Somehow I cant read out the data and can't bypass it to:
Get-ADGroup -Identity $id -Properties member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty member
I need the usernames per directory with their group names.
Like : Path GroupName UserList
Can someone help? Maybe tweak my code or make something similar :)
$plist = "\\Server\Share"
$FList = foreach($dir in $Plist)
Resolve-Path -Path $dir
Get-Acl -Path $dir -Filter Access | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -like "Domain\*"} | Select-Object IdentityReference
Get-Item $dir | select FullName
$Flist | ft FullName, IdentityReference
$identity = $Flist.IdentityReference | out-string
$ids = foreach($ident in $identity)
$ident = $ident.Replace("Domain\","")
foreach($id in $ids)
Get-ADGroup -Identity $id -Properties member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty member
Do not use ft (Format-Table) or Out-String on values that you may ned later in your script.
$ids = foreach($ident in $Flist.IdentityReference){
You could also strip the domain prefix from all the user names in one go with the -replace operator:
foreach($id in $flist.IdentityReference.Value -replace 'Domain\\')
Get-ADGroup $id -Properties member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty member
The Final Script is this, for people who might need something similar. So you can read out the effective permissions and show the group member of permission granted groups.
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$Path = "\\Server\Share\Logs\"
$Log = $Path + "Effective_Permissions" + ".log"
$PPath = Read-Host "Enter Path to scan"
$plist = Get-Childitem -Path $PPath -Recurse | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | Select-Object FullName
foreach($Dir in $PList)
$Dir = $Dir -replace "#{FullName=", "" -replace "}"
Resolve-Path -Path $Dir
Write-Output "`n" | Out-File $log -append
Write-Output "#######################################################################" | Out-File $Log -append
Get-Item $Dir | select FullName | Out-File $Log -append
$AclList = Get-Acl -Path $Dir -Filter Access | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -like "Domain\*"} | Select-Object IdentityReference
Get-Acl -Path $dir -Filter Access | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -like "Domain\*"} | Out-File $Log -append
foreach($Id in $AclList.IdentityReference.Value -replace 'Domain\\')
$ADGroup = Get-ADGroup $Id -Properties member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty member
Write-Output "`n" | Out-File $Log -append
Write-Output "Member of $Id `n
---------------------------------" | Out-File $Log -append
foreach ($Object in $ADGroup)
$Group = Get-ADUser -filter * -SearchBase "$Object"
if($Group -ne $null)
$GrName = $Group.Name
Write-Output "$GrName" | Out-File $Log -append
Clear-Variable Object, Group, ADGroup, ACLList, GRName, Id
I am very close to what I am looking for, I have all of the correct data and it is just not formatting correctly. Currently it is all in one column, and what I would like is for the headers to be in a row, and then each entry to be in its own row as well. Here is my current code:
$servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like 'f****p*'" | Sort-Object | Select -ExpandProperty Name
$servers | foreach {
$server = $_
$serverIP = Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
$serverIPString = $serverIP.IPAddresstoString
$scope = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server
$options = Get-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ComputerName $server
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{
ServerName = $server
ServerIP = $serverIPString
ScopeName = $scope.Name | Out-String
StartIP = $scope.StartRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
EndIP = $scope.EndRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
SubnetMask = $scope.SubnetMask.IPAddressToString | Out-String
Duration = $scope.LeaseDuration.Days | Out-String
OptionName = $options.Name | Out-String
OptionID = $options.OptionID | Out-String
OptionValue = $options.Value | Out-String
} | Select-Object ServerName, ServerIP, ScopeName, StartIP, EndIP, SubnetMask, Duration, OptionName, OptionID, OptionValue | Out-File C:\temp\FPScopes.csv
Currently the output looks like this example (using Duration and Options as an example, as it has the most generic data to share):
What I am looking for would be to have each object type as a column header, and have the entries in a separate row underneath the header:
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you! :)
My final code, after help from this forum:
Add-Content -Value "ServerName,ServerIP,ScopeName,StartRange,EndRange,SubnetMask,Duration,OptionName,OptionID,Value" -Path c:\temp\POSScopes.csv
Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like 'p****p01' -or Name -like 'p****p02' -or Name -like 'q****001' -or Name -like 'q****002'} | Sort-Object | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File C:\Temp\POSServers.txt
$servers = Get-Content C:\Temp\POSServers.txt
$servers | foreach {
$server = $_
$serverIP = Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
$serverIPString = $serverIP.IPAddresstoString
$scope = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server
$options = Get-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ComputerName $server
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{
ServerName = $server
ServerIP = $serverIPString
ScopeName = $scope.Name | Out-String
StartIP = $scope.StartRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
EndIP = $scope.EndRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
SubnetMask = $scope.SubnetMask.IPAddressToString | Out-String
Duration = $scope.LeaseDuration.Days | Out-String
OptionName = $options.Name | Out-String
OptionID = $options.OptionID | Out-String
OptionValue = $options.Value | Out-String
for ($i = ($Options.Count -1); $i -gt -1; $i--) {
Add-Content -Value "$($server),$($serverIPString),$($scope.Name),$($scope.StartRange.IPAddressToString),$($scope.EndRange.IPAddressToString),$($scope.SubnetMask.IPAddressToString),$($scope.LeaseDuration.Days),$($options[$i].Name),$($options[$i].OptionID),$($Options[$i].Value)" -Path C:\temp\POSScopes.csv
Add-Content -Value "ServerName,ServerIP,ScopeName,StartRange,EndRange,SubnetMask,Duration,OptionName,OptionID,Value" -Path c:\temp\POSScopes.csv
Get-ADComputer -Filter {Name -like 'p****p01' -or Name -like 'p****p02' -or Name -like 'q****001' -or Name -like 'q****002'} | Sort-Object | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File C:\Temp\POSServers.txt
$servers = Get-Content C:\Temp\POSServers.txt
$servers | foreach {
$server = $_
$serverIP = Test-Connection -ComputerName $server -Count 1 | Select -ExpandProperty IPV4Address
$serverIPString = $serverIP.IPAddresstoString
$scope = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server
$options = Get-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ComputerName $server
New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{
ServerName = $server
ServerIP = $serverIPString
ScopeName = $scope.Name | Out-String
StartIP = $scope.StartRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
EndIP = $scope.EndRange.IPAddressToString | Out-String
SubnetMask = $scope.SubnetMask.IPAddressToString | Out-String
Duration = $scope.LeaseDuration.Days | Out-String
OptionName = $options.Name | Out-String
OptionID = $options.OptionID | Out-String
OptionValue = $options.Value | Out-String
for ($i = ($Options.Count -1); $i -gt -1; $i--) {
Add-Content -Value "$($server),$($serverIPString),$($scope.Name),$($scope.StartRange.IPAddressToString),$($scope.EndRange.IPAddressToString),$($scope.SubnetMask.IPAddressToString),$($scope.LeaseDuration.Days),$($options[$i].Name),$($options[$i].OptionID),$($Options[$i].Value)" -Path C:\temp\POSScopes.csv
I have a script containing a function Create-RebootData containing child functions such as Full and Full has a child function named Generate-RebootData where the output variable $Global:result is created.
Within Full there are multiple Where-Object two statements to filter the $Global:result into by date and time. Example below.
Is there an easier method to accomplish this instead of the multiple Where-Object statements?
The desired result are
Set-StrictMode -Version 1.0
Function Create-RebootData{
Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){
}#end switch
Function Full{
$Global:result | Where-Object {$_ -like '*fri?2:00*' -and $_.MaintenanceWindow `
-notmatch 'all.da.servers' -and $_.Server -match "^ITD"} | % {"{0}" -f $_.Server} | `
Out-File D:\Scripts\Full-Servers.txt -Append
$Global:result | Where-Object {$_ -like '*fri?2:00*' -and $_.MaintenanceWindow `
-notmatch 'all.da.servers' -and $_.Server -match "^ITD"} | `
% {"{0}" -f $_.MaintenanceWindow -replace `
"^NA.+", "$((get-date).AddDays(1).ToString('MM-dd-yy')) 01:50"} | `
Out-File D:\Scripts\Full-Times.txt -Append
Function Generate-RebootData{
IF(Get-Command Get-SCOMAlert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){}ELSE{Import-Module OperationsManager}
"Get Pend reboot servers from prod"
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName Server01
$AlertData = Get-SCOMAlert -Criteria "MyString" | Select NetbiosComputerName
New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName Server02
$AlertData += Get-SCOMAlert -Criteria "MyString" | Select NetbiosComputerName
"Remove duplicates"
$AlertDataNoDupe = $AlertData | Sort NetbiosComputerName -Unique
"Create hash table"
$table = #{}
"Populate hash table"
$MaintenanceWindow = Import-Csv D:\Scripts\MaintenanceWindow2.csv
$MaintenanceWindow | ForEach-Object {$table[$_.Computername] = $_.'Collection Name'}
"Create final object"
$Global:result = #{}
"Begin Loop"
$Global:result = $AlertDataNoDupe | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject] #{
MaintenanceWindow= if($table.ContainsKey($_.NetbiosComputerName)){
}Else { "Not Found!"}
PingCheck=IF(Test-Connection -Count 1 $_.NetbiosComputerName -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){"Alive"}
LastReboot=Try{$operatingSystem = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $_.NetbiosComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
Catch{"Access Denied!"}
} }
You can do it like this:
$Global:result | Where-Object {
$_ -like '*fri?2:00*' -and
$_.MaintenanceWindow -notmatch 'all.da.servers' -and
$_.Server -match '^ITD'
} | ForEach-Object {
'{0}' -f $_.Server | Out-File D:\Scripts\Full-Servers.txt -Append
'{0}' -f $_.MaintenanceWindow -replace '^NA.+',
'{0} 01:50' -f (Get-Date).AddDays(1).ToString('MM-dd-yy') | Out-File D:\Scripts\Full-Times.txt -Append
But I agree with Mathias' comment, this function probably should be refactored.