Save axes in GUI as image MATLAB - matlab

I know there are a lot of answers regarding this issue but I didn’t found any one that help me..
I have a GUI in MATLAB with 2 axes and I want to save separately each axes as .jpeg or any other format.
Any way I have tried – I got either image that including all the GUI or cut figure.
Any idea how can I get 2 good images?

You could loop through all of the axes and call getframe to get just that axes. You can then save the cdata using imwrite.
% Get a list of all axes in the figure
allax = findall(gcf, 'type', 'axes');
for k = 1:numel(allax)
% Get the axes as an image
fr = getframe(allax(k));
% Save the image
imwrite(fr.cdata, sprintf('%d.png'));
If you already have axes handles you can just use those directly
fr = getframe(axes2);
imwrite(fr.cdata, 'axes2.png')
fr = getframe(axes1);
imwrite(fr.cdata, 'axes1.png')
If you want to include the X and Y axes labels, you could do something like
function axes2image(ax, filename)
hfig = ancestor(ax, 'figure');
rect = hgconvertunits(hfig, get(ax, 'OuterPosition'), ...
get(ax, 'Units'), 'pixels', get(ax, 'Parent'));
fr = getframe(hfig, rect);
imwrite(fr.cdata, filename);
axes2image(axes2, 'axes2.png')
axes2image(axes1, 'axes1.png')


Labeling plots such that label is aligned with the ylabel outside the axes

Please see the following code which creates a 2 by 2 subplot with some plots:
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y = sin(x);
hfig = figure('Position',[1317 474 760 729]);
in each one, I have added labels by hand in Tools: Edit plot (a) (b) (c) (d) producing this figure:
The problem is, if I resize the plot they are no longer aligned with the ylabel text:
Is there a way to add these labels programmatically and have them automatically align to the ylabel text? I am surprised MATLAB does not have something like this built in already.
This is not something that is easy to do without attaching a listener to the figure resize event (see example), and doing some computations related to aspect ratios.
It's not entirely clear what sort of objects your labels are (text or annotation), so I'll just show how to do this programmatically using the text command, which creates labels in axes coordinates (as opposed to figure coordinates). This doesn't solve the problem entirely, but it looks better, possibly to an acceptable degree:
function q56624258
x = linspace(0,2*pi);
y = sin(x);
hF = figure('Position',[-1500 174 760 729]);
%% Create plots
[hAx,hYL] = deal(gobjects(4,1));
for ind1 = 1:3
hAx(ind1) = subplot(2,2,ind1, 'Parent' , hF);
plot(hAx(ind1), x,y.^ind1);
hYL(ind1) = ylabel("plot" + ind1);
hAx(4) = subplot(2,2,4);
plot(hAx(4), x,abs(y));
hYL(4) = ylabel('plot4');
%% Add texts (in data coordinates; x-position is copied from the y-label)
for ind1 = 1:4
text(hAx(ind1), hYL(ind1).Position(1), 1.1, ['(' char('a'+ind1-1) ')'], ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
Note several modifications to your code:
The handles returned by some functions that create graphical elements are now stored (mainly: hAx, hYL).
All functions that create graphical elements (subplot, plot, ylabel) now have the target (i.e. parent or container) specified.
I changed the 'Position' of the figure so that it works in my setup (you might want to change it back).

Saving image of specific area of GUI in matlab

I have devloped a GUI which browses mat files and draw plots in matlab now I want to save these plots as images using a save button in my GUI
I did the coding of save callback function as
[file,path]=uiputfile({'*.bmp','BMP'},'Save Image As');
imwrite(x,fullfile(path, file),'bmp');
But this code gives me just the graph without its axis labelled.
Someone suggested me to use explore_fig but i am unable to use it for my purpose
If I want to save specific area of my GUI as an image what code should I use
As you have noticed, using getframe it grabs solely the contents of the axes and no more. In order to get the axes labeled, you can take advantage of the TightInset property of the axes to find the bounding rectangle of the axes. The TightInset is the margin that is added to the axes Position to make room for labels.
Also, you can take advantage of the second input to getframe which specifies the rect (in pixels) to grab. You can compute this using hgconvertunits (undocumented).
% Position INCLUDING labels/ticks
position = get(hax, 'Position');
inset = get(hax, 'TightInset');
outerpos = [position(1:2) - inset(1:2), position(3:4) + inset(3:4)];
% Ensure that the units are PIXELS
rect = hgconvertunits(hfig, outerpos, get(hax1, 'Units'), 'pixels', hfig);
% Grab only the specified rectangle from the figure
im = getframe(hfig, rect);
If we do this on some sample data
% Load Sample Data
load mri
img = squeeze(D(:,:,12));
% Display axes in middle of figure
hfig = figure();
hax = axes('Position', [0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5]);
axis image;
The original looks like this
And the result of getframe with a rect is

Getting video from image sequence of figures with subplots in MATLAB

I have a sequence of MATLAB figures which I want to convert to a video. The figures are composed of 2 subplots, such that each subplot contains an imshow with 2 different plots (red and green) overlayed on it, like the following:
How do I get an image of all the data contained inside each figure, so that next I can convert the sequence of images to a video with VideoWriter?
The key is:
im = frame2im(getframe(h));
Where h is the handle to your plot or axis
You can also pass an optional argument 'rect' to getframe to specify the area to capture.
Here is an example from the MathWorks on how to use getframe in a loop to record the frames. For more information type doc getframe
Z = peaks;
axis tight manual
ax = gca;
ax.NextPlot = 'replaceChildren';
loops = 40;
F(loops) = struct('cdata',[],'colormap',[]);
for j = 1:loops
X = sin(j*pi/10)*Z;
F(j) = getframe(gcf);
% Play back the movie two times.
fig = figure;

Include axes labels when saving plot from MATLAB GUI

I have written the following code to try and retrieve ONLY the axes and its plot from my MATLAB GUI.
F = getframe(gca);
I noticed, however, that this method does not include ANY of my axis labels or title. Is there any way which I can get the getframe function to include the axis labels and title?
I tried the following code but it did exactly the same
pl = plot(x,y);
ftmp = figure;
atmp = axes;
I would do it using the rect option of the getframe function.
Basically you can provide a 2nd input argument to getframe, which then captures the content of the rectangle specified as argument. The nice thing is that you can use the handles to an axes, so it does not capture your whole GUI figure but rather a specific axes.
For example, using this line:
F = getframe(gca,RectanglePosition);
Concretely, you could set the coordinates of the rectangle such that they span both axis labels and the title as well. Here is a sample code. The pushbutton callback executes getframe and opens a new figure with the content of F.cdata:
function GUI_GetFrame
close all
%// Create GUI components
hFigure = figure('Position',[100 100 500 500],'Units','Pixels');
handles.axes1 = axes('Units','Pixels','Position',[60,90,400,300]);
handles.Button = uicontrol('Style','Push','Position',[200 470 60 20],'String','Get frame','Callback',#(s,e) GetFrameCallback);
%// Just create a dummy plot to illustrate
handles.Period = 2*pi;
handles.Frequency = 1/handles.Period;
handles.x = 0:pi/10:2*pi;
handles.y = rand(1)*sin(handles.Period.*handles.x);
title('This is a nice title','FontSize',18);
guidata(hFigure,handles); %// Save handles structure of GUI.
function GetFrameCallback(~,~)
handles = guidata(hFigure);
%// Get the position of the axes you are interested in. The 3rd and
%// 4th coordinates are useful (width and height).
AxesPos = get(handles.axes1,'Position');
%// Call getframe with a custom rectangle size.You might need to change this.
F = getframe(gca,[-30 -30 AxesPos(3)+50 AxesPos(4)+80]);
%// Just to display the result
The GUI looks like this:
And once I press the pushbutton, this is the figure that pops up:
So the only trouble you have is to figure out the dimensions of the rectangle you need to select to capture the axis labels and the title.
Hope that solves your problem!

Matlab save individual subplot as jpg

In a for loop, I create a variable number of subplots that are displayed on a single figure. Can I also save each subplot as a separate, full size plot and image file (preferably JPG)?
Use copyobj to a new figure and then use saveas with the new figure handle:
Example code that YOU should have provided (see SSCCE):
nLines = 2;
nColumns = 3;
handles = zeros(nLines,nColumns)
for line = 1:nLines
for column = 1:nColumns
plot([line column]);
title(sprintf('Cool title (%d,%d)',line,column))
ylabel(sprintf('Ylabel yeah (%d,%d)',line,column))
xlabel(sprintf('Xlabel nah (%d,%d)',line,column))
Here I have the subplot handles saved, but supposing you don't have them saved:
axesH = findobj(gcf,'Type','axes','-not','Tag','legend'); % This will change the order from which the axes will be saved. If you need to save in the correct order, you will need access to the subplot handles
nAxes = numel(axesH)
newFig = figure;
for k=1:nAxes
% Expand subplot to occupy the hole figure:
set(newAxes,'OuterPosition',[0 0 1 1]);
set(newAxes,'Position',[tightInset(1:2) [1 1]-(tightInset(3:4)+tightInset(1:2))])
Example of one axes saved:
To remove the deadspace I used information available on this topic.
Say you have the handle to the subfigure's axis, ha, you can use getframe and frame2im as follows,
F = getframe(ha);
[im,map] = frame2im(F);
if isempty(map)
Note that this will save the axis exactly how it appears on your screen, so resize the figure to your liking before saving. To use as much figure real estate as possible, tryout the subfigure_tight function on MATLAB Central.