Magento 2 how to get best selling products - magento2

In magento 2 how can i get best selling products in block ?
And how can we find online visitor in Magento 2
Thanks in advance

Check Below URL for Best Selling Products:
Best way to display bestseller products
For online customer You have to login in Magento Backend And follow the Below Steps
Customer -> Now Online

I solved it.
Go to Report->Bestsellers then click on statistics link and then select "Refresh Lifetime Statistics" -> submit.


Redirect to register if Guest checkout is disabled Magento 2

From admin (sales/checkout) I set up the option Allow Guest Checkout to no.
When (after I added a product in cart) I click on place order now, the message: Guest checkout is disabled Magento 2 is displayed.
I want to redirect to register page.
Can you please help me?
Thank you.
Steps to achieve this:
Go to Magento Admin -> Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration and set Require Emails Confirmation to yes (you will see a pop-up with login/register form).

How to add Customer Group Selector in Registration form in Magento 2.3?

I'm a Newbie in Magento 2. I am working in magento 2.3. My client wants me to add customer group selector field in registration form. I would like to develop a plugin for that. Please give me some ideas to do it.
Since you are new on Magento i guess you also don't have the skills to create an extension to add customers group on the registration page.
Magento 2 Community edition does not have this functionality that is only available on Enterprise edition.
My suggestion for you is to use an existing customer attributes extension available on the market.
Good luck!

What is the best solution in Kentico where only one product/service to sell with fixed price

I am trying to understand Kentico and need one help. I have one product (or service) with fixed price. This is what I want: Customer browse home page => click buy button => they will be redirected to form to fill more details (ex:personal detail like name, age, email) => redirect to payment page => Then to PayPal on click of Pay now. Once customer paid, they will be given access to browse different page.
What is best solution for Payment logic here. Do I need to consider any e-commerce feature of Kentico or ignore e-commerce and go with PayPal Buy button is the best? I am also thinking how to keep track of the payment detail if I use PayPay buy button.
PayPal is the only allowed payment type.
Please let me know if you have any inputs.
IMHO you will spend more time and effort attempting to setup that checkout process that you want vs. setting yo the e-commerce solution within Kentico. You can install the Dancing Goat e-commerce site and essentially copy all of the checkout process they have there and get what you're looking for simply by configuring the solution.
It sounds like e-commerce membership is what you're after to me; it allows you to restrict access to various pieces of content on your site to paid-up 'members' only. e-products might work, but I think from your description that membership us what you're after.
There are some fairly straightforward steps to setting this up:
Create the content on your site that will be for 'members'
Create a role that will be used to control access to your content
Create a membership group
Create a new product representing your membership
As Brenden says, you can save a lot of time using the dancing goat checkout if you're new to Kentico.
Also, check out configuring PayPal in Kentico. I've not used it for a while personally, but it is built-in.

Magento 2 downloadable product does not appear in my downloadable products when in grouped product

When i create grouped product in magento 2 with simple product and downloadable product (book and ebook) after making purchase link to download product is not showing up in My Downloadable Product.
Even after checking tables downloadable_link_purchased and downloadable_link_purchased_item tables there aren't any entries in they are empty.
You can reproduce this error on magento 2
This bug has been logged with magento:
Is anyone able to let me know how i can debug this. How the checkout works in magento, just need some one to point me in the right direction.

Paypal One Page Store MVC download file

I need to create a very simple store to sell an excel 2013 Add in with paypal paiment system.
When the payment is OK, the user is allowed to download file.
Is it possible ?
Sure , i'ts possible ! for security reason i suggest you to avoid a simple redirect to the download page after the payment.
There are some services called "auto buy" try to check it out on google!