Import-csv Target cell on Csv - powershell

I have a csv with a list of usernames
I want to import just one cell of the csv file e.g. A2
Is it possible to be that specific? I have tried googling for this but don't see an exact solution. Tried powershell help also.
Can this be done ?

The below example will select and output only 'cell' A2 from test.csv
In this example, the column header for row A is 'username'
$inFile = Import-Csv c:\Temp\test.csv
$targetCell = $inFile.username[1]
Write-Output $targetCell
This snippet is doing the following:
Import the csv file, yielding a PowerShell object.
Select the column you want to work with, the items from that column can be treated as an array. Select the desired item in that column by referring to it's zero based index value.
Output the results.

Import-CSV creates an array of objects from the input file. The column labels in the first row of the CSV become the property names. The other rows are objects in the array. Like any array you can call one element using brackets.
$arrUsers = Import-CSV c:\temp\users.csv
The second command, above, prints the second object, since counting starts with 0. This object came from the third line of the CSV file, since the first was used as column headers.
If you use Get-Member, it will show you the members (properties and methods) of an object.
$arrUsers | Get-Member
Assuming one of the members is username, combine this with array indexing, you can use:
Import-CSV is a very flexible tool. Especially combined with Foreach and Export-CSV. Between Get-Help and Get-Member, you can explore Powershell with ease. Good luck.

When you use Import-Csv you convert the content into a PSCustomObject.
Examples on the following table:
PS> $csv = Import-Csv .\test.csv
PS> $csv
ProcessName Id WS CPU
----------- -- -- ---
sihost 5996 30015488 44.640625
pia_nw 11064 10620928 52.921875
pia_nw 2344 7933952 104.0625
RuntimeBroker 6500 77500416 177.34375
SettingSyncHost 6736 5074944 202.796875
explorer 6600 284934144 272.140625
ipoint 920 3162112 372.78125
rubyw 10648 18026496 389.46875
pia_nw 3108 31330304 1640.5625
OneDrive 10208 33206272 6422.4375
So you will need a NoteProperty name to call a value you're looking for.
PS> $csv.ProcessName[0]
Another way is to make a header array and use that to slice the data.
If working with a an object:
PS> $header = ($csv | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInfo)[0] -replace '"' -split ",";
PS> $header
Or if working with the file:
PS> $header = (gc .\test.csv)[0] -replace '"' -split ',';
Then just use the appropriate index:
PS> $csv[0]."$($header[0])"
Finally there is the Excel.Application ComObject method on an xlsx file. This will let you select cell's and ranges.
PS> $file = "C:\Some\Path\IMade\Up\test.xlsx"
PS> $objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
PS> $objExcel.Visible = $false
PS> $wb = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($file)
PS> $ws = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)
PS> $ws.Range("A2").Text
More info on using the ComObjects can be found here:
Application Object (Excel)


Powershell: Import-csv, rename all headers

In our company there are many users and many applications with restricted access and database with evidence of those accessess. I don´t have access to that database, but what I do have is automatically generated (once a day) csv file with all accessess of all my users. I want them to have a chance to check their access situation so i am writing a simple powershell script for this purpose.
I can do:
import-csv foo.csv | where {$_.user -eq $user}
But this will show me original ugly headres (with "_dat" suffix). Can I delete last four characters from every header which ends with "_dat", when i can´t predict how many headers will be there tomorrow?
I am aware of calculated property like:
Select-Object #{ expression={$_.database1_dat}; label='database1' }
but i have to know all column names for that, as far as I know.
Am I convicted to "overingeneer" it by separate function and build whole "calculated property expression" from scratch dynamically or is there a simple way i am missing?
Thanks :-)
Assuming that file foo.csv fits into memory as a whole, the following solution performs well:
If you need a memory-throttled - but invariably much slower - solution, see Santiago Squarzon's helpful answer or the alternative approach in the bottom section.
$headerRow, $dataRows = (Get-Content -Raw foo.csv) -split '\r?\n', 2
# You can pipe the result to `where {$_.user -eq $user}`
ConvertFrom-Csv ($headerRow -replace '_dat(?=;|$)'), $dataRows -Delimiter ';'
Get-Content -Raw reads the entire file into memory, which is much faster than reading it line by line (the default).
-split '\r?\n', 2 splits the resulting multi-line string into two: the header line and all remaining lines.
Regex \r?\n matches a newline (both a CRLF (\r\n) and a LF-only newline (\n))
, 2 limits the number of tokens to return to 2, meaning that splitting stops once the 1st token (the header row) has been found, and the remainder of the input string (comprising all data rows) is returned as-is as the last token.
Note the $null as the first target variable in the multi-assignment, which is used to discard the empty token that results from the separator regex matching at the very start of the string.
$headerRow -replace '_dat(?=;|$)'
-replace '_dat(?=;|$)' uses a regex to remove any _dat column-name suffixes (followed by a ; or the end of the string); if substring _dat only ever occurs as a name suffix (not also inside names), you can simplify to -replace '_dat'
ConvertFrom-Csv directly accepts arrays of strings, so the cleaned-up header row and the string with all data rows can be passed as-is.
Alternative solution: algorithmic renaming of an object's properties:
Note: This solution is slow, but may be an option if you only extract a few objects from the CSV file.
As you note in the question, use of Select-Object with calculated properties is not an option in your case, because you neither know the column names nor their number in advance.
However, you can use a ForEach-Object command in which you use .psobject.Properties, an intrinsic member, for reflection on the input objects:
Import-Csv -Delimiter ';' foo.csv | where { $_.user -eq $user } | ForEach-Object {
# Initialize an aux. ordered hashtable to store the renamed
# property name-value pairs.
$renamedProperties = [ordered] #{}
# Process all properties of the input object and
# add them with cleaned-up names to the hashtable.
foreach ($prop in $_.psobject.Properties) {
$renamedProperties[($prop.Name -replace '_dat(?=.|$)')] = $prop.Value
# Convert the aux. hashtable to a custom object and output it.
[pscustomobject] $renamedProperties
You can do something like this:
$textInfo = (Get-Culture).TextInfo
$headers = (Get-Content .\test.csv | Select-Object -First 1).Split(';') |
ForEach-Object {
$textInfo.ToTitleCase($_) -replace '_dat'
$user = 'peter'
Get-Content .\test.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 |
ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter ';' -Header $headers |
Where-Object User -EQ $user
User Database1 Database2 Database3
---- --------- --------- ---------
peter 1 0 1
Not super efficient but does the trick.

Method "split" not found in [Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]

in my script I want to read a csv-file into an array and split the text in the first column.
The file consists a table with 2 columns. In the first column there are the personal names with the short Usernames in brackets. In the second column are the position of the user.
Hoch,Susane (HOCH05)
Albrecht, Melanie (ALBRE05)
I read the first column in an array and want to split every char after the first "(". So the I have got "Hoch, Susanne" instead of "Hoch, Susane (HOCH05)".
I get the following error message:
[Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] contains no method with the name "Split".
The type of the variable "$value is:
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True False PSCustomObject System.Object
I can´t find my misstake.
Here is my code:
$Arrayusername_ads_unique = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$AD_User = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$AD_User_table = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$username_AD = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Arrayusername_ads_unique = Get-Content -Path "C:\temp\Userabgleich\Liste-original\User_ADS-utf8.csv"
$Arrayusername_ads_unique | Out-File C:\temp\Userabgleich\output-temp\User_ADS-utf8.csv -Append -Encoding utf8
$AD_User = Import-CSV 'C:\temp\Userabgleich\output-temp\User_ADS-utf8.csv' -Delimiter ";" | sort User
$AD_User_table = $AD_User | Select-Object User
foreach ($value in $AD_User_table)
$username_AD = $value.Split("(")
You can modify your foreach loop to achieve the results:
foreach ($value in $AD_User_table)
($value.user -split "\(")[0]
I am splitting on the .user property of $value to retrieve the value you are after in string format. By default, $value is going to be a [PSCustomObject] with a property called User. I am retrieving index 0 ([0]) because your -split match will consume a line of output whether or not you choose to keep the output.
If you are only looping to retrieve this particular result, you can accomplish this without a loop using regex substitution and named captures:
$ad_user_table.user -replace "(?<Name>.*?)\(.*",'${Name}'
since you did not provide a proper CSV to test against, i made a guess at what it would look like. [grin]
what it does ...
uses the .Split() method to split on the (
takes the 1st result of that split
trims away any leading/trailing whitespace
sends the result to the $Names collection
displays the content of that collection
here's the code ...
# fake reading in a CSV file
# in real life, use Import-CSV
$InStuff = #'
"Hoch,Susane (HOCH05)","Managment"
"Albrecht, Melanie (ALBRE05)","Salesoffice"
'# | ConvertFrom-Csv
$Names = foreach ($IS_Item in $InStuff)
output ...
Albrecht, Melanie

Adding columns and manipulating existing column values in csv file using powershell

I have a lot of csv files with values arranged like so:
I find it very tedious processing these with excel, so I want to setup a batch script to process these files such that they appear like this:
#where N is a specified value like 65536
I have only recently started using powershell for image processing (really simple scripts) and file name appending, so I am not certain how to go about this. A lot of the scripts I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row. I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
My bonus question is something I have yet to find a good answer to at all, and is the most tedious part of processing. Using excels sort function, I usually change the order of the Yn values in Col2 such that they are sorted in the exported csv like so:
Using the Col3 values as the sorting order (largest to smallest), then I delete this column so that the final saved csv only contains the first two columns (crucial step). Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for the long-winded-ness of this question.
I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row.
The -Header parameter of Import-Csv is for adding column headers when the file does not contain them. It takes an array of strings, of however many columns there are.
I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
If you couldn't use -Header, you could read the lines with Get-Content into memory, add a header in memory, and then use ConvertFrom-CSV all in one script.
That said, if I'm reading it rightly, you want:
No headers in the input file, and I imagine no headers in the output file
The whole point of adding the third column and sorting and removing it is just to reverse the lines?
The only column you keep is column 1?
I wouldn't use Import-Csv for this, it won't make it much nicer.
$n = 65536
# Read lines into a list, and reverse it
$lines = [Collections.Generic.List[String]](Get-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\test.csv')
# Split each line into two, create a new line with X and N-Y
# write new lines to an output file
$lines | ForEach-Object {
$x, $y = $_.split(',')
"$x,$($n - [int]$y)"
} | Set-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -Encoding Ascii
If you do want to use CSV handling, then:
$n = 65536
$counter = 1
Import-Csv -LiteralPath 'C:\test\test.csv' -Header 'ColX', 'ColY' |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'ColN-Y' -Value {$n - $_.ColY} -PassThru |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'N' -Value {$script:counter++} -PassThru |
Sort-Object -Property 'N' -Descending |
Select-Object -Property 'ColX', 'ColN-Y' |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
But the output will have CSV headers and double-quoted values.
I would try something like, by extending the original table with a calculatable script-property as a new column:
#Your N number
$N = 65536
# Import CSV file without header columns
$table = Import-Csv -Header #("colX","colY") `
-Delimiter ',' `
-Path './numbers.csv'
Write-Host "Original table"
$table | Format-Table
# Manipulate table
$newtable = $table |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name colNX -Value { $N-$this.colX } - PassThru
Write-Host "New table"
$newtable | Format-Table

In Powershell -- Export object to textfile in custom format

Since, i am a beginner, i 've no much hands-on to the powershell programming.Although
i had a script developed to insert data from an array to the csv file as follows:
#Following is the array
$InventoryReport = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property #{
ComputerName = "1myComputerName"
DomainName = "2myComputerDomain"
Manufacturer = "3myComputerManufacturer"
#Now to export the data to csv, i am using following:
$InventoryReport |Select-Object -Property ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer | Export-Csv -Path "c:\abc.csv" -NoTypeInformation -ErrorAction Stop
#This works fine
and the output of above is :
Now, i don't want this , i want the ouput to appear in columnar fashion i.e.
What code changes should be done to achieve this. ?
Either you want CSV, which you already have, or you want a custom txt-file. If you want the latter, try this:
$comp = gwmi win32_computersystem
"# | Out-File test.txt
sample of test.txt output below. I've got a non-domain, custom built pc, so don't worry about the values.
"Manufacturer","System manufacturer"
EDIT I suggest you learn what CSV is. Remember that CSV is not a fileformat, it's a formatting-style used in a normal textfile. The .csv extension is just cosmetic to let people know that the textfile uses the csv-style. Check out Wikipedia and Technet
In the CSV file, each object is represented by a comma-separated list
of the property values of the object. The property values are
converted to strings (by using the ToString() method of the object),
so they are generally represented by the name of the property value.
Export-CSV does not export the methods of the object.
The format of an exported file is as follows:
-- The first line of the CSV file contains the string '#TYPE ' followed by the fully qualified name of the object, such as #TYPE
System.Diagnostics.Process. To suppress this line, use the
NoTypeInformation parameter.
-- The next line of the CSV file represents the column headers. It contains a comma-separated list of the names of all the properties of
the first object.
-- Additional lines of the file consist of comma-separated lists of the property values of each object.
You could try something like this:
$InventoryReport | Format-List ComputerName, DomainName, Manufacturer `
| Out-String -Stream `
| ? { $_ -ne '' } `
| % { $_ -replace '\s+:\s+', '","' -replace '(^|$)', '"' }

powershell filter csv

Looking for help on best practice as I am Powershell newbie,
I have a csv file and I would like to filter out every row in the csv except for the rows containing "Not Installed"
I would then like to filter those results against a separate csv files housing a list of computers and also exclude any rows containing a match.
Any help or starting points would be appreciated !
For the first part, you can use Select-String -Notmatch ... e.g.:
$file = "data.csv"
$csv = Get-Content $file
$csv | Select-String -Notmatch 'Not Installed' | Out-File $file -Enc ascii
If your CSV file happens to be Unicode, then remove the "-Enc ascii" part since the default for Out-File is Unicode. As for the second part of your question, you're going to need to be bit more specific. However, you should look at the help on Import-Csv and Export-Csv:
man Import-Csv -full
man Export-Csv -full
get-help *csv*
get-help import-csv -examples
example csv file called test.txt
not installed,2,3
Import the file into a powershell variable and filter it.
$p = Import-CSV .\test.txt
$p | Where { $_.header1 -eq 'installed'}
Came across this question when trying to work out how to do the same thing myself.
What I came up with as a solution was as follows:
$Filtered = $Table|Select-String -Pattern $ExcludeStrings -NotMatch -SimpleMatch
$FilteredArray = #()
$Filtered.Line | foreach {$split = $_ -split ';';
$tidied = $split -replace '#|{|}|^ ';
$obj = New-Object System.Object
$tidied|foreach {$obj|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ($_.split('=')[0]) -Value ($_.split('=')[1])
$FilteredArray += $obj
The first line is just showing me filtering the array that I got via Import-CSV to get only the results I wanted.
Unfortunately, this leaves me with a MatchInfo array, with each array being in the following format:
#{Column1=Value1; Column2=Value2; Column3=Value3;}
This does not export back out to CSV nicely at all, as is.
So, I opted to create a new output array ($FilteredArray).
I then piped the Line property of the matchinfo array from Select-String into a foreach loop, and for each line, I split it on the semi-colon, then I remove the #{} chars and any leading spaces.
I then create a new System.Object, then pipe the tidied output into another foreach loop, creating new NotePropertys in the obj, naming them from the current line in the tidied output up to the = character, and the value being the remaining text after the = character.
What I end up with is:
PS C:\Users\Graham> $obj
Column1 : Value1
Column2 : Value2
Column3 : Value3
And the filtered array looks like:
PS C:\Users\Graham> $FilteredArray[0..3]|Format-table
Column1 Column2 Column2
------- ------- -------
Value1 Value2 Value3
Value1 Value2 Value3
Value1 Value2 Value3