How to create our own TAG in AIML? - chatbot

bot in Python for which I need to create custom tag in AIML. I have created some basic skeleton but I need to work for advancement.


Scala-Play: How to dynamically generate a view?

For a Web Service framework I am currently working on I'd like to add the possibility to test the generic Json services based on their metadata. It should be possible to dynamically build a view to let users test available Web Services. Is there a provision or some supported way to generate views dynamically in Play? if not and supposing that I simply make a template and generate it on the fly, how can this view be injected into the application at runtime?
I will be happy to see documentation/examples/pointers that could help develop such solution ...
I am assuming that you want to create a scala.html and use it on somewhere by taking the html created, is that?
If you create a scala template myView.scala.html then on MyController you can call views.html.myView.render().body(); Then you would have the html created by the template.
Template Documentation

how to create my own sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ObjectPage

I'm trying to make my own Object Page for Smart template using UI5.
I tried using extensions, but it injects my custom view to existing objectpage,
but i want to add my own custom object page.
using smart template for sap.suite.ui.generic.template.ListReport.
The help states that you can completely replace the object page with your own by specifying your own custom component. You would then be free to code it up however you like.
See here:

Jenkins - Add custom webpage to Jenkins

Management has given me a task to add a link(ex. under "People" link) and display a table w/ data from a DB(MongoDB). The user will be then able to insert/update the table and have it saved to the DB.
Using HTML/CSS/JS I am capable to doing it but I don't know how to modify jenkins to do so. I've looked for plugins like "Simple Theme" but from what I saw it only updates CSS and JS of Jenkins UI. I'm new to Jenkins and really have not idea where to start.
Any suggestions?
To customize a jenkins plugin of your own is a graceful solution but complicated for someone who is new to jenkins.
create a new jenkins-plugin project and need to be familiar with java/maven before.
create a java subclass which implements hudson.model.RootAction.
create index.jelly which display the table data from the DB and need to learn jelly before.

Adding attributes to cq5 form using FormsHelper

I'm trying to add an attribute to the form tag of a cq5 form. I noticed that the output is generated using
FormsHelper.startForm(slingRequest, new JspSlingHttpServletResponseWrapper(pageContext));
I was curious how I can either:
alter the request so that the formHelper prints the form w/ the attributes I need
Hook into the actual print out to include the attributes I need.
Any help or direction would be good.
I've already checkout out the javadoc for formshelper, done some searching via goolgle, and including the doc on developing forms.
thank you
API doesn't allow you to add any attributes to this tag. You can only specify desired CSS classes adding css property to the form component. Of course, you can also create component sling filter and response wrapper to rewrite created form, but it seems to be an overkill. I think better solution is using JS to add attributes client-side.

Joomla chronoform insert into existing content

I dont know much about joomla but I have a problem.
I started reading for the chromoform and it is a very nice pugin.
I created a form which I can see in the form manager and also I can view in the url.
but I want ot integrate it to an existing content.
I have a content which contains text, photos etc..
The content is editable with tinymce plugin.
And I want to integrate this form also.
One way to integrate would be to copy the html code and paste in the conent but then if I change the form component the changes would not be also in the conent.
is there a way to include the created form in the content?
Or which is the best one?
Anybody any idea?
If you also have the chrono plugin installed & published, you can add a form into content (such as an article) using the following syntax:
This allows you to place the form anywhere within the article - you can preface the form with content (such as a heading) ....
You probably want to use the Chronocontact module (mod_chronocontact), which is provided with ChronoForms. This allows you to insert any ChronoForms form into any module location. The Joomla 1.5 download for this module is here.
Then you just need to define a module location in your template, and create a mod_chronocontact module in that location, with your forms name set up. You'll find having a couple of module locations defined immediately before and after your main content in the template is normally handy, like so:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="beforecontent"/>
<jdoc:include type="component" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="aftercontent"/>