Run PowerShell script in Vagrant - powershell

I use this command to run script in Vagrant via PowerShell
vagrant.exe powershell -c "SchTasks /Create /TN 'InstallTask' /SC ONCE /ST 23:59 /IT /RL HIGHEST /TR 'powershell -Command c:/vagrant/I_O.ps1' /F | Out-Host; SchTasks /Run /TN 'InstallTask' | Out-Host;"
But it works only if I start it manually from PowerShell ISE and as a separate command.
I want to use it inside this script block
# Run Vagrant
vagrant up
# Run PowerShell in Vagrant
vagrant.exe powershell -c "Set-Location C:\vagrant"
#Set policy to Unrestricted
vagrant.exe powershell -c "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force"
# Install Chocolatey
vagrant.exe powershell -c "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"
# Turn off confirmation in Chocolatey
vagrant.exe powershell -c "chocolatey feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation"
# Install .net 3.5
vagrant.exe powershell -c "choco install dotnet3.5 -force"
# Run O installation script
vagrant.exe powershell -c "SchTasks /Create /TN 'InstallTask' /SC ONCE /ST 23:59 /IT /RL HIGHEST /TR 'powershell -Command c:/vagrant/I_O.ps1' /F | Out-Host; SchTasks /Run /TN 'InstallTask' | Out-Host;"


Running a local powershell script for all users using schtasks

Normally I use GPO to run scripts for all my users but I want to push out a powershell script and if certain conditions are not met, then it will create a schedule task for all users on that computer to run a local powershell script. (Needs to run with admin privs)
I am sure the solution is very simple but I just cannot get it to work.
I have tried all of the following including setting executionpolicy to unrestricted and moving where I am storing the script locally.
schtasks /create /f /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tn "MYTASK" /tr "powershell -file C:\ProgramData\script.ps1 -executionpolicy bypass" /sc onlogon
schtasks /create /f /tn "My Task Name" /ru Administrator /sc onlogon /tr "powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\ProgramData\script.ps1"
I have also tried a .cmd file and .bat file with the following in them and calling them with the schtasks above:
powershell.exe -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\ProgramData\script.ps1
schtasks /create /f /tn "My Task Name" /ru Administrator /sc onlogon /tr "C:\ProgramData\script.bat"
Any help is appreciated.

Schedule Task with schtasks

I created a script that creates a scheduled task GPUpdate /Force to be executed from a Windows server machine to a Windows 10 machine "Beta" but the script is not executed and an error shows up:
starttime is not valid
Below you will find my script:
schtasks /Create /S Client.Admin.6NLG-AD /U Admin.6NLG-AD\Beta /P ******** /SC MINUTE /MO 1 /TN Update /TR "GPUpdate /Force" /ST defaults

Access Certificate Store from LocalService Account

Is there any way to access and view the certificate store of the LocalService account?
I would like to add and delete certificates. (Using Windows Server 2008 R2)
I tried:
runas /user:"NT AUTHORITY\LocalService" mmc.exe
schtasks /create /sc once /st 09:36 /f /tr mmc.exe /tn taskname /ru LOCALSERVICE
schtasks /run /TN "taskname"
Without luck :(
Someone here suggested using PsExec for running commands with a service account.
Run psexec as administrator:
psexec -i -u "nt authority\local service" cmd.exe
In the new command window run:
I do not know if this will solve you problem, it is just a suggestion...

Powershell schedule task using schtasks.exe returns error success is not recognized

I am trying to schedule another powershell script using schtasks.exe using following command:
$Command = cmd /c "$Env:WinDir/system32/schtasks.exe /create /s $ComputerName /tn $TaskName /tr $TaskRun /sc $Schedule /d $Days /st $StartTime /RU system"
Invoke-Expression $Command
It schedules the task on remote servers but throws an error:
"The term 'SUCCESS:' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
It does successfully schedule the job at correct times but throws this error.
Does anyone know how to resolve this error?
The error is displayed because when you create your $command variable, your setting it's value to the RESULT of the expression, which is SUCCESS. The command is done running before your execute Invoke-Expression. Because of that, Invoke-Expression is actually running the result (SUCCESS) as it's scriptblock, and you get an error. Proof:
PS > $command = whoami
PS > $command
PS > $command = 'whoami'
PS > $command
You can either just call the command directly as you do when you create your $command variable, or you can save the expression(cmd /c ...) as a string and then invoke it. Ex:
$Command = 'cmd /c "$Env:WinDir/system32/schtasks.exe /create /s $ComputerName /tn $TaskName /tr $TaskRun /sc $Schedule /d $Days /st $StartTime /RU system"'
Invoke-Expression $Command

Windows schedules task creation issue with powershell

I'm trying to script windows scheduled task creation with powershell, where the schedules tasks call powershell scripts that are in a directory that contains a space. So i need to create with a /tr argument like powershell.exe -noninteractive -command "& 'c:\temp\program files\a.ps1'"
Here is a sample of what i have tried
# Create the script file the schedule task will call, note path contains a space
'set-content c:\temp\program files\a.log "Just done # $(get-date)"' > 'c:\temp\program files\a.ps1'
$scriptFilePath = 'c:\temp\program files\a.ps1';
$userName = read-host 'user name'; # will need log on as batch rights
$userPassword = read-host 'user password';
# The following looks good but schtasks args gets messed up so no creation
$taskToRun = "c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noninteractive -command `"& '$scriptFilePath'`"";
schtasks /create /tn 'ATest' /ru $userName /rp $userPassword /sc MINUTE /mo 1 /st '00:00' /f /tr $taskToRun;
# Gets imported but mangles the tr so instead of
$taskToRun = 'c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noninteractive -command \"& ''' + $scriptFilePath + '''\"';
schtasks /create /tn 'ATest' /ru $userName /rp $userPassword /sc MINUTE /mo 1 /st '00:00' /f /tr $taskToRun;
If anyone knows how to escape correctly, i would appreciate a hint
Thanks in advance
I'd trade the -command option for -file:
$taskToRun = "c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noninteractive -file ""$scriptFilePath"""
Also, the PowershellPack has a TaskScheduler module that's makes task scheduling much easier:
[UPDATE] Thanks
Perfect, just needed to escape with a single quote rather than double quote
$taskToRun = "c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noninteractive -file '$scriptFilePath'";