Spark executor max memory limit - scala

Am wondering if there is any size limit to Spark executor memory ?
Considering the case of running a badass job doing collect, unions, count, etc.
Just a bit of context, let's say I have these resources (2 machines)
Cores: 40 cores, Total = 80 cores
Memory: 156G, Total = 312
What's the recommendation, bigger vs smaller executors ?

The suggestion by Spark development team is to not have an executor that is more than 64GB or so (often mentioned in training videos by Databricks). The idea is that a larger JVM will have a larger Heap that can result in really slow garbage collection cycles.
I think is a good practice to have your executors 32GB or even 24GB or 16GB. So instead of having one large one you have 2-4 smaller ones.
It will perhaps have some more coordination overhead, but I think these should be ok for the vast majority of applications.
If you have not read this post, please do.


NVMe SSD's bandwidth decreases when increasing the number of I/O queues

As far as I have learned from all the relevant articles about NVMe SSDs, one of NVMe SSDs' benefits is multiple queues. Leveraging multiple NVMe I/O queues, NVMe bandwidth can be greatly utilized.
However, what I have found from my own experiment does not agree with that.
I want to do parallel 4k-granularity sequential reads from an NVMe SSD. I'm using Samsung 970 EVO Plus 250GB. I used FIO to benchmark the SSD. The command I used is:
fio --size=1000m --directory=/home/xxx/fio_test/ --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --name=4kseqread --bs=4k --iodepth=64 --rw=read --numjobs 1/2/4 --group_reporting
And below is what I got testing 1/2/4 parallel sequential reads:
numjobs=1: 1008.7MB/s
numjobs=2: 927 MB/s
numjobs=4: 580 MB/s
Even if will not increasing bandwidth, I expect increasing I/O queues would at least keep the same bandwidth as the single-queue performance. The bandwidth decrease is a little bit counter-intuitive. What are the possible reasons for the decrease?
Thank you.
I would like to highlight 3 reasons why you may see the issue:
Effective Queue Depth is too high,
Capacity under the test is limited to 1GB only,
Drive Precondition
First, parameter --iodepth=X is specified per Job. It means in your last experiment (--iodepth=64 and --numjobs=4) effective Queue Depth is 4x64=256. This may be too high for your Drive. Based on the vendor specification of your 250GB Drive, 4KB Random Read should show 250 KIOPS (1GB/s) for the Queue Depth of 32. By this Vendor is stating that QD32 is quite optimal for your Drive operation in order to reach best performance. If we start to increase QD, then commands will start aggregating and waiting in the Submission Queue. It does not improve performance. Vice Versa it will start to eat system resources (CPU, memory) and will degrade the throughput.
Second, limiting capacity under test to such a small range (1GB) can cause lot of collisions inside SSD. It is the situation when Reads will hit the same Media Physical Read Unit (aka Die aka LUN). In such situation new Reads will have to wait for previous one to complete. Increase of the testing capacity to entire Drive or at least to 50-100GB should minimize the collisions.
Third, in order to get performance numbers as per specification, Drive needs to be preconditioned accordingly. For the case of measuring Sequential and Random Reads it is better to use Full Drive Sequential Precondition. Command bellow will perform 128KB Sequential Write at QD32 to the Entire Drive Capacity.
fio --size=100% --ioengine=libaio --direct=1 --name=128KB_SEQ_WRITE_QD32 --bs=128k --iodepth=4 --rw=write --numjobs=8

What is the maximum memory per worker that MATLAB can address?

Short version: Is there a maximum amount of RAM / worker, that MATLAB can address?
Long version: My wife uses MATLAB's parallel processing capabilities in data-heavy spatial analyses (I don't really understand it, I just know how to build computers that make her work quicker) and I would like to build a new computer so she can radically reduce her process times.
I am leaning toward something in the 10-16 core range, since prices on such processors seem to be dropping with each generation and I would like to use 128 GB of RAM, because 'why not' if you can stomach the cost and see some meaningful time savings?
The number of cores I shoot for will depend on the maximum amount of RAM that MATLAB can address for each worker (if such a limit exists). The computer I built for similar work in 2013 has 4 physical cores (Intel i7-3770k) and 32 GB RAM (which she maxed out), and whatever I build next, I would like to have at least the same memory/core. With 128 GB of RAM a given, 10 cores would be 12.8 GB/core, 12 cores would be ~10.5 GB/core and 16 cores would be 8 GB/core. I am inclined to maximize cores rather than memory, but since she doesn't know what will benefit her processes the most, I would like to know how realistic those three options are. As for your next question, she has an nVidia GPU capable of parallel processing, but she believes her processes would not benefit from its CUDA cores.
Thank you for your insights. Many, many Google searches did not yield an answer.

What are the advantages of increasing the partition size and decreasing partitions number in spark?

I have 1 master and 3 slaves(4 cores each)
By Default the min partition size in my spark cluster is 32MB and my file size is 41 Gb.
So i am trying to reduce the number of partitions by changing the minsize to 64Mb
sc.hadoopConfiguration.setLong("mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize", 64*1024*1024)
val data =sc.textFile("/home/ubuntu/BigDataSamples/Posts.xml",800)
data.partitions.size = 657
So what are the advantages of increasing the partition size and reducing the number of partitions.
Because when my partitions are around 1314 it took around 2-3min appx and even after reducing the partition count, it is still taking same amount of time.
The more partitions the more overhead, but to some extend it helps with performance as you can run all of them in parallel.
So, on one hand it makes sense to keep number of partitions equal to number of cores. On the other it might happen specific partition size lead to specific amount of garbage in the JVM, which might overhead the limit. In this case you'd like to increase number of partitions to reduce memory footprint of each of them.
It might also depend on the workflow. Consider groupByKey vs reduceByKey. In the latter case you can compute a lot locally and send just a little to remote node. Shuffles happen to be written to disk before being sent to remote, thus having more partitions might reduce performance.
It is also true that there is some overhead come along with each partition.
In case you'd like to share cluster with several people, then you might consider approach to take somewhat less number of partitions to process everything, so that all of the users would have some processing time.
Smth like this.

Degrading performance when increasing number of slaves [duplicate]

I am doing a simple scaling test on Spark using sort benchmark -- from 1 core, up to 8 cores. I notice that 8 cores is slower than 1 core.
//run spark using 1 core
spark-submit --master local[1] --class john.sort sort.jar data_800MB.txt data_800MB_output
//run spark using 8 cores
spark-submit --master local[8] --class john.sort sort.jar data_800MB.txt data_800MB_output
The input and output directories in each case, are in HDFS.
1 core: 80 secs
8 cores: 160 secs
I would expect 8 cores performance to have x amount of speedup.
Theoretical limitations
I assume you are familiar Amdahl's law but here is a quick reminder. Theoretical speedup is defined as followed :
where :
s - is the speedup of the parallel part.
p - is fraction of the program that can be parallelized.
In practice theoretical speedup is always limited by the part that cannot be parallelized and even if p is relatively high (0.95) the theoretical limit is quite low:
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Effectively this sets theoretical bound how fast you can get. You can expect that p will be relatively high in case embarrassingly parallel jobs but I wouldn't dream about anything close to 0.95 or higher. This is because
Spark is a high cost abstraction
Spark is designed to work on commodity hardware at the datacenter scale. It's core design is focused on making a whole system robust and immune to hardware failures. It is a great feature when you work with hundreds of nodes
and execute long running jobs but it is doesn't scale down very well.
Spark is not focused on parallel computing
In practice Spark and similar systems are focused on two problems:
Reducing overall IO latency by distributing IO operations between multiple nodes.
Increasing amount of available memory without increasing the cost per unit.
which are fundamental problems for large scale, data intensive systems.
Parallel processing is more a side effect of the particular solution than the main goal. Spark is distributed first, parallel second. The main point is to keep processing time constant with increasing amount of data by scaling out, not speeding up existing computations.
With modern coprocessors and GPGPUs you can achieve much higher parallelism on a single machine than a typical Spark cluster but it doesn't necessarily help in data intensive jobs due to IO and memory limitations. The problem is how to load data fast enough not how to process it.
Practical implications
Spark is not a replacement for multiprocessing or mulithreading on a single machine.
Increasing parallelism on a single machine is unlikely to bring any improvements and typically will decrease performance due to overhead of the components.
In this context:
Assuming that the class and jar are meaningful and it is indeed a sort it is just cheaper to read data (single partition in, single partition out) and sort in memory on a single partition than executing a whole Spark sorting machinery with shuffle files and data exchange.

Performance degrades, if number of threads is more than 2 on Xeon X5355

I have a strange problem but may not be that much strange to some of you.
I am writing an application using boost threads and using boost barriers to synchronize the threads. I have two machines to test the application.
Machine 1 is a core2 duo (T8300) cpu machine (windows XP professional - 4GB RAM) where I am getting following performance figures :
Number of threads :1 , TPS :21
Number of threads :2 , TPS :35 (66 % improvement)
further increase in number of threads decreases the TPS but that is understandable as the machine has only two cores.
Machine 2 is a 2 quad core ( Xeon X5355) cpu machine (windows 2003 server with 4GB RAM) and has 8 effective cores.
Number of threads :1 , TPS :21
Number of threads :2 , TPS :27 (28 % improvement)
Number of threads :4 , TPS :25
Number of threads :8 , TPS :24
As you can see, performance is degrading after 2 threads (though it has 8 cores). If the program has some bottle neck , then for 2 thread also it should have degraded.
Any idea? , Explanations ? , Does the OS has some role in performance ? - It seems like the Core2duo (2.4GHz) scales better than Xeon X5355 (2.66GHz) though it has better clock speed.
Thank you
The clock speed and the operating system doesn't have as much to do with it as the way your code is written. Things to check might include:
Are you actually spinning up more than two threads at one time?
Do you have unnecessary synchronization artifacts in your code?
Are you synchronizing your code at the appropriate places?
What is your shareable resource and how many of then are there? If each of your transactions is relying on a single section of code, native library, file, database, whatever, then it doesn't matter how many CPUs you've got.
One tool at your disposal when analyzing software bottlenecks is the simple thread dump. Taking a few dumps throughout the life of an execution of your software should expose bottlenecks in your software. You may be able to take that output and use it to reevaluate your code.
Adding more CPU's does not always equate to better performance, locking and contention can severely degrade performance. Factors to consider are:
Is your algorithm suited to parallelisation?
Any inherently sequential portions of code?
Can you partition work into coarse grained 'chunks'? Corase is usually better than fine grained...
Can you alter your code to use less locking?
Synchronisation overheads can often be reduced by ensuring chunks of work are similiar sized.
Based on experience it could be that the Intel policy is 2 threads or dual-process only on that processor, that only pthreads can be used with that version of operating system, that the two processors were designed to conform to different laws with different provisions or allows, that the own thread process is not allowed, that more than n threads are being backed-out by the processor and the processing of error messages reporting this is slowing down throughput of the two cores and may lead to deactivate of cores 3 and 4.