How to check if two [String: Any] are identical? - swift

Is there any way to check if two [String: Any] are identical ?
let actual: [[String: Any]] = [
["id": 12345, "name": "Rahul Katariya"],
["id": 12346, "name": "Aar Kay"]
var expected: [[String: Any]]!
if actual == expected {
Basically i want Dictionary to conform to Equatable protocol in Swift 3.

For Xcode 7.3, swift 2.2
A dictionary is of type : [String:AnyObject] or simply put NSDictionary
let actual: [String: AnyObject] = ["id": 12345, "name": "Rahul Katariya"]
var expected: [String: AnyObject] = ["id": 12346, "name": "Aar Kay"]
print(NSDictionary(dictionary: actual).isEqualToDictionary(expected))//False
For Xcode 8.beta 6, Swift 3
Dictionary is defined as:
struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value> : Collection, ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral
NSDictionary has the following convenience initializer:
convenience init(dictionary otherDictionary: [AnyHashable : Any])
So you can use AnyHashable type for Key and Any type for Value
let actual: [String: Any] = ["id": 12345, "name": "Rahul Katariya"]
var expected: [String: Any] = ["id": 12346, "name": "Aar Kay"]
print(NSDictionary(dictionary: actual).isEqual(to: expected))//False

Conformance to Equatable aside; for the exercise you could write your own isEqual function to compare two [T: Any] dictionaries for a subset of (Equatable) types that you know the value wrapped by Any is limited to. By attempted conversion to these types (e.g. in a switch statement, as below), you could compare the dictionary's values (for each given key) one by one after their conversion to these given types. E.g.
// Usable if the 'Any' values in your dict only wraps
// a few different types _that are known to you_.
// Return false also in case value cannot be successfully
// converted to some known type. This might yield a false negative.
extension Dictionary where Value: Any {
func isEqual(to otherDict: [Key: Any],
allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: Bool = false) -> Bool {
guard allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown &&
self.count == otherDict.count else { return false }
for (k1,v1) in self {
guard let v2 = otherDict[k1] else { return false }
switch (v1, v2) {
case (let v1 as Double, let v2 as Double) : if !(v1.isEqual(to: v2)) { return false }
case (let v1 as Int, let v2 as Int) : if !(v1==v2) { return false }
case (let v1 as String, let v2 as String): if !(v1==v2) { return false }
// ... fill in with types that are known to you to be
// wrapped by the 'Any' in the dictionaries
default: return false
return true
/* example setup */
var dict1: [String: Any] = ["id": 12345, "name": "Rahul Katariya", "weight": 70.7]
var dict2: [String: Any] = ["id": 12346, "name": "Aar Kay", "weight": 83.1]
/* example usage */
print(dict1.isEqual(to: dict2, allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: true))
// false
dict2["name"] = "Rahul Katariya"
dict2["weight"] = 70.7
print(dict1.isEqual(to: dict2, allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: true))
// false
dict2["id"] = 12345
print(dict1.isEqual(to: dict2, allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: true))
// true
class Foo {}
dict1["id"] = Foo()
dict2["id"] = Foo()
print(dict1.isEqual(to: dict2, allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: true))
// false! (we haven't implemented this attempted conversion!)
// incompatable keys cause error as expected an intended
let dict3: [Int: Any] = [1:2]
dict1.isEqual(to: dict3)
/* error: cannot convert value of type '[Int : Any]'
to expected argument type '[String : Any]' */
Just note the danger that the as conversion may yield a false positive (true) as it can allow mapping from two different types to a common other type, e.g. slicing away derived class differences when casting two derived class instances to their common parent type:
class Base: Equatable {}
func ==(lhs: Base, rhs: Base) -> Bool { return true }
class DerivedA : Base {
let foo = "foo"
class DerivedB : Base {
let bar = 4.2
let a = DerivedA()
let b = DerivedB()
switch (a, b) {
case (let a as Base, let b as Base): print(a == b)
default: ()
} // sliced by conversion! prints "true"
If you'd rather like a failed "known types conversion" to return nil (whereas successful conversions will always yield true/false, based on subsequent equality testing), you could extend the above to (the even messier)
// a 'nil' return here would correspond to an invalid call
extension Dictionary where Value: Any {
func isEqual(to otherDict: [Key: Any],
allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown: Bool = false) -> Bool? {
guard allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown else { return nil }
guard self.count == otherDict.count else { return false }
for (k1,v1) in self {
guard let v2 = otherDict[k1] else { return false }
switch (v1, v2) {
case (let v1 as Double, let v2 as Double) : if !(v1.isEqual(to: v2)) { return false }
case (let v1 as Int, let v2 as Int) : if !(v1==v2) { return false }
case (let v1 as String, let v2 as String): if !(v1==v2) { return false }
// ...
case (_ as Double, let v2): if !(v2 is Double) { return false }
case (_, _ as Double): return false
case (_ as Int, let v2): if !(v2 is Int) { return false }
case (_, _ as Int): return false
case (_ as String, let v2): if !(v2 is String) { return false }
case (_, _ as String): return false
default: return nil
return true
/* Example as per above will yield (printout):
nil */
Note however that the value by value equality testing above is short-circuited in case of a false hit, which mean that depending on the random order of the non-ordered dictionaries (non-ordered collection), a special case may return nil as well as false, given two non-equal dictionaries. This special case occurs for two dictionary of non-equal values (non-equality for a known type value-value pair) which also hold an value type not included in the attempted casting: if the non-equality of known types is hit first, false will be returned, whereas if a failed conversion is hit first, nil will be returned. Either way, a nil return means the call should be considered invalid, as caller stated that allPossibleValueTypesAreKnown was true (which a failed conversion implies is false).

The type Any is not Equatable in Swift, so any collection types including Any cannot be Equatable.
You can write something like this in Swift 3/Xcode 8 beta 6:
if actual as NSArray == expected as NSArray {
But, as importing id as Any is just introduced in beta 6, so this behaviour may change in the near future.

With Swift 5.5 you can easily cast it to NSDictionary, as it always succeeds:
XCTAssertEqual(actual as NSDictionary, expected as NSDictionary)


Swift Loop through [String: Any] and get difference to Struct or Class properties

I have a struct with several properties. How can I write a function that takes a dictionary of type [String: Any] and creates another dictionary of type [String: Any] that contains only keys and values where the input dictionary's value was different from the struct property value with the same name?
A struct:
struct MyStruct {
var a: Bool = false
var b: String = "random"
var c: Int = 2
Desired function call:
let myStruct = MyStruct()
let input: [String: Any] = ["b": "test", "c": 2]
let result: [String: Any] = myStruct.getDiff(input)
Desired result for the example input:
result = ["b": "test"]
Besides a struct, how would this be done for comparing the [String: Any] to a class?
The specific syntax you've provided is probably not possible. Packing things into a [String: Any] likely loses too much information to be recovered. But your overall goal is certainly possible.
The important piece is input. Rather than [String: Any], we're going to use an explicit type, ValueChange:
let input = [
ValueChange(key: "b", changedTo: "test"),
ValueChange(key: "c", changedTo: 2),
Creating a new type like this allows us to capture all the types, and enforce certain rules, particularly that the values are Equatable:
struct ValueChange {
init<Value: Equatable>(key: String, changedTo newValue: Value) {...}
I'll come back to ValueChange in a moment, but first I want to go back to how it'll be used. Since you want a .getDiff(...) syntax, it'll be best to create an extension using a protocol:
protocol DictionaryDiffComputing {}
extension DictionaryDiffComputing {
func getDiff(_ changes: [ValueChange]) -> [String: Any] {
changes.compactMap { $0.changedValue(self) })
The protocol has no requirements. It just exists to say "these types have the getDiff method." This method needs ValueChange to provide us a (String, Any) tuple if the value has changed.
This is where the problem gets interesting, I'll just show the answer and then discuss it.
struct ValueChange {
let changedValue: (_ object: Any) -> (String, Any)? // (key, newValue)
init<Value: Equatable>(key: String, changedTo newValue: Value) {
self.changedValue = { object in
// Get the old value as an Any using Mirror
guard let oldAnyValue: Any = Mirror(reflecting: object)
.first(where: { $0.label == key })?
else {
assertionFailure("Unknown key: \(key)")
return nil
// Make sure it's the correct type
guard let oldValue = oldAnyValue as? Value else {
assertionFailure("Bad type for values (\(oldAnyValue)). Expected: \(Value.self)")
return nil
// Compare the values
return newValue != oldValue ? (key, newValue) : nil
This uses Mirror to pull out the old value to compare as an Any type, then it converts it to the correct Value type. This is the power of the generic init. Since we know the type a compile time, we can capture it inside this closure, erasing that type from the outside world, but being able to work with it at runtime.
extension MyStruct: DictionaryDiffComputing {}
let myStruct = MyStruct()
myStruct.getDiff(input) // ["b": "test"]
What I really don't like about this answer is that it's very unsafe. Note the two calls to assertionFailure. There is nothing about ValueChange that ensures that the key exists or that the value is the correct type. If you change the name or type a property, your program will either crash or behave incorrectly, and there's nothing the compiler can do to help you.
You can make this a lot more type-safe and the code much simpler at the cost of a slightly more verbose calling syntax:
protocol DictionaryDiffComputing {}
struct ValueChange<Root> {
let changedValue: (_ object: Root) -> (String, Any)? // (key, newValue)
init<Value: Equatable>(key: String, keyPath: KeyPath<Root, Value>, changedTo newValue: Value) {
self.changedValue = { newValue != $0[keyPath: keyPath] ? (key, newValue) : nil }
extension DictionaryDiffComputing {
func getDiff(_ changes: [ValueChange<Self>]) -> [String: Any] {
changes.compactMap { $0.changedValue(self) })
let myStruct = MyStruct()
let input: [ValueChange<MyStruct>] = [
ValueChange(key: "b", keyPath: \.b, changedTo: "test"),
ValueChange(key: "c", keyPath: \.c, changedTo: 2),
If you use this approach, you know that the property exists on this type, and that the value is the correct type for that property. You also get some extra power, since you can use any key path you like starting at this root type. That means you can do things like:
ValueChange(key: "b_length", keyPath: \.b.count, changedTo: 4),
You could cleanup the requirement for key in ValueChange by adding some mapping dictionary of key path to key name (a static var protocol requirement for example), but I don't know of a way to generate this automatically, and I don't know any good way to convert a key path into an appropriate string.

Swift Generics, Constraints, and KeyPaths

I'm aware of the limitations of generics in Swift and why they exist so this is not a question about compiler errors. Rather, I occasionally run into situations that seem as though they should be possible with some combination of the resources available in (i.e. generics, associatedTypes/protocols, etc) but can't seem to work out a solution.
In this example, I'm trying to come up with a Swift replacement for NSSortDescriptor (just for fun). It works perfect when you only have one descriptor but, as is often done with the NS version, it would be nice to create an array of SortDescriptors to sort on multiple keys.
The other trial here is using Swift KeyPaths. Because those require a Value type and the comparison requires a Comparable value, I'm running into trouble figuring out where/how to define the types to satisfy everything.
Is this possible? Here is one of the closest solutions I've come up with, but, as you can see at the bottom, it falls short when building an array.
Again, I understand why this doesn't work as is, but am curious if there is a way to achieve the desired functionality.
struct Person {
let name : String
let age : Int
struct SortDescriptor<T, V:Comparable> {
let keyPath: KeyPath<T,V>
let ascending : Bool
init(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T,V>, ascending:Bool = true) {
self.keyPath = keyPath
self.ascending = ascending
func compare(obj:T, other:T) -> Bool {
let v1 = obj[keyPath: keyPath]
let v2 = other[keyPath: keyPath]
return ascending ? v1 < v2 : v2 < v1
let jim = Person(name: "Jim", age: 30)
let bob = Person(name: "Bob", age: 35)
let older = SortDescriptor(\Person.age).compare(obj: jim, other: bob) // true
// Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional
var descriptors = [SortDescriptor(\Person.age), SortDescriptor(\]
The problem here is that SortDescriptor is generic on both T and V, but you only want it to be generic on T. That is, you want a SortDescriptor<Person>, because you care that it compares Person. You don't want a SortDescriptor<Person, String>, because once it's created, you don't care that it's comparing on some String property of Person.
Probably the easiest way to “hide” the V is by using a closure to wrap the key path:
struct SortDescriptor<T> {
var ascending: Bool
var primitiveCompare: (T, T) -> Bool
init<V: Comparable>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, ascending: Bool = true) {
primitiveCompare = { $0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath] }
self.ascending = ascending
func compare(_ a: T, _ b: T) -> Bool {
return ascending ? primitiveCompare(a, b) : primitiveCompare(b, a)
var descriptors = [SortDescriptor(keyPath: \, SortDescriptor(keyPath: \.age)]
// Inferred type: [SortDescriptor<Person>]
After that, you may want a convenient way to use a sequence of SortDescriptor to compare to objects. For that, we'll need a protocol:
protocol Comparer {
associatedtype Compared
func compare(_ a: Compared, _ b: Compared) -> Bool
extension SortDescriptor: Comparer { }
And then we can extend Sequence with a compare method:
extension Sequence where Element: Comparer {
func compare(_ a: Element.Compared, _ b: Element.Compared) -> Bool {
for comparer in self {
if, b) { return true }
if, a) { return false }
return false
}, bob)
// false
If you're using a newer version of Swift with conditional conformances, you should be able to conditionally conform Sequence to Comparer by changing the first line of the extension to this:
extension Sequence: Comparer where Element: Comparer {
Expanding on #Rob Mayoff's answer, here's a full sorting solution
enum SortDescriptorComparison {
case equal
case greaterThan
case lessThan
struct SortDescriptor<T> {
private let compare: (T, T) -> SortDescriptorComparison
let ascending : Bool
init<V: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T,V>, ascending:Bool = true) { = {
let v1 = $0[keyPath: keyPath]
let v2 = $1[keyPath: keyPath]
if v1 == v2 {
return .equal
} else if v1 > v2 {
return .greaterThan
} else {
return .lessThan
self.ascending = ascending
func compare(v1:T, v2:T) -> SortDescriptorComparison {
return compare(v1, v2)
extension Array {
mutating func sort(sortDescriptor: SortDescriptor<Element>) {
self.sort(sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor])
mutating func sort(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor<Element>]) {
self.sort() {
for sortDescriptor in sortDescriptors {
switch $0, v2: $1) {
case .equal:
case .greaterThan:
return !sortDescriptor.ascending
case .lessThan:
return sortDescriptor.ascending
return false
extension Sequence {
func sorted(sortDescriptor: SortDescriptor<Element>) -> [Element] {
return self.sorted(sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor])
func sorted(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor<Element>]) -> [Element] {
return self.sorted() {
for sortDescriptor in sortDescriptors {
switch $0, v2: $1) {
case .equal:
case .greaterThan:
return !sortDescriptor.ascending
case .lessThan:
return sortDescriptor.ascending
return false
struct Person {
let name : String
let age : Int
let jim = Person(name: "Jim", age: 25)
let bob = Person(name: "Bob", age: 30)
let tim = Person(name: "Tim", age: 25)
let abe = Person(name: "Abe", age: 20)
let people = [tim, jim, bob, abe]
let sorted = people.sorted(sortDescriptors: [SortDescriptor(\Person.age), SortDescriptor(\])
print(sorted) //Abe, Jim, Time, Bob
Here's an almost purely functional solution:
// let's add some semantics
typealias SortDescriptor<T> = (T, T) -> Bool
// type constructor for SortDescriptor
func sortDescriptor<T, U: Comparable>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>, ascending: Bool) -> SortDescriptor<T> {
return { ascending == ($0[keyPath: keyPath] < $1[keyPath: keyPath]) }
// returns a function that can sort any two element of type T, based on
// the provided list of descriptors
func compare<T>(with descriptors: [SortDescriptor<T>]) -> (T, T) -> Bool {
func innerCompare(descriptors: ArraySlice<SortDescriptor<T>>, a: T, b: T) -> Bool {
guard let descriptor = descriptors.first else { return false }
if descriptor(a, b) { return true }
else if descriptor(b, a) { return false }
else { return innerCompare(descriptors: descriptors.dropFirst(1), a: a, b: b) }
return { a, b in innerCompare(descriptors: descriptors[0...], a: a, b: b) }
// back to imperative, extend Sequence to allow sorting with descriptors
extension Sequence {
func sorted(by descriptors: [SortDescriptor<Element>]) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: compare(with: descriptors))
It's based on small, reusable functions, like compare(), that can be easily reused in other scopes.
Usage example:
struct Person {
let name : String
let age : Int
let jim = Person(name: "Jim", age: 30)
let bob = Person(name: "Bob", age: 35)
let alice = Person(name: "Alice", age: 35)
let aly = Person(name: "Aly", age: 32)
let descriptors = [sortDescriptor(keyPath: \Person.age, ascending: false),
sortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: true)]
let persons = [jim, bob, alice, aly]
print(persons.sorted(by: descriptors))

How to check generic class type is array?

I want to check whether the generic class type is an Array:
func test<T>() -> Wrapper<T> {
let isArray = T.self is Array<Any>
But it warns
Cast from 'T.type' to unrelated type 'Array' always fails
How can I solve this problem?
added: I've uploaded my codes to Gist.
What I want to do is to parse json response according to it's an array of model or just one model.
As commentator #Holex says, you can use Any. Combine it with Mirror and you could, for example, do something like this:
func isItACollection(_ any: Any) -> [String : Any.Type]? {
let m = Mirror(reflecting: any)
switch m.displayStyle {
case .some(.collection):
print("Collection, \(m.children.count) elements \(m.subjectType)")
var types: [String: Any.Type] = [:]
for (_, t) in m.children {
types["\(type(of: t))"] = type(of: t)
return types
default: // Others are .Struct, .Class, .Enum
print("Not a collection")
return nil
func test(_ a: Any) -> String {
switch isItACollection(a) {
case .some(let X):
return "The argument is an array of \(X)"
return "The argument is not an array"
test([1, 2, 3]) // The argument is an array of ["Int": Swift.Int]
test([1, 2, "3"]) // The argument is an array of ["Int": Swift.Int, "String": Swift.String]
test(["1", "2", "3"]) // The argument is an array of ["String": Swift.String]
test(Set<String>()) // The argument is not an array
test([1: 2, 3: 4]) // The argument is not an array
test((1, 2, 3)) // The argument is not an array
test(3) // The argument is not an array
test("3") // The argument is not an array
test(NSObject()) // The argument is not an array
test(NSArray(array:[1, 2, 3])) // The argument is an array of ["_SwiftTypePreservingNSNumber": _SwiftTypePreservingNSNumber]
Try out define an array marker protocol. Refer to this answer.
protocol AnyTypeOfArray {}
extension Array: AnyTypeOfArray {}
extension NSArray: AnyTypeOfArray {}
func isArray<T>(type: T.Type) -> Bool {
return T.self is AnyTypeOfArray.Type
print(isArray(type: [String].self)) // true
print(isArray(type: String.self)) // false
You are not passing any argument, so there is no type and a generic function does not make sense. Either remove the generic type:
func() {}
or, if you want to pass an argument:
let array = ["test", "test"]
func test<T>(argument: T) {
let isArray = argument is Array<Any>
test(argument: array)
Prints: true

Given a Swift `Any` type can I determine if it's an `Optional`?

Given a value of type Any is it possible to check and see if it's an Optional or not?
This code doesn't work because instead of checking to see if it's optional or not it's trying to cast it, and it passes
let a: Any = "5"
switch a {
case let optional as Optional<Any>:
if case .some(let value) = optional {
print("wrapped value of `\(a)` is `\(value)`")
print("\(a) is not an optional")
Base on #dfri's solution
private func isOptional(input: Any) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: input)
let style = mirror.displayStyle
switch style {
case .some(.optional):
return true
return false
You can use runtime introspection using Mirror:
let foo: String? = "foo"
let bar: String = "bar"
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional fundamental native type: no displaystyle
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
} // prints nothing
Optional/non-optional example where the underlying type is user-defined (non native):
struct Foo {}
let foo: Foo? = Foo()
let bar: Foo = Foo()
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional non-fundamental type:
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // struct
If you don't want need to use the binded displayStyle variable (e.g. for printing) but simply want check whether the wrapped value is any kind of optional, you can add a boolean clause to the if statement that holds the optional binding of the displayStyle case,
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle,
displayStyle == .optional {
// is an optional ...
... or remove the binding entirely in favour of a single conditional expression using the nil coalescing operator (??)
if Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle ?? .class == .optional {
// is an optional
Note however that for all the methods above, this simply tells you as dev whether the type wrapped by the Any instance is optional or not: Swifts typing system still knows nothing of the sort.
let a: Any = "5"
let b: Any? = "5"
if type(of: a) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("a is optional")
} else {
print("a is not optional")
if type(of: b) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("b is optional")
} else {
print("b is not optional")
a is not optional
b is optional
another example ...
let a: Any = 5
let b: Any? = 5
let c: Any = "5"
let d: Any? = "5"
let arr: [Any] = [a,b as Any,c,d as Any]
arr.forEach { (x) in
print(type(of: x))

How do I compare two dictionaries in Swift?

Is there an easy way to compare two [String: AnyObject] dictionaries in swift, since it doesn't accept the == operator?
By comparing two dictionaries, I mean checking that they have the same exact keys and for every key they have the same values.
As already mentioned by Hot Licks you can use NSDictionary method isEqualToDictionary() to check if they are equal as follow:
let dic1: [String: AnyObject] = ["key1": 100, "key2": 200]
let dic2: [String: AnyObject] = ["key1": 100, "key2": 200]
let dic3: [String: AnyObject] = ["key1": 100, "key2": 250]
println( NSDictionary(dictionary: dic1).isEqualToDictionary(dic2) ) // true
println( NSDictionary(dictionary: dic1).isEqualToDictionary(dic3) ) // false
you can also implement a custom operator "==" as follow:
public func ==(lhs: [String: AnyObject], rhs: [String: AnyObject] ) -> Bool {
return NSDictionary(dictionary: lhs).isEqualToDictionary(rhs)
println(dic1 == dic2) // true
println(dic1 == dic3) // false
Xcode 9 • Swift 4
From the docs, dictionary is now defined as a struct:
struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value> : Collection, ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral
A collection whose elements are key-value pairs. A
dictionary is a type of hash table, providing fast access to the
entries it contains. Each entry in the table is identified using its
key, which is a hashable type such as a string or number. You use that
key to retrieve the corresponding value, which can be any object. In
other languages, similar data types are known as hashes or associated
arrays. Create a new dictionary by using a dictionary literal. A
dictionary literal is a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, in
which a colon separates each key from its associated value, surrounded
by square brackets. You can assign a dictionary literal to a variable
or constant or pass it to a function that expects a dictionary.
Here’s how you would create a dictionary of HTTP response codes and their related messages:
var responseMessages = [200: "OK",
403: "Access forbidden",
404: "File not found",
500: "Internal server error"]
The responseMessages variable is inferred to have type [Int: String].
The Key type of the dictionary is Int, and the Value type of the
dictionary is String.
To create a dictionary with no key-value pairs, use an empty dictionary literal ([:]).
var emptyDict: [String: String] = [:]
Any type that conforms to the Hashable protocol can be used as a dictionary’s Key type, including all of Swift’s basic types. You can use your own custom types as dictionary keys by making them conform to the Hashable protocol.
We don't need to define a custom operator anymore:
From the docs:
static func ==(lhs: [Key : Value], rhs: [Key : Value]) -> Bool
let dic1 = ["key1": 100, "key2": 200]
let dic2 = ["key1": 100, "key2": 200]
let dic3 = ["key1": 100, "key2": 250]
print(dic1 == dic2) // true
print(dic1 == dic3) // false
In the example above all dictionary keys and values are the same type.
If we try to compare two dictionaries of type [String: Any] Xcode will complain that Binary operator == cannot be applied to two [String: Any] operands.
let dic4: [String: Any] = ["key1": 100, "key2": "200"]
let dic5: [String: Any] = ["key1": 100, "key2": "200"]
let dic6: [String: Any] = ["key1": 100, "key2": Date()]
print(dic4 == dic5) // Binary operator == cannot be applied to two `[String: Any]` operands
But we can extend the == operator functionality implementing an infix operator, casting Swift Dictionary to NSDictionary and constraining the dictionary values to Hashable Protocol:
Xcode 11 • Swift 5.1
public func ==<K, L: Hashable, R: Hashable>(lhs: [K: L], rhs: [K: R] ) -> Bool {
(lhs as NSDictionary).isEqual(to: rhs)
let dic4: [String: AnyHashable] = ["key1": 100, "key2": "200"]
let dic5: [String: AnyHashable] = ["key1": 100, "key2": "200"]
let dic6: [String: AnyHashable] = ["key1": 100, "key2": Date()]
print(dic4 == dic5) // true
print(dic4 == dic6) // false
let dic7: [String: String] = [ "key2": "200"]
let dic8: [String: Date] = [ "key2": Date()]
print(dic7 == dic8) // false
Swift 4 Update:
Comparing Dictionaries is now native! (Docs here)
Swift 3:
Leo Dabus already has an excellently written post with the accepted solution. However, for me, I found that it needed one more step to be fully usable. As you can see from his code, you need to set your dictionary type to [AnyHashable: Any], or otherwise you'll get Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two '[String : Any]' operands, to use a dictionary common in deserializing JSON for my example.
Generics to the rescue!:
// Swift 3.0
func == <K, V>(left: [K:V], right: [K:V]) -> Bool {
return NSDictionary(dictionary: left).isEqual(to: right)
or in another case I had, with [String: Any?]:
func == <K, V>(left: [K:V?], right: [K:V?]) -> Bool {
guard let left = left as? [K: V], let right = right as? [K: V] else { return false }
return NSDictionary(dictionary: left).isEqual(to: right)
In Swift 2, when both Key and Value are Equatable, you can use == on the dictionary itself:
public func ==<Key : Equatable, Value : Equatable>(lhs: [Key : Value], rhs: [Key : Value]) -> Bool
And, NSObject is Equatable:
public func ==(lhs: NSObject, rhs: NSObject) -> Bool
In your case, if you are working with Obj-C objects that you want to compare using isEqual:, you can simply use NSObject as your value type (rather than AnyObject).
Without custom type in value of Dictionary, in Swift 2+ you can use the == operator to compare two Dictionary to check if they are equal or not.
But in some cases with custom types as the Dictionary's value (like struct), you must adopt Equatable in order for that custom type to use == operator.
// custom type
struct Custom: Equatable {
var value: Int
// MARK: adopting Equatable
func ==(lhs: Custom, rhs: Custom) -> Bool {
if lhs.value == rhs.value {
return true
} else {
return false
Now you can use the == operator to compare two dictionaries:
let dic3: [String: Custom] = ["key1": Custom(value:1), "key2": Custom(value:2)]
let dic4: [String: Custom] = ["key1": Custom(value:1), "key2": Custom(value:2)]
if (dic3 == dic4) {
} else {
print("not equal")