Get user list from Taleo Connect Client - taleo

We're using the Recruiting Taleo (14A) module and I was wanting to pull a list of external and internal users (login, email, internal/external, etc) from Taleo Connect Client (12A).
Does anyone know how to do this? Or where to pull the data from? Thanks

I believe the entity you are looking for is Candidate. Taleo Connect Client has a built in template for exporting candidates, which includes usernames and email addresses.
Open Taleo Connect Client and select File → New → New Export Wizard.
Click the Product dropdown and select your Taleo product version.
In the list of entities, select Candidate.
Under the Template section, select Create export from a template.
Click the Template dropdown and select Standard Candidate export (CSV-ENTITY).
Click Finish to create your new export.
Note: The candidate export template for Recruiting Taleo 14A appears to be based on Recruiting 10.0.1. This can be fixed either by creating an export without a template, or by changing productCode="PRO1001" to productCode="RC1401" in the source file.
You can customize your export's projections and filters to suit your needs. Alternatively, if you don't want to start from a template, you can create a new export instead.
Once your export is saved, you can run it by creating a new configuration.
Open File → New → New Configuration Wizard.
Select Based on an export specification.
Click the three dots ... next to File and select your export.
Click Next to move to the next page.
Select your Taleo Endpoint, then click Finish.
Save & run your configuration.


Where is the custom protocol mapper in Keycloak 20.0.2?

I'm upgrading my Keycloak from 16 to 20.
In 16 I could use this screen to add a custom mapper.
In 20.0.2 I can't find this form in the admin panel. There is a Client scopes tab for each client, and it has an add button. But it does not allow me to define my custom mapper. I just adds predefined mappers.
Where is that form?
How can I add custom mapper to a client in Keycloak 20.0.2?
IMO the old ui was a bit more intuitive in this regard. With the new one you need to:
Go to your Realm
Go to Clients and click on your client
switch to 'Client Scopes'
In the 'Assigned client scope' click on your client-id-dedicated:
then you go to the following menu:
Click on 'Configure a new Mapper' and then select 'User Attribute' and you get something as follow:

Add new category and custom page into Site Administration menu

I'm trying to add a new feature into site administration menu of moodle as part of a project that I am working on. Right now our customer only needs to integrate OnePay gateway into moodle. But in the future, they may require integration of other payment gateways (like PayPal) as well. So I need to create a category just for website administrators to input different types of payment. A new category should be somewhere in the "Advanced Features" menu (something like in the following screenshots)
Where to add new category
Example for onepay integration
With "Settings" page is a page that site administrator to input all necessary payment information (including customer's card number, access code, etc.). Right now I'm testing with using two of my testing pages for domestic and international payments.
Here is my code in file /lang/en/admin.php:
$string['payment'] = 'Payment';
$string['onepay'] = 'OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_domestic'] = 'Test Domestic Payment using OnePay';
$string['test_onepay_international'] = 'Test International Payment using OnePay';
In admin_custom directory, I created a path like this /payment/onepay/test/ and add 2 my testing pages into it. In folder /payment/, I added a file named menu.php. Here is my code in it.
$ADMIN->add('advancedfeatures', new admin_category('payment', get_string('payment', 'admin')));
$ADMIN->add('payment', new admin_category('payment', get_string('onepay', 'admin')));
//$domestic = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_domestic', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php"));
//$international = new admin_settingpage('onepay', new lang_string('test_onepay_international', 'admin'), new moodle_url("/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php"));
$domestic = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_domestic', get_string('test_onepay_domestic'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/domestic/index.php");
$international = new admin_externalpage('test_onepay_international', get_string('test_onepay_international'), "$CFG->wwwroot/admin_custom/payment/onepay/test/international/index.php");
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $domestic);
$ADMIN->add('onepay', $international);
I have attempted to include file menu.php in both files
But none of these works. Can anyone please tell me what should I do to get this works? Thank you very much. I really appreciate that.
Moodle doesn't have any sort of plugin type called 'payment', so by creating a hierarchy starting '/payment', you're already at odds with the way that Moodle works (as shown by needing to edit core files in order to add language strings and menu items).
I would recommend that you start again by creating an admin tool or a local plugin. Both of these types can have their own language strings and can add entries to the site admin menu (have a look at the settings.php inside any of the standard admin tool plugins or, for local plugins, an additional option is to create a local_MYPLUGIN_extend_settings_navigation() function). If you want to support multiple payment options, then your plugin could define a new subplugin type for each of the payment options.

Generating Certificate Signing Request using Management Console

I am following
guide to generate a CSR to request a code signing/software publishing certificate.
In management console when I Right-click Certificates, and then go to All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request & Click Next I don't find "Active Directory Enrollment Policy" to select.
I don't know Whether I need to download any template or generate some custom policy and how?
I am using windows 8 and my user account is not under any active directory domain nor I administer any active directory.
I am not sure if it is the right forum to ask this question. Pardon me, and direct me to the right forum, if it is not.
I ran into the same problem today and found the solution on MSDN. Try the following:
Instead of selecting Active Directory Enrollment Policy select Proceed without enrollment policy.
Click Next.
Select (No template) CNG key from the Template list.
Select PKCS #10 as the Request format.
Click Next.
Click the Details arrow and then the Properties button.
Enter a name for your certificate in Friendly name box on the General tab.
Click the Subject tab.
Under Subject name, select Common name from the Type list. Enter a common name in the Value box and click the Add button.
Repeat step 9 for Organizational unit, Locality, State and Country.
Click the Extensions tab.
Under Key usage select Digital signature and click the Add button.
Under Extended key usage select Code signing and click the Add button.
Under Basic constraints click the Enable this extension checkbox.
Click the Private key tab.
Under Key options select 2048 as the Key size.
Click the Make private key exportable checkbox.
Under Select hash algorithm select sha256 from the Hash Algorithm list.
Click OK.
So far it appears to be working. I was able to use my new code signing certificate to export a PFX file and successfully sign an executable.
Note: I chose sha256 instead of sha1 in step 18 because SHA-1 is deprecated.

Error when trying to load tables from desktop with dashDB

I'm trying to load a csv file into a table and receiving the following error:
The steps that I am doing are launching the dashDB instance that I have, Load, Load from Desktop, Browse for the csv... I have tried to create a new table from the csv and add to an existing table, both resulting with the error. I have also created a dummy csv with just 1 record in it and it is also failing with the same error. When creating the table from the load, the result is the table getting created with no data loaded.
The error you are getting is an already known bug of the Bluemix Dashboard integration with the dashDB one:
The team is working on this issue, but a fully working workaround is available.
In order to complete your data loading through your file you should:
access your application section on the Bluemix dashboard
click on the 'Environment variables' section and select the 'VCAP_SERVICE' button
retrieve the 'https_url' of the dashDB service and save also the related username and password values
paste on your browser url the https_url value, it will open directly the dashDB dashboard, you can now login using the username and password found in VCAP_SERVICE section
click on 'Load' section in the left menu of the dashDB dashboard
in this section you could upload your file without any problem.

SUGARCRM plugin - webservice client with setup

I have a task to develop plugin for SugarCRM. Plugin should be "hooked" to contacts, leads and/or targets.
After I add contact to SugarCRM plugin should send data (with some fileds) to specific webservice (method to insert new person into DB).
I did create logical hook to contacts and before save I send data to webservice.
My biggest problem are fields. SugarCRM admin should be able to make setup for plugin like this
Plugin gets list of fields from webservice
Admin maps fields from "SugarCRM contacts" to "webservice persons" fields
for example
SugarCRM contact | webservice person
"first_name" => "firstname"
"last_name" => "familyname"
"gender" => "mf"
So when contact is added to SugarCRM, plugin should be able to read this setup and match every field before sending to webservice.
Can someone give me tips how to start with this, is there something similar online?
You could create a dropdown menu where the left value is the SugarCRM Field name and the right value is the Webservice field name. Then direct users/system administrator to modify this dropdown in the Dropdown Editor, which has a nice and easy interface.
The plugin can then access this menu as a key => value array with $GLOBALS['app_list_strings']['my_list_name']
Alternatively, you can create your own configuration page if you want to develop a custom interface for this. A starting point for that might be this article, although it was written with SugarCRM 6 in mind:
The configuration page would write to the Configurator (stored in config_override.php), as Antonio Musarra pointed out.
Either way, a caveat you'll encounter is that users will mistype field names. You'll need some sort of validation in your webservice call to ensure that all fields actually exist within the web server and within SugarCRM.