Dataframe: Adding prefix to all columns in Scala - scala

val prefix = "ABC"
val renamedColumns => df(c).as(s"$prefix$c"))
val dfNew = _*)
I am fairly new to scala and the code above works perfectly to add a prefix to all columns. Can someone please explain the breakdown of how it works ?
The second line above will return a map of col1 as ABCcol1, col2 as ABCcol2.... etc
I have trouble understanding what the third line is doing , especailly the ":_* at the end.
thanks for your help in advance.

The third line is an example of Scala's syntactic sugar. Essentially, Scala has ways to shorten just exactly what you are typing, and you have discovered the dreaded :_*.
There are two portions to this small bit - the : and the _* serve two different purposes. The : is typically for ascription, which tells the compiler "this is the type that I need to use for this method". The _* however, is your type - in Scala this is the type varargs. Varargs is a type that has an arbitrary number of values (good resource here). It allows you to pass a method a list that you do not know the number of elements in.
In your example, you are creating a variable called renamedColumns from the columns of your original dataframe, with the new string appendage. Although you may know just how many columns are in your df, Scala does not. When you create dfNew, you are running a select statement on that and passing in your new column names, of which there could be an arbitrary number.
Essentially, you do not know how many columns you may have, so you pass in your varargs to allow the number to be arbitrary, thus determined by the compiler.


Is it Scala style to use a for loop in Scala/Spark?

I have heard that it is a good practice in Scala to eliminate for loops and do things "the Scala way". I even found a Scala style checker at Are for loops a no-no in Scala? In a course at I found this example, which makes me thing that for looks are okay to use, but using the Scala format and syntax of course, in a single line and not like the traditional Java for looks in multiple lines of code. See this example I found from that Udemy course:
val shipList = List("Enterprise", "Defiant", "Voyager", "Deep Space Nine")
for (ship <- shipList) {println(ship)}
That for loop prints this result, as expected:
Enterprise Defiant Voyager Deep Space Nine
I was wondering if using for as in the example above is acceptable Scala style code, or it if is a no-no and why. Thank you!
There is no problem in this for loop, but you can use functions form List object for your work in more functional way.
e.g. instead of using
val shipList = List("Enterprise", "Defiant", "Voyager", "Deep Space Nine")
for (ship <- shipList) {println(ship)}
You can use
val shipList = List("Enterprise", "Defiant", "Voyager", "Deep Space Nine")
shipList.foreach(element => println(element) )
You can use for loops in Scala, there is no problem with that. But the difference is that this for-loop is not an expression and does not return a value, so you need to use a variable in order to return any value. Scala gives preference to work with immutable types.
In your example you print messages in the console, you need to perform a "side effect" to extract the value breaking the referencial transparency, I mean, you depend on the IO operation to extract a value, or you have mutate a variable which is in the scope which maybe is being accessed by another thread or another concurrent task thereby there is no guarantee that the value that you collect wont be what you are expecting. Obviously, all these hypothesis are related to concurrent/parallel programming and there is where Scala and the immutable style help.
To show the elements of a collection you can use a for loop, but if you want to count the total number of chars in Scala you do that using a expression like:
val chars = shipList.foldLeft(0)((a, b) => a + b.length)
To sum up, most of the times the Scala code that you will read uses immutable style of programming although not always because Scala supports the other way of coding too, but it is weird to find something using a classic Java OOP style, mutating object instances and using getters and setters.

What's the difference between>xx) and>xx) in Spark2.0?

Some how in Spark2.0, I can use => r.getAs[String]("field")) without problems
But => r.getAs[String]("field")) gives error that r doesn't have the "getAs" method.
What's the difference between r in DataSet and r in DataFrame and why r.getAs only works with DataFrame?
After doing some research in StackOverflow, I found a helpful answer here
Encoder error while trying to map dataframe row to updated row
Hope it's helpful
Dataset has a type parameter: class Dataset[T]. T is the type of each record in the Dataset. That T might be anything (well, anything for which you can provide an implicit Encoder[T], but that's besides the point).
A map operation on a Dataset applies the provided function to each record, so the r in the map operations you showed will have the type T.
Lastly, DataFrame is actually just an alias for Dataset[Row], which means each record has the type Row. And Row has a method named getAs that takes a type parameter and a String argument, hence you can call getAs[String]("field") on any Row. For any T that doesn't have this method - this will fail to compile.

What's the meaning of "$" in Dataset's operators (like select or filter)?

I am a bit confused about using $ to reference columns in DataFrame operators like select or filter.
The following statements work:"app", "renders").show$"app", $"renders").show
But, only the first statement in the following works:
df.filter("renders = 265").show // <-- this works
df.filter($"renders" = 265).show // <-- this does not work (!) Why?!
However, this again works:
df.filter($"renders" > 265).show
Basically, what is this $ in DataFrame's operators and when/how should I use it?
Implicits are a major feature of the Scala language that take a lot of different forms--like implicit classes as we will see shortly. They have different purposes, and they all come with varying levels of debate regarding how useful or dangerous they are. Ultimately though, implicits generally come down to simply having the compiler convert one class to another when you bring them into scope.
Why does this matter? Because in Spark there is an implicitclass called StringToColumn that endows a StringContext with additional functionality. As you can see, StringToColumn adds the $ method to the Scala class StringContext. This method produces a ColumnName, which extends Column.
The end result of all this is that the $ method allows you to treat the name of a column, represented as a String, as if it were the Column itself. Implicits, when used wisely, can produce convenient conversions like this to make development easier.
So let's use this to understand what you found:"app","renders").show -- succeeds because select takes multiple Strings$"app",$"renders").show -- succeeds because select takes multiple Columnss that result after the implicit conversions are applied
df.filter("renders = 265").show -- succeeds because Spark supports SQL-like filters
df.filter($"renders" = 265).show -- fails because $"renders" is of type Column after implicit conversion, and Columns use the custom === operator for equality (unlike the case in SQL).
df.filter($"renders" > 265).show -- succeeds because you're using a Column after implicit conversion and > is a function on Column.
$ is a way to convert a string to the column with that name.
Both options of select work originally because select can receive either a column or a string.
When you do the filter $"renders" = 265 is an attempt at assigning a number to the column. > on the other hand is a comparison method. You should be using === instead of =.

Filter a DataFrame by Array Column

I want to filter a dataframe which has a column with categories (List[String]). I want to ignore all the rows that have a non valid category. They are not valid when they are not in model.getCategories
def checkIncomingData(model: Model, incomingData: DataFrame) : DataFrame = {
val list = model.getCategories.toList
Unfortunately my approach does not work because categories is a list, not a single element. Any idea who to make it work?
The first problem I see is that you didn't assign the broadcast to a variable.
val broadcastList = sc.broadcast(list)
Besides you have to reference it using broadcastList.value. For instance:
incomingData.filter($"categories".isin(broadcastList.value: _*))
#LostInOverflow made an important contribution, he clarified my answer and said that the method isin is actually evaluated in the driver, so broadcasting the list doesn't help at all, and more important the list shall be expanded in order to be evaluated.
Just expand list:
incomingData.filter(incomingData("categories").isin(list: _*))
Note: broadcasting won't help you here. This is evaluated on driver.

How to select the second smallest element from sorted list?

How can I select the second smallest element after that a list has been sorted?
With this code I get an error and I do not understand why.
object find_the_median {
val L = List(2,4,1,2,5,6,7,2)
L.sorted(2) // FIXME returns an error
It's because sorted receives implicitly an Ordering argument, and when you do it like L.sorted(2) the typechecker thinks you want to pass 2 as an Ordering. So one way to do it in one line is:
or to avoid the apply pass the ordering explicitly:
which I admit is somewhat confussing so I think the best one is in two lines:
val sorted = L.sorted
(You may also want to adhere to the Scala convention of naming variables with lowercase).