Eclipse (Mars) doesn't display maven options despite Maven/m2e installation - eclipse

As stated, Eclipse Mars doesn't display any Maven options (such as creating or converting to a Maven project), despite me having verified that the m2e plugin and Maven 3.0.5 are both installed. I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.


Eclipse Mars: No entry for Maven under Window-> Preferences

I have Mars2 version of Eclipse in my system. I had installed m2Eclipse to integrate maven with Eclipse from here, however, I do not find the option for maven in Eclipse, neither under preferences nor under perspectives. Is there some other version of m2Eclipse to be used with Mars2 or what else can be done to resolve this issue?
Currently, I have Apache Maven 3.3.9 installed in my system along with JRE 1.7. I have other plugins as well like subclipse, beyond compare, JUNIT etc which seems to be installed properly.
Do this:
Right click on your Project --> Select Configure --> Convert to Maven Project
m2eclipse is not required to be installed separately with Mars2. It is by default integrated with it when we download Mars2 binaries. Also, we should be targeting maven 3.3.3, since m2eclipse is version 1.6 which targets maven 3.3.3.
M2eclipse v1.7 targets maven 3.3.9 and is mainly targeted for Eclipse Neon

Maven found missing in Eclipse IDE (Mars) after installing m2e-egit

unable to create a maven project after installing the m2e-egit plugin; Obviously I don't see the maven option under Eclipse > Window > preferences
Tool used:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Try this :
Firstly, for Maven:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Secondly, for m2e-egit:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Because the version of m2e-egit in the Marketplace is outdated
Now restart eclipse.
It perfectly worked for me (Mars Version).
I had this same issue with m2eclipse-scala. I tracked the issue down to what seems to be multiple installs of the m2e plugin, one explicit and one implicit. This plugin gets installed by m2eclipse-scala if it's not already there (perhaps similarly to how m2e-egit operates). The base version of Eclipse that I'm using does NOT show m2e installed under Window > Installation Details, but all of the Maven buttons and toolbars are already present, and explicitly installing m2e makes them disappear.

Maven eclipse integraton

I'm trying to install Maven Eclipse plugin M2E, but it's update site is here isn't working.
Others Maven plugins at Eclipse Marketplace are showing the 'Not found' page too.
Since Eclipse 4.3.x the Maven integration can be installed directly from the default Eclipse update site that also ships all the other standard Eclipse plugins.

Error while creating Maven Project in eclipse juno

I am trying to create a Maven Project using eclipse juno and I am getting errors in below images.
I have added below maven plugins to my eclipse:
Maven Integration for Eclipse
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (Incubation)
I have selected webapp-j2ee14 as an archetype.
Note: The PC I am using is stand alone.

Eclipse built-in maven support vs M2Eclipse

Has Eclipse 3.7.2 built-in Maven support? How does it differ from m2eclipse?
m2e basic version is bundled with Eclipse 3.7 Java (not yet with Java EE). For the full version one has to install m2e from either its update site or the Marketplace.
List of Indigo (Eclipse 3.7) projects:
Includes Maven support [new]:
As you can guess by the name it is just m2e bundled with the release (and upped the version number from the external source).
You can install maven eclipse from here -
Note: Sonatype contributed m2e plugin to eclipse. You can read about it here