Magento 2 save configurable product issue - magento2

Magento 2.1 admin:-
When updating configurable product I am getting the following issue.
You don't have permission to access /admin/catalog/product/validate/id/3316/type/configurable/store/0/set/4/key/11c0d458dc11fc072a5fdef7f5fb3fe633c433bbf0342175b987f10588ee2b2c/
Thanks in advance.

I have fixed that.
Just checked the server log and found that it was mod_security extension is enable.
That should be disabled.

Okay, How many products are you going to create or assign while creating configurable product.
I have experienced the same issue and I have sorted out with creating a configurable product with few product assignment.
I hope this may help you

We were getting the following error -:
403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /admin/catalog/product/validate/id/966/type/simple/store/0/set/9/
Emailed hosting provider and they did change the setting at the server level. As soon as they changed the setting the error went straight away.
If they can’t change the setting on the server for some reason then look for product data. You will find malicious code, in our case it was iFrame code snippet which was causing that trouble.


Error while retrieving the application from ABAP repository

I am trying to create an Adaptation Project for SAP Fiori elements. But when I am trying to get the project from System it is showing me an error. shown in screenshot.
I am following Tutorial mentioned in link Adaptaion Project by Jessica Merz
I am not sure why is this coming. I tried searching many blogs without any luck,
is it issue of some Authorization or missing some profile ?
kindly let me know if someone faced same issue as me.
Yes, your users is missing required authorization objects.

Magento 2 giving error no category save. Error is - No such entity with id = xx

In Magento 2 We are getting error on category save. Error is - No such entity with id = xx please any one can help to resolve the same ?
Thank you.
click to see screen shot for error
It happened to me also, in version 2.2.0.
In my case the problem was the url_rewrite table.
Check the "metadata" column of the url_rewrite table for non-existent categories and delete those rows.
The problem are the url_rewrite rows of products belonging to that category.
Assuming your site is in Developer Mode, you can change it to Production Mode and clear/flush cache and then switch back to Developer Mode.
I had this issue in the front end, as i recently moved the datatbase from one server to another. I have managed to solve by this way.
Please make indexing and recheck. If you are using any third party extension then this issue also occur. If you have deleted any category from any store then this may also happen. Please check all things hope your issue will resolve.
Go to admin Marketing -> URL Rewrite
And search in the target path with specific id category or product where you have an issue.
Then delete the entry where entity with id = xx.
Go back your category or product page and try to save again.

Magento 2.1 internal server error for specific category when full page cache enable

I had FPC (full page cache) enabled
There is one category containing subcategories and 900+ products. it was working fine but suddenly it started pushing 500 internal server error.
i have not add any new product or any major change. so now when i disable the FPC, the category start working and when i re enable FPC, again internal server error 500.
i have already applied couple of solutions but no success.
tried with removing cache at all, re indexing, crons, have check the htaccess also all things are fine, i had try with creating new category but when i assigned the same block to load on that category, again same issue started.
log is saying that
The problem is in the function getIdentities()
can anyone help with this? thanks in advance.
i resolved this issue.
Here is the solution:
When we will have a bulk products in a category we can either enable Varnish cache or Full page cache. we cannot enable both simultaneously, otherwise it will through internal server error if both caches will be enabled.

How to resolve this error - " One of the documents you are trying to access has been deleted, please try refreshing"? in Odoo v8?

Whenever I try to create an employee record in Human Resources, when I click Save, the above error occurs.
I checked in the database for any kind of ir-regularities and found that I have attached the screenshot.
As in the database error, the Autoincrement ID has been skipped as I have noticed.
Anyone with a clear insight on this, kindly suggest with what can be done. It would really grateful. Thanks
Create a new database if you can, and re install your module and try again.
Ok I am answering the question,
There was a custom module which I was not aware of(other than my custom module) and that was installed. UNinstalling it removed the error.

SugarCRM CE smarty error after upgrade

I recently upgraded our SugarCRM CE form 5.x to 6.2.6. I had some uphill experience but I overcome everything except one issue.
The following error appears in the "Email Address" area on Contact, Opportunity and other similar pages.
Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource:
"include/SugarFields/Fields/Base/detailViewFunction.tpl" in
/home/campusre/public_html/sugar/include/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on
line 1095
I did a search on SugarCRM forum and I found only one similar thread that was old and not answered. I also contacted our hosting company to check if this problem is related with the file or folder permission but they confirmed that it is not the problem in this case.
I am a developer but didn't do any SugarCRM and Smarty development before. I am investigating the code by my self but without success so far.
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
unable to read resource: include/SugarFields/Fields/Base/detailViewFunction.tpl
This usually means that incorrect permissions are set on this file or that the file doesn't exist. However, in this case it looks like a casing issue. The file is actual camel case and named DetailViewFunction.tpl. It looks like you are running into a case-sensitive issue. My initial guess is that it is due to an old module or piece of code from 5.x.