RubyMine reformatting - rubymine

This is in the RubyMine IDE.
It seems really simple but I can't find a way to do it. I want to take a line
[:a, :b, :c]
and as part of the reformatting rearrange each value to one line like so:
And assign a nice little keyboard shortcut.
Any idea how I do this? RubyMine documentation isn't great.

Not familiar with a way to use the IDE reformatter for this need.
But, you can achieve the rearrangement using the find an replace tool (CTRL + R).
Mark the regex checkbox.
In the find box look for space - ().
In the replace box, insert newline - \n\t.
Then hit Replace all - it should do most of the job.


How to tranform css hex to uppercase in vscode?

I'm just using vscode prettier, and I was told that hex value should be uppercase as company's standard. I've been through a search and I found their github-issue
that states,
" Personally I prefer uppercase too, but I was asked to do lowercase... But changing this would cause a lot of unnecessary churn for all Prettier users... this decision has been made and is not going to change. An option won't be added." - Sep. 29,2018
So basically, prettier transformed hex value to lowercase, and does not provide an option to change it to uppercase.
I want to ask, have they change their decision now and made an option to transform css hex value to uppercase? And if theres no really option for this in prettier, is there any alternatives to achieve this?
My basic alternative that I used is the idea of #rioV8, however I would prefer to use replace field instead of Transform to UpperCase, I think that would be more quick.
I would like to provide this as answer because it's at least working.
In vscode find #(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2} using regular expression, and replace it with \U$0.
Updated: how to auto transform after save
Follow this link: How to automatically run a "find and replace" after save?
Since \U$0 did not work well, we looked for alternatives.
Search by regular expression
Open a search window with cmd + shift + f, click .*, and execute a regular expression search with #(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}.
Select the target string
In the search results window, use cmd + a to select all and cmd + shift + l to select the target string.
Open the command palette
Open the command palette with the cmd + shift + p.
Convert to upper case
Type upperor lower on the command palette and execute.

Replacing a string in Rubymine with a string with newlines

I want to use the Search and Replace dialogue in Rubymine, or something similar to replace something like "Scenario:" with "#Desktop\nScenario"
I'm trying to replace every instance of Scenario: in a large Cucumber test suite with
Any best ways to do this?
Thanks to #ryan2johnson9 comment, I realise there's now an easier option (tested on 2017.3).
By clicking on the "New Line" (or using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Enter / Alt+Enter), the input becomes multilines.
Original Answer
In the search and replace box, if you tick the "Regex" option you can do:
Search: "Scenario:"
Replace by: "#desktop\nScenario:"
The only trick is to tick the "Regex" option :)
Rubymine has macros ( but I dont think they are powerful enough for this example.
It's possible that you could solve it with some elaborate feature hidden inside Rubymine, but I think it would be a lot easier to do this with a tool like perl/sed from the Terminal. If you are using Windows I assume you could search the net and find a text search/replace tool that fits your need.
In OSX I there are a bunch of Text Substitutions app too.
I would go that route since Rubymines macro tool isnt up to the task.
Here's a cheap and sleazy alternative:
Copy a newline character from between two empty lines in the file being edited. Temporarily add two empty lines if you don't have any.
Set up search/replace and enter the string you want to replace into the search text input box.
Paste the newline you just copied into the replacement text box plus whatever other text you want. You will be able to see the height of the replacement text input box grow vertically by one line due to the newline.
Perform the search/replace.
For this, the use of the Rubymine regex is optional.

Eclipse - custom quick fix - Add some text before and after selection

I could use a dummy guide or directions how to add a custom quick fix or if it is even possible.
Let's say I select a text inside code - "foo foo". Now I want to add something before that text and something after. The content before and after remains the same across many files and it has to be done manually.
Is there a way I could write my own quick fix in eclipse, which would add this text automatically.
Ctrl + 1 -> "Add ... before and ... after" -> And get the desired output?
This seems somewhat useful if not the correct thing, but I can't exactly read out how to accomplish this: FAQ How do I implement Quick Fixes for my own language?
Any easier explanations and guides are appreciated. Or what other ways would I have to accomplish this desired behavior without typing/copying repetitive things
Edit: Found this little macro thing which is one way to solve my problem. start with cut, write, paste and end macro. But I'm not sure if this is the best way. Practically Macro
I suggest this solution that allow you to get the result using Eclipse search.
CTRL+H to do a search and choose Files Search
Fill Containing text with "foo foo". Tweak other parameters to get the files you want
Check Regular expression
Click on Replace
Fill With: <prefix>$0<suffix>. For example if you want to substitute "foo foo" with "this is a foo foo example" write this is $0 example
Check Regular expression (if unchecked).
Done. I think that this solution is quite flexible (as long as you are familiar with regexp to get desidered strings) and easy to apply.

Parentheses over selected words in Eclipse

A few days back I felt this question to be dumb and dint post it here, but after even after searching a lot I dint find a proper solution.
For those of you who used TextEdit (on Mac), they will perfectly know what I am talking about.
While coding I just want to put quotes or parentheses over a word or a line.To do this I'll have to move back to the starting of the word, open the quote and then go to the ending of the word and close it.
Is there a plugin or so in eclipse where I can just surround the current selection with quotes or parenthesis ?? I am not talking about quick fix (Ctrl + 1). It can be used for much complex templates.
You can do that with a custom template, so for example if you want to create this template for java, you can do :
Preferences ---> Java ---> Templates
Create a new template and call it quote, then type this as pattern :
Save it and Apply.
After that you can use that template selecting the text you want to quote then press CTRL + SPACE and then chose quote.
Same thing for parenthesis :

Remove blank line in Eclipse

How can I remove lines that only contain spaces when using Eclipse Find/Replace prompt. I checked the "Regular Expression" check box, and tried the following, neither of which worked.
Find: ^\s*\n
Replace with: (empty)
sry this might be an different answer but you can set the number of blank lines you wish to have after fields, methods and blocks in the formatting dialog of the eclipse preferences. then you can hit ctrl-shift-f to automatically format your code depending on your custom definitions.
have fun!
I was suprised that for XML files edited with Eclipse there is a good solution:
Select the checkbox value named 'Clear all blank lines' in Formatting panel
Window->Preferences->XML->XML Files-> Editor
Save and use the "Ctrl+Shift+F' shortcut
The blank lines will dissappear!
for the find/replace operation, "\n\r\s" regex will work on windows, for unix based system, "\n\s" can be used
as already suggested, you can format your code by Ctl+Shift+F
for manual work, locate a blank line and press Ctl+D (Cmd+D on Mac) <- gives u satisfaction of killing the line with your own bare hands :)
This one worked for me for years:
Replace this: [\t ]+$
With nothing
Hope this helps!
Many thanks to lamamac.
In genereal, when you want to do search replace with regular expressions in eclipse the $ sign doesn't work as it should.
Use '\s*\n' instead of '$'
As already suggested, regular expression and replacement is the solution, but such response would have been saving some minutes to me:
click on ctrl+f
use this replacement: