Linking to unity mobile app from facebook open graph post - facebook

At the moment, if someone clicks on an open graph post made by my app, it goes to the URL of the object. I would like to send the user to the iOS or Android app depending on what platform they see the Open Graph post. My app does not have a canvas version. I looked into AppLinks but I can't seem to find any documentation on an end to end example for Unity. Is there any way to reliably redirect the user to your app from an Open Graph post?


Some Youtube shared videos in facebook open in YT app and others open in FB web popup

I stumbled over this today and it seems I won't be able to sleep unless I figured out why this is happening.
I have two youtube videos URL's (both viedos are from the same channel), the URLs was in below format:
Then I opened Facebook and shared each video separately in a post. both posts ONLY contains the URL, and of course the preview that facebook automatically adds.
Now using facebbok app on my iPhone, I opened a video, facbook opened it via facebook web popup.
the other video always open in youtube app.
I tried opening both videos from another smartphone, I got the same result.
So it seems that facebook app have some sort of algorithm that decide if a link will be opened in a web popup or using Universal Links through the related app.
Does anyone know how facebook decide when to open app or simply pop it in a web view?

Is it possible to deeplink from a facebook post to an app and does it need to be approved by facebook?

I would like to have my app post to facebook and then when "friends" see the link, they can click on it and since it is a deeplink, clicking on it would take the user to the app store if the app isnt downloaded otherwise it would take them to the correct page of the app. Would this need approval from Facebook?
No approval needed, but in most cases this is currently not possible — Facebook has decided to block the functionality. The best option is to post a link pointing to a page on your website, and then open your app from there.
In other words, you can't open a link from the news feed and have it launch the app. However you can open a link to your website, and once the website is open you can launch your app successfully from there. This is the approach we currently use at

Deep linking not working from the Facebook timeline

I am trying to enable deep linking from custom open graph stories. I have gone through the instructions listed
Deep linking works fine when I click from the Facebook timeline to the actual story post page and then click the object button. If I click the object button on the timeline itself, the url is NOT handled and instead is open directly in the Facebook webview.
This may be because I don't have a web platform added on my App Dashboard.
Facebook documentation reads
Deep linking in Open Graph stories If you're deep linking from an Open
Graph story published from your app, you will need to go through one
more step.
If you HAVEN'T already added a website for this app, in the App
Dashboard, inside your app's settings, click on ''Add platform'', and
select ''Website''. Then in any of the fields (either ''Site URL'' or
''Mobile site URL''), fill in your subdomain. It doesn't matter if you
don't have a website that you're integrating with Facebook, this will
register this subdomain for use with your native app.
However, when I try to add a the url in app settings (the screenshots match those in the documentation), my open graph submission is rejected by Facebook with the note:
Your app does not qualify for the submitted platform. In the app
settings tab, please remove platforms without Facebook integration.
Canvas or page tab apps cannot redirect users, and websites must
properly integrate Facebook login.
Anybody been through this before and can lend some guidance? I am very much confused by the documentation.
The deep-linking started working on its own about a week later without any changes on my part.

How do I share my apps open graph object using the new Share Dialog with the Facebook Android SDK?

Recently I received an email from facebook stating the the Share Dialog now supported posting Open Graph objects, but the link they provided only shows an example using the iOS sdk. From what I can tell, the same functionality is available in Android SDK and JavaScript SDK, but I haven't found examples that show an apps open graph object included.
I already know how to post an open graph object to a users wall. What I would like to do is use the new share dialog and post my OG Object using that.

Post wall message on facebook account

I am trying to implement some functionality in a blackberry app, that I saw in other application.
Basically it's a window that has a message, and a Facebook icon. When you click on the icon it launches a new window, this window asks the user for permissions(user and password), and then the message is posted in the user's wall.
So my question is how can I replicate that?. I have been looking at the graph api, but I just can't figure out how to do all of this in one step. I mean just typing the url in the browser, and some post data.
Thanks a lot.
Have you looked at the Facebook BlackBerry SDK project? Facebook BlackBerry SDK