How to add DSL Forge to my Eclipse Java EE Mars? - eclipse

I need to add DSL Forge to my Eclipse Java EE Mars because I want to create a project like this:
I want to generate web editor from Xtext.

I cannot reproduce this
have java 8 as default or adapt eclipse.ini to use it after downloading
download mars jee (
start the downloaded eclipse
Help -> Install new software
Add "Dsl Forge" -> ""
Select "DSL Forge Tools Feature"
file -> new project -> DSL Forge
btw the docs say you should install xtext 2.10 (

To generate the web editor from Xtext, you need to be on Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers.
If you want a closer integration with Xtext and EMF, or if you want to integrate the editor with other Eclipse components, you’d better install Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers. This makes it possible to integrate the editor with third party RWT (Remote Widget Toolkit, the web-based SWT) plugins and widgets.
Now if it's mandatory for you to develop on Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, you'll need to install the RAP Tools before DSL Forge (this is somehow a hybrid scenario). See also the pre-requisites in the documentation:


Use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP application

I've been using Eclipse Classic for developing applications in Java installing plugins as I need. Now I'm thinking to develop an application using Eclipse RCP UI. I've read some tutorials online but they suggest to use Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers.
I've looked at this Eclipse Packages Compare page but I haven't quite figured out why I can't use Eclipse Classic to develop Eclipse RCP applications.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
There is very little (practical) difference between those two packages. Classic (AKA, Eclipse SDK) includes more source code for the Eclipse bundles themselves, such as JDT and PDE, which can actually be useful when developing your own plugins and RCP apps); RCP/RAP obviously includes RAP, which is critical if you need it but pointless if you don't. RCP also includes EGit (again, nice if you need it) and the XML Tools.
I often start with the SDK (Classic) package and add stuff as I need it. There has even been talk of dropping the RCP package altogether, although it still hangs around.
What plugins do I have to install to use Eclipse Classic for Eclipse RCP application development?
Trust me, you're much better off unziping Eclipse for RCP/RAP developers in a different directory, and using that to develop your RCP application.
You're lucky that adding Eclipse plug-ins to your Eclipse Classic hasn't destroyed your Java development environment.

source code for eclipse plugin dependencies

I am trying to learn about eclipse plugin development.I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers in Helios distribution. I am able to create plugin development project using plugin development wizard. Now the problem is am not able to view the source code of eclipse plugin dependencies.I searched the internet for source attachments, but didn't find it.Any help is appreciated..
If you just want to play around with plug-in development, then you really don't need to integrate the different IDE capabilities, and can probably live with separate Eclipse installations and workspaces.
Actually, the more capabilities/Eclipse editions, you try to integrate, the more limits you set up for other plug-ins/features/capabilities. At some point, it can get impossible to integrate 3rd party capabilities such as those from TaskTop and Atlassian...
If you don't need the Java EE capabilities, consider using either the classic
Eclipse edition or the RCP edition.
For Eclipse plugin development download Eclipse Classic distribution which includes SDK from here.
Eclipse IDE for Java EE description:
Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn and others.
Eclipse Classic description:
The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation.
Also, if you want to see the sourcecode of any plugin dependency, you can check it out from CVS at
Be careful to get the right version, though.

How can I upgrade from Eclipse Java SE version to Eclipse for Java EE via Eclipse?

I downloaded Eclipse plain Java version and now I realize that I need of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers distribution.
I'm new in Eclipse world and I would to know if it is possible (and how) to install Java EE plugins via Eclipse.
There is a thread in ServerFault that shows how to install the Java EE pluggins for Eclipse Java EE plugin for Eclipse IDE
Additionally you can:
Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Mars (or the version you have downloaded such as Luna, Kepler, etc) repository
At the bottom there are install options Java EE Development
To get all of the features of the Java EE edition of Eclipse, there are several packages that need to be installed. This page lists all of the packages that are included in the current Java EE version of Eclipse. If you want all of the features of the Eclipse for Java EE developers, go to Help --> Install New Software..., select the update site for your version (e.g. Kepler) from the dropdown menu, and select the checkbox for each item listed on the above page that is not already installed.
You'll probably find the 'getting started guides' here helpful.
You probably will need to download the plug-in. The easiest way to do this would be to:
go to Help -> Install new software.
Pick the Galileo(Change accordingly) repository
All the way at the bottom there are install options for 'Web, XML, and JaveEE Development
... also this is better suited for SO
follow this
Eclipse 3.3 or earlier, it is NOT possible to upgrade the Eclipse platform itself, only its features. So, you could for example upgrade the CVS feature or the PDE feature from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1, but not eclipse.exe itself.
Upgrading other features (like CDT, PDT, WTP...) can be done without the need to download a new platform binary, but because many projects align very closely (eg., the Eclipse 3.2 / Callisto or Eclipse 3.3 / Europa release trains) you will likely need to upgrade the Eclipse platform as well.

Is there a reason to have both Eclipse IDE for Java and also Eclipse IDE for Java EE?

I've recently downloaded the Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers (for web apps development). Does it make sense to delete my "regular" Eclipse IDE for Java developers? I mean, is there a feature in the regular IDE which isn't included in the EE IDE?
(I also use eclipse for Python programming with the Pydev plugin)
The different "editions" of the eclipse IDE are basically just a different set of plugins on top of the basic eclipse platform. So if anything is missing you can alyways install those plugins when you need them.
Eclipse for Java EE is a superset of Eclipse for Java.
Yes it is a super-set.
Also, have you tried NetBeans? It has better GUI, better javadoc support and it is way cooler to use! (and free)
Not everyone needs the EE tools (mainly WTP - web tools platform); they may only be doing client apps or writing eclipse plugins.

What's the difference between the "Java EE" and "rcp" distributions of Eclipse?

What are the differences, specifically, between the Java EE and RCP versions of Eclipse?
And how would one essentially get a "combined" version that includes all the best goodies for plugin development along with the best tools for Java EE?
I think what I'm looking for is the ability to create a "merged" instance entirely through the p2 updater. For example, if I open up a Java EE instance of Eclipse, open a java file, hit alt-shift-f1 to bring up plugin spy, and then click on "compilationuniteditor" to view the source of the java editor, I get .class. But in the RCP version, I get the source. How do I get those things in the Java EE editor using the normal Eclipse update mechanism? That's my goal here. What plugins in update manager contain what "essential bits" for each distribution.
Another example is installing all the Examples plugins. In the RCP distribution, you can easily install them from the "Welcome" page. So how, in the Java EE distribution, could you do the same thing?
The problem I'm trying to solve here is that I want to get away from maintaining two separate instances of Eclipse, since I do a fair amount of work in both RCP (for plugin development) and in Java EE (for webservice stuff, etc).
I started with the Eclipse for RCP Developers and used the "Help > Install New Software..." Feature to add in the "Web, XML, and Java EE Development" tools from the "Galileo" update site.
You may want to be a little choosier than I was and maybe exclude the "Rich Ajax Platform" and possibly the "PHP Development Tools" Features from the category.
It's better to use the "Install New Software" feature than to try and merge directories. The dependencies can be fairly complex and troubleshooting a merged directory can be a nightmare. Let p2 do the heavy lifting.
You can get a full comparison of all eclipse distros here.
Basically, the J2EE one includes the RCP ones, except for the fact that the RCP has the sources of some plugins, and not just their binaries.
To get a mix of the two, load them both, unzip them, and then compare the content of plugins and features sub-directories of both installations (with WinMerge for instance).
Copy any extra RCP files into the J2EE directories, and that should be enough.
From my understanding, the Java EE version comes with plugins for developing java programs whereas the RCP version includes the minimum number of plugins to build a rich client application.
These links should help: