How can I publish my scala play project without application.conf? - scala

In my case I run this commands for publish my scala project library:
./activator clean compile
./activator test
./activator publish-local
I need my local library application.conf only for tests.
But I wanna use application.conf of my new project
which use this library jar as dependency.
How can I build jar without application.conf?

Try to add the following to your build.sbt:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) ~= { (ms: Seq[(File, String)]) =>
ms filterNot { case (file, dest) =>
This is adapted from another question (removing files from dist task output), but should work here also


How do I make sbt include non-Java sources to published artifact?

How do I make sbt include non-Java sources to published artifact ?
I'm using Kotlin plugin and can't figure out how to force sbt to include .kt file into published source jar. It only includes .java files.
A lot of people online suggest adding following code to sbt script but it doesn't help
mappings in (Compile, packageSrc) ++= {
val base = (sourceManaged in Compile).value
val files = (managedSources in Compile).value { f => (f, f.relativeTo(base).get.getPath) }
I also tried
includeFilter in (Compile, packageSrc) := "*.scala" || "*.java" || "*.kt",
Here is output of some variables in sbt console
sbt:collections> show unmanagedSourceDirectories
[info] * /home/expert/work/sideprojects/unoexperto/extensions-collections/src/main/scala
[info] * /home/expert/work/sideprojects/unoexperto/extensions-collections/src/main/java
[info] * /home/expert/work/sideprojects/unoexperto/extensions-collections/src/main/kotlin
sbt:collections> show unmanagedSources
[info] * /home/expert/work/sideprojects/unoexperto/extensions-collections/src/main/java/com/walkmind/extensions/collections/
which plugin you use for kotlin? has the option kotlinSource to configure where the source directory is located.
sbt packageBin compiled kotlin files and include them to output jar.
// define kotlin source directory
kotlinSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value / "src/main/kotlin",
package org.test
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("Hello World!")
sbt compile
sbt packageBin
jar include MainKt.class
and folder org/test contains MainKt.class too.
would this solve your problem?
I found a workaround for this in my project I made following:
Basically, I added following setting in SBT to properly generate sources artifact:
// Include Kotlin files in sources
packageConfiguration in Compile := {
val old = (packageConfiguration in Compile in packageSrc).value
val newSources = (sourceDirectories in Compile).value.flatMap(_ ** "*.kt" get)
new Package.Configuration(
old.sources ++ => f -> f.getName),
For the documentation artifact, I added Gradle build to my Kotlin module. I set it up as shown here This way, I make Gradle build generate the Dokka documentation. And finally, added following setting in SBT to run Gradle while building docs:
// Delegate doc generation to Gradle and Dokka
doc in Compile := {
import sys.process._
Process(Seq("./gradlew", "dokkaJavadoc"), baseDirectory.value).!
target.value / "api"
I admit, this is a lot of work just to get 2 artifacts but it did the trick for me. 🤷🏻 Hope this helps.

sbt package: exclude Python files in JAR file

I'd like to figure out how to excluded the Python files from the JAR file generated by the sbt package command.
The Delta lake project uses SBT version 0.13.18 and the JAR file is built with sbt package.
The directory structure is as follows:
...scala files
It follows the standard SBT project structure with a couple of Python files added in.
The Python files are included in the JAR file when sbt package is run and I'd like to figure out how to exclude all the Python files.
Here's what I tried adding to the build.sbt file:
mappings in (Compile, packageBin) ~= { _.filter(!_._1.getName.endsWith("py")) } per this answer
excludeFilter in Compile := "*.py" per this answer
Neither of these worked.
Haven't tested it, but I think something like this when you make a fat jar.
assemblyMergeStrategry in assembly := {
case PathList(parts # _*) if parts.last.endsWith(".py") => MergeStrategy.discard
case _ => MergeStrategy.first // or whatever you currently have for your other merges

SBT plugin how to make a source generator dependent on project's sources?

I'm trying to create a source generator in a SBT plugin that generate code based on the project's sources.
I tried something like this:
sourceGenerators in Compile += (sources in Compile) map { sources => doSomethingWithSources(sources) }
Unfortunately, SBT does not want to load this plugin due to the fact that there exists circular dependency.
Due to this fact I've created another task like this:
lazy val myTask = TaskKey[Unit]("myTask", "Do stuff")
This tasks actually depends on the sources value and generates the files.
Later I override the projectSettings value and add this:
myTask in Compile := {
val sourcesValue = (sources in Compile).value
sourcesGenerators in Compile += Def.task(Seq(new File("path/to/myGeneratedSource.scala"))).taskValue
I add this task as the dependency to the compile task in the build.sbt of the project that I want my plugin to do stuff like this:
compile in Compile <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn (myTask in Compile)
While it works (the file is generated), when I launch the sbt command sbt run, it creates the file but does not compile it.
What is more, when I run just sbt compile run, it compiles only the project on the first (compile) task and generates my source and then on run part it compiles the generated source - so, in matter of speaking, it does somehow work, but it needs two compilations.
I'd like to ask if there is a simpler way to do this and, if not, how to make it work in only one compilation.

How to exclude unnecessary unmanaged dependencies from packaging?

I want to create a standalone version of my application and was wondering how i could exclude
an unmanaged *.jar file to be packaged. It's the "mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" file I solely
use in tests which is about 56MB huge.
I tried to put the jar file into a custom directory 'test/lib'. Unfortunately, this did not exclude mariaDB4j from packaging.
unmanagedBase <<= baseDirectory { base => base / "test/lib" }
unmanagedJars in Test <<= unmanagedBase map { base => (base ** "mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar").classpath }
Any thoughts on this?
I think you want to add to the testing classpath.
Two things:
You can check out what's on the classpath using show test:fullClasspath to make sure your jar is on there. Using inspect test:fullClasspath will show you what the dependencies used for testing are.
I think you can directly add your jar to the classpath via:
fullClasspath in Test += Attributed.blank(baseDirectory.value / "test/lib/mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT")
Hope that helps!
This works, but it looks a little overstated. Changing the base directory of the unmanaged dependencies, include the file to the test's and exclude it from compile.
unmanagedBase <<= baseDirectory { base => base / "test/lib" }
unmanagedJars in Test <<= unmanagedBase map { base => (base ** "mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar").classpath }
excludeFilter in unmanagedJars in Compile := "mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
excludeFilter in unmanagedJars in Compile ~= { _ || "mariaDB4j-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" }
don't use unmanaged dependencies
if you want to keep the jar in your source repository just use a file based maven repository in your source tree with
resolvers += "Private Maven Repository" at file(".").toURI.toURL+"/repository"
then mvn install MariaDB4j locally and copy resulting stuff from maven cache to $yourproject/repository
and use the dependency like a regular managed dependency

Multiple project dependencies in SBT native packager

I am using the SBT native packager plugin ( for a project composed of multiple modules.
In my SBT settings I have:
lazy val settings = packageArchetype.java_application ++ Seq(
// Java is required to install this application
debianPackageDependencies in Debian ++= Seq("java2-runtime"),
// Include the module JAR in the ZIP file
mappings in Universal <+= (packageBin in Compile) map { jar =>
jar -> ("lib/" + jar.getName)
The problem is that the generated ZIP, or DEB for example, do not seem to include my project's modules dependencies. There is only the final module JAR, and the libraries used in it, but not the modules that it depends on.
Do you know how could I fix that?
Found a solution to my problem:
I needed to add exportJars := true in my settings for all my internal dependencies to be embedded in the package.