google app - using template statemeant failed - google-apps

It does not run javascript instead of showing the code on webpage. Anyone can tell me why?
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('JavaScript').getContent(); ?>
I can confirm that JavaScript.html was created.

You have the correct syntax in your printing scriptlet The official documentation has an exmaple of HTML, CSS and JavaScript in Separated files, they create an include function in the .gs, but the syntax is the same:
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('JavaScript').getContent(); ?>
Make sure that:
Your JavaScript.html contain <script> tags respectively, because they are HTML snippets and not pure .js files:
$(function() {
console.log('Page is loaded');
Your doGet() function returns an HtmlTemplate object using the createTemplateFromFile(filename) function:
function doGet() {
return HtmlService


How to use Sidebar Search Plugin in AdminLTE v3

In my project I'm using AdminLTE from but it doesn't load SidebarSearch.js on it.
How do I use this plugin in my project? Does anyone have a simple example to show me, because in the documentation itself it is not clear how to use this plugin.
mainly at this point:
Where in HTML / JS should I put this line of code?
To answer your question, simply add it in a script tag before the closing body tag of your page, example:
// Example to toggle dropdown list of the search bar
// Example to initialize the plugin with options
let options = {
arrowSign: '/',
minLength: 2,
highlightClass: 'text-yellow',
notFoundText: 'No results'
However this method seems to return duplicate results.
Preferred method
Just add the options as attributes beside data-widget="sidebar-search".
It should look like this data-not-found-text='No results' data-highlight-class='text-yellow' data-min-length='2'
adminLTE documentation

How to pass variable to javascript function from <liferay-ui> tag?

I have wirtten following code but it does not gets executed
<liferay-ui:input-checkbox param="<%=String.valueOf(item1.getUserId()) %>" formName="frmAllCompanyUserPanelDisplay" onClick="callAddEntry('String.valueOf(item1.getUserId())')" id="<%=String.valueOf(item1.getUserId()) %>"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function callAddEntry(Hello) {
alert("Hello " + Hello);
It gives me same output 'String.valueOf(item1.getUserId())' rather then fetching id dynamically, but when i use normal input checkbox every line of code executed fine? why?
can anyone help me out in solving this javascript problem.
Thanks in Advance.
Try following one.. need to use expression in java script function as follows
More abut liferay have look into to
<liferay-ui:input-checkbox param="<%=String.valueOf(item1.getUserId()) %>"
formName="frmAllCompanyUserPanelDisplay" onClick="callAddEntry('<%=String.valueOf(item1.getUserId())%>')"
id="<%=String.valueOf(item1.getUserId()) %>"/>

JSP javascript function onclick to different jsp page

I have a form and javascript function to open 2.jsp page but it keeps giving me
Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Here is how I do it. I tried to put in only the important parts.
<form name = iForm action=1.jsp method=POST>
<input type="button" value="Button2" name=button2 onclick="OnButton1()"/>
<script language="JavaScript">
function OnButton1{
document.iFrom.action = "2.jsp"; = "_blank";
return true;
< /script>
I know a way to open through 'window' but I was wondering if there is this way
You did not put parenthesis after your JavaScript function name and you misspelled the form name in your script.
Correct those mistakes and it should work as you might expect.
As well, the target attribute does work for forms.

knockout and form's input values

I have been pretty much in love with knockout lately, and here is my first copy-and-paste source snip :rolleyes:. Without luck, I fail to make it work on the local host server, although I already set up the knockout.js in the same directory of the file.php. I hope someone could help.
<script type="text/javascript" src="knockout210.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ViewModel=function(first, last)
return this.firstName()+" "+this.lastName();
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel("Planet","Earth"));
<p>First Name: <input data-bind="value:firstName"/></p>
<p>Last Name: <input data-bind="value:lastName"/></p>
<h2>Hello, <span data-bind="text:fullName"></span>!</h2>
I've setup your demo on jsfiddle. It runs perfectly fine. If what you posted is the actual HTML on your page I'd suggest that you include the html, head, and body tags and make sure that knockout210.js is actually being referenced correctly. Also, if you are having trouble with php or whatever, just make a plain old HTML file and it should run.
Here is your exact code that works:

How to integrate CKFinder with CKEditor?

How do you integrate CKFinder with the new CKEditor.
It is very underdocumented on the website, and i am literally getting nowhere.
A step by step guide would be greatly appreciate as, as far as i am aware.. this is the only free/good image upload solution for a wysiwyg editor that is any good. Can someone confirm?
You can find a tutorial on integrating CKFinder with CKEditor here:
Try doing following steps.
1. Download CKEditor and CKFinder. Integrated code may be available on
2. Put extracted code of both in one folder inside xampp as below.
3. Create index file (index.html) which will be containing the editor as below code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ckfinder/ckfinder.js"></script>
<h1>CKEditor CKFinder Integration using PHP</h1>
<textarea id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
filebrowserBrowseUrl : 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html',
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Images',
filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl : 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html?type=Flash',
filebrowserUploadUrl : 'ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files',
filebrowserImageUploadUrl : 'ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Images',
filebrowserFlashUploadUrl : 'ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash'
CKFinder.setupCKEditor( editor, '../' );
so your folder structure will be something like this:
| |_config.js
| |_...
| |_config.php
| |_...
Now open file config.php inside ckfinder & make following changes:
function CheckAuthentication() {
// WARNING : DO NOT simply return "true". By doing so, you are allowing
// "anyone" to upload and list the files in your server. You must implement
// some kind of session validation here. Even something very simple as...
// return isset($_SESSION['IsAuthorized']) && $_SESSION['IsAuthorized'];
return true; // not good option though; go for sessions
$baseUrl = 'http://localhost/integrated/uploads/';
$enabled = true;
$config['SecureImageUploads'] = false;
$config['ChmodFolders'] = 0777 ;
Now open url http://localhost/integrated/ and try uploading image.
Check the documentation site for your server language:
For example this part of the PHP docs:
And btw, CKFinder is not free, you must get a license in order to use it.
First you must have a textbox to convert to CKEditor:
<textarea id="newTextArea">Some text</textarea>
Then all you need is some javascript code for the conversion of this texteditor to a CKEditor instance and the integration of this editor with CKFinder.
<script type="text/javascript">
var newCKEdit = CKEDITOR.replace('newTextArea');
CKFinder.setupCKEditor(newCKEdit, '/ckfinder/');
The second parameter of the setupCKEditor function must be the folder in your website where you uploaded ckfinder.