How to install M2E in Eclipse Mars 2.0 - eclipse

I had Maven installed by default at my ECLIPSE MARS 2.0 . I wanted to take the latest version of M2E and i go to Help-->Install New Software--> and followed all the steps and it was installed . Now when I want to create a new project I do not anymore have the option to create a Maven project. I am really confused what is happening to my eclipse. Can anyone provide me an answer and a solution?
Remark: In my terminal when i type mvn --version the result is command not found


run as testNG is missing

The option runAs->TestNG on xml file is missing somehow on my eclipse,
I tried to install the eclipse from scratch and now I have Version: 2018-12 (4.10.0).
Also I have latest JDK and JRE testNG is installed as far as I see and when I want to install them again I have a problem.
All the threads that i saw till now nothing helped me and i tried all the solution as i wrote maybe you have any idea
the only solution i founded till now is that i need to install eclipse from scratch and convert the same project again to TestNG and to copy the old XML to the new one, if its the latest eclipse than to download the beta version of TestNG
There is an issue with the TestNG plugin and Eclipse 2018-12 ( You can use the current beta version from
If the picture above of your installed software is the current state of your Eclipse 2018-12 setup, it cannot be a clean install. The version 6.14.x of the TestNG plugin is not compatible with 2018-12. It is not possible to install the plugin with Eclipse. Either the existing Eclipse directories are reused or the plugin directories have been added manually. It is important to remove them. After that, it should be possible to install the version 7 beta of the TestNG plugin.
It should look like this:
With this setup, you will get your context menu entry for TestNG:

Which gradle plugin do I install on eclipse?

I'm trying to follow a simple tutorial with an API called Twilio ( and to do that I need to start a gradle project in eclipse.
My eclipse isn't working on my linux partition so I am starting from scratch in a virtual machine.
I tried to install the gradle plugin in eclipse using the source URL but I'm not sure which modules to include and which not to.
I tried installing "Gradle IDE" and "Eclipse Platform" but it does not give the option to create a new gradle project, only "Gradle (STS) Project" which when selected does not look the same as in the tutorial.
Can someone explain what I need to do? My eclipse version is 3.8.1
edit: This is what it looks like right now
I am on Eclipse Mars version and the best way to install Gradle or any external plugin is from Eclipse Marketplace.
Navigation : Help -> Eclipse Marketplace... (the last sub-menu)
There you can search for 'gradle' and install Buildship gradle integration 2.0. After install eclipse will ask for restart and plugin gets installed successfully. You can import gradle project into eclipse afterwards.
Hope this helps.

Maven found missing in Eclipse IDE (Mars) after installing m2e-egit

unable to create a maven project after installing the m2e-egit plugin; Obviously I don't see the maven option under Eclipse > Window > preferences
Tool used:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars Release (4.5.0)
Try this :
Firstly, for Maven:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Secondly, for m2e-egit:
Eclipse > Help > Install new software and add
Because the version of m2e-egit in the Marketplace is outdated
Now restart eclipse.
It perfectly worked for me (Mars Version).
I had this same issue with m2eclipse-scala. I tracked the issue down to what seems to be multiple installs of the m2e plugin, one explicit and one implicit. This plugin gets installed by m2eclipse-scala if it's not already there (perhaps similarly to how m2e-egit operates). The base version of Eclipse that I'm using does NOT show m2e installed under Window > Installation Details, but all of the Maven buttons and toolbars are already present, and explicitly installing m2e makes them disappear.

Maven for Eclipse 1.5.0 plugin cannot be installed under Kepler

I downloaded Eclipse Kepler and tried to install M2Eclipse from its update site.
After selecting Maven Integration for Eclipse, I clicked Next and got the following error:
Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core requires 'bundle [14.0.1,16.0.0)' but it could not be found
So I searched through the internet to find out how to install the Guava Eclipse plugin. Some say it's from the Eclipse marketplace, but it cannot be downloaded. I downloaded the binary and tried to copy it to Eclipse's plugin directory. Still the same result.
cp ~/Downloads/guava-16.0.1.jar /Applications/eclipse/plugins/
How do I install the m2e plugin for Kepler?
m2e 1.5.0 requires Eclipse Luna. It will not work with Kepler or Indigo. (thanks to #HDave for the link)
So you have to use an older version of m2e under Kepler.
During installation, uncheck "Show only the latest versions of available software". Then only check the 1.4.1 version or lower version in the candidate list. It doesn't require the Guava dependency.
Make sure you have the Luna repository in "Available Software Sites".
You can add it in : Help -> Install New Software...
Then in the "Work with" input, you type and press enter.
After that, you should be able to install m2e with
You can find Guava 15 on Orbit project - "repository of bundled versions of third party libraries that are approved for use in one or more Eclipse projects". You can also directly add the Orbit project update site to your kepler installation and you'll be able to update m2e
What has helped me for Juno release is adding as plugin update site. The version of Maven for Eclipse was 1.3 instead of 1.5 but, for me, this differrence was less principal than the absence of extra dependencies and extra update sites, especially that of the newer version of IDE itself.
Do you necessarily need version 1.5 or 1.3 also should be good?
Maven Eclipse plugin installation step by step:
Open Eclipse IDE
Click Help -> Install New Software...
Uncheck "Show only the latest versions of available software"
Click Add button at top right corner
At pop up: fill up Name as "M2Eclipse" and Location as""
Check only one 1.4.1 Version.
Now click OK After that installation would be started.
This URL does not work.
This one can work.

Maven Category does not appear in Netbeans

I am going to start with GeoTools. Maven in installed correctly as cmd prompt says the version 3.0.4. But in Netbeans 6.5, Maven Category does not appear to create a new project. What should I go through now?
Please follow the link i is given correct explanation about NetBeans IDE and Maven Repositories
Maven Repositories in NetBean IDE
If your system has enough resource, consider upgrading Netbeans to latest version 7.2. It has inbuilt maven plugin or the blow link may help you.
How-to: Install Maven For Netbeans 6.5.x