Scala Nothing datatype - scala

I know Scala Nothing is the bottom type. When I see the API it extends from "Any" which is the top in the hierarchy.
Now since Scala does not support multiple inheritance, how can we say that it is the bottom type. In other words it is not inheriting directly all the classes or traits like Seq, List, String, Int and so on. If that is the case how can we say that it is the bottom of all type ?
What I meant is that if we are able to assign List[Nothing] (Nil) to List[String] as List is covariant in scala how it is possible because there is no direct correlation between Nothing and String type. As we know Nothing is a bottom type but I am having little difficulty in seeing the relation between String and Nothing as I stated in the above example.
Thanks & Regards,

tl;dr summary: Nothing is a subtype of every type because the spec says so. It cannot be explained from within the language. Every language (or at least almost every language) has some things at the very core that cannot be explained from within the language, e.g. java.lang.Object having no superclass even though every class has a superclass, since even if we don't write an extends clause, the class will implicitly get a superclass. Or the "bootstrap paradox" in Ruby, Object being an instance of Class, but Class being a subclass of Object, and thus Object being an indirect instance of itself (and even more directly: Class being an instance of Class).
I know Scala Nothing is the bottom type. When I see the API it extends from "Any" which is the top in the hierarchy.
Now since Scala does not support multiple inheritance, how can we say that it is the bottom type.
There are two possible answers to this.
The simple and short answer is: because the spec says so. The spec says Nothing is a subtype of all types, so Nothing is the subtype of all types. How? We don't care. The spec says it is so, so that's what it is. Let the compiler designers worry about how to represent this fact within their compiler. Do you care how Any is able to have to superclass? Do you care how def is represented internally in the compiler?
The slightly longer answer is: Yes, it's true, Nothing inherits from Any and only from Any. But! Inheritance is not the same thing as subtyping. In Scala, inheritance and subtyping are closely tied together, but they are not the same thing. The fact that Nothing can only inherit from one class does not mean that it cannot be the subtype of more than one type. A type is not the same thing as a class.
In fact, to be very specific, the spec does not even say that Nothing is a subtype of all types. It only says that Nothing conforms to all types.
In other words it is not inheriting directly all the classes or traits like Seq, List, String, Int and so on. If that is the case how can we say that it is the bottom of all type ?
Again, we can say that, because the spec says we can say that.
How can we say that def defines a method? Because the spec says so. How can we say that a b c means the same thing as a.b(c) and a b_: c means the same thing as { val __some_unforgeable_id__ = a; c.b_:(__some_unforgeable_id__) }? Because the spec says so. How can we say that "" is a string and '' is a character? Because the spec says so.
What I meant is that if we are able to assign List[Nothing] (Nil) to List[String] as List is covariant in scala how it is possible because there is no direct correlation between Nothing and String type.
Yes, there is a direct correlation between the types Nothing and String. Nothing is a subtype of String because Nothing is a subtype of all types, including String.
As we know Nothing is a bottom type but I am having little difficulty in seeing the relation between String and Nothing as I stated in the above example.
The relation between String and Nothing is that Nothing is a subtype of String. Why? Because the spec says so.
The compiler knows Nothing is a subtype of String the same way it knows 1 is an instance of Int and has a + method, even though if you look at the source code of the Scala standard library, the Int class is actually abstract and all its methods have no implementation.
Someone, somewhere wrote some code within the compiler that knows how to handle adding two numbers, even though those numbers are actually represented as JVM primitives and don't even exist inside the Scala object system. The same way, someone, somewhere wrote some code within the compiler that knows that Nothing is a subtype of all types even though this fact is not represented (and is not even representable) in the source code of Nothing.

Now since Scala does not support multiple inheritance
Scala does support multiple inheritance, using trait mixin. This is currently not commutative, i.e. the type A with B is not identical with B with A (this will happen with Dotty), but still it's a form of multiple inheritance, and indeed one of Scala's strong points, as it solves the diamond problem through its linearisation rules.
By the way, Null is another bottom type, inherited from Java (which could also be said to have a Nothing bottom type because you can throw a runtime exception in any possible place).
I think you need to distinguish between class inheritance and type bounds. There is no contradiction in defining Nothing as a bottom type, although it does not "explicitly" inherit from any type you want, such as List. It's more like a capability, the capability to throw an exception.
if we are able to assign List[Nothing] (Nil) to List[String] as List is covariant in scala how it is possible because there is no direct correlation between Nothing and String type
Yes, the idea of the bottom type is that Nothing is also (among many other things) a sub-type of String. So you can write
def foo: String = throw new Exception("No")
This only works because Nothing (the type of throwing an exception) is more specific than the declared return type String.


Generics invariant covariant contravariant in scala

This could be a very silly question, but I am not able to understand the difference even after scratching my head for a long time.
I am going through the page of scala generics:
Here, it is said that
Note: subtyping of generic types is invariant. This means that if we
have a stack of characters of type Stack[Char] then it cannot be used
as an integer stack of type Stack[Int]. This would be unsound because
it would enable us to enter true integers into the character stack. To
conclude, Stack[A] is only a subtype of Stack[B] if and only if B = A.
I understand this completely that I cannot use Char where Int is required.
But, my Stack class accepts only A type (which is invariant). If I put Apple, Banana or Fruit in them, they all are accepted.
class Fruit
class Apple extends Fruit
class Banana extends Fruit
val stack2 = new Stack[Fruit]
stack2.push(new Fruit)
stack2.push(new Banana)
stack2.push(new Apple)
But, on the next page (, it says that type parameter should be covariant +A, then how is the Fruit example working as even it is adding the subtypes with invariant.
Hope I am clear with my question. Let me know if more Info. needs to be added.
This has nothing to do with variance at all.
You declare stack2 to be a Stack[Fruit], in other words, you declare that you are allowed to put anything into the Stack which is a Fruit. An Apple is a (subtype of) Fruit, ergo you are allowed to put an Apple into a Stack of Fruits.
This is called subtyping and has nothing to do with variance at all.
Let's take a step back: what does variance actually mean?
Well, variance means "change" (think of words like "to vary" or "variable"). co- means "together" (think of cooperation, co-education, co-location), contra- means "against" (think of contradiction, counter-intelligence, counter-insurgency, contraceptive), and in- means "unrelated" or "non-" (think of involuntary, inaccessible, intolerant).
So, we have "change" and that change can be "together", "against" or "unrelated". Well, in order to have related changes, we need two things which change, and they can either change together (i.e. when one thing changes, the other thing also changes "in the same direction"), they can change against each other (i.e. when one thing changes, the other thing changes "in the opposite direction"), or they can be unrelated (i.e. when one thing changes, the other doesn't.)
And that's all there is to the mathematical concept of covariance, contravariance, and invariance. All we need are two "things", some notion of "change", and this change needs to have some notion of "direction".
Now, that's of course very abstract. In this particular instance, we are talking about the context of subtyping and parametric polymorphism. How does this apply here?
Well, what are our two things? When we have a type constructor such as C[A], then our two things are:
The type argument A.
The constructed type which is the result of applying the type constructor C to A.
And what is our change with a sense of direction? It is subtyping!
So, the question now becomes: "When I change A to B (along one of the directions of subtyping, i.e. make it either a subtype or a supertype), then how does C[A] relate to C[B]".
And again, there are three possibilities:
Covariance: A <: B ⇒ C[A] <: C[B]: when A is a subtype of B then C[A] is a subtype of C[B], in other words, when I change A along the subtyping hierarchy, then C[A] changes with A in the same direction.
Contravariance: A <: B ⇒ C[A] :> C[B]: when A is a subtype of B, then C[A] is a supertype of C[B], in other words, when I change A along the subtyping hierarchy, then C[A] changes against A in the opposite direction.
Invariance: there is no subtyping relationship between C[A] and C[B], neither is a sub- nor supertype of the other.
There are two questions you might ask yourself now:
Why is this useful?
Which one is the right one?
This is useful for the same reason subtyping is useful. In fact, this is just subtyping. So, if you have a language which has both subtyping and parametric polymorphism, then it is important to know whether one type is a subtype of another type, and variance tells you whether or not a constructed type is a subtype of another constructed type of the same constructor based on the subtyping relationship between the type arguments.
Which one is the right one is trickier, but thankfully, we have a powerful tool for analyzing when a subtype is a subtype of another type: Barbara Liskov's Substitution Principle tells us that a type S is a subtype of type T IFF any instance of T can be replaced with an instance of S without changing the observable desirable properties of the program.
Let's take a simple generic type, a function. A function has two type parameters, one for the input, and one for the output. (We are keeping it simple here.) F[A, B] is a function that takes in an argument of type A and returns a result of type B.
And now we play through a couple of scenarios. I have some operation O that wants to work with a function from Fruits to Mammals (yeah, I know, exciting original examples!) The LSP says that I should also be able to pass in a subtype of that function, and everything should still work. Let's say, F were covariant in A. Then I should be able to pass in a function from Apples to Mammals as well. But what happens when O passes an Orange to F? That should be allowed! O was able to pass an Orange to F[Fruit, Mammal] because Orange is a subtype of Fruit. But, a function from Apples doesn't know how to deal with Oranges, so it blows up. The LSP says it should work though, which means that the only conclusion we can draw is that our assumption is wrong: F[Apple, Mammal] is not a subtype of F[Fruit, Mammal], in other words, F is not covariant in A.
What if it were contravariant? What if we pass an F[Food, Mammal] into O? Well, O again tries to pass an Orange and it works: Orange is a Food, so F[Food, Mammal] knows how to deal with Oranges. We can now conclude that functions are contravariant in their inputs, i.e. you can pass a function that takes a more general type as its input as a replacement for a function that takes a more restricted type and everything will work out fine.
Now let's look at the output of F. What would happen if F were contravariant in B just like it is in A? We pass an F[Fruit, Animal] to O. According to the LSP, if we are right and functions are contravariant in their output, nothing bad should happen. Unfortunately, O calls the getMilk method on the result of F, but F just returned it a Chicken. Oops. Ergo, functions can't be contravariant in their outputs.
OTOH, what happens if we pass an F[Fruit, Cow]? Everything still works! O calls getMilk on the returned cow, and it indeed gives milk. So, it looks like functions are covariant in their outputs.
And that is a general rule that applies to variance:
It is safe (in the sense of the LSP) to make C[A] covariant in A IFF A is used only as an output.
It is safe (in the sense of the LSP) to make C[A] contravariant in A IFF A is used only as an input.
If A can be used either as an input or as an output, then C[A] must be invariant in A, otherwise the result is not safe.
In fact, that's why C♯'s designers chose to re-use the already existing keywords in and out for variance annotations and Kotlin uses those same keywords.
So, for example, immutable collections can generally be covariant in their element type, since they don't allow you to put something into the collection (you can only construct a new collection with a potentially different type) but only to get elements out. So, if I want to get a list of numbers, and someone hands me a list of integers, I am fine.
On the other hand, think of an output stream (such as a Logger), where you can only put stuff in but not get it out. For this, it is safe to be contravariant. I.e. if I expect to be able to print strings, and someone hands me a printer that can print any object, then it can also print strings, and I am fine. Other examples are comparison functions (you only put generics in, the output is fixed to be a boolean or an enum or an integer or whatever design your particular language chooses). Or predicates, they only have generic inputs, the output is always fixed to be a boolean.
But, for example, mutable collections, where you can both put stuff in and get stuff out, are only type-safe when they are invariant. There are a great many tutorials explaining in detail how to break Java's or C♯'s type-safety using their covariant mutable arrays, for example.
Note, however that it is not always obvious whether a type is an input or an output once you get to more complex types. For example, when your type parameter is used as the upper or lower bound of an abstract type member, or when you have a method which takes a function that returns a function whose argument type is your type parameter.
Now, to come back to your question: you only have one stack. You never ask whether one stack is a subtype of another stack. Therefore, variance doesn't come into play in your example.
One of the non-obvious things about Scala type variance is that the annotation, +A and -A, actually tells us more about the wrapper than it does about the type parameter.
Let's say you have a box: class Box[T]
Because T is invariant that means that some Box[Apple] is unrelated to a Box[Fruit].
Now let's make it covariant: class Box[+T]
This does two things, it restricts the way the Box code can use T internally, but, more importantly, it changes the relationship between various instances of Boxes. In particular, the type Box[Apple] is now a sub-type of Box[Fruit], because Apple is a sub-type of Fruit, and we've instructed Box to vary its type relationships in the same manner (i.e. "co-") as its type parameter.
... it says that type parameter should be covariant +A
Actually, that Stack code can't be made co- or contra-variant. As I mentioned, variance annotation adds some restrictions to the way the type parameter is used and that Stack code uses A in ways that are contrary to both co- and contra-variance.
Variance is related more with complex type rather then passing objects which is called subtyping.
Explained here:
If you want to make a complex type that accepts some type as a child/parent of list that accepts certain other type, then idea of variance comes int effect. As in your example, it is about passing child in place of parent. So it works.
Please see the code here. It is understandable. Please respond if you do not get it.

Benefit of explicitly providing the method return type or variable type in scala

This question may be very silly, but I am a little confused which is the best way to do in scala.
In scala, compiler does the type inference and assign the most closest(or may be Restrictive) type for each variable or a method.
I am new to scala, and from many sample code/ libraries, I have noticed that in many places people are not explicitly providing the types for most of the time. But, in most of the code I wrote, I was/still am explicitly providing the types. For eg:
val someVal: String = "def"
def getMeResult() : List[String]= {
val list:List[String] = List("abc","def")
The reason I started to write this especially for method return type is that, when I write a method itself, I know what it should return. So If I explicitly provide the return type, I can find out if I am making any mistakes. Also, I felt it is easier to understand what that method returns by reading the return type itself. Otherwise, I will have to check what the return type of the last statement.
So my questions/doubts are :
1. Does it take less compilation time since the compiler doesn't have to infer much? Or it doesn't matter much ?
2. What is the normal standard in the scala world?
From "Scala in Depth" chapter 4.5:
For a human reading a nontrivial method implementation, infering the
return type can be troubling. It’s best to explicitly document and
enforce return types in public APIs.
From "Programming in Scala" chapter 2:
Sometimes the Scala compiler will require you to specify the result
type of a function. If the function is recursive, for example, you
must explicitly specify the function’s result type.
It is often a good idea to indicate function result types explicitly.
Such type annotations can make the code easier to read, because the
reader need not study the function body to figure out the inferred
result type.
From "Scala in Action" chapter 2.2.3:
It’s a good practice to specify the return type for the users of the
library. If you think it’s not clear from the function what its return
type is, either try to improve the name or specify the return type.
From "Programming Scala" chapter 1:
Recursive functions are one exception where the execution scope
extends beyond the scope of the body, so the return type must be
For simple functions perhaps it’s not that important to show it
explicitly. However, sometimes the inferred type won’t be what’s
expected. Explicit return types provide useful documentation for the
reader. I recommend adding return types, especially in public APIs.
You have to provide explicit return types in the following cases:
When you explicitly call return in a method.
When a method is recursive.
When two or more methods are overloaded and one of them calls another; the calling method needs a return type annotation.
When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended, e.g., Any.
Another reason which has not yet been mentioned in the other answers is the following. You probably know that it is a good idea to program to an interface, not an implementation.
In the case of return values of functions or methods, that means that you don't want users of the function or method to know what specific implementation of some interface (or trait) the function returns - that's an implementation detail you want to hide.
If you write a method like this:
trait Example
class ExampleImpl1 extends Example { ... }
class ExampleImpl2 extends Example { ... }
def example() = new ExampleImpl1
then the return type of the method will be inferred to be ExampleImpl1 - so, it is exposing the fact that it is returning a specific implementation of trait Example. You can use an explicit return type to hide this:
def example(): Example = new ExampleImpl1
The standard rule is to use explicit types for API (in order to specify the type precisely and as a guard against refactoring) and also for implicits (especially because implicits without an explicit type may be ignored if the definition site is after the use site).
To the first question, type inference can be a significant tax, but that is balanced against the ease of both writing and reading expressions.
In the example, the type on the local list is not even a "better java." It's just visual clutter.
However, it should be easy to read the inferred type. Occasionally, I have to fire up the IDE just to tell me what is inferred.
By implication, methods should be short enough so that it's easy to scan for the result type.
Sorry for the lack of references. Maybe someone else will step forward; the topic is frequent on MLs and SO.
2. The scala style guide says
Use type inference where possible, but put clarity first, and favour explicitness in public APIs.
You should almost never annotate the type of a private field or a local variable, as their type will usually be immediately evident in their value:
private val name = "Daniel"
However, you may wish to still display the type where the assigned value has a complex or non-obvious form.
All public methods should have explicit type annotations. Type inference may break encapsulation in these cases, because it depends on internal method and class details. Without an explicit type, a change to the internals of a method or val could alter the public API of the class without warning, potentially breaking client code. Explicit type annotations can also help to improve compile times.
The twitter scala style guide says of method return types:
While Scala allows these to be omitted, such annotations provide good documentation: this is especially important for public methods. Where a method is not exposed and its return type obvious, omit them.
I think there's a broad consensus that explicit types should be used for public APIs, and shouldn't be used for most local variable declarations. When to use explicit types for "internal" methods is less clear-cut and more a matter of judgement; different organizations have different standards.
1. Type inference doesn't seem to visibly affect compilation time for the line where the inference happens (aside from a few rare cases with implicits which are basically compiler bugs) - after all, the compiler still has to check the type, which is pretty much the same calculation it would use to infer it. But if a method return type is inferred then anything using that method has to be recompiled when that method changes.
So inferring a method (or public variable) that's used in many places can slow down compilation (particularly if you're using incremental compilation). But inferring local or private variables, private methods, or public methods that are only used in one or two places, makes no (significant) difference.

Constraint a scala type such that I would never need to check for null?

def myMethod(dog: Dog) = {
require (dog != null) // is it possible to already constraint it in the `Dog` type?
Is there a way to construct Dog such that it would be an ADT which would never be able to accept a null thus eliminate any null check? (I don't want an Option here, otherwise all my code would turn to have Option based, I want to already constraint the Dog class such that null is never possible, this is why type system is for to allow me to specify constraints in my program).
There was an attempt to provide such functionality (example I'm running in 2.10.4):
class A extends NotNull
defined class A
val x: A = null
// <console>:8: error: type mismatch;
// found : Null(null)
// required: A
// val x: A = null
Though it was never complete and eventually got deprecated. As for the time of writing, I don't think it's possible to construct ones hierarchy in a way that prevent you from nulls, without additional nullity checking analysis.
Check out comments in relevant ticket for an insight
I don't think this is possible, generally, because Java ruins everything. If you have a Java method that returns Dog, that could give you a null no matter what language/type features you add to Scala. That null could then be passed around, even in Scala code, and end up being passed to myMethod.
So you can't have non-null types in Scala without losing the interoperability property that Scala objects are Java objects (at least for the type in question).
Unfortunately inheritance makes it very difficult for the computer to know in the general case whether a method could be passed an object that originated from Java - unless everything is final/sealed, you can always subclass a class that handled the object at some point, and override the Dog-returning method. So it requires hairy full-program analysis to figure out the concrete types of everything (and remember, which concrete types are used can depend on runtime input!) just to establish that a given case could not involve Java code.

Primitive types are not traited Immutable in scala?

Can anyone please share insight into the trait "Immutable" in scala? At first glance I thought this would be a nice control structure to limit a class I'm building, but oddly I noticed that primitive types do not extend this. Is there a reason for this? Is there a way to bind the syntax to Immutable or AnyVal?
class Test {
def test[T<:Immutable](x:T)={
println("passes "+x)
case class X(s:String) extends Immutable
test(X("hello")) //passes
// test("fail") - does not pass compiler
The only direct subtypes of Immutable in the Scala core library are:
Nothing else refers to Immutable at all.
Immutable hasn't been changed since it was added in 2009 in Martin Odersky's "massive new collections checkin". I'm searching through that commit, and it looks like Immutable was never even used as a bound when it was first introduced either.
Honestly, I doubt there's much intent behind these traits anymore. Odersky probably planned to use Immutable to bound the type arguments on immutable collections, and then thought better of it. But that's just my speculation.
So-called primitive types (Boolean, Byte, Char, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double) are intrinsically immutable. 5 is 5 is 5. You cannot do anything to 5 to turn it into anything that is not 5.
Otherwise, immutability is a property of how a value is stored. If stored in a var, that var may be replaced freely with a new value (of a compatible type). By extension, constructed types (classes, traits and objects) may be either immutable or mutable depending on whether they allow any of their internal state to be altered following construction.
Java's String (also used as Scala's String) is immutable.
However, none of this has anything to do with you example, since you did not demonstrate mutability. You simply showed what happens when one applies the + method of one value to another value.
While it is certainly possible that one can implement a + method that mutates its (apparent) left-hand operand, one rarely does that. If there's a need for that kind of mutation, one would conventionally define the += method instead.
+ is somewhat special in that it may be applied to any value (if the argument / right-hand operand) is a String by virtue of an implicit conversion to a special class that defines +(s: String) so that the string concatenation interpretation of + may be applied. In other words, if you write e1 + "e2" and the type of the expression e1 does not define +, then Scala will convert e1 to String and concatenate it with "e2".

Under what conditions is inferring Nothing desirable?

In my own code, and on numerous mailing list postings, I've noticed confusion due to Nothing being inferred as the least upper bound of two other types.
The answer may be obvious to you*, but I'm lazy, so I'm asking you*:
Under what conditions is inferring Nothing in this way the most desirable outcome?
Would it make sense to have the compiler throw an error in these cases, or a warning unless overridden by some kind of annotation?
* Plural
Nothing is the subtype of everything, so it is in a certain sense the counter part of Any, which is the super-type of everything. Nothing can't be instantiated, you'll never hold a Nothing object. There are two situations (I'm aware of) where Nothing is actually useful:
A function that never returns (in contrast to a function that returns no useful value, which would use Unit instead), which happens for infinite loops, infinite blocking, throwing always an exception or exiting the application
As a way to specify the type of empty Containers, e.g. Nil or None. In Java, you can't have a single Nil object for an generic immutable lists without casting or other tricks: If you want to create a List of Dates, even the empty element needs to have the right type, which must be a subtype of Date. As Date and e.g. Integer don't share a common subtype in Java, you can't create such a Nil instance without tricks, despite the fact that your Nil doesn't even hold any value. Now Scala has this common subtype for all objects, so you can define Nil as object Nil extends List[Nothing], and you can use it to start any List you like.
To your second question: Yes, that would be useful. I'd guess there is already a compiler switch for turning on these warnings, but I'm not sure.
It's impossible to infer Nothing as the least upper bound of two types unless those two types are also both Nothing. When you infer the least upper bound of two types, and those two types have nothing in common, you'll get Any (In most such cases, you'll get AnyRef though, because you'll only get Any when a value type like Int or Long is involved.)