Xcode Markup Link Reference Within Same File - swift

I want to make a link reference within the same file in Swift kind of like the way you can in JavaDoc, but I can't seem to find documentation describing how to do this. You can only reference external URLS. I want to be able to do something like this:
class myClass : UIView {
/// The label that displays the scale of this view
/// - seealso: [showScaleView](showScaleView())
private lazy var scaleView: UIView = UIView()
/// Shows the scale view
/// - seealso: [scaleView](scaleView)
private func showScaleView() {

This known issue in Xcode since Jan 2018... :(
Here is radar: https://github.com/lionheart/openradar-mirror/issues/19263


Side menu controller

I am working on a YouTube project and the problem is that I want to add a side menu and I know how to do that. However, when I press a cell I don't want it to load a new view. Instead, I want it to update my table view because I don't want 20 different views that do nearly the same thing and just load different videos. Any idea how I can achieve my goal?
I was thinking of using this side menu: https://github.com/John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController
Coding in swift
You could create a custom class that does all the tableview initialization as a BaseClass and make childClass for different Menus. Instead of:
class menu1: UITableViewController {
class menu2: UITableViewController {
Use this:
class BaseTableViewController: UITableViewController {
class menu1: BaseTableViewController {
class menu2: BaseTableViewController {
Reuse the class and make a fetch function content for cell with customizable input parameters. You could refer letsbuildthatapp youtube tutorial series for reference. It has a letsbuildyoutube app series.

Understanding Interface Builder - Swift

Alright, so I'm not trying to do a whole lot at this stage. I have created a Swift class that is supposed to update an NSPopUpButton with a list of available serial ports. I've finalized the code for retrieving the list of ports and created a window in interface builder including the popup button but I can't get the two to work together.
I've tried editing the 'custom class' field of the window to 'Serial' to match my class but that gives me errors in the debugging window when running the program. I've tried to link the two with the command+drag tool with varying success but no matter what I try, I can't manage to update the button of my program.
How should I be doing this? What am I missing?
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class Serial {
init() {
#IBOutlet weak var serialListPullDown: NSPopUpButton!
func refreshSerialList(defaultprompt: String) {
//Initialize ORSSerialPortManager
let portManager : ORSSerialPortManager = ORSSerialPortManager.sharedSerialPortManager()
var availablePorts : NSArray = portManager.availablePorts
//Erase entries from popup field
for port in availablePorts as [ORSSerialPort] {
//Add ports to popup window
var Port = "\(port.path)"
You need to change Serial to a subclass of UIViewController (assuming that That window is a UIViewController)
class Serial: UIViewController {}
then change the Custom class to Serial again. It shouldn't have errors anymore
Then start cmd+drag to connect your NSPopupButton object

Fuelphp - route index with parameters

Using Fuelphp, I'd like to be able to use a URL system similar to here on StackOverflow to get to specific pages.
Desired behavior:
-stackoverflow.com/questions -> page with many questions
-stackoverflow.com/questions/1982 ->page with specific question
Here's my controller:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index($id=null)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
I can access the "generic" page with mysite.com/images/ - this is routed to the action_index function. I can access a "specific" page with mysite.com/images/index/1. What I'd like to do is be able to skip index in this case too, so that mysite.com/images/1 works. Right now I'm getting 404. How do I set up routing for this?
After poking around a bit more, I came up with a solution that works fine:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index()
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
public function get_id($id)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
In routes.php:
return array(
//other routing stuff...
With this setup, the url "mysite.com/images/1" now appropriately displays the selected image as if "mysite.com/images/id/1" was used instead. Not a huge deal, but it is a nicer interface, which is important!

Has anyone used MT.D MultilineEntryElement?

I'm using the most recent one created by Alxandr (Feb/2012).
I'm trying to add it to a section using the same technique as I would adding an EntryElement. The MultilineEntryElement adds to the section but the receiving cell will not expand past it's default size. The MLEE will then overwrite the section below. I would like it to default to full screen width and 10 lines long. What is the best way to do this?
Thanks you!
To deal with this problem, set the RootElement's UnevenRows property to true, like this:
var r = new RootElement ("foo") { ... }
r.UnevenRows = true;
I did a bit more research on this issue. Please note - I am using my own implementation of MultilineEntryElement which is probably a bit different than others'.
First, it's worth stating that the issue does not manifest for me in "simple" scenarios - where a MultilineEntryElement is placed inside a section which is created as part of the initial creation of the RootElement. The issue only manifests when I manipulate an existing RootElement that has already been rendered by the DialogViewController.
It appears that there is a bug in the way MonoTouch.Dialog computes sizing of rows. If an element implements IElementSizing, then MT.D will call its GetHeight() overload. Once MT.D has detected an element with "irregular" height, it appears to need to call this method every time it processes a change to the enclosing section. This can be expensive... So if MT.D lays out a RootElement and hasn't found an element that implements IElementSizing, it appears that (perhaps intended as an optimization?) MT.D will IGNORE IElementSizing information for any elements that are added POST initial rendering. So the CELL's RowHeight property will return a standard row height, and the MultilineEntryElement will render a UITextView that spills over the cells below it.
The workaround I've come up with is to create a simple element called DummyElement which implements IElementSizing and returns 0 for GetHeight(), and to add it to the initial RootElement before the initial layout happens. If you do that, MT.D will register that there's an element which has an irregular height, and call the GetHeight() method on your MultilineEntryElement when you later add it to your element "DOM".
Here is my minimal impl of DummyElement in case it helps:
public class DummyElement : Element, IElementSizing
public DummyElement() : base ("empty")
public float GetHeight (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
return 0;

UIButton subclass displays wrongly

I have a button that's created via a NIB file. I've derived a class from UIButton, replaced the class name in the NIB file.
Now my button displays with no background. The text is there, the text font and color are right, and it reacts to taps as expected, but it's as if the background is transparent. In the NIB, it's not transparent - I did not change any of the properties other than the class name.
The subclass is trivial - it overrides nothing (for now). Please, what am I doing wrong?
The reason I need a subclass of UIButton is because I want to be able, under certain circumstances, to drag text from the button to elsewhere. If there's an alternative way to handle drag and drop in a UIKit provided view, I'm willing to hear.
Check the states of the button in your NIB file.
It's possible that you are looking at the "active" state or something rather than the more common UICONTROLSTATENORMAL.
Honestly not sure what's wrong with the subclass, but the 'Net (including SO) is full of cautionary tales about subclassing UIButton, and how you shouldn't.
So I'll go with method swizzling on the four touch processing methods. The following function replaces the provided method of a button with my implementation (taken from the MyButton class), while saving the old one in the system button class under a different selector:
//Does NOT look at superclasses
static bool MethodInClass(Class c, SEL sel)
unsigned n,i ;
Method *m = class_copyMethodList(c, &n);
if(sel_isEqual(method_getName(m[i]), sel))
return true;
return false;
static void MountMethod(Class &buc, SEL SrcSel, SEL SaveSlotSel)
IMP OldImp = [buc instanceMethodForSelector:SrcSel];
IMP NewImp = [[MyButton class] instanceMethodForSelector:SrcSel];
if(OldImp && NewImp)
//Save the old implementation. Might conflict if the technique is used
//independently on many classes in the same hierarchy
Method SaveMe = class_getInstanceMethod(buc, SaveSlotSel);
if(SaveMe == NULL)
class_addMethod(buc, SaveSlotSel, OldImp, "v#:##");
method_setImplementation(SaveMe, OldImp);
//Note: the method's original implemenation might've been in the base class
if(MethodInClass(buc, SrcSel))
Method SrcMe = class_getInstanceMethod(buc, SrcSel);
method_setImplementation(SrcMe, NewImp);
else //Add an override in the current class
class_addMethod(buc, SrcSel, NewImp, "v#:##");
And call it so:
Class buc = [bu class];
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesBegan:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesBegan:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesCancelled:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesCancelled:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesEnded:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesEnded:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesMoved:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesMoved:withEvent:));
This has the disadvantage of mounting the said methods for all buttons, not just for the ones desired. In the MyButton's implementation, there's an additional check if the drag-drop functionality is to be enabled for this particular button. For that I've used associated objects.
One fine point is that touchesXXX methods are implemented in the UIControl class, not in the UIButton. So my first, naive implementation of swizzling would replace the method in UIControl instead of the button class. The current implementation does not assume either way. Also, it makes no assumptions about the run-time class of buttons. Could be UIButton, could be anything (and in real iOS, it's UIRoundedRectButton).