Redirect my to discord - redirect

I've been looking for a method with DNS to redirect my domain's subdomain e.g to

As i found the answer of this question, i'd love to share it with all of you,
Create a CNAME on your domain named server: (or any other name you want)
Target the CNAME to: but change the INVITECODE to your server invite code
Save it and you are good to go!
Please note that:
If you want to use it for another method other than discord please remember:
.opts-slash means / for example you have, to redirect your to type in the CNAME and your CNAME name to example.

As i couldn't get it to work redirecting it directly through a CNAME, i had success by creating a simple netlify app which is just redirecting via JS:
Create index.html with the following content:
<title>Discord redirect</title>
Place the index.html inside a folder and upload it to netlify
You'll get a unique name, such as eloquent-noyce-x00xx0
Set a CNAME to your app with (last dot is important!)
Set your as custom domain in netlify
That's it, visit and it'll redirect you

For me redirect like previous answer doesn't work.
Free (minus the domain name) and easy solution is to use Amazon Web Services. Create an AWS account and follow this guide:
Then use Route53 to create a CNAME to redirect to the API Gateway:
How to CNAME to Amazon API Gateway Endpoint

1) Create a Discord invite that never expires.
2) Use the .GG URL to find the .COM URL. You will be redirected in the browser when you paste the .GG URL into the browser. (redirected to) ->
Note: abc12de (example) stays the same between the two URLs.
3) In your GoDaddy domain, scroll down and to the right. Select Forwarding.
4) FORWARD TO: (Drop down) https:// (fill in box) <- Note: remove https from the original URL.
5) FORWARD TYPE: Permanent (301)
6) SETTINGS: Forward Only
7) Save and wait.
8) You'll notice a new A Record is created with a TTL of 600 seconds. This shows your settings have taken and should now work.
URL with additional info:

This worked for me:
Create a "A" DNS Record with name "discord" pointing to
Create a page rule of url forwarding to your server invite called ""
The CNAME way doesn't work!

It works for me thanks full tutorial in case someone understood it.
This is for CloudFlare
Created Add Record "A"
this type "A" must contain in Name: "Name you want for the sub domain", and in IPv4 address they must place "", Proxy status activated.
IMG Add Record
Then they go to "Rules"
Here they add a Create a new rule, and place the following data in URL: "", luen in Then the settings are: Select "Forwarding URL", then in Select status code: Select "301 - Permanent Redirect"
in Enter destination URL (required) you put the url of the Discord invitation: "".
IMG Rules
That's how it works, in case it doesn't load you because you have already tried many methods with "", try another subdomain while the other one is reactivated or try from another device, example of another dub domain "discord1.".
That's bye :D


GoogleCloudStorage make redirect to another domain

Thanks in advance for your answers I want to make google cloud storage links ( to redirect to my own domain I've achieved that so far but when I add something like a picture that is hosted in one of my servers which is linked to this domain the google cloud storage link does not function well, explanaition :
For example my domain name, which is linked to my google cloud account with this link if I add anything after that like it only redirect to the main domain
This is the content of my example.html:
<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0; url=">
Note when I remove the # from the link (
it shows this error:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
<Details>No such object: example-test/example.html/gOAdv.png</Details>
hello everyone i ve found the answer it was my way of thinking
<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0; url=">
this line was short and bad i needed to code it via another language to make it work.
Thanks to all.

Checking user ip address after redirect

As part of a session security feature I am checking $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} to make sure the users IP is the same during the whole stay on a website.
Some parts of the website show a waiting screen, if for example the rendering of a file takes some seconds, and I redirect the user to a result screen by the use of a meta tag <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="$time; URL=…">.
Unfortunately after this redirect the $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} variable does not return the users IP but the one from the server.
Is there something I am missing to get this to work properly and/or are there alternatives I could use to redirect the user?
For various reasons htaccess or http-header redirects are not an option and I don't want to use JavaScript for this.
I am already using a 'click me' button to allow the user to manually skipping the wait.
You could try to alter between temporary/permanent type of redirect. Check in server logs, the the http code is 301 or 302?
I misread the accesslogs … it was actually a different script executed on the server, therefore having the servers IP, which caused all this.

Set up custom subdomain for Jekyll Blog hosted in Github Pages

I created a Jekyll-powered blog and am hosting it with GitHub Pages.
Now, I want to set up a subdomain (, but can't make it work.
I have added a CNAME file with the text: And I have added two A records in my Dreamhost account for the subdomain, both pointing to, provided by GitHub.
Any idea about what the missing part is, or if I'm doing something incorrectly?
The setup is different for domains like and sub-domains like
In case of a sub-domain:
Go to Domains | Manage Domains in your webpanel
Locate, click Delete in the Actions column
Wait 10 minutes, and then click the DNS link below
Add a CNAME record:
Name = blog
Type = CNAME
Value = (yes there is a . at the end!)
In case of a domain:
Go to Domains | Manage Domains in your webpanel
Locate, click Edit in the Actions column and switch to DNS only hosting (it's at the bottom)
Go back to Domains | Manage Domains in your webpanel
Click the DNS link below
Add an A record:
Name = (blank, nothing)
Type = A
Value = (GitHub, from this page)
Add a CNAME record:
Name = www
Type = CNAME
Value = (yes there is a . at the end!)
(Yes, you need both the A and CNAME records in this case.)
Btw, the only reason I know this is because I did the same thing last weekend. I was quite lost, but the helpful support guys helped me half way, and I figured out the rest. This procedure works for me, I needed both cases so I tested both.
Because of the way DNS records are cached across the internet, these sorts of changes can take a few hours to take effect. It looks like the address you provided resolves correctly now.

Cant change Secure Canvas URL

Simply trying to change the Secure Canvas URL to the SSL one provided by hostgator hatchling account (as described at: "") however when tryin to change the Secure Canvas URL the following erroro happens:
There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again later.
Word on the web is that FB blocked Hostgator public ssls so if this is the case are there any redirect tricks or something before simmply changing domain or getting one of those personal SSL certs... thanks
Copied this from the first comment in the thread on this page: . It worked for me!
for hostgator shared SSL you have to add the port 443. example: ""

Tumblr redirect custom domain - WWW to non-WWW

Tumblr's doc 'Using a custom domain name' is quite helpful it that it clearly states that I need to create an A-record for pointing to, so that my website is accessible via
But I don't understand this: How do I make take the user to
It goes without saying that this needs to be done via DNS, in a Tumblr-compatible way (just in case there are any incompatibilities).
From searching, I read that it's NOT possible to redirect to I can only hope this is NOT true.
If, unfortunately, it happens to be true, my only option is to create a CNAME record pointing to - isn't it?
Ah! As stated in this answer, you need to create two DNS entries as such:
A record: pointing to
A record: pointing to
I checked the domain in the answer - - apparently, redirects to So yeah, this is it!
You need to create two records, an A record for the two-level domain ( and another A record for the three-level domain (, then add in Tumblr > Settings for your blog, and now should redirect to without a hiccup — as far as I can see it.
UPDATE: Just tested this with my blog, and yes, I can confirm that it works!