Visual studio desginer view is zoomed, how can i get the actual size? - forms

Image Problem: form designer bigger then actual size.
Maybe this is a stupid question but I havn't found any solution. So my designer view is zoomed(like 150% bigger) than the actual size, I want my desginer view to be normal. There is no problems with the form properties or something else. You will see what I mean on the image.
Anyone who knows how to solve this?
Thank you!

In my case something strange was with DPI setting in my Windows 10 system.
Solution was change DPI setting (Change the size of text,...) in Display settings, logout / login into system and change DPI setting back. After next login designer zoom was recovered.


TinyMCE image resize handles are misaligned inside scaled containers

EDIT 2: An even better solution, for me, was to just use offsetWidth and offsetHeight as that will return the width without the transformation applied. But getBoundingClientRect() was used for a reason, as there is a comment next to that part mentioning a bug with Gecko and resizing tables with captions. The application I am working on is quite cutting edge, and is only required to work on Google Chrome as it is an internal application, so this fix is better for me, but still not ideal.
EDIT 1: I have found a way to fix this, but it required changing the TinyMCE source code, since the application I'm working on keeps track of the scaling applied to the contenteditable area, I was able to just insert my scaling multiplier as a divisor and apply it to the targetWidth and targetHeight variables in the function showResizeRect() on lines 14,197 and 14,198 of the unminified tinymce.js file (as of v4.2.6).
This is not an ideal fix, so I preferably like to do this a better way, so if anybody knows of a better way that does not including changing the TinyMCE source, then please enlighten me.
You can see the bug report I filed here.
I'm having an issue with TinyMCE, I am working on a web application, and we are using an inline TinyMCE instance to edit content that is inside a scaled contenteditable container. However, when going to resize an image, the resize handles are smaller than the image. Here is a demonstrative image:
I have searched on Google, but did not find anything relevant. Is there a plugin, or perhaps a workaround that deals with this already?
Thanks in advance.

Adobe Muse,Mobile,Page layout,Left aligned,Right side gap,

I have created a website using Adobe Muse and have uploaded the site to the ftp server . The website is live and is as designed when looked via a desktop. But when the same site is being viewed from a mobile, the entire page is getting left aligned and there is a gap to the right side. I even made a phone layout and uploaded the same to the ftp server and the problem still persists. Ive googled a lot and inserted html code into the metadata to make the site centered but in vain. Nothing works . I have a tight deadline and would really be grateful for any quick help.
maybe your images are placed in pixels... If I am right
try using a rectangular tool... fill it with image then make the width 100%
to view the sample image click here
The size of mobile layout in muse is fix... I think the mobile you are using have different size... so just start using % on placing the images like the background etc.
There's a setting that was causing my content to be left-aligned in the phone layout.
Click Page > Page Properties
There's an un-marked button to the far right of Padding - click this and set it to centered. By default it is left-aligned.

Any way to make a checkbox able to be 'tabbed' to on an iPhone?

On a computer you can easily tab through HTML checkboxes on a website, but is there any way to make it so that on an iPhone when you hit the 'next' button it goes to a checkbox? I've noticed it'll go between text boxes and drop down menus, but it won't do it for checkboxes or clickable buttons. Is this an issue with the iPhone, or is it something I can change on my website?
Can you please be a bit more precise with your question. And if its the size of the checkbox that is a concern which makes it non tappable, then as suggested by the user interface guide of apple ios, please make the size as 44x44 to make it tappable. Well thats just a suggestible size and I believe a 25x25 size may solve your issue.

Resizing report to bigger size

This may seem like a stupid question, but I've been looking everywhere to fix this problem and can't seem to find the solution.
So i have a report that is set to a landscape size: 8.5"x11" and i want to set the report to be a legal size: 8.5"x14".
I have gone to page setup and turned on no printer as well as dissociate formatting page size and i have set the page to legal and changed the dimensions to 8.5"x14".
My problem is that the change only shows up in preview mode and i am unable to move the position of the fields in my report in the newly expanded width. So i would like to know if there is a way to change the size of a report in design view or how to position fields outside of the 8.5"x11" dimensions. Or is this not possible?
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Quickest answer I can give you:
Load a PDF printer driver. My favorite is CutePDF (except I am ashamed to recommend it at the office... I usually recommend the "MyPrettyPonyPDF").
Once this is loaded, it will look like you have an additional "printer" available. When you select the PDF Driver as printer, you'll have a large selection of add'l page sizes to choose from. The printer I have available has 13 defined paper sizes. With the CutePDF driver, I have 50 defined page sizes. The largest I see is 36in x 108in -- and when you orient that in Landscape, you can camp on it.
Check your margins. The margin area doesn't show up in the Design tab, but would display on the Preview tab. If 'Adjust Automatically' for margins is set, Crystal will just make your margins huge when you dissociate the paper sizes and then increase the horizontal/vertical manually.
Try deselecting 'Adjust Automatically' under the 'Margins' settings, then set 'No Printer', then select a legal paper size. Double check the margins are the size you want and you should be good.
Simplest answer I can think of: try unchecking the No Printer option, set the layout and paper size to Landscape and Legal, and then set the No Printer option on again.

GWT not properly rendering on Chrome

I've a really really weird bug in production.
For some customers and some setups (this can happen on a Linux and a Windows box), our GWT application doesn't render in full (there are a widgets that are missing). The weird thing is that if we ask our customers to start the JavaScript debugger (CTRL-SHIFT-J on Windows), the content displays. Viewing using another browser (like FF) works.
We've been banging our heads bloody a few days now... any ideas?
Sounds like a problem with the height of the component containing your logs objects. Did you try to set a fixed height in pixel? I assume once you open the debugger window, Chrome is forced to render the page again and adjusts the height of the container, so your elements become visible.