Calculating c mature in MATLAB. How can i solve it? - matlab

i have a `x=(t*n) stock return matrix, that n is number of stock in a portfolio and t is time. I want calculate
where x(it)
return of stock i in time t
and the median M is taken with respect to the joint CDF of x(t)
and y(t), and k(x) and k(y) are the population medians of x(t) and y(t)
for example:
x=[1 2 3;6 7 5;3 5 6;7 8 9]
x =
1 2 3
6 7 5
3 5 6
7 8 9
medianx =
4.5000 6.0000 5.5000
q =
-3.5000 -4.0000 -2.5000
1.5000 1.0000 -0.5000
-1.5000 -1.0000 0.5000
2.5000 2.0000 3.5000
I can do this to here and I don't know how can i reach c matrix in matlab. I calculate c manually that:
c =
4.2500 3.2500 4.0000
3.2500 2.5000 3.2500
4.0000 3.2500 3.2500
c(11)=median of(column1*colum1 of matrix q)=4.25
c(22)=median of(column2*colum2 of matrix q)=2.5
c(33)=median of(column3*colum3 of matrix q)=3.25
c(12) & c(21)=median of(column1*column2 of matrix q)=3.25
c(13) & c(31)=median of(column1*column3 of matrix q)=4
c(23) & c(32)=median of(column2*column3 of matrix q)=3.25
notice that i have a t*n matrix and matrix x just is a example. thanks

You can calculate c from q using this:
c=zeros(3,3); %Pre-allocation
for m=1:3
for n=1:3
c(m,n)= median(q(:,m).*q(:,n));


Solve System of Linear Equations in MatLab with Matrix of Arbitrary Size for Finite Difference Calculation

I am trying to write a script in MatLab R2016a that can solve a system of linear equations that can have different sizes depending on the values of p and Q.
I have the following equations that I am trying to solve, where h=[-p:1:p]*dx. Obviously, there is some index m where h=0, but that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm trying to write a function where I can input p and Q and build the matrix and then just solve it to get the coefficients. Is there a way to build a matrix using the variables p, Q, and h instead of using different integer values for each individual case?
I would use bsxfun(in recent matlab versions this function may be implented to the interpreter, I don't know for sure):
p = 4;
Q = 8;
dx = 1;
h = -p:p*dx
Qvector = [Q,1:Q-1]'
Matrix = bsxfun(#(Qvector, h)h.^(Qvector)./factorial(Qvector), Qvector, h)
h =
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Qvector =
Matrix =
1.6254 0.1627 0.0063 0.0000 0 0.0000 0.0063 0.1627 1.6254
-4.0000 -3.0000 -2.0000 -1.0000 0 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
8.0000 4.5000 2.0000 0.5000 0 0.5000 2.0000 4.5000 8.0000
-10.6667 -4.5000 -1.3333 -0.1667 0 0.1667 1.3333 4.5000 10.6667
10.6667 3.3750 0.6667 0.0417 0 0.0417 0.6667 3.3750 10.6667
-8.5333 -2.0250 -0.2667 -0.0083 0 0.0083 0.2667 2.0250 8.5333
5.6889 1.0125 0.0889 0.0014 0 0.0014 0.0889 1.0125 5.6889
-3.2508 -0.4339 -0.0254 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0254 0.4339 3.2508

Matlab: Removing duplicate interactions [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I find unique rows in a matrix, with no element order within each row?
(4 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a Protein-Protein interaction data of homo sapiens. The size of the matrix is <4850628x3>. The first two columns are proteins and the third is its confident score. The problem is half the rows are duplicate pairs
if protein A interacts with B, C, D. it is mentioned as
A B 0.8
A C 0.5
A D 0.6
B A 0.8
C A 0.5
D A 0.6
If you observe the confident score of A interacting with B and B interacting with A is 0.8
If I have a matrix of <4850628x3> half the rows are duplicate pairs. If I choose Unique(1,:) I might loose some data.
But I want <2425314x3> i.e without duplicate pairs. How can I do it efficiently?
Supposing that in your matrix you store each protein with a unique id.
(Eg: A=1, B=2, C=3...) your example matrix will be:
M =
1.0000 2.0000 0.8000
1.0000 3.0000 0.5000
1.0000 4.0000 0.6000
2.0000 1.0000 0.8000
3.0000 1.0000 0.5000
4.0000 1.0000 0.6000
You must first sort the two first columns row-wise so you will always have the protein pairs in the same order:
M2 = sort(M(:,1:2),2)
M2 =
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 2
1 3
1 4
Then use unique with the second parameter rows and keep the indexes of unique pairs:
[~, idx] = unique(M2, 'rows')
idx =
Finally filter your initial matrix to keep unly the unique pairs.
R = M(idx,:)
R =
1.0000 2.0000 0.8000
1.0000 3.0000 0.5000
1.0000 4.0000 0.6000
Et voilĂ !

Operations within matrix avoiding for loops

I have a rather simple question but I can't get the proper result in MATLAB.
I am writing a code in Matlab where I have a 200x3 matrix. This data corresponds to the recording of 10 different points, for each of which I took 20 frames.
This is just in order to account for the error in the measuring system. So now I want to calculate the 3D coordinates of each point from this matrix by calculating an average of the measured independent coordinates.
An example (for 1 point with 3 measurements) would be:
MeasuredFrames (Point 1) =
x y z
1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
1.1000 2.2000 2.9000
0.9000 2.0000 3.1000
Point = mean(MeasuredFrames(1:3, :))
Point =
1.0000 2.0667 3.0000
Now I want to get this result but for 10 points, all stored in a [200x3] array, in intervals of 20 frames.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
If you have the Image processing toolbox blockproc could be an option:
A = blockproc(data,[20 3],#(x) mean(,1))
If not the following using permute with reshape works as well:
B = permute(mean(reshape(data,20,10,3),1),[2,3,1])
%// transform data to 3D-Matrix
a = reshape(data,20,10,3);
%// avarage in first dimension
b = mean(a,1);
%// transform back to 10x3 matrix
c = permute(b,[2,3,1])
Some sample data:
x = [ 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
1.1000 2.2000 2.9000
0.9000 2.0000 3.1000
1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
1.1000 2.2000 2.9000
0.9000 2.0000 3.1000
1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
1.1000 2.2000 2.9000
0.9000 2.0000 3.1000
1.1000 2.2000 2.9000]
data = kron(1:20,x.').';
A = B =
1.5150 3.1200 4.4850
3.5350 7.2800 10.4650
5.5550 11.4400 16.4450
7.5750 15.6000 22.4250
9.5950 19.7600 28.4050
11.6150 23.9200 34.3850
13.6350 28.0800 40.3650
15.6550 32.2400 46.3450
17.6750 36.4000 52.3250
19.6950 40.5600 58.3050
If you do not have access to the blockproc function, you can do it with a combination of reshape:
np = 20 ; %// number of points for averaging
tmp = reshape( A(:) , np,[] ) ; %// unfold A then group by "np"
tmp = mean(tmp); %// calculate mean for each group
B = reshape(tmp, [],3 ) ; %// reshape back to nx3 matrix
In your case, replace A by MeasuredFrames and B by Points, and group in one line:
Points = reshape(mean(reshape( MeasuredFrames (:) , np,[] )), [],3 ) ;
Matrix multiplication can be used:
Points = sparse(ceil((1:L)/N), 1:L, 1)*MeasuredFrames/N;

Reshaping a matrix

I have a matrix that looks something like this:
a=[1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4;
1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5]
what I would like to do is reshape this ie.
What I want is to take the 2x2 matrices next to one another and put them underneath each other.
So get:
b=[1 1;
1.5 1.5;
2 2;
2.5 2.5;
3 3;
3.5 3.5;
4 4;
4.5 4.5]
but I can't seem to manipulate the reshape function to do this for me
edit: the single line version might be a bit complicated, so I've also added one based on a for loop
2 reshapes and a permute should do it (we first split the matrices and store them in 3d), and then stack them. In order to stack them we first need to permute the dimensions (similar to a transpose).
>> reshape(permute(reshape(a,2,2,4),[1 3 2]),8,2)
ans =
1.0000 1.0000
1.5000 1.5000
2.0000 2.0000
2.5000 2.5000
3.0000 3.0000
3.5000 3.5000
4.0000 4.0000
4.5000 4.5000
the for loop based version is a bit more straight forward. We create an empty array of the correct size, and then insert each of the 2x2 matrices separately:
for i=1:4,
b((2*i-1):(2*i),:) = a(:,(2*i-1):(2*i));

Inserting rows into matrix matlab

I have a ~ 100000/2 matrix. I'd like to go down the columns, average each vertically adjacent value, and insert that value in between the two values. For example...
1 2
3 4
4 6
7 8
would become
1 2
2 3
3 4
3.5 5
4 6
5.5 7
7 8
I'm not sure if there is a terse way to do this in matlab. I took a look at but it seems to insert all of the rows in a matrix into the other one at a specific point. Obviously it can still be used, but just wondering if there is a simpler way.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
% Take the mean of adjacent pairs
x_mean = ([x; 0 0] + [0 0; x]) / 2;
% Interleave the two matrices
y = kron(x, [1;0]) + kron(x_mean(1:end-1,:), [0;1]);
%# works for any 2D matrix of size N-by-M
X = rand(100,2);
adjMean = mean(cat(3, X(1:end-1,:), X(2:end,:)), 3);
Y = zeros(2*size(X,1)-1, size(X,2));
Y(1:2:end,:) = X;
Y(2:2:end,:) = adjMean;
octave-3.0.3:57> a = [1,2; 3,4; 4,6; 7,8]
a =
1 2
3 4
4 6
7 8
octave-3.0.3:58> b = (circshift(a, -1) + a) / 2
b =
2.0000 3.0000
3.5000 5.0000
5.5000 7.0000
4.0000 5.0000
octave-3.0.3:60> reshape(vertcat(a', b'), 2, [])'(1:end-1, :)
ans =
1.0000 2.0000
2.0000 3.0000
3.0000 4.0000
3.5000 5.0000
4.0000 6.0000
5.5000 7.0000
7.0000 8.0000