Insert embeded number in a vector matlab - matlab

Hey everyone I would like to do the following. I have a vector f.e. [1 2 3 4 6 8] and I want to end up in that vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8] but generally, not like [v(1:4) 5 v(6) 7 v(8)].
Thank you very much!!

If you know your vector is going to be sorted you can use:
a = [1 2 3 4 6 8]; then
a = sort([a,5,7]);
This appends the additional values to the vector, sorts them, and assigns the sorted vector to the original variable.

Since the question is too vague, I'm not sure that I understand correctly, but this is what I came up with
If you have array to be modified
a = [a_1, ..., a_n]
and you want to insert
b = [b_1, ..., b_m]
and the position you want to insert
b_pos = [p_1, ..., p_m]
n = length(a);
m = length(b);
a_pos = setdiff(1:(n+m),b_pos) % find index which is not included in b_pos
c = zeros(1,n+m);
c(a_pos) = a;
c(b_pos) = b;


How to get all the possible combinations of elements in a matrix, but don't allow exchange of elements inbetween columns?

Lets say I have this matrice A: [3 x 4]
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12
I want to permute the element of in each column, but they can't change to a different column, so 1 2 3 need to always be part of the first column. So for exemple I want:
3 4 8 10
1 5 7 11
2 6 9 12
3 4 8 11
1 6 7 10
2 5 9 12
1 6 9 11
. . . .
So in one matrix I would like to have all the possible permutation, in this case, there are 3 different choices 3x3x3x3=81possibilities.So my result matrixe should be 81x4, because I only need each time one [1x4]line vector answer, and that 81 time.
An other way to as the question would be (for the same end for me), would be, if I have 4 column vector:
Compare to my previous exemple, each column vector can have a different number of row. Then is like I have 4 boxes, A, B C, D and I can only put one element of a in A, b in B and so on; so I would like to get all the permutation possible with the answer [A B C D] beeing a [1x4] row, and in this case, I would have 3x3x3x4=108 different row. So where I have been missunderstood (my fault), is that I don't want all the different [3x4] matrix answers but just [1x4]lines.
so in this case the answer would be:
1 4 7 10
and 1 4 7 11
and 1 4 7 12
and 1 4 7 13
and 2 4 8 10
and ...
until there are the 108 combinations
The fonction perms in Matlab can't do that since I don't want to permute all the matrix (and btw, this is already a too big matrix to do so).
So do you have any idea how I could do this or is there is a fonction which can do that? I, off course, also could have matrix which have different size. Thank you
Basically you want to get all combinations of 4x the permutations of 1:3.
You could generate these with combvec from the Neural Networks Toolbox (like #brainkz did), or with permn from the File Exchange.
After that it's a matter of managing indices, applying sub2ind (with the correct column index) and rearranging until everything is in the order you want.
a = [1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12];
siz = size(a);
perm1 = perms(1:siz(1));
Nperm1 = size(perm1,1); % = factorial(siz(1))
perm2 = permn(1:Nperm1, siz(2) );
Nperm2 = size(perm2,1);
permidx = reshape(perm1(perm2,:)', [Nperm2 siz(1), siz(2)]); % reshape unnecessary, easier for debugging
col_base_idx = 1:siz(2);
col_idx = col_base_idx(ones(Nperm2*siz(1) ,1),:);
lin_idx = reshape(sub2ind(size(a), permidx(:), col_idx(:)), [Nperm2*siz(1) siz(2)]);
result = a(lin_idx);
This avoids any loops or cell concatenation and uses straigh indexing instead.
Permutations per column, unique rows
Same method:
siz = size(a);
permidx = permn(1:siz(1), siz(2) );
Npermidx = size(permidx, 1);
col_base_idx = 1:siz(2);
col_idx = col_base_idx(ones(Npermidx, 1),:);
lin_idx = reshape(sub2ind(size(a), permidx(:), col_idx(:)), [Npermidx siz(2)]);
result = a(lin_idx);
Your question appeared to be a very interesting brain-teaser. I suggest the following:
in = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9;10,11,12]';
b = perms(1:3);
a = 1:size(b,1);
c = combvec(a,a,a,a);
for k = 1:length(c(1,:))
out{k} = [in(b(c(1,k),:),1),in(b(c(2,k),:),2),in(b(c(3,k),:),3),in(b(c(4,k),:),4)];
%and if you want your result as an ordinary array:
out = vertcat(out{:});
b is a 6x3 array that contains all possible permutations of [1,2,3]. c is 4x1296 array that contains all possible combinations of elements in a = 1:6. In the for loop we use number from 1 to 6 to get the permutation in b, and that permutation is used as indices to the column.
Hope that helps
this is another octave friendly solution:
function result = Tuples(A)
[P,n]= size(A);
M = reshape(repmat(1:P, 1, P ^(n-1)), repmat(P, 1, n));
result = zeros(P^ n, n);
for i = 1:n
result(:, i) = A(reshape(permute(M, circshift((1:n)', i)), P ^ n, 1), i);
A = [...
1 4 7 10;...
2 5 8 11;...
3 6 9 12];
result = Tuples(A)
Question updated that: given n vectors of different length generates a list of all possible tuples whose ith element is from vector i:
function result = Tuples( A)
if exist('repelem') ==0
repelem = #(v,n) repelems(v,[1:numel(v);n]);
n = numel(A);
siz = [ cell2mat(cellfun(#numel, A , 'UniformOutput', false))];
tot_prd = prod(siz);
tot_cum = tot_prd ./ cum_prd;
cum_siz = cum_prd ./ siz;
result = zeros(tot_prd, n);
for i = 1: n
result(:, i) = repmat(repelem(A{i},repmat(tot_cum(i),1,siz(i))) ,1,cum_siz(i));
a = {...
result =Tuples(a)
This is a little complicated but it works without the need for any additional toolboxes:
You basically want a b element 'truth table' which you can generate like this (adapted from here) if you were applying it to each element:
[b, n] = size(A)
truthtable = dec2base(0:power(b,n)-1, b) - '0'
Now you need to convert the truth table to linear indexes by adding the column number times the total number of rows:
idx = bsxfun(#plus, b*(0:n-1)+1, truthtable)
now you instead of applying this truth table to each element you actually want to apply it to each permutation. There are 6 permutations so b becomes 6. The trick is to then create a 6-by-1 cell array where each element has a distinct permutation of [1,2,3] and then apply the truth table idea to that:
[m,n] = size(A);
b = factorial(m);
permutations = reshape(perms(1:m)',[],1);
permCell = mat2cell(permutations,ones(b,1)*m,1);
truthtable = dec2base(0:power(b,n)-1, b) - '0';
expandedTT = cell2mat(permCell(truthtable + 1));
idx = bsxfun(#plus, m*(0:n-1), expandedTT);
Another answer. Rather specific just to demonstrate the concept, but can easily be adapted.
A = [1,4,7,10;2,5,8,11;3,6,9,12];
P = perms(1:3)'
[X,Y,Z,W] = ndgrid(1:6,1:6,1:6,1:6);
You now have 1296 permutations. If you wanted to access, say, the 400th one:
Permutation_within_column = [P(:,X(400)), P(:,Y(400)), P(:,Z(400)), P(:,W(400))];
ColumnOffset = repmat([0:3]*3,[3,1])
My_permutation = Permutation_within_column + ColumnOffset; % results in valid linear indices
This approach allows you to obtain the 400th permutation on demand; if you prefer to have all possible permutations concatenated in the 3rd dimension, (i.e. a 3x4x1296 matrix), you can either do this with a for loop, or simply adapt the above and vectorise; for example, if you wanted to create a 3x4x2 matrix holding the first two permutations along the 3rd dimension:
Permutations_within_columns = reshape(P(:,X(1:2)),3,1,[]);
Permutations_within_columns = cat(2, Permutations_within_columns, reshape(P(:,Y(1:2)),3,1,[]));
Permutations_within_columns = cat(2, Permutations_within_columns, reshape(P(:,Z(1:2)),3,1,[]));
Permutations_within_columns = cat(2, Permutations_within_columns, reshape(P(:,W(1:2)),3,1,[]));
ColumnOffsets = repmat([0:3]*3,[3,1,2]);
My_permutations = Permutations_within_columns + ColumnOffsets;
This approach enables you to collect a specific subrange, which may be useful if available memory is a concern (i.e. for larger matrices) and you'd prefer to perform your operations by blocks. If memory isn't a concern you can get all 1296 permutations at once in one giant matrix if you wish; just adapt as appropriate (e.g. replicate ColumnOffsets the right number of times in the 3rd dimension)

visualizing 2D-graphs of n-dim. array via surf() in matlab

I want to show 2dim. Surface plots for different combinations of 2 parameters of a 3- or higher-dimensional array in matlab. The data for the non-shown dimensions are integrated (i.e. summed in the remaining dimensions). I am using surf(), and for parameter combinations other than (1,2) (eg. (1,3), (2,3) ...) I have to rearrange the data matrices in order to make it work.
I am looking for an alternative command (or shorter code) which does this work.
Here's the code:
a(:,:,1) = [1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]; % // data matrix
a(:,:,2) = -[1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]*2; % // data matrix
ai=[[1 2 3 4]' [5 6 7 0]' [8 9 0 0]']; % // parameter vector
mat12 = sum(a,3);
aux13 = sum(a,2);
for i = 1:2; mat13(:,i) = aux13(:,:,i);
aux23 = sum(a,1);
for i = 1:2; mat23(i,:) = aux23(:,:,i);
In other words, I am looking for a way to use surf for matrices mat13 and mat23 without the aux13, aux23 variables and the for loop.
First your example doesn't run because you declare a=zeros(3,3,2); as a matrix [3x3x2] but you immediately try to populate it as a [4x3x2] matrix, so I had to adjust your first line to: a=zeros(4,3,2);
If I run your code with that adjustment, your auxiliary variable and for loops are to reform/reshape a matrix stripped of it's singleton dimension. Matlab provide a handy function for that : squeeze.
For example, your variable aux13 is of dimension [4x1x2], then mat13=squeeze(aux13); achieve the same thing than your for loop. Your matrix mat13 is now of dimension [4x2].
Since no for loop is needed, you can completely bypass your auxiliary variable by calling squeeze directly on the result of your summation: mat13=squeeze( sum(a,2) );
Full example, the code below does exactly the same than your code sample:
mat12 = sum(a,3);
mat13 = squeeze( sum(a,2) ) ;
mat23 = squeeze( sum(a,1) ) ;
mat23 = mat23.' ; %'// <= note the "transpose" operation here
Note that I had to transpose mat23 to make it match the one in your example.
sum(a,1) is [1x3x2] => squeeze that and you obtain a [3x2] matrix but your code arrange the same values in a [2x3] matrix, so the use of the transpose. The transpose operator has a shorthand notation .'.
I used it in the example in a separate line just to highlight it. Once understood you can simply write the full operation in one line:
mat23 = squeeze(sum(a,1)).' ;
The way you write your loops isn't exactly MATLAB syntax. Below is the correct loop syntax shown.
On line 2 and 3, you are trying to load (4x3)-matrices into (3x3)-matrices. That is why you get a subscript error. You could resolve it by making the zeros-matrix bigger. Here's some Syntax fixed:
a(:,:,1) = [1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]; % // data matrix
a(:,:,2) = -[1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]*2; % // data matrix
ai=[[1 2 3 4]' [5 6 7 0]' [8 9 0 0]']; % // parameter vector
mat12 = sum(a,3);
aux13 = sum(a,2);
for i = 1:2 mat13(:,i) = aux13(:,:,i);
aux23 = sum(a,1);
for i = 1:2 mat23(i,:) = aux23(:,:,i);
Now, what are you exactly trying to do inside those loops?

Matrix power help/Matlab

I want to raise a matrix to a next matrix and subtrat one before taking the product.
A = [2 3 5
2 3 0]
B = [2 2 1
1 2 0]
so prod(A.^B-1) would be:
first row (2^2-1)*(3^2-1)*(5^1-1)=96
second row (2^1-1)*(3^2-1)=8
and we would have prod(A.^B-1) = 96, 81. the trick also to skip past the zero, i keep getting zero or NaN, i think the zero is being calculated as well.
Is there a way to code this,
this is the code I have in mind
if A~=0 && B~=0
You could do it like this using logical indexing to replace instances where A.^B-1 is 0:
A = [2 3 5;2 3 0];
B = [2 2 1;1 2 0];
C = A.^B-1;
C(C==0) = 1; % Replace zeros with ones
D = prod(C,2) % Product across the columns
which returns
D =
provided that you remove the zeros, I don't think that you should get NaN unless your original matrices contain it. However, You can replace it in the same manner as well (C(isnan(C)) = 1;).

How to get data from 2D array and put into 1D array

I have a 2D array and I want to create a 1D by MATLAB, satisfying the requirement that each element of the 1D output was created by the value of a given index into the 2D array. Example 2D array is
A=[2 4 6; 1 9 7.3 4 5]
And indexes for the 1D array
I want to store the 1D array with elements determined by
B=A(x,y) % x,y are index in X and Y matrix
Example of building the 1D array:
B=[A(1,1);A(2,2);A(3,3)]=[2; 9; 5]
This is my code
B=A(...) %I don't know it
How can I implement it?
Thanks all.
You are looking for sub2ind:
A=[2 4 6; 1 9 7; 3 4 5]
X=[1;2;3]; Y=[1;2;3];
B = A(sub2ind(size(A),X,Y))
B =
You can use cellfun to do it. You convert A into cell by column, and execute f for each element of the cell.
A=[2 4 6; 1 2 7];
% some example f funcion that just adds the col_index_A and row_index_A
f = #(col_index_A, row_index_A) col_index_A + row_index_A;
% execute f with parameters that come from each column of A
B = cellfun(#(c) f(c(1), c(2)), num2cell(A, 1));
B =
3 6 13
I am not sure I understand your question but i think you want to apply functions on a 2-by-n matrix
for pos=1:size(a,2)
b(pos) = f(a(:,pos));

Generate a vector in MATLAB

I am trying to solve a MATLAB problem to generate a vector like 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4...
So if n = 3, then return
[1 2 2 3 3 3]
And if n = 5, then return
[1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5]
This is what I came up with:
for n=2:n
ans=[ans n*ones(1,n)]
But I'm trying to minimize the code length. Anyone have any ideas?
still a few lines:
n = 5; %number of elements
A(cumsum(0:n)+1) = 1;
B = cumsum(A(1:end-1))
1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
In the same spirit, here's my one liner:
n = 5;
A = triu(ones(n,1)*(1:n));
A(A==0) = [];
This is similar to jkshah's answer, but I would approach it slightly differently,
M = ones(n,1)*(1:n)
B = M(triu(ones(n))>0)';
Here's another one-liner. Unlike solutions based on triu, this one doesn't generate extra elements as intermediate results (that doesn't mean it's faster, though):
fliplr(cumsum([n full(sparse(ones(1,n-1),cumsum(n:-1:2),-1))]))
A little 'magic' solution:
See visualisation:
This is the plot of function sqrt(2*(1:(n^2+n)/2))-0.5:
where xticklabels were changed according the following code:
it is a litle bit longer
function y = your_fcn_name(n)
N = sum(1:n);w = [] ;
for i=1:n
q(1:i) = i;
w = [w q(1:i)];
y = w;