Could Anyone explain about this code? - scala

according this link:
I don't understand what is the point of :
val numUsers =
val numMovies =
_._2.[user|product] , what does that mean?

That is accessing the tuple elements: The following example might explain it better.
val xs = List(
(1, "Foo"),
(2, "Bar")
) // => List(1,2) // => List("Foo", "Bar")
// An equivalent way to write this => e._1) => e._2)
// Perhaps a better way is
xs.collect {case (a, b) => a} // => List(1,2)
xs.collect {case (a, b) => b} // => List("Foo", "Bar")

ratings is a collection of tuples:(timestamp % 10, Rating(userId, movieId, rating)). The first underscore in _._2.user refers to the current element being processed by the map function. So the first underscore now refers to a tuple (pair of values). For a pair tuple t you can refer to its first and second elements in the shorthand notation: t._1 & t._2 So _._2 is selecting the second element of the tuple currently being processed by the map function.
val ratings = sc.textFile(movieLensHomeDir + "/ratings.dat").map { line =>
val fields = line.split("::")
// format: (timestamp % 10, Rating(userId, movieId, rating))
(fields(3).toLong % 10, Rating(fields(0).toInt, fields(1).toInt, fields(2).toDouble))


How to convert RDD[Array[String]] to RDD[(Int, HashMap[String, List])]?

I have input data:
time, id, counter, value
00.2, 1 , c1 , 0.2
00.2, 1 , c2 , 0.3
00.2, 1 , c1 , 0.1
and I want for every id to create a structure to store counters and values. After thinking about vectors and rejecting them, I came to this:
(id, Hashmap( (counter1, List(Values)), (Counter2, List(Values)) ))
(1, HashMap( (c1,List(0.2, 0.1)), (c2,List(0.3)))
The problem is that I can't convert to Hashmap inside the map transformation and additionaly I dont't know if I will be able to reduce by counter the list inside map.
Does anyone have any idea?
My code is :
val data = inputRdd
.map(y => (y(1).toInt, mutable.HashMap(y(2), List(y(3).toDouble)))).reduceByKey(_++_)
Off the top of my head, untested:
import collection.mutable.HashMap
.map{ case Array(t, id, c, v) => (id.toInt, (c, v)) }
.aggregateByKey(HashMap.empty[String, List[String]])(
{ case (m, (c, v)) => { m(c) ::= v; m } },
{ case (m1, m2) => { for ((k, v) <- m2) m1(k) ::= v ; m1 } }
Here's one approach:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("00.2", 1, "c1", 0.2),
("00.2", 1, "c2", 0.3),
("00.2", 1, "c1", 0.1)
map{ case (t, i, c, v) => (i, (c, v)) }.
// res1: Array[(Int, scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Iterable[Double]])] = Array(
// (1,Map(c1 -> List(0.2, 0.1), c2 -> List(0.3)))
// )
Note that the final map(identity) is a remedy for the Map#mapValues not serializable problem suggested in this SO answer.
If, as you have mentioned, have inputRdd as
//inputRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[String]] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at ....
Then a simple groupBy and foldLeft on the grouped values should do the trick for you to have the final desired result
val resultRdd = inputRdd.groupBy(_(1))
.mapValues(x => x
.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, List[String]]){(a, b) => {
val c = a ++ Map(b(2) -> (a(b(2)) ++ List(b(3))))
val c = a ++ Map(b(2) -> List(b(3)))
//resultRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[String]])] = MapPartitionsRDD[3] at mapValues at ...
//(1,Map(c1 -> List(0.2, 0.1), c2 -> List(0.3)))
changing RDD[(String, scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[String]])] to RDD[(Int, HashMap[String,List[String]])] would just be casting and I hope it would be easier for you to do that
I hope the answer is helpful

How to sum a List[(Char,Int)] into a Map[Char,Int] in Scala?

I've got list of pairs:
and I would like to transform it by grouping by _1 and summing _2. The result should be like
Map('a'->4, 'b' -> 3)
I very new to Scala so please be kind :)
More direct version. We fold over the list, using a Map as the accumulator. The withDefaultValue means we don't have to test if we have the entry in the map already.
val xs = List(('a',3),('b',3),('a',1))
xs.foldLeft(Map[Char, Int]() withDefaultValue 0)
{case (m, (c, i)) => m updated (c,m(c)+i)}
//> res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(a -> 4, b -> 3)
which can be written as
list.groupBy(_._1).mapValues { tuples =>
val ints = { case (c, i) => i }

How to un-nest a spark rdd that has the following type ((String, scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int]]))

Its a nested map with contents like this when i print it onto screen
(5, Map ( "ABCD" -> Map("3200" -> 3,
"3350.800" -> 4,
"200.300" -> 3)
(1, Map ( "DEF" -> Map("1200" -> 32,
"1320.800" -> 4,
"2100" -> 3)
I need to get something like this
Case Class( 5, ABCD 3200, 3)
Case Class(5, ABCD 3350.800, 4)
CaseClass(5,ABCD., 200.300, 3)
CaseClass(1, DEF 1200, 32)
CaseClass(1 DEF, 1320.800, 4)
etc etc.
basically a list of case classes
And map it to a case class object so that i can save it to cassandra.
I have tried doing flatMapValues but that un nests the map only one level. Also used flatMap . that doesnt work either or I'am making mistakes
Any suggestions ?
Fairly straightforward using a for-comprehension and some pattern matching to destructure things:
val in = List((5, Map ( "ABCD" -> Map("3200" -> 3, "3350.800" -> 4, "200.300" -> 3))),
(1, Map ("DEF" -> Map("1200" -> 32, "1320.800" -> 4, "2100" -> 3))))
case class Thing(a:Int, b:String, c:String, d:Int)
for { (index, m) <- in
(k,v) <-m
(innerK, innerV) <- v}
yield Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
//> res0: List[maps.maps2.Thing] = List(Thing(5,ABCD,3200,3),
// Thing(5,ABCD,3350.800,4),
// Thing(5,ABCD,200.300,3),
// Thing(1,DEF,1200,32),
// Thing(1,DEF,1320.800,4),
// Thing(1,DEF,2100,3))
So let's pick part the for-comprehension
(index, m) <- in
This is the same as
t <- in
(index, m) = t
In the first line t will successively be set to each element of in.
t is therefore a tuple (Int, Map(...))
Patten matching lets us put that "patten" for the tuple on the right hand side and the compiler picks apart the tuple, sets index to the Int and m to the Map.
(k,v) <-m
As before this is equivalent to
u <-m
(k, v) = u
And this time u takes each element of Map. Which again are tuples of key and value. So k is set successively to each key and v to the value.
And v is your inner map so we do the same thing again with the inner map
(innerK, innerV) <- v}
Now we have everything we need to create the case class. yield just says make a collection of whatever is "yielded" each time through the loop.
yield Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
Under the hood, this just translates to a set of maps/flatmaps
The yield is just the value Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)
We get one of those for each element of v{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}
but there's an inner map per element of the outer map
m.flatMap{y=>val (k, v) = y;{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}}
(flatMap because we get a List of Lists if we just did a map and we want to flatten it to just the list of items)
Similarly, we do one of those for every element in the List
in.flatMap (z => val (index, m) = z; m.flatMap{y=>val (k, v) = y;{x=>val (innerK, innerV) = t;Thing(index, k, innerK, innerV)}}
Let's do that in _1, _2 style-y.
in.flatMap (z=> z._2.flatMap{y=>{x=>;Thing(z._1, y._1, x._1, x._2)}}}
which produces exactly the same result. But isn't it clearer as a for-comprehension?
You can do this like this if you prefer collection operation
case class Record(v1: Int, v2: String, v3: Double, v4: Int)
val data = List(
(5, Map ( "ABC" ->
3200. -> 3,
3350.800 -> 4,
200.300 -> 3))
(1, Map ( "DEF" ->
1200. -> 32,
1320.800 -> 4,
2100. -> 3))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data)
val result = rdd.flatMap(p => {
.flatMap(q => => (q._1, l)))
.map((p._1, _))
}).map(p => Record(p._1, p._2._1, p._2._2._1, p._2._2._2))
// Record(5,ABC,3200.0,3),
// Record(5,ABC,3350.8,4),
// Record(5,ABC,200.3,3),
// Record(1,DEF,1200.0,32),
// Record(1,DEF,1320.8,4),
// Record(1,DEF,2100.0,3)

Rules on using a case statement to destruct a tuple in Scala

I have the following code:
val xs = List(('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 3), ('b', 4))
I want to transform this into a Map. e.g. Map('a' -> Seq(1,2), 'b' -> Seq(3,4)). So I proceed to write the transformation:
xs.groupBy(_._1) map {
case (k, v) => (k,
Why does the brace after the map need to be a {. When I started, I assumed I could do the following:
xs.groupBy(_._1).map(case (k, v) => (k,
But that doesn't compile.
Because .map method accepts a function
What you've actually written is
case (k, v) => (k,
and the { case (k, v) => (k, } is a shortcut definition for pattern matching anonymous function (SLS, ยง8.5) which is one of the function kinds:
val isOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case x if x % 2 == 1 => x+" is odd"
val upcastedIsOdd: Function[Int, String] = {
case x if x % 2 == 1 => x+" is odd"
You cannot ommit curly braces (so you'll loose partial function and patten matching nicity) but you can skip plain braces (and still retain partial function) just like in the snippet below:
scala> List(1,2,3).take(1)
//res0: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> List(1,2,3) take 1
//res1: List[Int] = List(1)
It seems the real question here is when can one use parenthesis ( in place of braces { to represent an anonymous function. I recommend having a look at Daniel Sobral's answer to the question: What is the formal difference in Scala between braces and parentheses, and when should they be used?

Scala - can a lambda parameter match a tuple?

So say i have some list like
val l = List((1, "blue"), (5, "red"), (2, "green"))
And then i want to filter one of them out, i can do something like
val m = l.filter(item => {
val (n, s) = item // "unpack" the tuple here
n != 2
Is there any way i can "unpack" the tuple as the parameter to the lambda directly, instead of having this intermediate item variable?
Something like the following would be ideal, but eclipse tells me wrong number of parameters; expected=1
val m = l.filter( (n, s) => n != 2 )
Any help would be appreciated - using
This is about the closest you can get:
val m = l.filter { case (n, s) => n != 2 }
It's basically pattern matching syntax inside an anonymous PartialFunction. There are also the tupled methods in Function object and traits, but they are just a wrapper around this pattern matching expression.
Hmm although Kipton has a good answer. You can actually make this shorter by doing.
val l = List((1, "blue"), (5, "red"), (2, "green"))
val m = l.filter(_._1 != 2)
There are a bunch of options:
for (x <- l; (n,s) = x if (n != 2)) yield x
l.collect{ case x # (n,s) if (n != 2) => x }
l.filter{ case (n,s) => n != 2 },s) => n != 2).zip // Complains that zip is deprecated
val m = l.filter( (n, s) => n != 2 )
... is a type mismatch because that lambda defines a
Function2[String,Int,Boolean] with two parameters instead of
Function1[(String,Int),Boolean] with one Tuple2[String,Int] as its parameter.
You can convert between them like this:
val m = l.filter( ((n, s) => n != 2).tupled )
I've pondered the same, and came to your question today.
I'm not very fond of the partial function approaches (anything having case) since they imply that there could be more entry points for the logic flow. At least to me, they tend to blur the intention of the code. On the other hand, I really do want to go straight to the tuple fields, like you.
Here's a solution I drafted today. It seems to work, but I haven't tried it in production, yet.
object unTuple {
def apply[A, B, X](f: (A, B) => X): (Tuple2[A, B] => X) = {
(t: Tuple2[A, B]) => f(t._1, t._2)
def apply[A, B, C, X](f: (A, B, C) => X): (Tuple3[A, B, C] => X) = {
(t: Tuple3[A, B, C]) => f(t._1, t._2, t._3)
val list = List( ("a",1), ("b",2) )
val list2 = List( ("a",1,true), ("b",2,false) )
list foreach unTuple( (k: String, v: Int) =>
println(k, v)
list2 foreach unTuple( (k: String, v: Int, b: Boolean) =>
println(k, v, b)
Maybe this turns out to be useful. The unTuple object should naturally be put aside in some tool namespace.
Applied to your case:
val m = l.filter( unTuple( (n:Int,color:String) =>
n != 2