PyDev only shows errors, warning, problems of opened files - eclipse

I have no idea why, but the problems window in Eclipse shows only errors and warnings, despite having checked "Show all" and "Show all items".
I would like to see all problems of my python project, without having to open 100+ files.

This is expected.
PyDev does not show the errors for all files, only for the currently opened file (the main reason this is so is to keep PyDev faster and using less memory so that it does not have to be constantly computing that information on the background).
Still, it's possible to force PyDev to perform the code analysis of several files at once (and seeing the result on the problems view) by right-clicking a folder/project and selecting PyDev > Code Analysis -- note that this will be a 'snapshot' of the current situation and PyDev will only update that information when you redo that operation or open a Python file.


Eclipse Freezes Constantly

I've heard rumors about "Eclipse's minute of silence", but I had no idea how bad it is.
I've installed a brand new Eclipse (from a ZIP package) and only installed the JBoss tools. Now Eclipse freezes at close to each key shortcut, but at least once every 30 seconds. Ctrl+C? One minute Freeze. Doesn't copy. Ctrl+D? One minute freeze. Also, doesn't delete any lines. Clicking into an editor? One minute freeze. It also takes everything with it, so e.g. my browser won't work while Eclipse freezes.
It is not possible to work like this. At all. My colleagues just went back to Eclipse 2018-09, but I need Java11, so I can't.
I could not find any bugs for this issue (a lot of bugs for Eclipse freezing, but none that should still be present in 2018-12).
Anyone else experienced something like that? It's our entire office, so it's not just one faulty computer. Could it have something to do with how Eclipse scatters its config files over the hard drive? Maybe it can't read the 2018-09 config files or something?
If you use the Project Explorer, this could be caused by bug which is already fixed for Eclipse 4.11 (and will be released as Eclipse 2019-03 in March)
You can use an integration build from
As workaround, it might also help to to close the Project Explorer View (in all perspectives) and use the Package Explorer instead.
As others have written, it might also be a memory issue. Open the Eclipse Preferences and
in the General section enable Show heap status so you can see it at the bottom of the window.
If this is the problem, edit eclipse.ini and increase the memory settings (open eclipse.ini and increase the number of the line with -Xmx. If you have a mac, right-click on the Eclipse Application, choose Package Contents, find it at Contents/Eclipse/eclipse.ini)
I was facing this "lagging"/"freezing" issue in Eclipse 2018-12 until I did this.
in eclipse.ini
Of course it has not stopped "freezing" completely, but The number of times has been tremendously dropped.

Eclipse opening and then closing immediately

Eclipse keeps showing the splash screen and then closing immediately after...I just downloaded it so I haven't had the opportunity to make a work space. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, the file has already been unzipped at this point I have no idea as to what I should do about this.
Make sure that you have installed Java JDK properly
Whenever it (Eclipse) encounters a problem that does not warrant launching a dialog, Eclipse saves a report in the workspace log file. The log file can be looked at in four alternative ways.
Locate the file yourself, see workspace/.metadata/.log.
Start Eclipse using -consoleLog. This will print the messages
that normally go to the .log file in the enclosing shell/command window. When the Java VM suffers a hard crash, it produces a separate logging file named something like hs_err_pidXXXXX.log. These files are also helpful for diagnosing
(Other two might not be useful in your case)
Window > Show View > PDE Runtime > Error Log. This gives you a view
with the contents of the .log file.
Help > About Eclipse Platform > Configuration Details. This
prints out a great number of details about the environment and
also concatenates the .log file. Great for including in a bug
Make sure that Java installed properly..
Uninstall Java and install again, this worked for me

Eclipse CDT "open declaration" lists the same file" twice

Using Eclipse Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2), C and C++, although this problem relates to C code. Running Eclipse on Win XP.
I'm using a system with 2 projects. The projects are linked by Properties - Project References.
Some references work OK: I can use "open declaration" on a symbol in one project and it immediately jumps to the correct place in the 2nd project where it is defined.
However, occasionally I find a symbol which brings up a dialog box "Open Declaration" listing 2 alternatives, both of which are exactly the same file (by exactly the same path). One of these choices gives the correct result, the other one gives almost the same except that it's a few lines out.
Also, Eclipse (parser) thinks there are some syntax errors where there aren't any.
I've rebuilt the index on both projects, tried referencing both projects to each other and also one way only. I've stopped Eclipse and restarted it.
Any solutions?
In my case, the index was out of sync.
From the top level in the project in Project Explorer, right-click and select Index-Rebuild.
Apparently it just happens every now and then; a colleague of mine encounters it regularly (Linux build).
See info about the indexer on Eclipse help.

Eclipse crashed and deleted all my work

Eclipse crashed and deleted all project files, including written by me and XML files from another program which were not related to Eclipse.
Is it possible to force Eclipse or JVM to use trash can, so that if it goes mad and delete everything, files could restored.
Files were definitely wiped out. This was checked with third party file managers. Also entire disc were searched for traces.
Some good news is that Eclipse history remained. This allowed to restore some files I changed from Eclipse. But this project was consisting of multiple other files, that were written not by me (taken from other libraries) or contained some data I was editing not in Eclipse (like XML or raw data).
All these files were wiped out by Eclipse.
If this would not happen to me I would also say it is unlikely. But it has happened.
The problem is somehow related with
(1) Eclipse
(2) Maven (m2e)
(3) Eclipse RCP
(4) Tycho
At some moment Eclipse started to show numerous error windows and I was to kill the process. After that I found files absent.
So I need some extra protection layer.
Crash repeated. This is a message during file wiping out:
This time I was not using Maven and Tycho.
Third crash.
Crash occurs only after error Application ... could not be found in the registry, which itself buggie.
Still unable to reproduce situation from scratch...
UPDATE: I think from this question you were working on an Eclipse RCP plugin or something like that when this happened.
So you probably broke your Eclipse in some fashion. Do not trust anything Eclipse tells you at this point! Look at the actual filesystem!
Eclipse crashed and deleted all project files, including written by me and XML files from another program which were not related to Eclipse.
That's highly unlikely. (Especially if those XML files were not in the workspace. But even if they were, it's very unlikely.) You probably opened a new workspace without realising it, or maybe Eclipse has some bug where it won't show you files that are actually there. Or maybe you accidentally switched to the wrong view (in Java the normal view for files is Package Explorer, if I remember correctly).
Or maybe you were storing your workspace on a USB stick (aka pen drive) or network drive and you accidentally disconnected from it without realising it.
Check in the workspace (the actual workspace you were using at the time, not the workspace you are now using, which, as I said, might not be the same thing), using Windows Explorer (if you are using Windows) or Finder (if you are using a Mac) or using ls (if you are using something else). Are the files really gone?
This Was My Fault
I was setting up a workspace location pointing to project folder and also setting clear workspace checkbox.

Eclipse : how to prevent it from loading all the open files on startup?

I had 100+ files open in the previous session, then closed eclipse. On a restart, eclipse just hangs with extremely high mem usuage. This problem doesn't happen with only 50 files opened.
How to prevent eclipse from loading all the previously opened files on startup? It would make more sense that the files are loaded on demand, i.e. load when focused.
I am using CDT.
When the Eclipse is open, close those projects which you dont want for now. Right Click on the project name and select "Close Project". Next time you restart the Eclipse the closed projects should not get loaded.
This is not possible. Eclipse will always restore the same state after a restart.
You can mitigate the effects with little fuzz by
closing projects (right click the project you're not working on, select Close Project
closing unrelated projects (right click the project you're working on, select Close Unrelated Projects
using Mylyn! Mylyn will ensure that files you stopped working on will be automatically closed. (But it does more than that. See for more info e.g. and (pdf)) It takes some time getting used to it, but I eventually fell in love with it. If you don't switch tasks that often, you can just create one general task, activate it and keep working in that one forever.
opened a bug on eclipse, after the help from there, it turns out this is caused by the vrapper plugin I installed. For more details,