Spark - Rdd transformation inside another transformation - scala

I was trying to transform an RDD inside another transformation. Since, RDD transformations and actions can only be invoked by the driver I collected the 2nd RDD and tried to apply the transformation on it inside the other transformation like below
val name_match = => (y, first_names_collection.value.filter(z => soundex.difference(z, y) == 4 ) ))
The above code is throwing the following exception
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.ApplicationAttemptNotFoundException): Application attempt appattempt_1468905506642_46091_000001 doesn't exist in ApplicationMasterService cache.
Here, the size of first_names_collection is more than 10 GB. Would that be causing this problem? Is there any other way to do this?

It looks like you want to calculate a difference function between each element of name_match and each element of first_names_collection and find pairs with a difference of 4.
Typically performing pair-wise calculations on two RDDs is done by enumerating all pairs using cartesian first. Your solution would look something like:
first_name.cartesian(first_names_collection) // generate all pairs
.filter{case (lhs, rhs) => soundex.difference(lhs, rhs) == 4}


Compute Number of Attributes efficiently in flink

I am trying to get the number of attributes a flink's DataSet has, the first attempt was simply:
.reduce((_, b) => b)
Then, looking at the implementation of Solver I saw it does it this way:
// TODO: Faster way to do this?
.reduce((a, b) => b)
But the TODO comment says it all.
So, I came out with this implementation:
.reduce((_, b) => b)
Is there a more efficient implementation?
The fastest would be
// only forward first vector of each partition
.mapPartition(in => if (in.hasNext) Seq( else Seq())
// move all remaining vectors to a single partition, compute size of the first and forward it
.mapPartition(in => if (in.hasNext) Seq( else Seq()).setParallelism(1)
Using reduce or groupReduce is less efficient because might move data to a single machine without reducing it first and results in on function call per input record. mapPartition is called once per partition and only forwards the first element of the input iterator.

Apache Spark's RDD splitting according to the particular size

I am trying to read strings from a text file, but I want to limit each line according to a particular size. For example;
Here is my representing the file.
When trying to read this file by sc.textFile, RDD would appear this one.
scala> val rdd = sc.textFile("textFile")
scala> rdd.collect
res1: Array[String] = Array(aaaaa, bbb, ccccc)
But I want to limit the size of this RDD. For example, if the limit is 3, then I should get like this one.
Array[String] = Array(aaa, aab, bbc, ccc, c)
What is the best performance way to do that?
Not a particularly efficient solution (not terrible either) but you can do something like this:
val pairs = rdd
.flatMap(x => x) // Flatten
.zipWithIndex // Add indices
.keyBy(_._2 / 3) // Key by index / n
// We'll use a range partitioner to minimize the shuffle
val partitioner = new RangePartitioner(pairs.partitions.size, pairs)
.groupByKey(partitioner) // group
// Sort, drop index, concat
It is possible to avoid the shuffle by passing data required to fill the partitions explicitly but it takes some effort to code. See my answer to Partition RDD into tuples of length n.
If you can accept some misaligned records on partitions boundaries then simple mapPartitions with grouped should do the trick at much lower cost:
rdd.mapPartitions(_.flatMap(x => x).grouped(3).map(_.mkString("")))
It is also possible to use sliding RDD:
rdd.flatMap(x => x).sliding(3, 3).map(_.mkString(""))
You will need to read all the data anyhow. Not much you can do apart from mapping each line and trim it. => line.take(3)).collect()

Comparing Subsets of an RDD

I’m looking for a way to compare subsets of an RDD intelligently.
Lets say I had an RDD with key/value pairs of type (Int->T). I eventually need to say “compare all values of key 1 with all values of key 2 and compare values of key 3 to the values of key 5 and key 7”, how would I go about doing this efficiently?
The way I’m currently thinking of doing it is by creating a List of filtered RDDs and then using RDD.cartesian()
def filterSubset[T] = (b:Int, r:RDD[(Int, T)]) => r.filter{case(name, _) => name == b}
Val keyPairs:(Int, Int) // all key pairs
Val rddPairs ={
case (a, b) =>
}{whatever I want to compare…}
I would then iterate the list and perform a map on each of the RDDs of pairs to gather the relational data that I need.
What I can’t tell about this idea is whether it would be extremely inefficient to set up possibly of hundreds of map jobs and then iterate through them. In this case, would the lazy valuation in spark optimize the data shuffling between all of the maps? If not, can someone please recommend a possibly more efficient way to approach this issue?
Thank you for your help
One way you can approach this problem is to replicate and partition your data to reflect key pairs you want to compare. Lets start with creating two maps from the actual keys to the temporary keys we'll use for replication and joins:
def genMap(keys: Seq[Int]) = keys
.map{case (k, vs) => (k ->}
val left = genMap(
val right = genMap(
Next we can transform data by replicating with new keys:
def mapAndReplicate[T: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[(Int, T)], map: Map[Int, Seq[Int]]) = {
rdd.flatMap{case (k, v) => map.getOrElse(k, Seq()).map(x => (x, (k, v)))}
val leftRDD = mapAndReplicate(rddPairs, left)
val rightRDD = mapAndReplicate(rddPairs, right)
Finally we can cogroup:
val cogrouped = leftRDD.cogroup(rightRDD)
And compare / filter pairs:
cogrouped.values.flatMap{case (xs, ys) => for {
(kx, vx) <- xs
(ky, vy) <- ys
if cosineSimilarity(vx, vy) <= threshold
} yield ((kx, vx), (ky, vy)) }
Obviously in the current form this approach is limited. It assumes that values for arbitrary pair of keys can fit into memory and require a significant amount of network traffic. Still it should give you some idea how to proceed.
Another possible approach is to store data in the external system (for example database) and fetch required key-value pairs on demand.
Since you're trying to find similarity between elements I would also consider completely different approach. Instead of naively comparing key-by-key I would try to partition data using custom partitioner which reflects expected similarity between documents. It is far from trivial in general but should give much better results.
Using Dataframe you can easily do the cartesian operation using join:
dataframe1.join(dataframe2, dataframe1("key")===dataframe2("key"))
It will probably do exactly what you want, but efficiently.
If you don't know how to create an Dataframe, please refer to

Spark closure argument binding

I am working with Apache Spark in Scala.
I have a problem when trying to manipulate one RDD with data from a second RDD. I am trying to pass the 2nd RDD as an argument to a function being 'mapped' against the first RDD, but seemingly the closure created on that function binds an uninitialized version of that value.
Following is a simpler piece of code that shows the type of problem I'm seeing. (My real example where I first had trouble is larger and less understandable).
I don't really understand the argument binding rules for Spark closures.
What I'm really looking for is a basic approach or pattern for how to manipulate one RDD using the content of another (which was previously constructed elsewhere).
In the following code, calling Test1.process(sc) will fail with a null pointer access in findSquare (as the 2nd arg bound in the closure is not initialized)
object Test1 {
def process(sc: SparkContext) {
val squaresMap = (1 to 10).map(n => (n, n * n))
val squaresRDD = sc.parallelize(squaresMap)
val primes = sc.parallelize(List(2, 3, 5, 7))
for (p <- primes) {
println("%d: %d".format(p, findSquare(p, squaresRDD)))
def findSquare(n: Int, squaresRDD: RDD[(Int, Int)]): Int = {
squaresRDD.filter(kv => kv._1 == n).first._1
Problem you experience has nothing to do with closures or RDDs which, contrary to popular belief, are serializable.
It is simply breaks a fundamental Spark rule which states that you cannot trigger an action or transformation from another action or transformation* and different variants of this question have been asked on SO multiple times.
To understand why that's the case you have to think about the architecture:
SparkContext is managed on the driver
everything that happens inside transformations is executed on the workers. Each worker have access only to its own part of the data and don't communicate with other workers**.
If you want to use content of multiple RDDs you have to use one of the transformations which combine RDDs, like join, cartesian, zip or union.
Here you most likely (I am not sure why you pass tuple and use only first element of this tuple) want to either use a broadcast variable:
val squaresMapBD = sc.broadcast(squaresMap)
def findSquare(n: Int): Seq[(Int, Int)] = {
.filter{case (k, v) => k == n}
.map{case (k, v) => (n, k)}
or Cartesian:
.filter{case (n, (k, _)) => n == k}.map{case (n, (k, _)) => (n, k)}
Converting primes to dummy pairs (Int, null) and join would be more efficient:, null)).join(squaresRDD).map(...)
but based on your comments I assume you're interested in a scenario when there is natural join condition.
Depending on a context you can also consider using database or files to store common data.
On a side note RDDs are not iterable so you cannot simply use for loop. To be able to do something like this you have to collect or convert toLocalIterator first. You can also use foreach method.
* To be precise you cannot access SparkContext.
** Torrent broadcast and tree aggregates involve communication between executors so it is technically possible.
RDD are not serializable, so you can't use an rdd inside an rdd trasformation.
Then I've never seen enumerate an rdd with a for statement, usually I use foreach statement that is part of rdd api.
In order to combine data from two rdd, you can leverage join, union or broadcast ( in case your rdd is small)

reduceByKey: How does it work internally?

I am new to Spark and Scala. I was confused about the way reduceByKey function works in Spark. Suppose we have the following code:
val lines = sc.textFile("data.txt")
val pairs = => (s, 1))
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
The map function is clear: s is the key and it points to the line from data.txt and 1 is the value.
However, I didn't get how the reduceByKey works internally? Does "a" points to the key? Alternatively, does "a" point to "s"? Then what does represent a + b? how are they filled?
Let's break it down to discrete methods and types. That usually exposes the intricacies for new devs:
pairs.reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
pairs.reduceByKey((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
and renaming the variables makes it a little more explicit
pairs.reduceByKey((accumulatedValue: Int, currentValue: Int) => accumulatedValue + currentValue)
So, we can now see that we are simply taking an accumulated value for the given key and summing it with the next value of that key. NOW, let's break it further so we can understand the key part. So, let's visualize the method more like this:
pairs.reduce((accumulatedValue: List[(String, Int)], currentValue: (String, Int)) => {
//Turn the accumulated value into a true key->value mapping
val accumAsMap = accumulatedValue.toMap
//Try to get the key's current value if we've already encountered it
accumAsMap.get(currentValue._1) match {
//If we have encountered it, then add the new value to the existing value and overwrite the old
case Some(value : Int) => (accumAsMap + (currentValue._1 -> (value + currentValue._2))).toList
//If we have NOT encountered it, then simply add it to the list
case None => currentValue :: accumulatedValue
So, you can see that the reduceByKey takes the boilerplate of finding the key and tracking it so that you don't have to worry about managing that part.
Deeper, truer if you want
All that being said, that is a simplified version of what happens as there are some optimizations that are done here. This operation is associative, so the spark engine will perform these reductions locally first (often termed map-side reduce) and then once again at the driver. This saves network traffic; instead of sending all the data and performing the operation, it can reduce it as small as it can and then send that reduction over the wire.
One requirement for the reduceByKey function is that is must be associative. To build some intuition on how reduceByKey works, let's first see how an associative associative function helps us in a parallel computation:
As we can see, we can break an original collection in pieces and by applying the associative function, we can accumulate a total. The sequential case is trivial, we are used to it: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10.
Associativity lets us use that same function in sequence and in parallel. reduceByKey uses that property to compute a result out of an RDD, which is a distributed collection consisting of partitions.
Consider the following example:
// collection of the form ("key",1),("key,2),...,("key",20) split among 4 partitions
val rdd =sparkContext.parallelize(( (1 to 20).map(x=>("key",x))), 4)
rdd.reduceByKey(_ + _)
> Array[(String, Int)] = Array((key,210))
In spark, data is distributed into partitions. For the next illustration, (4) partitions are to the left, enclosed in thin lines. First, we apply the function locally to each partition, sequentially in the partition, but we run all 4 partitions in parallel. Then, the result of each local computation are aggregated by applying the same function again and finally come to a result.
reduceByKey is an specialization of aggregateByKey aggregateByKey takes 2 functions: one that is applied to each partition (sequentially) and one that is applied among the results of each partition (in parallel). reduceByKey uses the same associative function on both cases: to do a sequential computing on each partition and then combine those results in a final result as we have illustrated here.
In your example of
val counts = pairs.reduceByKey((a,b) => a+b)
a and b are both Int accumulators for _2 of the tuples in pairs. reduceKey will take two tuples with the same value s and use their _2 values as a and b, producing a new Tuple[String,Int]. This operation is repeated until there is only one tuple for each key s.
Unlike non-Spark (or, really, non-parallel) reduceByKey where the first element is always the accumulator and the second a value, reduceByKey operates in a distributed fashion, i.e. each node will reduce it's set of tuples into a collection of uniquely-keyed tuples and then reduce the tuples from multiple nodes until there is a final uniquely-keyed set of tuples. This means as the results from nodes are reduced, a and b represent already reduced accumulators.
Spark RDD reduceByKey function merges the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
The reduceByKey function works only on the RDDs and this is a transformation operation that means it is lazily evaluated. And an associative function is passed as a parameter, which is applied to source RDD and creates a new RDD as a result.
So in your example, rdd pairs has a set of multiple paired elements like (s1,1), (s2,1) etc. And reduceByKey accepts a function (accumulator, n) => (accumulator + n), which initialise the accumulator variable to default value 0 and adds up the element for each key and return the result rdd counts having the total counts paired with key.
Simple if your input RDD data look like this:
and if you apply reduceByKey on above rdd data then few you have to remember,
reduceByKey always takes 2 input (x,y) and always works with two rows at a time.
As it is reduceByKey it will combine two rows of same key and combine the result of value.
val rdd2 = rdd.reduceByKey((x,y) => x+y)