Emacs term pastes strange line into terminal when changing directories - emacs

I am using fish terminal inside of Emacs term
My normal prompt on load looks like the following
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
Type help for instructions on how to use fish
Ok, when I load fish term inside of term.el it looks like this
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell
Type helpB for instructions on how to use fish
A cd command in my normal terminal looks like this
$> cd ~/
However in the emacs term.el it looks like this
$> cd ~/
I have no idea why it is pasting the cwd into the buffer, but it does it every time a directory changes. Emacs also makes the system sound after this, while other commands like ls do not make the system sound.
This is obviously not the biggest issue in the world, but I do run clear as a pre-command to keep my terminal looking clean (although I turned it off for this example) and Emacs pasting this line into the buffer really messes with sublime usage.

You seem to be experiencing a known issue.
Try this fix:
In your fish config file ~/.config/fish/config.fish add the following:
function fish_title
Also, see this from the fish documentation, though according to the github issue, the fix suggested in the docs might not work, while the above function does.
According to the fish documentation, this is what's going on:
Fish is trying to set the titlebar message of your terminal. While
screen itself supports this feature, your terminal does not.
Unfortunately, when the underlying terminal doesn't support setting
the titlebar, screen simply passes through the escape codes and text
to the underlying terminal instead of ignoring them. It is impossible
detect and resolve this problem from inside fish since fish has no way
of knowing what the underlying terminal type is. For now, the only way
to fix this is to unset the titlebar message, as suggested above.


How can I turn off vim in terminal of Mac?

I was trying to setup Mongo DB Community on my Mac(m1).
I installed Home-brew first and followed the install instruction of the Mongo DB.
However I could not run the command brew and I found that it was the problem that I didn't set up the Path in the zshell. So I tried it with my terminal but It just got stuck in this here. I tried to escape it with the :wq, :q! commands and it works. but whenever I restart the terminal it goes right back to this screen not to main screen. How can I solve this problem? plz help :(
(Im trying to learning so I'm not familiar with the terminal and codes stuffs)
You are in this situation because you typed the wrong command in the terminal and I suspect it is because you copy-pasted it instead of typing it out.
Your command is helpfully spelled out in the title bar of the window:
$ vi ~/.zshrcexport PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:
Judging by the content of the buffer, it is almost certainly truncated and the actual command was probably:
$ vi ~/.zshrcexport PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
So what's wrong with that command? Everything, actually.
For starter, it should have been:
$ vi ~/.zshrc
with ~/.zshrc being your shell's main configuration file.
Everything after that shouldn't be here.
Vim, which is the program providing the vi command, takes one or more filenames as arguments. With that command, you told Vim to open two files:
the former is the one shown in your screenshot,
the latter is not shown but it is likely to have a rather long name,
neither of those files are supposed to exist.
How to get out of that mess?
Assuming you are in the situation shown by that screenshot, do the following:
Press the esc key to make sure you are in what is called "normal mode" in Vim.
Press the : key to enter "command-line mode".
Type qa!, then press the return or ↩︎ key.
At that point you should be outside of Vim and in your shell. It is time to delete the non-wanted files you created with these two commands, each followed by a press on the return or ↩︎ key:
$ rm ~/.zshrcexport
$ rm PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
Now you should finally be able to edit your shell's configuration file but I recommend you don't do it with the vi command. nano is a much simpler editor that doesn't require as much learning.
Open the configuration file in nano with:
$ nano ~/.zshrc
Move around with your cursor keys until you find the right spot, just like in a regular text editor. The file is probably empty anyway.
Type that "export" line:
export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH
Press control+X to quit, as instructed at the bottom of the screen.
Press the appropriate key when asked if you want to write the file.
Avoid vi or vim in the future until you actually have or want to learn it.
As for why you end up in Vim when you open a new terminal window I have no clue. Maybe another one of your mistakes?

Backspace behavior in interactive shell

I'm trying to use the Scala interactive shell, but the backspace key's behavior is strange. I'm finding that backspace does seem to delete the previous character, but it doesn't display that way on the line I'm typing... the cursor moves forward instead of backward. This makes it impossible to see what the current input line looks like.
I'm using Scala 2.11.12. I'm working in a terminal window on a Linux system, but xrdp'ing into the Linux host from a Windows 10 laptop. The backspace key works fine outside Scala (in zsh).
As a workaround, is there any control character that tells Scala to redisplay the current line? (Old OS's used to support characters that perform that function, if memory serves, but they haven't been necessary for a couple decades or so.)
I also encountered the same problem and improved by changing the setting of pyenv.
If the global setting of pyenv is not system, try changing to system.
$ pyenv versions
* system (set by /Users/*****/.pyenv/version)
Perhaps it's a bug of JLine, which scala use as a replacement of readline. But, if I empty the folder ~/.pyenv/shims, scala works fine. Then I execute pyenv rehash (which will bring back the files under shims), scala failed!
Then I remove the files in ~/.pyenv/shims half by half and it's a file named infocmp makes the difference. And it's not the content in it, but the exec permission that matters, i.e. chmod a-x ~/.pyenv/shims/infocmp will make scala work fine, but chmod a+x ~/.pyenv/shims/infocmp, even if infocmp is empty, the problem will occur!
May be I am close to the truth, but for now we can use chmod a-x ~/.pyenv/shims/infocmp to work around. And it needs only to be run once, because pyenv rehash will not overwrite a file if it already exists.

Script in PATH Mac OSX terminal not working

I have the following script in my /path/to/startupscripts directory, so I can open the emacs GUI with the command 'emacs':
/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$#"
I edited my ~/.bash_profile and added the following line
export PATH=/path/to/startupscripts/emacs:$PATH
However, the script is not working because when I type in 'emacs' into the command line emacs still opens within terminal and not the GUI like I want. Also, when I am in the /path/to/startupscripts directory and I can execute and run the script with
chmod +x emacs
but even when I type 'emacs' afterwards it still opens within terminal. I am a bit of a beginner, and I think I am missing something painfully obvious.
The PATH should contain a directory name where your script(s) can be found, not the name of your individual script.
You probably need to source your .bash_profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
No changes made in your profile will be applied unless you source the profile or log out and back in.
Aside from that every looks like it should work.
However you may want to consider just using an alias instead of a script for this. This can be done by adding this to your profile:
alias emacs=/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs
That's probably a cleaner way to get the functionality you want without adding more to your PATH variable.
I hope that helps! [insert obligatory comment about how you should be using vim and not emacs :P]

What's the configuration file name for Emacs ansi-term?

I tried to create a .emacs-bash file and that works for M-x shell. But if I use the ansi-term, it appears that the .emacs-bash file is not loaded... How can I solve this?
I used M-x ansi-term and then \bin\bash.
The ~/.emacs_SHELLNAME (or ~/.emacs.d/init_SHELLNAME.sh) behaviour is special to the shell function (which, naturally, knows that you're going to be running a shell).
ansi-term is a terminal emulator. It doesn't know what kind of process you're going to be running with it, so it doesn't attempt to apply any custom config files.
If you run a shell in the terminal, that shell should apply its normal rules for config files, so I would try .bashrc for starters.
Failing that, read the bash man page to see what the rules are. Environment variables would likely come into play (and you could test for environment variables in your .bashrc to provide Emacs-specific behaviour).

.emacs Edit to Always Start Emacs in Terminal Mode?

I use emacs as my editor-of-choice, and since I'm doing a lot of work in a terminal I always run emacs as
emacs -nw
so that it runs in the terminal instead of in a window.
I'd like to just run emacs and have it know that it should run in a terminal. My question is - how do I edit my .emacs file so that this is the default behavior?
You can't do this in the .emacs file. By the time that file is being parsed, the "chosen" emacs binary is already running.
You can install the emacs-nox package as one commenter suggests, or create an alias in your shell so that "emacs" is always treated as "emacs -nw".
I'm using a bash alias instead of .emacs to do that.
Add this line to your ~/.bashrc.
alias emacs='emacs -nw'
There is any easy way to solve the problem in general that has nothing to do with emacs at all and will work for any program that can choose between running in the console vs X:
Of course you may not want to put that in your configuration file to be applied globally to all your shell sessions, so if you want it to apply to only emacs, then either call it from the command line like this:
DISPLAY= emacs
note the space!!! if you leave the space out it means you're setting the DISPLAY to emacs instead of setting DISPLAY to nothing... this command is a shorthand for:
DISPLAY=; emacs
So either use the above from the command line(s) or put that in a wrapper script that would look something like this:
exec emacs
I recommend the exec there because it will replace your wrapper script with emacs; to see the difference between the two you can run:
pstree -p
When I was first setting up a "emacs -nw" alias for emacs in windows I got stuck in a situation where I thought tototoshi's explanation hadn't worked. Yet all that was required was a restart of my terminal. Therefore, i think its worth mentioning that in windows (at least) if you are using emacs within the git bash terminal to create the .bashrc file and add "alias emacs='emacs -nw" to it (as tototoshi mentions) you have to close and reopen your terminal for it to work.