How to fix "invalid Web Uri" for Powershell Register-PSRepository? - powershell

A few weeks ago this error started popping up.
Set-PSRepository : The specified Uri 'http://*****' for parameter
'SourceLocation' is an invalid Web Uri.
Please ensure that it meets the Web Uri requirements.
I'm not sure how to fix this short of uninstalling Powershell. There is a workaround available on StackOverflow but it's clunky and will not work for me long term.
Frankly I'd rather just find where the PSRepositories are stored and edit the files manually when I need to.

The answer to this other question should help: Invalid Web Uri error on Register-PSRepository
It involves registering the repository using a local path first, then updating it to point to the URL.

Had the same issue,
for me it was an expired certificate at my own repostitory. Exchanged the certificate and the error was gone.


Is still working?

Trying to sign an OutlookAdd-In with a GoDaddy certificate using as the Timestamp server, but was getting "signing parameter is incorrect". Now getting "An error occurred while signing: Timestamp URL server name or address could not be resolved." I successfully utilized in order to get it out to users but am not completely comfortable using a new URL. Are others experiencing this issue?
Here's my 2ยข:
As of a couple of days ago, GoDaddy withdrew from the code signing certificate (CSC) business. GoDaddy have told me they will honor my certificate till its expiry, which is 2023.
GoDaddy tech support tell me that, GoDaddy's recommended TSA (Time Stamp Authority) server, no longer recognizes GoDaddy CSCs. Using MS SDK signtool.exe, I have tried the following alternatives, all of which fail with the error "The specified timestamp server either could not be reached or returned an invalid response.":
The only one that still works is:
I'm skeptical that TSA server is sufficient, I think the problem goes deeper than that.
I have also reviewed
Does anyone know of other reputable TSAs that work?
I'd rather not have to prematurely replace my expensive CSC.
It's dead.
Browser shows Server not found.
Name resolution fails:
can't find Non-existent domain

Troubleshooting QuickBooks Web Connector issue

Try to troubleshooting QuickBook's Web Connector by following helping URL: Click Me. When I try to Add an application into Web connector getting following error: "QBWC1048: QuickBooks Web Connector could not verify the web application server certificate. QBWC1051: The new application was not added"
QuickBook throws the 1048 error because it is unable to complete a GET request at the AppURL that specified QBFS.qwc file. This is because restricts GET requests via the SOAP API.
To get around this, include a parameter in the .qwc file, and set it to the same value as your AppURL without the URL path.
For example, if your AppURL is, then set CertURL to
This is the solution suggested by the QBWC log file, and it worked for me.
Reference URL
I found I had this problem because my software was trying to load the file
which no longer exists. :(
So I got a WSDL from
and put it in my Site's root directory, then changed my code to point there, and it worked.

Github - Failed to clone/remote sync or clone or any github activity

I have github on Windows-7. The github doesn't seem to allow me to check in code as something is messed up.
I did try changing the credentials & so forth by looking up online but nothing seems to work.
I still see the Bad credentials error alongside some wamp developer errors.
I don't know how wamp developer is related to GitHub.
I did have WAMP developer once upon a time on the PC.
The log file for the attempt is here: Github log file.
The error:
2016-03-22 12:44:50.7329|
ERROR|thread: 5|StartupLogging| MISSING PATH!!: 'C:\WampDeveloper\Components\Apache\bin'
That simply means your %PATH% currently reference one non-existent path: you could clean-up your environment variable PATH which is currently quite large.
This is not-blocking for GitHub Desktop though.
The other error is linked to a key previously used for:
Logged user r... off of host 'https://<server_url>'
When that key "C:\Users\ffgr.ghjk\.ssh\github_rsa" is used to authenticate to does not work.
Make sure that key (the public one is added to your GitHub account: "Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account"

Mulesoft - Uh-oh spaghettios! There's nothing here

This error is driving me nuts...
I am trying to create a REST api and use a api-gateway proxy to access it. Proxy URL is HTTPS.
The deployment goes through fine. No errors reported in the logs. Worker assigned.
However when I try to access through browser get the "Uh-oh spaghettios! There's nothing here.".
Have tried all the usual things like making the https port dynamic using ${https.port} and using instead of localhost in the http-listener config. But that does not help. Has this something to got to do with the proxy version ?
Any help or pointers will be great!
Make sure you follow Steps 2 from below link
Getting Started with Connectors
Got the resolution. The problem was with the certificate chain. The keystore did not contain intermediate certificates. When added to the keystore the connectivity worked fine.
Only if Mulesoft provided correct errors or detailed logging, I would have saved lot of time over this.
Thanks for your inputs.

Jaspersoft Studio: Username may not be null (HTTP proxy issue)

if you get an error similar to this although your credentials are correct or have even worked before in this environment, it may be due to an HTTP proxy misconfiguration (see answer below)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Username may not be null
at org.apache.http.util.Args.notNull(
at org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials.<init>(
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
Check your Eclipse->Window->Preferences->General->Network Connections settings. If your Jasper server is not behind an HTTP proxy it must be included and selected (yellow) in the Proxy bypass section (or no proxy may be necessary at all - but this seems more unlikely because other proxied network services would not be available then within Eclipse).
Otherwise it should not be included therein.
If you should get another error org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: Not Found
later on it could be an unrelated error due to a server<->studio version mismatch, e.g. described here:
(I know this is not directly related to the question, but it may help after such an update scenario (which may be a big waste of time) ...)
Instead of downgrading Jasper Studio you can try to change the URL and Jasper version in the server connection. Try to remove services/repository/ from your URL, which worked for me :-)
( mentioned here: )