How to echo total out of array created from
Function count {
$this->db->select('user_id, COUNT(user_id) as total);
$this->db->order_by('total', 'desc');
$query = $this->db->get('tablename', 10);
Return $query->result_array();}
Controller data [total] = $this->mymodel->count();
Vardump get the count function current as arrays with
Array = user_id => 1
Total. => 2 for examle
I.need to echo total in view
In my Event model, I have the following function to retrieve all the events with status = 1 with a 12 limit and order according to event created DESC:
public function latestEvents() {
$result = $this->find('all' ,array('recursive' => -1, 'conditions'=> array('Event.status' => 1), 'limit' => 12, 'order' => array('Event.created DESC')));
debug($result); die();
return $result;
This function is not returning any data. When I change my limit to 6 and debug it returns six records but when I change my limit to more than 6 it returns (empty) this :
I even checked in my database by doing this query :
SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 12
and this returns the desired data that I want. I even tried :
$result = $this->query('SELECT * FROM `events` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 12');
but the same thing is happening with the limit (6 returns the data but more than 6 does not).
I found out that the data I was trying to debug had special characters and I had to include 'encoding' => 'utf8' in my database.php and worked like a charm. This post helped me.
Is there anything similar in mongodb? If we are using dynamic variables and print the query then it should print the query with the values in it like shown below.
int name = 'john';
int age = 23;
// how we do it in PHP
$query = 'select * from students where name='"name"' and age='"age"';
echo $query;
// result
select * from students where name='john' and age='23';
// how we do it in codeigniter
echo $this->db->last_query();
// result
select * from students where name='john' and age='23';
I am new to zend framework
I want to calculate number of rows in my query
this is my code:
$nm = new Zend_Db_Table('emp');
$row = $nm->fetchRow($nm->select()->where('id= ?', $a));
yes you can try in this way to get total number of rows return by your sql query.
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('id= ?', $a);
return false;
echo "Total number of users : -> ".count($result->toArray());
let me know if i can help you more.
If you are testing for the existance of a record by primary key then you can use $nm->find($a) and check for any results.
if you expect the result set to be small then you can do
$nm->fetchAll($nm->select()->where("id = ?", $a);
If you expect the result set to get big and all you are really after is the count then authoring a query that asks for the count of a field would probably make the most sense to keep the query from eating up a lot of server memory:
$row = $nm->getAdapter()->fetchRow("select count(*) as num_rows".
" from ".$nm->info(Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract::NAME).
" where ".$nm->getAdapter()->quoteInto("id = ?", $a));
echo "Users ".$row["num_rows"];
In Zend Framework 1, you can use count() function at the last of query for getting total number of rows in the table.
For example:
$row = $nm->fetchAll($nm->select()->where('id = ?', $a ))->count();
NOTE: This will only return total number of rows in the table. Output is Integer.
I'd like to do a Zend db update with an OR clause. What would be the equivalent statement to:
SET message_read = 1
WHERE id = 5
OR id = 10
When calling Zend_Db_Adapter::update(), multiple WHERE conditions will automatically be combined using AND (line 698 of Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php in function _whereExpr).
You can get around this by creating your own Zend_Db_Expr which you will use as the WHERE condition and it will be left untouched.
For example:
$where[] = new Zend_Db_Expr(
$table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 5) . ' OR ' .
$table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 10)
// resulting expression:
// WHERE (id = 5 OR id = 10)
$table->update($data, $where);
If you had additional WHERE conditions, they would be combined with the OR condition by an AND.
$where[] = new Zend_Db_Expr(
$table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 5) . ' OR ' .
$table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', 10)
$where[] = $table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('type = ?', 'sometype');
// resulting expression:
// WHERE (id = 5 OR id = 10) AND (type = 'sometype')
->where() will add a where clause to the query and will put an 'AND'. There is an orWhere method that exists to do that.
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('id = 5');
$select->orWhere('id = 10');
I'm confused as to why Zend_DB doesn't accept an array of WHERE clauses - or am I incorrect? I have made the following work around:
$all = new ORM_Model_DbTable_Asset();
$wheres = array('id > 0', 'enabled' => 1);
$all = $all->fetchAll(implode(' AND ', $wheres))->toArray();
for what I hoped would be:
$all = new ORM_Model_DbTable_Asset();
$wheres = array('id > 0', 'enabled' => 1);
$all = $all->fetchAll($wheres)->toArray();
Slightly disappointing, am I missing something?
From Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
* Fetches all rows.
* Honors the Zend_Db_Adapter fetch mode.
* #param string|array|Zend_Db_Table_Select $where OPTIONAL An SQL WHERE clause or Zend_Db_Table_Select object.
* #param string|array $order OPTIONAL An SQL ORDER clause.
* #param int $count OPTIONAL An SQL LIMIT count.
* #param int $offset OPTIONAL An SQL LIMIT offset.
* #return Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract The row results per the Zend_Db_Adapter fetch mode.
public function fetchAll($where = null, $order = null, $count = null, $offset = null)
So you are incorrect, fetchAll() does accept an array of where clauses.
Your array should look like this (based on the definition in Zend_Db_Select)
$where = array(
'id > 0',
'enabled = ?' => 1
First we will look at your original code:
$wheres = array('id > 0', 'enabled' => 1);
Remember that => is an assignment operator. In your array above you start out with string automatically assigned to key 0. The next element is the number 1 assigned to the key 'enabled'. The solution proposed in answer 1 assigns the number 1 to key 'enabled = ?'.
Try this:
$all = new ORM_Model_DbTable_Asset();
$where = array();
$where[] = 'id > 0';
$where[] = $all->quote_into('enabled >= ?', 1, 'INTEGER'); // 1 could be a variable
$result = $all->fetchAll($where);