fetch facebook comments by cannonical url - facebook

In our custom CMS we are having lots of facebook comments and shares bound to slugs generated from article titles.
Now things are getting bad and comments and/or shares bound to different title slugs are getting lost.
Every time someone changes article title in the backend ( admin ), a new parallel universe of comments/shares are created.
I could setup my own permalink using current title, but things are messed up and I would rather bind to facebook crawled cannonical url if possible.
Cannonical url is defined by
<meta property="og:url" content="#String.Format("http://www.index.hr/tema/{0}/permalink-{1}", Model.Theme.Id, Model.Article.Id)" />
I have tried to fetch comments using this cannonical permalink, but get nothing back.
If it is not possible is it somehow possible to redefine bound links at facebook?
Thank you in advance.


Linkedin: Sharing URL Summary not appearing

I'm not sure if this is new behaviour or if it didn't work at all.
So I'm using the LinkedIn Customized URL feature, you can look it up here. The URL looks like this:
Once I share the URL the provided summary is not shown in the post preview:
So I tried with other services like Youtube, Reddit etc. and all posts do not include the provided summary.
Unfortunately I can't provide you the open-graph tags I used on my site as it's running in a corporate environment and I'm not sure if I can provide these snippets as of now.
However, running linkedin's Post Inspector shows that it detects my summary without problems:
Values are in German if anyone wonders...
So my quick and fairly simple questions, which might be answered in a comment as well, are:
Did linkedin change something on their side?
Is there some other undocumented property which neither youtube nor me included in the customized URL and therefore the summary does not show up?
Is there any post from linkedin developers which note this change?
Was it like that all the time or is it just a temporary thing?
Main Problem People are Experiencing: You cannot display BOTH an image and a description. You may only use one. Indicating an OG tag for image means your description will not display. Source: Arguing with LinkedIn Support for 2 Weeks.
LinkedIn only supports one parameter in their share content now:
Source: Microsoft LinkedIn Share URL Documentation.
If you want to specify title and summary, then you need the og tags, but these are things LinkedIn associates with the URL, and it doesn't populate in the message body.
Otherwise, this works for me:
Works fine:
If you are interested in a regularly maintained GitHub project that keeps track of this so you don't have to, check it out! Social Share URLs
LinkedIn now uses the Open Graph tags to show the preview.
Below are the og:tags that must exist and their correct format:
<meta property='og:title' content='Title of the article"/>
<meta property='og:image' content='//media.example.com/ 1234567.jpg"/>
<meta property='og:description' content='Description that will show in the preview"/>
<meta property='og:url' content='//www.example.com/URL of the article" />
And the sharing url is changed to:
Please see this Making Your Website Shareable on LinkedIn

Facebook Insight - how to get insight with app_id for directories or pages within a domain

Putting the meta properties tags
<meta property="fb:admins" content="1020xxxx" />
in the root of the domain, I was able to see insights and then further check the insights on a page by page basis (mySite/index and could check mySite/otherPage).
The problem with this is I wanted others to be able to view these insight and that requires me to add more fb:admin metatags with this approach. I've tried instead to use an app_id since you can assign roles and manage who has access with this tag
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="70181784xxxx" />
but I don't see a way to get insights at a page level.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can only use one app_id a domain (with the app_id being at the root page since otherwise I get the error when trying to get insights). The app_id just gets the insights of everything at that domain (including its directories). Putting an app_id on a specific page doesn't do anything.
I also looked into Page IDs but they seem to be specifically for facebook's own pages and not to get insights for separate web pages (unless I am missing something here as well).
So to restate my question clearly: Is there a way to get facebook insights for separate pages that also allows for dynamic adding/editing of roles? I do not want to keep managing who is in charge of this if the development or client change personnel.
I've attached an image showing what I'd like an equivalent of functionality-wise.
Problem Pic
So from what I've gathered,
My attempt to use an app to get pages isn't possible since an app for facebook isn't a website per-say and thus can't divide its data into pages.
I also assume the website insight is just less of a priority for facebook than dedicated facebook apps so they are not going to retrofit the concept of different roles to it.

Difference between rel="canonical" and og:url?

I'm having trouble understanding canonical URLs with regards to how search engines and Facebook seem to handle them.
My Google maps powered site allows visitors to use social media to request a gig in their country. One of the pages in question can be found at: http://izzy.nogig.in/
When a user clicks on their countries marker it gives them sharing options (twitter/facebook/etc), which when shared will share the URL specifically for that country, eg: izzy.nogig.in/usa? or izzy.nogig.in/spain? etc.
All of these countries in the URL amount to a lot of duplicate content so I use the following to point search engines to the page I want ranked:-
<link rel="canonical" href="http://izzy.nogig.in/_?"/>
For Facebook Likes to count towards each individual country I've set my Open Graph "og:url" as follows, eg:
<meta property="og:url" content="http://izzy.nogig.in/australia?" />
Now when I run a country-specific URL through the Facebook Object Debugger (eg. http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fizzy.nogig.in%2Faustralia%3F) it shows the following:-
Response Code: 206
Fetched URL: http://izzy.nogig.in/australia
Canonical URL: http://izzy.nogig.in/australia
Mismatch og:url and canonical url:
og:url tag in the header is not the same URL as rel='canonical' link in the html.
The above error is what's confusing me. I know they're mismatched, but I thought this was the correct way to do this.
Everything in the debugger looks good to me (correct link, description, image etc for each country), and I can't change the rel="canonical" value to match my og:url as I need it pointing to a single page (country-less) for search engines.
I believe it is all working correctly. Should I just ignore the error from the debugger, or have I set this up incorrectly? I don't want "likes" for each country all disappearing and counting towards the rel="canonical" URL.
Many Thanks - Will
link rel="canonical" will be used by search engines where as og:url will be used by facebook
og:url basically tells the FB scraper "ignore anything on this page, and scrape this url instead"
More for Canonical link element: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_link_element
Canonical urls refer to page content.
The target (canonical) IRI MUST identify content that is either
duplicative or a superset of the content at the context (referring)
IRI. rfc6596#3
Opengraph url refers to "object".
The canonical URL of your object that will be used as its permanent ID in the graph, e.g., "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117500/". ogp.me
So they may be different. For example, for multi-language websites, page for each language should have distinct canonical url, because content is different, but usually the same og:url for all languages, because they refer to the same object described in multiple languages.
On one of the sites I've developed I serve the page in more than one language, and provide links to allow the user to switch between one language and the other. So, my rel="canonical" will have the URL http://www.example.com/, whereas, within the code I update the og:url so that it is either http://en.example.com/ or http://fr.example.com/. That way when the user shares the page on Facebook, everything will appear on Facebook in the language they were viewing the page, which makes sense since most of the visitor's friends will likely speak the same language.
I see no reason why og:url and canonical should be different. In both circumstances you're saying to either the search engine or Facebook what page you want to index or be displayed.

Metadata Fails for Blog Post Like Buttons

I'm integrating a Like button in the individual blog posts on my company's website ( www.atlas-games.com , blog by CLASSIC Blogger at http://blog.atlas-games.com ... can't use a widget). Unfortunately the metadata isn't passing through, so in Facebook it looks like:
Michelle Nephew likes a link.
Atlas Games: Charting New Realms of Imagination <--website's name, not post title
The item links work correctly on "link" and "Atlas Games ..." directing to the individual post, but it's using generic text rather than the individual post's title, the site name I specified for Facebook, and the image.
Object Debugger comes up with Inferred Property errors for URL, Title, and Image, though I specify them in the header of my page. For some reason Facebook just isn't finding the metadata, seems like. See the report here:
I'm having trouble posting my code here ... View Source, though, and you'll see the Meta Property tags in the header and the iframe in the post's footer code (commented out right now).
This is the third time over the course of several months that I've spent hours trying to get this to work, with no luck, so it's not a temporary issue. Any suggestions?
It seems like the structure of the HTML might be the issue as it could be stopping Facebook finding the Open Graph tags.
Fixing these validation errors might allow the tags to be parsed:
Also there are some template variables in the OG tags which aren't being replaced with values:
<meta property="og:title" content="<$BlogItemTitle$>" />
I have the same problem on my blog! And I can't even insert html for the facebook like button directly from facebook developers, into my blog, my blogger blog tells me that the html is erred. I think it has something to do with blogger being a google blog and google now having google+. I noticed all my problems began when google+ came out, I think google is possibly screwing up the facebook like buttons on google sites, to gain monopoly through "share on google+" .

Facebook places checkin using open graph protocol ID as place ID

I used the FB page linter to verify that all the meta information I'm using is correct. According to the graph url, my page id is 157797447612809, yet when I try to publish a checkin to this page, i receive the error:
(#100) Requires a valid Place Page ID
Surprisingly, there is no good information about publishing a checkin to an open graph page available anywhere on the internet. I've used every possible variation of my place page ID that I could imagine, from the URL to page id's of different pages, yet I always get this same error. Does anyone have an example on how this should be accomplished? Thanks!
Since there is absolutely no documentation by Facebook on this matter, I solved this by looking at what foursquare has done and a lot of trial and error.
When defining your open graph object within facebook, you must add a property of type GeoPoint. I called mine location. Define in the object page meta like this:
<meta property="mytestapp:location:latitude" content="37.791" />
<meta property="mytestapp:location:longitude" content="-122.395" />
Now when you debug/lint this object it register as a place, just like the foursquare HQ. You can check in and create map views for actions that include this object.
I think you'd need to add at least the location related tags e.g. og:longitude & og:latitude.
See this graph output for a page that has these og tags and checkins.
BTW: I hope you get the irony of this example 8)
I'm also not sure if you can checkin to a og:type=food page. It may have to be one of the places types e.g. landmark - see types info on the OpenGraph page. However the example above is for og:type=company so you'd need to test the different types to see.
The Geopoint object is described here:
<meta property="your-og-app:location:latitude" content="37.416382">
<meta property="your-og-app:location:longitude" content="-122.152659">
<meta property="your-og-app:location:altitude" content="42">
I have spent too many hours on this but it doesn't seem possible. Then I came accross with this answer. I think this feature is currently open only to Foursquare. Facebook API docs doesn't have anything related to this.