Can't create new Liferay plugin in eclipse - eclipse

I use eclipse kepler, Liferay IDE with the Liferay sdk 7 and V6.1 CE server.
When I try to make new plugin from the wizard this error occurs:
The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in
"com.liferay.ide.project.ui" was unable to instantiate class
Could not initialize class
anybody had this issue before? thanks!

If you're using Liferay 6.1 CE you must use the Plugin SDK 6.1 as well, you can't use the one from version 7.
That, and please note that 6.1 doesn't get any more updates for quite a long time - so one could also argue that instead of downgrading the SDK, you should upgrade the server to Liferay 7. When you do this, note that the Plugins SDK is deprecated in favor of Liferay Workspace.


Can not create liferay project in eclipse

I want to create liferay project in eclipse , I run liferay sdk successfully. Now i want to create a new project .
I am using
kepler eclipse
java 7
When i create a new project i get this error :
MESSAGE NoSuchMethodError: com.liferay.ide.core.ILiferayProjectProvider.createNewProject(Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/eclipse/core/runtime/IProgressMonitor;)Lorg/eclipse/core/runtime/IStatus;
Can anyone tell me how can resolve this error or can create project by alternative method.Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming you're using Liferay 6.2, despite tagging with the liferay-6 tag.
It looks like you have some fragments of Liferay-IDE installed in addition to your IDE installation. I'd suggest to either download the full Liferay-IDE or connect to its update site and update the installation. In case this doesn't work already, report back and make sure to include the version of Liferay-IDE that you're using as well.

Unable to install cobetura plugin in eclipse

I'm trying to install Cobertura plugin ( on Helios version of my eclipse but getting this exception "org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core.ProvisionException", It says unable to read repository at
I'm not on proxy server.
Seems it had stopped development.
I can't install it in Eclipse 3.5 or 4.3 too.
You can use EclEmma, it's easy to use.
Eclipse Helios version is 3.6.x and eCobertura Web site states that eclipse update site works for Eclipse 3.5+. I can confirm it really is working for Eclipse Helios. If you can download update site meta information through browser, but eclipse still cannot see it, it could be a proxy problem or something else that prevents eclipse to access content of update site.

Eclipse trying to migrate project to Worklight instead of

I am using IBM Worklight 6.0 with Eclipse, recently I applied Fix Patch 2 Studio version manually, since I did not want to upgrade to 6.1,
Now technically my Eclipse should be on , however when I try
to open a project, eclipse automatically tries Migrating the project
to 6.1 from 6.0.
Anyone has faced a similar issue?
P.S. I can still see IBM Worklight Studio version as an available Update in my Eclipse.
As a workaround to solve this problem you can
Remove the current eclipse
Install new Eclipse
Create a new Workspace
Install the IBM worklight Plugins to eclipse
Import your old project

Glassfish 4(development build) + eclipse juno

I am trying some of the new features which are only available in Glassfish4(development build).
My current eclipse plugin does not allow me to connect to glassfish4 - there's no 4.x version in the list.
Is there any way I can make it work? I would like to deploy/start the app from eclipse.
If you are using an Eclipse that is older than Juno... you cannot work with GlassFish 4.
If you have Juno, you can install a plugin that allows you to register GlassFish 4 server run-times. BE SURE TO READ before you attempt to update your current GlassFish plugin. If you do not have a GlassFish plugin installed in Juno, you can probably ignore almost all of the content of that page.
If you have Kepler M6 installed, you can try out the GlassFish server adapter (GFSA) and the GlassFish 4 run-time plugin (GF4RTP). The GFSA is available here:
The latest update of the GFSA for Kepler should play nicely with the Java EE 7 features that got integrated into Kepler's milestone 6 release.
The GF4RTP is available here:
NOTE: all the bits available under* are developer stream bits. They are not 'production quality' and are being made available to get feedback from users willing to give them a try. If you have to do something critical, you may want to wait for bits that will be integrated into the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

Cannot select framework to use in new web application using Netbeans on Ubuntu

Using Netbeans 6.9.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 Beta, when I try to create a new web application, none of checkboxes on the frameworks page are selectable. Here are my exact steps:
File > New Project
Choose Java Web from Categories and Web Application from Projects, and click Next
Accept the defaults on the Name and Location page, and click Next
Accept the defaults on the Server and Settings page (Server: GlassFish Server 3; Java EE Version: Java EE 6 Web, and click Next
On the Frameworks page, 6 options appear with checkboxes (Google Web Toolkit, Spring Web MVC, Echo2...), but I can't figure out how to check one. I can do it on my Windows machine running the same version of Netbeans. I have all available plugins installed in Netbeans.
What am I missing?
after a lot of searching, I found a solution.
In my case it seemed to be open-jdk that was causing the issue...
I wrote the solutions down here:
hope it helps...
I had the same problem... after many attempts to fix this i removed netbeans from the software center, installed it manually.. and now it all works smooth :D
I do believe that netbeans from the repo is 6.9 though and i installed 6.9.1 (on ubuntu 10.10)
Also I installed the sun java sdk: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Try this : first, create your project without selecting a framework, then choose the framework you want to use in its properties.
Here you go, I ran into the same problem and finally figured out how to resolve it
Go to Tools > Plugins > Installed Plugins (Tab)
You will find the following plugins there
Java SE
Java ME
Base IDE
Java Web and EE
Ensure that Java SE, Base IDE, Java Web and EE plugins are active, if not activate them. You should all set from there.