Is there a way to fold diffs in github pull request file view - github

I have made 5 modifications. The third modification is adding a very long file which doesn't need close inspection. I'd like to fold file 3 so I can see the small but important diffs of files 1, 2, 4, and 5 without doing tons of scrolling past file 3. I can't find such a button on github's PR page, even though such a thing exists on Phab.
Am I missing it or is it not there?

I sent a feature request. Reply from github:
Indeed, that's not possible currently. I do agree that would be useful, so I'll pass your suggestion to the team working on diffs to consider, but I can't make any promises.
Update: they added the feature

You can check my chrome extension:
It helps me a bit for checking commits or pr's :)


"This comparison is taking too long to generate." error on github

I'm working on a project that has a large number of json files that are never reviewed in pull requests but occasionally need to be changed. Recently we had to make minor changes to them, and github isn't allowing me to create a pull request with those changes. Instead it gives me:
This comparison is taking too long to generate.
Unfortunately it looks like we can’t render this comparison for you right now. It might be too big, or there might be something weird with your repository.
I checked the diff locally and the actual code changes are pretty minor (maybe 200 lines changed), but there are millions of changed lines in these json files. Is there any way to tell Github to ignore them? Right now I am unable to make a PR so the changes can't go through our normal company review process.
I've tried using the .gitattributes file with *.json linguist-generated=true unfortunately that had no effect.
Edit: As suggested in the accepted answer, I contacted github support about this case. Their suggestion was to create a new branch with a small commit, create the PR, and then merge the actual branch that I want to deploy into it. This will update the PR, and while the diff still won't display, it will let me create a PR.
I have just been able to solve this problem via the gh command line tool!
gh pr create
Maybe this option did not exist when the original question was posted, but I'll definitely be doing this in future.
When you compare two branches on GitHub, GitHub has to go compute the diff for those changes using Git and then render it for you. In your case, you have millions of lines of changes, and Git doesn't perform very well in this case because the algorithm that's used to compute diffs is O((N + M)D). Thus, if you have a number of differences proportional to the number of lines, the algorithm is essentially O(N²). Having a large N makes that even worse.
GitHub has a limit on long a request can take, so your large number of changes are just not going to render in the interface. It may be possible to choose the branches you want even though the diff won't render and still open the pull request. If not, you may need to resort to using the API, which won't generate the diff for rendering and therefore is likely to work a little better.
I would encourage you to let GitHub Support know about this, if you haven't been able to find a way to do it through the UI, since they can notify someone to make sure the interface is usable to create a PR even if the diff can't render. You probably aren't the first person to encounter this.
You may also want to store these files outside of Git on some sort of artifact server and pull them down to your repository based on hash, in which case you wouldn't have this pathological case.

How to compare a file between different GitHub repositories (for clarity in a pull request)?

When creating a GitHub Pull Request, it is often that a file (script, lib, etc.) may be completely replaced (or introduced) with one from another repo. Sometimes, the file requires small changes. I'm trying to establish a standard for my team for how to communicate where the file came from and what changed. In the same way that you can craft a URL to highlight a specific change in a single repo, I'd like to be able to highlight a change across repos.
The reality may very well be that GitHub does not offer this. (I do a lot of research before asking questions. Consequently, the answer is often, "you couldn't find an answer because it is impossible.") In which case an alternative will be needed. One possibility might be to generate a diff in markdown and add it as a comment. (Notice I improved that answer back in 2016.)
One possibility might be to generate a diff in markdown and add it as a comment.
Good idea.
One alternative which would not depend on a PR comment would be to use git notes. They are not supported/displayed by GitHub since 2014 and they are criticised, but they would remain in your case possible way to leave... well a note describing where some of the PR files are coming from.

GitHub pull request reviews line comments behaviour

Recently GitHub introduced some new features including Pull Request Reviews.
In the past, line comments in Pull Requests would collapse like this after the line was changed in further commits:
Since the launch of the new feature, line comments no longer collapse even after further commits that address the issues. So far I've only had one PR and I'm not sure if the reviewer added single comments or used the new "Start a review" feature.
How can I get the old behaviour back or does it improve in the new "Start a review" feature?
I've watched their video tutorial on this feature and I can't determine whether the behaviour right now is what I'm supposed to be experiencing.
I sent a message to GitHub support and received the following response:
Sorry for the trouble! We are aware that with reviews comments no longer become "outdated" after new code is pushed.
This is definitely on our radar as something we need to address. I can't give a timeline for it, but we will be looking into it soon.
Since two years ago, GitHub now (august 2018) proposes "Collapse all diffs in a pull request at once":
When a pull request contains a lot of changed files, code reviewers can find it hard to isolate the changes that are relevant to them.
Now you can collapse (or expand) the contents of all diffs in a pull request by holding down the alt key and clicking on the inverted caret icon in any file header.
You can then go one step further by using the “Jump to file or symbol” dropdown to jump to the file that you’re interested in and automatically expand it.
That is not exactly the old behavior, but that does still improve the code review process.

How to comment on long github diff

One of the files in a pull request that I'm currently reviewing has too many changes and github only shows the summary about deletions and additions.
This is rather unfortunate, since I can't comment on the changes that happened in this file. Is there any way to force github to show the diff for this one file in the PR and enable the comment functionality?
You can't force it to comment from the browser, but you can workaround it to create the comment and have someone see it.
In Large github commit diff not shown, they say a Hubber said:
We have some limits on diffs that we show in the browser in order to keep the pull request and compare pages working.
As of today, GitHub's help still states there are (bigger) limits.
If you know the lines you want to comment you could use GitHub's API to create the comment. I don't know if that comment will show on the diff page (I don't think so, as there won't be a diff at all), but you will certainly see it on the comments tab, as usual.

Best Practices for Comments on Code Commit

What template do you use for comments on code commit?
One example of a template is:
(change 1): (source file 1.1, 1.2): (details of change made), (why)
(change 2): (source file 2.1): (details of change made), (why)
Ideally each change should be mapped to an issue in the issue tracker. Is this template alright?
Here are my thoughts... all these will be open to interpretation depending on your particular development methodologies.
You should be committing fairly often, with a single focus for every commit, so based on that, comments should be short and detail what the focus of the commit was.
I'm a fan of posting the what in your comment, with the why and the how being detailed elsewhere (ideally in your bug tracking). The why should be the ticket, and upon closing the ticket, you should have some kind of note about how that particular issue was addressed.
A reference to your bug tracking system is good if it isn't handled otherwise (TRAC/SVN interaction, for example). The reason for this is to point other developers in the right direction if they're looking for more information on the commit.
Don't include specific file names unless the fix really complex and detail is needed. Even still, complex details probably belong in bug tracking with your implementation notes, not in version control. Files edited, diff details, etc, should hopefully be included with version control, and we don't want to spend time duplicating this.
Given these ideas, an example commit comment for me would be something like
Req3845: Updated validation to use the new RegEx validation developed in Req3831.
Short, communicates what was changed, and provides some kind of reference for others to get more info without hunting you down.
I prefix each paragraph with + - * or !
+ means its a new feature
- means feature is removed
* means feature is changed
! means bugfix
I don't think you should commit detailed description about what parts of the code are changed, because that's why every VC has diff :)
If you use a bug tracking system, include relevant ticket numbers.
You do not need to mention changed files, or your name. The source repository can figure that out by itself. Describing the changes also only makes sense if it is not non-trivially obvious from the diff.
Make sure you have a good first line, because this frequently appears in the change history view, and people need to find things by this (the bug tracking ticket number should go there, for example).
Try to commit related changes in a single changeset (and split unrelated changes into two commits, even if to the same file).
I try to follow the same rule as for code comments:
Explain the WHY, not the HOW.
IMO a comment should contain a reference to the issue (task tracker, or requirement). Which files are affected is already available from the version control system. Apart from that, it should be as short as possible, but still readable.
I try to keep my fixes in separate check-ins.
I don't use an actual template, but a mental one, and it's like this.
Issue - dev level summary of
The issue tracker has all the management details, and the changes/diffs can be reviewed for code changes, so the comment is for dev's to understand the why/what of the issue.
Here's what I've seen used successfully:
Reference to bug number or feature ID
Brief description of the change. What was changed.
Code reviewer (to ensure you have one) unless handled by the checkin system.
Name of tester or description of which tests were run (if late in the process and you are being extra careful)
I use the simple technique described by Chaosben on the JEDI Windows API blog.
In order to get a fast view on the
changes made to a repository, we
suggest to write brief concise
comments starting each line with one
of these chars:
+ if you added a feature/function/…
- if you removed a feature/function/bug/…
# if you changed something
Doing it this way, other developers may find the desired revision much better.
First, commits should solve one single problem (separate commits for logically separate changes). If you don't know what to write in the commit message, or the comit message is too long it might mean that you have multiple independent changes in your commit, and you should split it into smaller items.
I think that commit message conventions expected and used by git makes much sense:
The first line of commit message should be a short description
If appropriate, prefix mentioned above summary line with subsystem prefix, e.g. "docs:" or "contrib:"
In next paragraph or paragraphs describe the change, explaining why's and how's
Keep in mind that if someone needs details of what changed, they can get a diff. That said, I just usually write a sentence or two for each major change, and then lump any minor fixes at the end.
There is no hard and fast rule as its plain english. I try to explain the work done in minimum words possible. Anybody looking for history of changes just want to know what happened in a particular change. If anybody is after more details then its there in the code.
Second thing I follow is if there is any bug associated then stick that in or if its related to any dev task then associate that with the change.
If two files were changed for different reasons, they should be in different commits The only time you should commit more than one code file at a time is because they all belong to the same fix/change