Scala Try - Should this not result in a Failure? - scala

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val line: List[String] = null
val myTry = Try(line.asJava)
val result = myTry match {
case Success(_) => "Success"
case Failure(_) => "Failure"
This code snippet prints "Success". If I try to access myTry.get, then it throws a NullPointerException.
From how I understand Try, shouldn't myTry be a Failure?

From how I understand Try, shouldn't myTry be a Failure?
Specifically, asJava on a List creates a wrapper around the original collection in the form of a SeqWrapper. It doesn't iterate the original collection:
case class SeqWrapper[A](underlying: Seq[A]) extends ju.AbstractList[A] with IterableWrapperTrait[A] {
def get(i: Int) = underlying(i)
If you use anything else that does iterate the collection or tries to access it, like toSeq, you'll see the failure:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val line: List[String] = null
val myTry = Try(line.toSeq)
val result = myTry match {
case Success(_) => "Success"
case Failure(_) => "Failure"


How to transform a Seq[Try] to a Try[Seq]

With Futures there is an easy way to transform Seq[Future] to a Future[Seq]:
I could not find an analog thing with Try.
It works with foldLeft but what I really like would have something like Try.sequence(seqOfTry).
Is there a reason that such a function is not provided?
How is this done properly?
A List of the values on Success: Success(Seq(1,2,3,4))
For Failure there are 2 possibilities:
Fails on the fist Failure and returns it. This is handled by this question: listtryt-to-trylistt-in-scala
Gathers all Failures and returns a 'compound' Failure.
Is there also a solution for the 'compound' Failure?
As per Luis' suggestion Validated is designed for error accumulation so consider traverse like so
which outputs
res2:[Throwable,List[Int]] = Invalid(Chain(java.lang.RuntimeException: boom, java.lang.RuntimeException: crash))
res3:[Throwable,List[Int]] = Valid(List(1, 2, 3))
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.either._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
val la: List[Try[Int]] = List(Success(1), Success(2), Failure(new RuntimeException("boom")), Success(3), Failure(new RuntimeException("crash")))
val lb: List[Try[Int]] = List(Success(1), Success(2), Success(3))
Without error accumulation we could just sequence like so
import cats.implicits._
which outputs
res0: scala.util.Try[List[Int]] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: boom)
This is a solution to the second question.
case class CompoundError(errs: List[Throwable]) extends Throwable
def toTry[T](list: List[Try[T]]): Try[List[T]] =
list.partition(_.isSuccess) match {
case (res, Nil) =>
case (_, errs) =>
Failure(CompoundError(errs.collect { case Failure(e) => e }))
The partition operation separates the successes and failures, and the match returns the appropriate value depending on whether there are any failures or not.
Previous solution:
case class CompoundError(errs: List[Throwable]) extends Throwable
def toTry[T](list: List[Try[T]]): Try[List[T]] = {
val (res, errs) = list.foldLeft((List.empty[T], List.empty[Throwable])) {
case ((res, errs), item) =>
item match {
case Success(t) => (t :: res, errs)
case Failure(e) => (res, e :: errs)
errs match {
case Nil => Success(res.reverse)
case _ => Failure(CompoundError(errs.reverse))

unable to compile a code with list of Future

There are some suggestions on StackOverflow on how to handle a list of Futures but I want to try my own approach. But I am unable to compile the following code
I have a list of Futures.
I want to count how many of them passed or failed. I should get (2,1)
I store this in a tuple
The approach I want to take is go through each element of the list. The element of the list is Future[Int]. for each element, I call flatMap which calls the next cycle of recursion (I am assuming that if flatMap gets called then that particular future would have been successful so I increment pass count). Similarly, I want to call next cycle of recursion in recover and increment fail count but I am getting compilation error in it.
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
object ConcurrencyExample extends App {
type pass = Int
type fail = Int
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
//use recursion to process each Future in the list
def segregate(l:List[Future[Int]]):Future[Tuple2[pass,fail]] = {
def go(l:List[Future[Int]],t:Tuple2[pass,fail]):Future[Tuple2[pass,fail]] = {
l match {
case Nil => Future{t}
//l is List of Future[Int]. flatMap each successful Future
//recover each failed Future
case l::ls => {
l flatMap (x => go(ls, (t._1 + 1, t._2)))
**l.recover({ case e => go(ls, (t._1 + 1, t._2))})**//I get error here
//hardcoded future
val futures2: List[Future[Int]] = List(Future {
}, Future {
}, Future {
throw new Exception("error")
val result = segregate(futures2)
result onComplete {
case Success(v) => println("pp:" + v)
case Failure(v) => println("fp:" + v)
Await.result(result,1000 millis)
#evan058 is correct about the signature of recover. But you can fix your program by changing recover to recoverWith.
recoverWith is to recover as flatMap is to map.
Here's the complete solution (with minor stylistic improvements):
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
object ConcurrencyExample extends App {
type pass = Int
type fail = Int
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
//use recursion to process each Future in the list
def segregate[T](fs:List[Future[T]]):Future[(pass,fail)] = {
def go(fs:List[Future[T]],r:Future[(pass,fail)]):Future[(pass,fail)] = fs match {
case Nil => r
case l::ls =>
val fx = l.transform({_ => (1, 0)}, identity).recoverWith[(pass,fail)]({case _: Exception => Future(0, 1) })
for (x <- fx; t <- r; g <- go(ls, Future(t._1+x._1,t._2+x._2))) yield g
//hardcoded future
val futures2 = List(Future(1), Future(2), Future(throw new Exception("error")))
val result = segregate(futures2)
result onComplete {
case Success(v) => println(s"successes: ${v._1}, failures: ${v._2}")
case Failure(v) => v.printStackTrace()
Await.result(result,1000 millis)
If you look at the docs, the signature of recover is:
def recover[U >: T](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, U])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[U]
You are calling recover on l which is a Future[Int] so recover is expecting a U >: Int.
However you are calling go again which has the return type Future[(pass, fail)] which is not >: Int.

Scala, default code for PartialFunction?

I am using Akka and would like to run some code for all cases of a PartialFunction. For actor supervision, I have something like:
val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case npe: NullPointerException => Stop
case re: RuntimeException => Restart
The only way I have found to run some code for all cases without having to write it again at every case, is:
val pf = new PartialFunction[Throwable, Directive] {
def apply(throwable: Throwable) = {
throwable match {
case NullPointerException => Stop
case RuntimeException => Restart
def isDefinedAt(throwable: Throwable) = true
val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy()(pf)
I have looked around and to other answers (like this one) but couldn't figure out any alternative way to the one I came up with.
Doesn't seem Akka-specific. You can always combine any two functions using andThen. Specifically:
package com.example
import{Decider, Restart, Stop}
object Answer extends App {
val doSomething:PartialFunction[Throwable, Throwable] = { case e =>
println(s"doing something with $e")
val decide:Decider = {
case _:NullPointerException => Stop
case _:RuntimeException => Restart
val strategy = OneForOneStrategy()(doSomething andThen decide)
val errors = Seq(new NullPointerException, new RuntimeException)
errors map strategy.decider foreach println
More generally:
package com.example
object Answer extends App {
val inspect:PartialFunction[Throwable, Throwable] = { case e =>
println(s"inspecting $e")
val decide:PartialFunction[Throwable, String] = {
case npe:NullPointerException => "NPE!"
case iae:IllegalArgumentException => "Bad arg!"
val combined = inspect andThen decide
val errors = Seq(new NullPointerException, new IllegalArgumentException)
errors map combined foreach println
This should do it :
val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case x =>
x match {
case npe: NullPointerException => Stop
case re: RuntimeException => Restart
Thanks for the other answers, but in this Akka specific situation I can't get them to work. For instance, this won't compile:
val ft = OneForOneStrategy() { x: Throwable =>
x match {
case npe: NullPointerException => Stop
case re: RuntimeException => Stop
Error:(48, 47) type mismatch;
found : Throwable =>
required: (which expands to) PartialFunction[Throwable,]
I am using Akka 2.4.11 and Scala 2.11.8
The only working solution for me was the way I described in the initial question.

How to know which Future fail when doing Future.sequence?

Here is an example receive part of an actor I'm working on:
def receive = {
case "begin" =>
val listOfFutures: IndexedSeq[Future[Any]] = => worker ? Work("test"))
val future: Future[IndexedSeq[Any]] = Future.sequence(listOfFutures)
future onComplete {
case Success(result) => println("Eventual result: "+result)
case Failure(ex) => println("Failure: "+ex.getMessage)
case msg => println("A message received: "+msg)
When ask fails for one of the workers (in case of a timeout), sequence future completes with failure. However I want to know which worker(s) have failed. Is there a more elegant way rather than simply mapping listOfFutures one by one without using Future.sequence ?
You can use the future's recover method to map or wrap the underlying exception:
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext}
case class WorkerFailed(name: String, cause: Throwable)
extends Exception(s"$name - ${cause.getMessage}", cause)
def mark[A](name: String, f: Future[A]): Future[A] = f.recover {
case ex => throw WorkerFailed(name, ex)
val f = (0 to 10).map(i => mark(s"i = $i", Future { i / i }))
val g = Future.sequence(f)
g.value // WorkerFailed: i = 0 - / by zero
Thanks to #O__ I have come with another solution that may a better fit some some cases.
case class WorkerDone(name: String)
case class WorkerFailed(name: String)
val f = (0 to 10).map {
i => Future {i/i; WorkerDone(s"worker$i")}.recover{
case ex => WorkerFailed(s"worker$i")
val futureSeq = Future.sequence(f)
futureSeq onComplete {
case Success(list) => list.collect {case result:WorkerFailed => result}.foreach {failed => println("Failed: "}
case Failure(ex) => println("Exception: "+ex.getMessage)
// just to make sure program doesn't end before onComplete is called.
I'm not sure that if my example is a good practice, but my aim is to know which workers did fail no matter how did they fail.

scala's Try elegant on error behavior

Is there a more elegant way of doing this in scala?
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
if (result.isFailure) {
I think your if statement is perfectly valid. Here is another alternative:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) recoverWith {
case exception => println("error"); Failure(exception)
Something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing[Result](dangerousOp: =>Result): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) match {
case o # Failure(_) => println("error"); o
case _ => _
Not sure if this is more idiomatic, but sometimes I find that placing the recoverWith in this manner improves readability for me:
def doDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try {
} recoverWith {
case t: Throwable => println("error"); Failure(t)
My preferred,
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] = Try (dangerousOp) toOption
If the Try is successful you will get a Some(value), if it fails a None.
For a large compilation on Try uses, have a look at Try introduced in Scala 2.10.0 .
There are ways. For instance:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
result.failed foreach { _ =>
Or, if you don't want to repeat result all through, then:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) recover {
case ex => println("error"); throw ex
Well, I suppose you could do something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] =
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(result) => Some(result)
case Failure(e) => None //might want to log the error as well
In some cases I love to use two-step approach which will allow me a more granular error message control:
def retrieveData(dataId: String): Try[String] = {
Try {
.getOrElse(throw SomeApiFailedException("invalid dataId"))
} recoverWith {
case e: SomeApiFailedException => Failure(e)
case e: Throwable => Failure(SomeApiFailedException("failed retrieve dataId"))
case class SomeApiFailedException(err: String) extends RuntimeException(err)
I could choose from either of the three implementations, depending on whether I want to:
Simply propagate it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing1 )
Ignore the error ( doTheDangerousThing2 )
Intercept the error while propagating it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing3 )
Here is the code:
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object temp {
type Result = Int
def dangerousOp = {
val r = scala.util.Random.nextInt(10)
if (r > 5) r else throw new RuntimeException("Failed on " + r)
def logMessage[T](t: T) = println(t)
def doTheDangerousThing1(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp)
def doTheDangerousThing2(): Option[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(r) => Option(r)
case _ => None
def doTheDangerousThing3(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case t # Success(r) => t
case t # _ => logMessage("failed: "+t); t
Inside the REPL
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res0: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res1: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res2: Option[Result] = None
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res3: Option[Result] = Some(7)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res4: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res5: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)