Royal TS PowerShell remote session does not work - powershell

I need to set up a PowerShell entry which connects with the PowerShell of the given server.
I haven't found anything helpful except of this instruction.
Instead of getting a PowerShell connection with the desired server I get a PowerShell connection of my local PC.
I also tried the same for cmd.exe and for Git Bash with no success.
I also tried to create tasks, but also with no success.
In all the cases I get the connection with my local PC.
My host system is: Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64 Bit
Royal TS: 3.2.9 (Build #60630)
What am I doing wrong?

Mostly solved :-)
By External Application Settings for PowerShell:
Command: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Arguments: -NoExit Enter-PSSession -computername my-remote-server
Working Directory: C:\Windows
-computername my-remote-server was missing, thatwhy it has not worked.
Unfortunatelly Working Directory does not work, I still land in C:\Users\j.sinitson\Documents.
Does someone know how to solve that?


Disable UAC on apps that installed from network drive

So I need to uninstall some program and clean all the leftovers (folders + registry)
and then install the new app with all it dependencies - all this on 150 workstation
I've created a Powershell script and it's doing all the mention above without any issues,
the issue begins when I need to run the installation, it's located on a network share, here is the syntax:
Set-Location "\\imapps\FileSiteClientInstall\Setup Imanage\DRIVE -iManage Drive for Windows"
Start-Process iManageDrive.exe /s
The issue is that i have 6 lines like this one (each installation file is in a different folder),
and when I run this from the network I'am getting this UAC
is there a way to disable it, and make my script to run fully automatically?
Thanks alot for your help :)
So, not really UAC for what most people think of UAC. This is warning about running an executable from an untrusted location (not on a local drive). You'd get the same thing with a script that you download from the internet. What you can do is use the Unblock-File cmdlet to get past that warning like this:
Set-Location "\\imapps\FileSiteClientInstall\Setup Imanage\DRIVE -iManage Drive for Windows"
Unblock-File .\iManageDrive.exe
Start-Process iManageDrive.exe /s
This should mark the file as safe, and avoid the prompt you've been getting.

Starting Service on remote server failed

I encounter strange behavior when trying to remotely start a service.
on Server A i'm running this line (it's part of bigger script named RunRemoteService.ps1):
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $B_comp -ScriptBlock {Powershell.exe -File "run_service.ps1"} -Credential $cred
And the script run_service.ps1 contains the following line (it's also part of bigger script):
Now here's the strange thing, If I run RunRemoteService.ps1 when I have an open remote connection (mstsc) to server B then the script works perfectly and the required service on B is really starting.
However, if I run RunRemoteService.ps1 when there is no mstsc connection with server B then the script failed (service doesn't start).
Why is this happening and how can it be resolved?
EDIT: I explored this issue a bit more and found out that this occurs only when trying to run my specific service.
that means that my service must run from a session of already logged on user (that is why it's working if I mstsc to the server before).
So I guess my new question is - is there a way I can login to remote machine from powershell?
If you cannot use Credential delegation as suggested by #EBGreen. Try using psexec.exe for calling the script instead of PowerShell remoting.
psexec \\server "cmd /c powershell.exe -f c:\script.ps1"
Get psexec from
Ok, so my question had evolved and modified on the fly so this solution is to the latest issue I had which is - I couldn't remotely start my service if no user is logged on to remote machine.
The solution is a workaround:
I configured auto-login (using sysinternals auto-login tool) on remote server.
I used Restart-Computer cmdlet at the beginning of the test.
Now after the restart is complete and ps-session is restored, user is logged in automatically to server and I can remotely start my service.

How to remotely execute an remote script in PowerShell

First off: This is not a duplicate of How to remote execute an ELEVATED remote script in PowerShell.
My scenario is similar but different in a certain way. What I want to do is the following:
Invoke-Command -UseSSL -ComputerName "$COMPUTER" -FilePath \\\secretshare$\install_test.ps1 -ArgumentList 'U'
As the called script performs an installation and manipulates firewall rules, it needs elevated privileges. Irritatingly the error I get is an access error on the share mentioned above.
When I use this suggestion where I use PowerShell DSC, which is run as SYSTEM, it works. But only on Servers running Windows Management Framwork 4.0. So obviously I need a solution for Windows Server 2008 (R2) systems.
I hope someone can point me to the right direction so I can update this question to help other admins aswell.

Execute remote quiet MSI installs from Powershell

I am trying to use the Invoke-Command powershell cmdlet to install a MSI installer. From within powershell on the local machine and from the proper directory, the following works:
./setup /quiet
The following does not seem to work:
$script =
cd "$path"
& ./setup /quiet
return pwd
return Invoke-Command -ComputerName $product.IPs -ScriptBlock $script -Args $sourcePath
For test purposes I am working on the local machine passing in "." for the -ComputerName argument. The paths have been verified correct before passing in to Invoke-Command, and errors generated on different versions of this code indicate the paths are correct. I have also tried with and without the "& " on the remote call to setup. Other Invoke-Command calls are working, so I doubt it is a permissions issue. I have verified that the return from the pwd call is the expected directory.
How do I get the install to work?
What error (if any) are you receiving? Unfortunately, you must run the shell as admin on your local machine to be able to connect to your local machine with invoke-command or any WINRM based command that requires administrative privilege (this is not a requirement when connecting remotely).
When connecting to loopback, I believe it is unable (for some security reason) to enumerate groups and determine if you are in an admin enabled AD or local group, which is how it auto elevates when invoking on a remote machine. The only solution may be to have a conditional which checks for localhost and if so, don't use the -ComputerName parameter.
This GitHub Issue covers it
You might try using Start-Process in your script block:
cd $path
start-process setup.exe -arg "/quiet"
Not sure if you will want or need to wait. Look at help for Start-Process.
I have had weird issues when trying to remotely execute a script on a local machine. In other words, remote powershell to the local machine. It comes back with an error that seems to say that PowerShell remoting is not enabled on the machine, but it was. I can run the script remotely from another machine to the target, but when using remoting to the same box, the issue crops up.
Verify that the WinRM service is running.
Verify powershell remoting has been enabled as in Enable-PSRemoting -force.
Verify your powershell execution policy is loose enough as in Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted, for example. If the policy was set to RemoteSigned, this might be the problem.
You might also want to verify the user you are running the script as (locally, but using remoting) has privileges to "log on as a service" or as a batch job. Just guessing there, if the above list doesn't solve anything.

How should I run a Powershell script on a remote computer?

I need to know if it is possible to run powershell remotely in the following scenario:
I have a Windows XP box WITHOUT Powershell installed. From this box, I would like to run a PS script located somewhere like: \\mypc\C$\Scripts\information.ps1.
The script should be run against the machine where it resides. In this case, the “mypc” machine would be running the script and returning the result to the XP machine.
What makes this difficult is the fact that I cannot install Powershell or any third party apps on the Windows XP machine.
It’s a long shot but would this be doable?
While you can't actually run the script on the local machine without PS installed there, depending on what you want to actually accomplish you may be able to run it locally and simply access the remote resources. Most of a machine's resources are typically available remotely (File System, Registry, WMI, etc.) depending on the security on the machine.
EDIT: Now that my complete misunderstanding of the issue is cleared up, my answer would be: No, you do not need to have Powershell installed on a local machine to run a script on a remote machine that does have Powershell installed. Just use PSExec to kick off the Powershell process on the remote machine. I realize that the OP cannot install 3rd party apps, but there is absolutely no install associated with PSExec, it is a completely stand alone exe.
It has been a while since I had to do this so I did a quick check. This at the command line worked for me:
psexec \\REMOTEMACHINE "C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -File C:\temp\test.ps1 -NoProfile -NonInteractive
You need to have Powershell installed. This isn't possible :(. Sorry.
Using Psexec is the only way I can think of too. However, if you are using PSexec.exe using alternate credentials, the credentials are passed over the network in plaintext. Something to be wary about if your network is visible to other people.