Hook for REST validation with sailsjs - sails.js

I need to create a validation layer for my REST services, I'm using sailsjs.
Someone know how can I do that?
I tried to create a hook but I cant access routes definitions and the hook is called before start policies :'(
The way is something like picture below.

It is perfectly fine to use policies to pre-process requests before they are passed to the controllers. Policies are not just for authentication and acl. They are so versatile you can use them for anything.
module.exports = function(req, res, ok) {
TicketService.checkTicket(req.params.id, null, true).then(function(ticket) {
# You can even modify req.body
req.body.checked = true;
return ok();
}).fail(function(err) {
# Don't go to the controller, respond with error
return res.send(JSON.stringify({
message: 'some_error'
}), 409);


How to override all blueprint find actions in sailsjs

I would like some code to run whenever the blueprint find action is called, regardless of the model. There are three ways I can think do this, none of which I can figure out how to implement.
Override all Blueprint find actions. In theory, in my routes I'd like to something like get * overridingController.find. The from within this function do my stuff and then call the blueprint find hook.
Use middleware which runs after the controller's action. I don't see that sails has middleware which can run after an action and modify the response.
Trigger a function to run on an event, e.g. blueprint.find or res.send. I don't see events for these.
For googlers, I solved this with a policy. I still would like to find a way to run something after the blueprint action.
module.exports = async function (req, res, proceed) {
if (req.options.model && /\/find$/.test(req.options.action)) {
// do stuff
proceed(); // if you want to
} else {

Sails v1 new machine-based actions and custom responses

I'm in the middle of upgrading our API from Sails v0.12 -> v1, which was prompted by the use of self-validating machines for controller actions. After finally getting through a ton of headache replacing deprecated code, I've landed in a rough spot...
With v0.12 (rather, with the older "req, res" controller style), one could use custom response handlers across the board. I've taken advantage of this, and have request logging at the end of all our response types (with some additional sugaring of data). This was done to log all requests in the database, so we can get insights into what our production servers are doing (because they are load-balanced, having a central place to view this is a must, and this was an easy route to take).
So now, my problem is moving forward with "Actions2" machine-style actions. How does one use these custom response types in these things? Are we being forced to repeat ourselves in our exists? I can't find any good documentation to help guide this process, nor can I find a consistent way to "hook" into the end of a response using machines as actions. I can't find any documentation on what kind of options machines can give to Sails.
#Nelson yes, I understand that, but at the time, that isn't what I wanted at all. I wanted all of the benefits of Actions2.
EDIT: While the original, crossed-out comment below does still work, the prefered way to use Actions2 and the custom responses folder paradigm, is to do something similar to the following in an Actions2 file:
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Human-friendly name of function',
description: 'Long description of function and what it does.',
inputs: {
userCommand: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
description: 'Long, human-readable description of the input'
exits: {
success: {
responseType: 'chatbotResponse'
fn: async function(inputs, exits){
// do some crazy stuff with the inputs, which has already been validated.
return exits.success('Woot');
This ultimately will route through the responses/chatbotResponse.js, which looks something similar to this:
module.exports = async function chatbotResponse(data){
let res = this.res,
req = this.req;
if (!data) {
data = 'Something didn\'t go as planned...';
// how to call a Node Machine style helper with named inputs
await sails.helpers.finalizeRequestLog.with({req: req, res: res, body: {plainString: data}});
return res.json(data);
As it turns out, in the Actions2 function, you just need to add the env param async function(inputs, exists, env). The env will give you access to the req and res. So, if you have custom responses, that perform special tasks (like request logging), you can just use return await env.res.customResponse('Hurray, you made a successful call!');

make meteor restful api/web-service

I have created a new url/route in my app where I need to write a web-service. I need to write a service that deletes user according to the parameters passed in the service. For now, anyone should be able to call that service (will make it secure at later stage). App is built on meteor.
My url is : loaclhost:3000/deleteUser. Now one should be able to call my delete user function defined on this page and pass json structure data as an argument to it. If the data is valid, then the user should be deleted.
Using simple:rest package
Meteor.publish("delUser", function (a, b) {
UserDetails.remove({}); //delete user according to data received
}, {
url: "/testing/delUser", //url where third party will call the function
getArgsFromRequest: function (request) {
// Let's say we want this function to accept a form-encoded request
// with fields named `a` and `b`.
console.log('received : ' + JSON.stringify(request.body) );
var content = request.body;
// Since form enconding doesn't distinguish numbers and strings, we need
// to parse it manually
return [content.a, content.b];
How to access the function, delUser from a thrid party? I also need to add authentication at a later stage.
Personnally, I use this :
I find it easier to implement.
even iron:router comes with server side routes where you can build your own functions and api calls.
Sample (Server side code) :
Router.map(function () {
this.route("api", {path: "/api/:paramsYouNeed",
where: "server",
action: function(){
this.response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
if (this.request.method == 'POST') {
var response;
//do whatever you want to do
The other user can call this by making a http.post request to the above url (http:www.a****a.com/api/params)
The easiest way to do this is use the restivus package.
Restivus makes building REST APIs in Meteor 0.9.0+ easier than ever
before! The package is inspired by RestStop2 and Collection API, and
is built on top of Simple JSON Routes to provide:
A simple interface for creating REST APIs
Easy setup of CRUD endpoints for Mongo Collections
User authentication via the API
Optional login and logout endpoints
Access to this.user in authenticated endpoints
Custom authentication if needed
Role permissions for limiting access to specific endpoints
Works alongside the alanning:roles package - Meteor's accepted role permission package

How can I show a maintenance page?

I'd like to show a maintenance page on my site. I plan on saving a Boolean value to the db in order to control when to show the page or not. How can I have the maintenance page show for just my controller routes? I'd like to continue to have sails serve scripts, stylesheets, and images normally.
You could use a policy to achieve this.
// api/policies/inMaintenance.js
module.exports = function(req, res, next) {
var maintenanceMode = ... // get the value
if (maintenanceMode) return res.view('maintenance');
// config/policies.js
module.exports.policies = {
'*': 'inMaintenance',
In your views folder add maintenance.ejs.
All the assets will still be available.
There is one drawback to this approach though, if in config/routes.js you have a route pointing directly to a view it will not go through the policy. Thus, you need all routes to be handled by controllers.
You can check the Sails documentation on policies to better understand how they work.

Sail.js - routing to methods, custom policies & PATCH method

I have a few questions that I couldn't find answers anywhere online.
Does sails.js framework support HTTP PATCH method? If not - does anyone know if there is a planned feature in the future?
By default if I create method in a controller it is accessible with GET request is it the routes.js file where I need to specify that method is accessible only via POST or other type of methods?
How would you create a policy that would allow to change protected fields on entity only for specific rights having users. I.e: user that created entity can change "name", "description" fields but would not be able to change "comments" array unless user is ADMIN?
How would you add a custom header to "find" method which specifies how many items there are in database? I.e.: I have /api/posts/ and I do query for finding specific items {skip: 20; limit: 20} I would like to get response with those items and total count of items that would match query without SKIP and LIMIT modifiers. One thing that comes to my mind is that a policy that adds that that custom header would be a good choice but maybe there is a better one.
Is there any way to write a middle-ware that would be executed just before sending response to the client. I.e.: I just want to filter output JSON not to containt some values or add my own without touching the controller method.
Thank you in advance
I can help with 2 and 5. In my own experience, here is what I have done:
2) I usually just check req.method in the controller. If it's not a method I want to support, I respond with a 404 page. For example:
module.exports = {
myAction: function(req, res){
if (req.method != 'POST')
return res.notFound();
// Desired controller action logic here
5) I create services in api/services when I want to do this. You define functions in a service that accept callbacks as arguments so that you can then send your response from the controller after the service function finishes executing. You can access any service by the name of the file. For example, if I had MyService.js in api/services, and I needed it to work with the request body, I would add a function to it like this:
exports.myServiceFunction = function(requestBody, callback){
// Work with the request body and data access here to create
// data to give back to the controller
Then, I can use this service from the controller like so:
module.exports = {
myAction: function(req, res){
MyService.myServiceFunction(req.body, function(data){
In your case, the data that the service sends back to the controller through the callback would be the filtered JSON.
I'm sorry I can't answer your other questions, but I hope this helps a bit. I'm still new to Sails.js and am constantly learning new things, so others might have better suggestions. Still, I hope I have answered two of your questions.