Checking if a Rational Function Simplifies to a Polynomial in Matlab - matlab

Is there a way to check if a rational function is a polynomial in Matlab?
I have a big rational function, call it R, that I am trying to show is a polynomial. I've tried the simplify and simplifyFraction functions and the following (not very effective) procedure:
Split it into denominator and numerator:
[num,den] = numden(R);
Calculate the roots of both polynomials:
r_num = roots(sym2poly(num));
r_den = roots(sym2poly(den));
Check if all the elements of r_den belong to r_num:
Because of numerical imprecision I haven't been able to come up with a reliable way of doing this.

This is a not-so-easy problem and finding greatest common divisor of polynomials is a very active area of research. There are tons of publications and you can find them online.
The main problem is that root finding is an ill-conditioned problem. And recently a few experts are trying to combine the numerical computations with symbolic representations. If you google for ERES method you will have an entry point together with thesis of Christou.
This problem is particularly important for signals and control people because of the transfer function representations and pole zero cancellations. Matlab goes out a long way to make sure that all is OK and a minimal neighborhood of each pole zero is accepted as a cancellation.
So as a quick remedy, convert your polynomial coefficients to 1D vectors, say a and b, and use minreal(tf(a,b)). Then you can extract num and den of that transfer representation.
Shameless plug: I am the author of a python3 library and I also implemented a system theoretical approach. Here and here is the full implementation details with citations about LCM and GCD operations.


integral or trapz, which one is the more appropriate in MATLAB?

I'm computing multiple integrals using MATLAB.
I'm using the integral function to compute the integral but I was wondering is it faster to use trapz instead of using integral?
I know that trapz introduces a bit of error in the computation, but despite that, with is the best function to compute integrals in MATLAB?
Short and sweet:
Use trapz for discrete data or for selected functional data if you don't care about (potentially extremely) low accuracy of the integral value
Use integral for integrands that have a functional form, adjusting tolerances as needed for speed.
As mentioned by the MATLAB documentation, trapz is intended "to perform numerical integrations on discrete data sets" and leverages the trapezoidal rule for the integrations. The error between the true integral and the trapz approximation is almost entirely dependent on the input x vector (sometimes called the abscissa in integration parlance) with no automatic adaptability. The good part is that if the underlying function is "nice" (i.e., continuous, smooth, no sharp peaks or excessive oscillations, etc.), trapz will likely be the fastest function to approximate the integral since it
Doesn't have to call a function for values (they're input)
Doesn't automatically adapt (which takes time and can be complex to
However, for general integrals, trapz may also be the most inaccurate and may require a denser x vector to calculate a low-error value.
For discrete data, this is a short-coming that must be lived with, but if the integrand has a functional form, integral and its family is highly recommended.
The black-box numeric integrators in MATLAB have evolved over the years, and MathWorks co-founder Clever Moler has a nice blog post going over some of the evolutions. The post discusses the quad, quadl, and quadgk functions and how quadgk became the core for integral and its ilk. The basic breakdown of the three functions is
quad uses a three-point and five-point Simpson's Rule
quadl uses a four-seven-thirteen point1 Lobatto-Kronrod2 rule
quadgk a uses seven-fifteen point Gauss-Kronrod2 rule
to acquire both an approximation of the integral and an error approximation for adaptive quadrature. The summary of the history lesson and test problems is that quadgk was written with vectorization incorporated3, uses a higher-order rule which excludes end-points, and gives extremely accurate answers faster than its competitors. As a result, quadgk is the core of the new and highly-recommended integral family.
1 Adaptive quadrature usually lists the number of points used to form its approximation of the value and the error. Typically, there are two numbers that indicate the number of points to form the low-order and high-order approximations. quadl is interesting in that it uses a four-point Gauss-Lobatto rule and seven-point and thirteen-point Kronrod extensions for its error handling.
2 Gaussian Quadrature, which is an integration technique that chooses it abscissa to exactly integrate a family of polynomials over a given interval instead of prescribing them as in Newton-Cotes, has a lot of names associated with it to indicate a lot of "stuff" that's going on without being explicit about it (which can be very annoying to newcomers). "Gauss" refers to the aforementioned method of choosing abscissa and associated weights for the integration. "Lobatto" indicates an extension to Gauss-Legendre integration methods that incorporates end-points (others may not like my link between these two, but I find the parallels pleasing). "Kronrod" indicates an extension to any particular Gauss rule that creates a high-order rule using a given set of abscissa and adding to it; this creates a "nesting" (the low-order points are part of the high-order point set) that results in fewer function evaluations overall.
3 Since vectorization is written into integral, integrands or limits that are vector-valed must use the 'ArrayValued' flag to tell the program to make functional evaluations differently so as not to create a size-mismatch error. It might be possible to program around this to a certain extent, but the MathWorks decided not to.

Matlab's `inv` function [duplicate]

I read at a few places (in the doc and in this blog post : ) that the use of inv in Matlab is not recommended because it is slow and inaccurate.
I am trying to find the reason of this inaccuracy. As of now, Google did not give m interesting result, so I thought someone here could guide me.
Thanks !
The inaccuracy I mentioned is with the method INV, not MATLAB's implementation of it. You should be using QR, LU, or other methods to solve systems of equations since these methods don't typically require squaring the condition number of the system in question. Using inv typically requires an operation that loses accuracy by squaring the condition number of the original system.
I think the point of Loren's blog is not that MATLAB's inv function is particularly slower or more inaccurate than any other numerical implementation of computing a matrix inverse; rather, that in most cases the inverse itself is not needed, and you can proceed by other means (such as solving a linear system using \ - the backslash operator - rather than computing an inverse).
inv() is certainly slower than \ unless you have multiple right hand side vectors to solve for. However, the advice from MathWorks regarding inaccuracy is due to a overly conservative bound in a numerical linear algebra result. In other words, inv() is NOT inaccurate. The link elaborates further :
Several widely-used textbooks lead the reader to believe that solving a linear system of equations Ax = b by multiplying the vector b by a computed inverse inv(A) is inaccurate. Virtually all other textbooks on numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra advise against using computed inverses without stating whether this is accurate or not. In fact, under reasonable assumptions on how the inverse is computed, x = inv(A)*b is as accurate as the solution computed by the best backward-stable solvers.

Explanation of two integral equations and implementation

I have a problem with these two equations showing in the pictures.
I have two vectors represented the C(m) and S(m) in the two equations. I am trying to implement these equations in Matlab. Instead of doing a continuous integral operation, I think I should do the summation. For example, the first equation
A1 = sqrt(sum(C.^2));
Am I right? Also, I am not sure how to implement equation two that contains a ||dM||. Please help.
What are the mathematical meaning of these two equations? I think the first one may related to the 'sum of squares', if C(m) is a vector then this equation will measure the total variance of the random variable in vector C or some kind of average of vector C? What about the second one?
Thanks very much for your help!
In MATLAB there are typically two different ways to do an integration.
For people who have access to the symbolic toolbox, algebraic integration is an option. If this is the case for you, I would look into help int and see which inputs you need.
For the rest, numerical integration is available, this basically means that you just calculate a function on a lot of points and then take the mean of the function values in these points.
For the mathematical meaning some more context would be helpful, and you may want to ask this question at or on the site of whatever field you are in. (stats, physics?)

maximum of a polynomial

I have a polynomial of order N (where N is even). This polynomial is equal to minus infinity for x minus/plus infinity (thus it has a maximum). What I am doing right now is taking the derivative of the polynomial by using polyder then finding the roots of the N-1 th order polynomial by using the roots function in Matlab which returns N-1 solutions. Then I am picking the real root that really maximizes the polynomial. The problem is that I am updating my polynomial a lot and at each time step I am using the above procedure to find the maximizer. Therefore, the roots function takes too much of a computation time making my application slow. Is there a way either in Matlab or a proposed algorithm that does this maximization in a computationally efficient fashion( i.e. just finding one solution instead of N-1 solutions)? Thanks.
Edit: I would also like to know whether there is a routine in Matlab that only returns the real roots instead of
roots which returns all real/complex ones.
I think that you are probably out of luck. If the coefficients of the polynomial change at every time step in an arbitrary fashion, then ultimately you are faced with a distinct and unrelated optimisation problem at every stage. There is insufficient information available to consider calculating just a subset of roots of the derivative polynomial - how could you know which derivative root provides the maximum stationary point of the polynomial without comparing the function value at ALL of the derivative roots?? If your polynomial coefficients were being perturbed at each step by only a (bounded) small amount or in a predictable manner, then it is conceivable that you would be able to try something iterative to refine the solution at each step (for example something crude such as using your previous roots as starting point of a new set of newton iterations to identify the updated derivative roots), but the question does not suggest that this is in fact the case so I am just guessing. I could be completely wrong here but you might just be out of luck in getting something faster unless you can provide more information of have some kind of relationship between the polynomials generated at each step.
There is a file exchange submission by Steve Morris which finds all real roots of functions on a given interval. It does so by interpolating the polynomial by a Chebychev polynomial, and finding its roots.
You can modify the eig evaluation of the companion matrix in there, to eigs. This allows you to find only one (or a few) roots and save time (there's a fair chance it's also possible to compute the roots or extrema of a Chebychev analytically, although I could not find a good reference for that (or even a bad one for that matter...)).
Another attempt that you can make in speeding things up, is to note that polyder does nothing more than
Pprime = (numel(P)-1:-1:1) .* P(1:end-1);
for your polynomial P. Also, roots does nothing more than find the eigenvalues of the companion matrix, so you could find these eigenvalues yourself, which prevents a call to roots. This could both be beneficial, because calls to non-builtin functions inside a loop prevent Matlab's JIT compiler from translating the loop to machine language. This could otherwise give you a large speed gain (factors of 100 or more are not uncommon).

Return elements of the Groebner Basis as they are found

This question could refer to any computer algebra system which has the ability to compute the Groebner Basis from a set of polynomials (Mathematica, Singular, GAP, Macaulay2, MatLab, etc.).
I am working with an overdetermined system of polynomials for which the full groebner basis is too difficult to compute, however it would be valuable for me to be able to print out the groebner basis elements as they are found so that I may know if a particular polynomial is in the groebner basis. Is there any way to do this?
If you implement Buchberger's algorithm on your own, then you can simply print out the elements as the are found.
If you have Mathematica, you can use this code as your starting point.
See the function BuchbergerSteps.
Due to the way the Buchberger algorithm works (see, for instance, Wikipedia or IVA), the partial results that you could obtain by printing intermediate results are not guaranteed to constitute a Gröbner basis.
Depending on your ultimate goal, you may want to try instead an algorithm for triangularization of ideals, such as Ritt-Wu's algorithm (see IVA or Shang-Ching Chou's book). This is somewhat similar to reduction to row echelon form in Linear Algebra, and you may interrupt the algorithm at any point to get a partially reduced system of polynomial equations.