Can't connect to Ubuntu MongoDB instance from MongoChef Client - mongodb

All, new to MongoDB and new to Ubuntu. I have an Ubuntu VPS with MongoDB running. On my local machine, I'm trying to set-up MongoChef for my admin GUI. It creates the SSH tunnel successfully but then fails when connecting to my VPS on port 27017. I assumed it was a firewall on my VPS blocking traffic but using the ufw status command, I see the port is accepting traffic:
To Action From
-- ------ ----
Apache Full ALLOW Anywhere
27017 ALLOW Anywhere
Any ideas of what I can try next? I've also commented out the blockip line in my mongodb config file since that seems to have resolved the issue for others.
MongoChef Connection Error
enter image description here

Turns out my mongodb was not restarting properly after commenting the bind_ip. Had to work through multiple repair commands, start the service again, and issuing a netstat -a | grep "LISTEN " shows that port 27017 was now open to accept from any IP. MongoChef connected after that.


Having problem in connecting to remote MongoDB Server

I tried to connect a remote MongoDB Server running on Ubuntu using MongoDB Compass on Windows. But I have problems connecting always as the IP of the Windows machine changes every day.
I did the following things to connect to the remote server-
Got the IP of the Client Machine, then allowed that IP on the firewall of the server machine on port 27017.
sudo ufw allow from client_machine_ip to any port 27017
Note: The ufw status looked okay.
Got the IP of the Server Machine, then on the MongoDB configuration file on the server, I modified the bindIp.
Note: I restarted mongod and it was okay too.
I was able to connect the remote MongoDB Server using MongoDB Compass successfully for the first time. Then I saw, the IP of the client machine was changing every day. So, every time, the client IP changes, I need to allow that IP on the firewall of the server machine (in which I am using the MongoDB Server) on port 27017. Could you help to solve this? Thanks in advance.
You can update the firewall for port 27017 to allow from anywhere since client machine IP is not static.
sudo ufw allow 27017 #(this will allow from any IP)

How to access Mongodb in AWS EC2 Ubuntu from my laptop [duplicate]

I've successfully installed MongoDB on Windows (on a local machine) as a service, but now I want to move MongoDb to a separate server. So I extracted the tarball to a virtual server on network (running linux).
When I connected to the server ("testmongoserver") using PuTTY from my local machine, I started the mongod server and it told me that it was listening to the default 28017 port. The mongo console is also working and allowed me to create a new database (testdb) and add users to it.
However, I could not access the server from remote. When I type testmongoserver:28017 it doesn't open the HTTP console as localhost:28017 on my local machine does. I also can't connect using official drivers and providing a connectionstring.
What are the neccesarry steps to install MongoDB on Linux, so that I could access it from a remote machine with a connectionstring and use its HTTP console via testmongoserver:28017
1. Bind IP option
Bind IP is a MongoDB option that restricts connections to specifics IPs.
Have a look at your mongod configuration file, most of the time bind_ip is set to for obvious security reasons. You can:
Add your desired IP by concatenating a list of comma separated values to bind MongoDB to multiple IP addresses.
Remove or comment (with # character) the bind_ip line. But be aware that all remote connection will be able to connect your MongoDB server!
More about bind_ip configuration option:
Bind IP can also be set as a command argument:
2. Firewall
Check that you are not running behind a firewall
Make sure in your /etc/mongodb.conf file you have the following line,
bind_ip =
Run netstat -a on mongo server and check a port.
Check DNS settings and check that linux server allows external connections.
Check that mongodb can accept external/remote connection.
Default port for mongo is 27017.
28017 - port for webstats.
Just had this issue and this fixed it:
Edit /etc/mongod.conf with sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf ensure that the net section looks like below (localhost binding by default doesn't allow for remote access):
# network interfaces
port: 27017
Make sure to restart mongod when you are done with above with below (assuming systemd ubuntu 16.04+ etc.):
sudo service mongod restart
Obviously from a security perspective if you are going to be opening up mongo to your network/the world be aware of the implications of this (if any)
Another problem may be that the mongodb port is not enabled. Check, from another host, the ports enabled on your server. For that you can use the command:
sudo nmap -P0 your_server_ip
You can get an answer like this:
Host is up (0.052s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
443/tcp closed https
If you use a virtual server in the cloud, as AWS, you need to add a new rule to add mongodb port (27017 by default).
Important: Note that with this configuration anyone can have access to your database
I fixed by below reference :
Actually, first i changed my bindIp from to in mongod.conf,
and enable security:
authorization: "enabled"
then i restarted mongod using sudo service mongod restart.(because of new changes in mongod.conf), after that set firewall to open mongod running port (by iptables) and create a new user in admin db with new access (based on this link :, finally test open ports in my server from outside with ( and connected successfully to remote mongod using mongocompass.exe.

mongodb only connect by localhost [duplicate]

I've successfully installed MongoDB on Windows (on a local machine) as a service, but now I want to move MongoDb to a separate server. So I extracted the tarball to a virtual server on network (running linux).
When I connected to the server ("testmongoserver") using PuTTY from my local machine, I started the mongod server and it told me that it was listening to the default 28017 port. The mongo console is also working and allowed me to create a new database (testdb) and add users to it.
However, I could not access the server from remote. When I type testmongoserver:28017 it doesn't open the HTTP console as localhost:28017 on my local machine does. I also can't connect using official drivers and providing a connectionstring.
What are the neccesarry steps to install MongoDB on Linux, so that I could access it from a remote machine with a connectionstring and use its HTTP console via testmongoserver:28017
1. Bind IP option
Bind IP is a MongoDB option that restricts connections to specifics IPs.
Have a look at your mongod configuration file, most of the time bind_ip is set to for obvious security reasons. You can:
Add your desired IP by concatenating a list of comma separated values to bind MongoDB to multiple IP addresses.
Remove or comment (with # character) the bind_ip line. But be aware that all remote connection will be able to connect your MongoDB server!
More about bind_ip configuration option:
Bind IP can also be set as a command argument:
2. Firewall
Check that you are not running behind a firewall
Make sure in your /etc/mongodb.conf file you have the following line,
bind_ip =
Run netstat -a on mongo server and check a port.
Check DNS settings and check that linux server allows external connections.
Check that mongodb can accept external/remote connection.
Default port for mongo is 27017.
28017 - port for webstats.
Just had this issue and this fixed it:
Edit /etc/mongod.conf with sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf ensure that the net section looks like below (localhost binding by default doesn't allow for remote access):
# network interfaces
port: 27017
Make sure to restart mongod when you are done with above with below (assuming systemd ubuntu 16.04+ etc.):
sudo service mongod restart
Obviously from a security perspective if you are going to be opening up mongo to your network/the world be aware of the implications of this (if any)
Another problem may be that the mongodb port is not enabled. Check, from another host, the ports enabled on your server. For that you can use the command:
sudo nmap -P0 your_server_ip
You can get an answer like this:
Host is up (0.052s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
443/tcp closed https
If you use a virtual server in the cloud, as AWS, you need to add a new rule to add mongodb port (27017 by default).
Important: Note that with this configuration anyone can have access to your database
I fixed by below reference :
Actually, first i changed my bindIp from to in mongod.conf,
and enable security:
authorization: "enabled"
then i restarted mongod using sudo service mongod restart.(because of new changes in mongod.conf), after that set firewall to open mongod running port (by iptables) and create a new user in admin db with new access (based on this link :, finally test open ports in my server from outside with ( and connected successfully to remote mongod using mongocompass.exe.

Can't connect to MongoDB server on Google Compute Engine from second VM instance

I have MongoDb installed on two Ubuntu 16 VMs both hosted on the same network on Google Cloud's Compute Engine. The connecting instance has Internal IP, the database instance has
I've opened tcp 27017 for the instance I wish to connect to. I added this using the gcloud console commands.
I have also tried opening tcp:1-65535;udp:1-65535 for testing purposes, with no result.
Running mongo on either instance will properly connect to it's own mongodb service, so they're installed, running and working.
On the database instance, netstat -a | grep :27017 displays that it's listening correctly.
On the database instance, the config file at /etc/mongod.conf of the is edited so bind_ip also has the Internal IP of said instance.
I have also tried for testing purposes, with no result.
Running mongo from the connecting instance results in Failed to connect to, reason: errno:111 Connection refused.
Running nmap -p 27017 on the connecting instance shows port 27017 is closed.
I'm at an utter loss, please help me out? :<
Your mongodb servers are only listening on the localhost address (, rather than on INADDR_ANY (shows up as *:27017 in netstat).
Like this question, it looks like you need to set bind_ip = in your mongod.conf.
Thanks to E. Anderson's link I managed to solve this issue; suddenly turning this into a duplicate. However, neither this answer nor the answer in the link were "correct".
The solution to set bind_ip= in mongod.conf is rather dangerous, besides, it didn't work. However, killing the mongodb service, and then manually running mongod --bind_ip actually allowed my two instances to connect.
Which.. means that javadude's reply in the other thread saying "But I still dont get it. Why this did not work when I modified mongo.conf file to accept bind_ip"` also goes for me. I don't get it, but, it definitely worked to manually give it an ip-address to listen on.

MongoDB is not installed properly on Ubuntu 11.04 in Amazon EC2

I'm trying to install MongoDB on my Ubuntu 11.04 AMI in Amazon EC2.
I allowed 27017 port in security option.
The problem is that I can use "mongo OTHER IP ADDRESS" to access to other mongoDB.
But simply "mongo" does not simply give me access to localhost mongoDB.
mongoDB shell shows like it is about to work but it stops at
MongoDB shell version: 1.8.3
connecting to: test
If it is truly connected, it should give me ">" but it doesn't and freezes.
I couldn't find answer on freezing problem by googling myself.
Also any tips on running mongoDB as daemon or running in background?
Be sure to use as the IP in the security group. This will include your public IP and localhost IP. If this is not the issue, try this for debugging.
See what interface or IP range mongo is listening on:
netstat -pan | grep mongod
I imagine that it's listening on your public IP address (OTHER IP ADDRESS as you call it). If this is the case, try starting mongod without bind_ip. If you didn't specify the bind_ip argument then it's probably something related to EC2.
Another test:
Try telnet localhost 27017 (hit Ctrl-], type quit to quit). This should also fail because this is the same thing the mongo client is doing.