Can any one tell how to add roll up functionality in sugarCRM(Ce).
Our requirement is to "sum of project amounts to roll up to opportunity amount field in sugar crm"
You can achieve it by writing after_save logic hook as described below:
I have achived similar functionality where sum of pending amount of each cases will be store in accounts module.
$customer_id = $_REQUEST['mc_companyusers_cases_1mc_companyusers_ida'];
$rs = $bean->db->query("SELECT cc.pending_payment_c FROM mc_companyusers_cases_1_c m inner join cases c on m.`mc_companyusers_cases_1cases_idb` = c.`id` inner join cases_cstm cc on cc.`id_c` = c.`id` where m.`mc_companyusers_cases_1mc_companyusers_ida` = '".$customer_id."'");
$total_pending_amount = 0;
while($row = $bean->db->fetchByAssoc($rs)){
$total_pending_amount += $row['pending_payment_c'];
$bean->db->query("Update mc_companyusers_cstm set total_pending_payment_c='".$total_pending_amount."' where id_c='".$customer_id."'");
So you can map project module with cases and opportunity module with account in above query.
Thank you.
You could add a field with a function that dynamically calculates the sum.
Or use a logic hook that adds to a real db field whenever a submodule item gets added.
Using Spark/Scala to attempt a "simple" query. I have a file which, after line 1 below runs, looks like this
The first and third columns (EmpReg, RegPay) come from one source and the second and third columns (EmpOT, OTPay) come from a second source. My objective is output that looks like this.
Here is the code that I have been trying, at least what I have saved.
var q2 = q.join(q1, q("EmpReg") === q1("EmpOT"), "fullouter")
//q2 ="EmpReg", ($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
//q2 = q2.groupBy($"EmpReg".sum($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
var add =$"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
//q2 = q2.sum("RegPay", "OTPay")
//q2 = q2.groupBy("EmpReg", "EmpOT")
//var q2 = q.join(q1).where("EmpReg") === "EmpOT"))
//q2 ="EmpReg").sum("RegPay", "OTPay")
[q] is the first file which represents regular pay. [q1] is the second file which represents overtime pay. [q2] is the combination shown in the first example above. Primary keys are [EmpReg] and [EmpOT]. don't really need to combine [EmpReg] and [EmpOT] since they are the same, and it doesn't make any difference which I use.
I really need to add [RegPay] and [OTPay] to get [Pay], but for the life of me I can't get it to work. The lines commented out return various errors. I can add the two pay columns, and select an appropriate employee column, but can't seem to do it in one query. I am constrained to use Scala on Databricks. Othewise, I might do something like this.
select q.EmpReg as Emp, (q.RegPay + q1.OTPay) as Pay
from q join q1 on q.EmpReg = q1.EmpOT
(Why can't things ever be simple?)
You can use a similar approach as in your SQL query:
val q2 = q.join(q1, q("EmpReg") === q1("EmpOT"), "fullouter")
val add ="EmpReg").as("Emp"), (q("RegPay") + q1("OTPay")).as("Pay"))
Your code has this line"EmpReg", ($"RegPay" + $"OTPay"))
which should work if you add $ before "EmpReg". You can't have both strings and columns in the select statement. This works in Python but not Scala.
I'm interested in creating an edge (u,v) between two nodes of the same class in a graph if they share the same day of year and v.year = u.year+1.
Say I have vertices.csv:
The edge structure I'd like to see would be this:
A --> B --> C
D --> E
Let's set the vertex class to be "myVertex" and edge class to be "myEdge"? Is it possible to generate these edges using the SQL interface?
Based on this question, I started trying something like this:
LET source = SELECT FROM myVertex
LET target = SELECT from myVertex
LET edge = CREATE EDGE myEdge
FROM $source
TO (SELECT FROM $target WHERE $'MM-dd') = $'MM-dd')
AND $'yyyy').asInteger() = $'yyyy').asInteger()-1)
Unfortunately, this isn't correct. So I got less ambitious and wanted to see if I can create edges just based on matching day-of-year:
LET source = SELECT FROM myVertex
LET target = SELECT from myVertex
LET edge = CREATE EDGE myEdge FROM $source TO (SELECT FROM $target WHERE $'MM-dd') = $'MM-dd'))
Which still has errors... I'm sure it's something pretty simple to an experienced OrientDB user.
I thought about putting together a JavaScript function like Michela suggested on this question, but I'd prefer to stick to using the SQL commands as much as possible for now.
Help is greatly appreciated.
Other Stack Overflow References
How to print or log on function javascript OrientDB
I tried with OSQL batch but I think that you can't get what you want.
With whis OSQL batch
let a = select #rid, $a1 as toAdd from test let $a1 = (select from test where date.format("MM") == $parent.$"MM") and date.format("dd") == $parent.$"dd") and #rid<>$parent.$current.#rid and date.format("yyyy") == sum($parent.$"yyyy").asInteger(),1))
return $a
I got this
but the problem is that when you create the edge you can not cycle on the table obtained in the previous step.
I think the best solution is to use an JS server-side function.
Hope it helps.
I'm trying to get whether the product's stock status is instock/outofstock (Integers representing each state are fine. i don't necessarily need the "in stock"/"out of stock" strings per se).
I've tried various things to no avail.
$inStock = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface')->getisInStock()'
// Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\Data\StockItemInterface :: getisInStock returns true no matter what, even for 0qty products
// summary: not useful. How do you get the real one?
$inStock = $obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->verifyStock($_product->getId());
// test results for "verifyStock":
// a 0 qty product is in stock
// a 0 qty product is out of stock
// summary: fail. find correct method, with tests.
$stockItemRepository = $obj->get('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\Stock\StockItemRepository');
stockItem = $stockItemRepository->get($_product->getId());
$inStock = $stockItem->getIsInStock();
// Uncaught Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException: Stock Item with id "214"
// summmary: is stockitem not 1to1 with proudctid?
The weird thing is, getting stock quantities works just fine.
$availability = (String)$obj->get('\Magento\CatalogInventory\Api\StockStateInterface')->getStockQty($_product->getId(), $_product->getStore()->getWebsiteId());
So why isn't getIsInStock working?
This was one way I did it.
$stockItemResource = $obj->create('Magento\CatalogInventory\Model\ResourceModel\Stock\Item');
// grab ALL stock items (i.e. object that contains stock information)
$stockItemSelect = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->select()->from($stockItemResource->getMainTable());
$stockItems = $stockItemResource->getConnection()->fetchAll($stockItemSelect);
$inStock = null;
foreach($stockItems as $k => $item) {
if ($item['product_id'] == $_productId) {
$inStock = $item['is_in_stock'];
break; // not breaking properly. 'qz' still prints
Notes on efficiency:
I'm sure there are another ways to target the single item specifically, instead of getting all. Either through a method, or by adjusting the query passed in somehow.
But this method is probably more efficient for large n, avoiding the n+1 query problem.
You do still end up iterating through a lot, but perhaps theta(n) of iterating through a cached PHP variable is probably lower than n+1 querying the database. Haven't tested, just a hypothesis.
The returned structure is an array of arrays, where the sub-array (which also happens to be a stock item) has the product ID and the stock status value. And because the product ID and the stock status value is on the same level of nesting, we have no choice but to iterate through each sub-array to check the product_id, choose that sub-array, and grab the stock value. In short, we can't just utilize the hashmap, since the keys of the sub-array are not product IDs.
Ultimately, the efficiency of this depends on your use case. Rarely will you grab all stock items, unless doing mass exports. So the ultimate goal is to really just stay within the configured time limit is allowed for a request to persist.
How do I sum different fields? I want to sum all of the information for material(1) I want to add 5+4+6+300 but I am unsure how. Like is there another way besides just doing material(1).May + material(1).June etc....
material(1).May= 5;
You can use structfun for this:
result = sum( structfun(#(x)x, material(1)) );
The inner portion (structfun(#(x)x, material(1))) runs a function each individual field in the structure, and returns the results in an array. By using the identity function (#(x)x) we just get the values. sum of course does the obvious thing.
A slightly longer way to do this is to access each field in a loop. For example:
fNames = fieldnames(material(1));
accumulatedValue = 0;
for ix = 1:length(fNames)
accumulatedValue = accumulatedValue + material(1).(fNames{ix});
result = accumulatedValue
For some users this will be easier to read, although for expert users the first will be easier to read. The result and (approximate) performance are the same.
I think Pursuit's answer is very good, but here is an alternative off the top of my head:
sum( cell2mat( struct2cell( material(1) )));
I'm having issues implementing the TOP or SKIP functionality when building a new object query.
I can't use eSQL because i need to use an "IN" command - which could get quite complex if I loop over the IN and add them all as "OR" parameters.
Code is below :
Using dbcontext As New DB
Dim r As New ObjectQuery(Of recipient)("recipients", dbcontext)
r = r.Where(Function(w) searchAppIds.Contains(w.job.application_id))
If Not statuses.Count = 0 Then
r = r.Where(Function(w) statuses.Contains(w.status))
End If
If Not dtFrom.DbSelectedDate Is Nothing Then
r = r.Where(Function(w) w.job.create_time >= dtDocFrom.DbSelectedDate)
End If
If Not dtTo.DbSelectedDate Is Nothing Then
r = r.Where(Function(w) w.job.create_time <= dtDocTo.DbSelectedDate)
End If
'a lot more IF conditions to add in additional predicates
grdResults.DataSource = r
If I use any form of .Top or .Skip it throws an error : Query builder methods are not supported for LINQ to Entities queries
Is there any way to specify TOP or Limit using this method? I'd like to avoid a query returning 1000's of records if possible. (it's for a user search screen)
Rather than
r = new ObjectQuery<recipient>("recipients", dbContext)
r = dbContext.recipients.
.Skip() and .Take() return IOrderedQueriable<T> while .Where returns IQueriable<T>. Thus put the .Skip() and .Take() last.
Also change grdResults.DataSource = r to grdResults.DataSource = r.ToList() to execute the query now. That'll also allow you to temporarily wrap this line in try/catch, which may expose a better message about why it's erroring.
Mark this one down to confusion. I should have been using the .Take instead of .Top or .Limit or anything.
my final part is the below and it works :
grdResults = r.Take(100)